Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 12/15/21

Year: 2021

Seatific, as an engineering research journal, aims to contribute to analyzing the current problems in the field of ship and marine technology through interdisciplinary studies and original experimental and theoretical publications.

  • Hydrodynamics
  • Structures
  • Machinery & Control
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Safety of Marine Systems
  • Marine Environment
  • Protection of the Environment
  • Off-shore & Coastal Development
  • Aquaculture & Fishing
  • Defense & Security
  • Design - concepts and practice
  • Dynamic response of structures
  • Degradation / Defects in structures
  • Human Factors
  • Legal/Social Aspects
  • Logistics
  • Marine Environmental Protection
  • Materials
  • Noise
  • Non Linear Motions - manoeuvrability
  • Prime Movers
  • Propulsion
  • Safety
  • Seakeeping
  • Shaft & propellers
  • Shipyards
  • Small & Pleasure Crafts
  • Stability
  • Static response of structures
  • Sea Waves
  • Ship Resistance
  • Wind Loads
  • Offshore Energy
  • Electrical equipment of ships
  • Navigation
  • Off-shore renewable energy
  • Port operations

American Psychological Association (APA) is used in our journal.

Author Policy
Manuscript submission means the work has not been previously published (except in summary form, as part of a published conference or any academic thesis, or as an electronic preprint); it has not been evaluated anywhere else for publication; It also means that all authors or the responsible authorities of the work have given their consent to the publication of the work in question, without express or public declaration, and if accepted, its copyright in English or another language such that it cannot be published elsewhere, including electronically, without the permission of the owner.

Data Access
All data on manuscripts must be available as supplementary files or stored in an external channel; they should also be made available upon request.

Changes in the Author Staff
Seatific acknowledges the reorganization and addition or deletion of author names prior to publishing an accepted work. Before publishing the accepted work, requests such as adding, removing, or rearranging the names of the authors should be forwarded to Seatific’s Secretary by the corresponding author. This request should include:

The reason for adding, removing, or rearranging the name in question and the written consent of all authors separately (by e-mail, fax, or letter) stating that they agree with this addition, removal, or rearrangement. It should also include the approval of the author who is being added or removed in such cases.

Requests not originally sent by the corresponding author will be sent by Seatific’s Secretary directly to the author, who must follow the procedure outlined above. The following should be noted: (1) Seatific’s Secretary will notify the journal’s editorial board of such requests, and (2) publication of an accepted work in the press will be frozen until consensus is reached on the authoring staff. After the work is published, requests to add, remove, or rearrange author names will no longer be considered.

Authors are required to include a copyright acknowledgment letter with the manuscripts they submit to Seatific. An example of this approval is below.

“The attached manuscript(s), whose author(s) and title(s) are clearly stated below, have been submitted for your consideration to be published in Seatific. This manuscript/these manuscripts has/have not been published anywhere before or sent to another journal for evaluation. If any or all of the manuscripts are accepted for publication, we declare that we accept all subsequent reprint rights of each individual manuscript to belong solely and exclusively to Seatific.

As the undersigned author(s), I/we accept the conditions in the Authors’ Guide and expressly confirm that the paper/articles below have been written in accordance with the ethical rules set forth in this guide. In addition, all the manuscripts in question are original works, have been submitted with the documents of original copyrights, the author(s) has/have transferred all correction and control rights to Seatific, and all rights including proprietary copyrights are retained if the work(s) is/are accepted. I also accept that I have transferred these rights to Seatific.”

Ethics & Policies
In papers to be published in journals, the manuscript should state whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/special permission is required. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date, and with what decision or issue number.

Developing the Evaluation Process
Seatific’s editors routinely review manuscripts for quality. Evaluation-attributed grading and other evaluator performance characteristics are periodically reviewed to ensure optimal efficiency for Seatific. Performance measures such as review completion time should be used to review changes during processes that will contribute to the journal’s efficiency. Individual performances are kept confidential. Editors who do not contribute to the quality of Seatific may be removed from the editorial board.

Information and ideas gained as a referee during the evaluation process are kept confidential and may not be used advantageusly in any way. As the application is a privileged notification, it is to be kept strictly confidential.

  • The application cannot be taken or copied by the evaluators. In addition, reviewers cannot share the work with their colleagues without the written permission of the editor.
  • Reviewers and editors cannot make professional or personal use of the data, interpretations, or topics in the work (unless directly related to the evaluation) or write editorials or commentaries on the work before its publication unless they have the implicit permission of the authors.
  • In case of any difference of opinion/conflict of interest, the evaluators should notify the editorial board.
  • Evaluators should notify Seatific if they are unable to review any work, or if they can only do so with some delay.
  • Evaluators should objectively evaluate the quality of the work in question; make clear, unbiased, and constructive criticisms; and avoid personal criticism of the authors. There is no harm in letting the authors know/see the comments made by the referees. Therefore, the opinions of the referees should be clearly stated and supported so that the authors can understand the basis of the comments and evaluations.
  • Reviewers can easily report any violation to the editor if they suspect any and, at the same time, they should strictly not share the status with other parties unless they have been informed by Seatific to do so.

Our journal is open access and the authors are not charged in any way.

Seatific Journal