Writing Rules

I. General Rules

Since 2020, SDE Academy Journal has been published as a “Refereed Journal” and three issues a year (January, May, September).

For articles to be submitted to SDE Academy Journal in Turkish, an abstract of 150-250 words in English and for articles to be submitted in English, an abstract of 150-250 words in Turkish is required. At the end of the article written in Turkish, an English abstract “Extended Summary” of not less than 750 words will be added. Likewise, for articles written in English, an “Extended Summary” of not less than 750 words will be added at the end of the article. The Turkish and English abstracts should cover the purpose, method, scope and main findings of the study.

Regardless of the language in which the manuscript is written, the title of the manuscript should be included in Turkish and English, and (3) keywords should be specified in Turkish and English.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. The length of the manuscripts should be between 5.000-8000 words in journal format. When the articles are accepted for publication, SDE Academy Journal will own all publication rights. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the final decision on article acceptance in terms of both content and format.

Language and expression should be clear and comprehensible in accordance with scientific standards. The study should be based on a well-defined problematic and the titles should be compatible with this problematic. The references used should be rich and sufficient to reflect the scope of the study.

The articles uploaded to the system by the authors are reviewed by the editorial board and it is decided whether the article should be evaluated or not.

The manuscripts to be submitted to the journal will be sent to two referees after the first evaluation by the Editorial Board, and in line with the report from the referees, it will be decided to publish the article, to correct it within the framework of the report, to reject the article or to send it to a third referee, and the situation will be notified to the author as soon as possible. Unpublished manuscripts will not be sent back to the author.

Authors should provide their titles, institutions, contact addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number. (http://orcid.org)
If the author requests a correction, the correction must be made within (1) month at the latest and submitted to the Editorial Board.

It will be accepted that the manuscripts sent to the Journal of SDE Academy have been checked for spelling and the author has given “print” for the manuscript via e-mail. After the manuscript is submitted, it will not be sent to the author for printing corrections. For this reason, the fact that spelling mistakes are more than usual will be considered sufficient for the rejection of the manuscript.
Authors are also not paid royalties.
II. Writing Rules
The manuscript should be written in word format, 1.5 line spacing, 12-point font size in main sections, 10-point font size in sections such as footnotes, abstract, bibliography, tables, etc. and Times (New Roman) character.
The introduction and conclusion sections of the article should not be numbered. Subsequent sections should be numbered with only the first letters capitalized.
III. References, Footnotes and Bibliography:

References to be made in the text will be shown in brackets. The bibliography will also be prepared in accordance with this citation system. The following are examples of how different types of sources are cited in the text and written in the bibliography:
Single-author books and articles:

In-text citation for the book:
(Karpat, 2011:49).

In the bibliography:
Karpat, Kemal H. (2011). Turkish Political History, Trans. Ceren Elitez, Istanbul: Timaş Publications.

In-text citation for the article:
(Tanrısever, 2015:11).

In the bibliography:
Tanrısever, Oktay (2015). “Energy Diplomacy in an Increasingly Interdependent and Globalizing World”, Energy and Diplomacy Journal, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 5-16
Articles in editorial publications:

In the citation in the text:
(Alpar, 2020: 273).

In the bibliography:
Alpar, Güray. (2020), “Clifford Geertz”, in Erdem, T. (Ed.), Nationalism, Istanbul: Otorite: 271-281.
Kurum publications:

Citation in the text:
(DPT, 1989: 145).

In bibliography:
DPT (1989). Sixth Five-Year Development Plan, 1990-1994 (Ankara).
Internet sources:

In in-text citation:
(Pınar, 2020).

Pınar, Abuzer. (2020), “Corona Positive Interest Negative”, https://www.sde.org.tr/abuzer-pinar/genel/corona-pozitif-faiz-negatif-kose-yazisi-16531, (20.09.2020)

Citation in the text:
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010).

In bibliography:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010),http://www.mfa.gov.tr/default.tr.mfa(16.06.2010).

Footnotes should be used for explanations other than references.
Contact Information

Address Strategic Thinking Institute
Çetin Emeç Bulvarı Öveçler Mh1330.Cadde No:12 Çankaya - ANKARA

Manuscripts should be sent as a single file in Word format.

Last Update Time: 10/31/24, 10:59:55 AM

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