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Lighting Devices from Olympos Excavation

Year 2017, Issue: 7, 1 - 28, 01.01.2017


Olympos is located east part of ancient Lycia region. The city was notable for piracy before the Roman domination. In the Roman Imperial Period, an intense building activity took place in the AD 2nd-3th centuries. Starting from the 5th century AD, with a new Christian settlement pattern was constituted on the former Roman urban structure of the site. While the streets became narrower, many fields belonging to the older Roman buildings were used for the new construction activity. The recent archaeological research at Olympos revealed that the urban settlement came to an end by the 7th century. Due to lack of modern settlement on the site, the original environmental pattern of the Early Byzantine Period is well preserved. The aim of this study is to present the Byzantine glass and clay lighting devices found in the excavations of Olympos. Starting from 2006, the excavations carried out at various locations at Olympos such as Episkopeion Bishop’s Palace and the Necropolis Church, also in the Building with Mosaics and the Entrance Complex, both at religious and secular areas. In addition to this, archaeological excavations were carried out in the Necropolis Street and the Bridge Street for determining the street structure.The fragments belonging to the lighting devices provide important data about life in the city in Early Byzantine period. There are three different types of glass lamps discovered at Olympos: ‘lamps with handles’, ‘stemmed lamps’ and ‘goblet shaped lamps’. The existence of various types of glass lamps found during excavations in the Entrance Complex reveals that glass lamps were not only used in religious buildings, also used in civil spaces in the Early Byzantine period. The lack of fragments belonging to glass and metal lamps in the Episcopal Church supports the idea that Olympos was gradually abandoned in the 7th century, not after a sudden disaster or invasion. In addition to lamps, windowpane fragments in different colors were found in the Episkopeion excavation. Among the finds, there are metal hooks, chains, metal wick holders, as well as clay wick holders used with glass lamps. Four main groups of clay lamps were determined according to origin, technique and body shape. The most common group consists of the ‘undecorated wheel-made lamps’. This group constitutes 84% of the clay lamps from Olympos. There are mold made lamps defined as ‘Samos type’, a lamp type originated from Aegean and ‘galet type’ probably imported from Cyprus. The last group is the ‘wheel-made lamps with concave body’. The glass and clay lighting devices belong to the period of prosperity of Olympos starting from the 5th century and ending by the middle of the 7th century


  • Abadie-Reynolds & Sodini 1992 Abadie-Reynal, C. & Sodini, J.-P., La Ceramique Paleochretienne de Thasos : Aliki, Delkos, Fouilles Anciennes. Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Acara & Olcay 1998 Acara, M. & Olcay, B.Y., “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi’nde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”, Adalya, II, Antalya.
  • Antonaras 2007 Antonaras, A., “Early Christian Glass Finds from the Museum Basilica, Philippi”, Journal of Glass Studies, 49, New York.
  • Bailey 1988 Bailey, D.M., A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum III: Roman Provincial Lamps, British Museum, London.
  • Bairami 2010 Bairami, K., “Ταφικό σύνολο παλαιοχριστιανικών λυχναριών από τη ροδιακή νεκρόπολη”, Keramike Tes Ysteres Archaiotetas Apo Ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Bonifay 2010 Bonifay, M., “Avancées dans l’Etude des Céramiques Africaines de l’Antiquité Tardive”, Keramike Tes Ysteres Archaiotetas Apo Ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Bouras 1982 Bouras, L., “Byzantine Lighting Devices”, JÖB, 32/3, Wien.
  • Chavane 1975 Chavane, M. J., Salamine de Chypre VI: Les Petits Objets, Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Courtils 2001 Courtils, J., “Xanthos: Rapport Sur La Campagne de 2000”, Anatolia Antiqua, IX, İstanbul.
  • Crowfoot & Harden 1931 Crowfoot, G.M. & Harden, D.B., “Early Byzantine and Later Glass Lamps”, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 17, London.
  • Crowfoot 1957 Crowfoot, G.M., Glass. The Objects from Samaria III. Ed. J.W. Crowfoot. Palestine Explaration Fund, London.
  • Çakmakçı 2009 Çakmakçı, Z., Typological Approach to the Glass Goblet Production from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Light of Recent Finds”, Late Antique/Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ed: E. Laflı. Hürriyet Matbaası, İzmir.
  • Demirel Gökalp - Uzun - Yıldırım Demirel Gökalp, Z. – Uzun, M.C. – Yıldırım, B., “Olympos Kazısı 2009- 2012 Yılları Arası Maden Buluntuları”, Olympos Band I (baskıda).
  • Dobbins 1977 Dobbins, J., Terracotta Lamps of the Roman Province of Syria. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation). University of Michigan, Michigan.
  • Drauschke & Greiff 2010 Drauschke, J. & Greiff, S., “Chemical Aspects of Byzantine Glass from Caricin Grad/ Justiniana Prima (Serbia)”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. RömischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Fernández & Capelli 2014 Fernández, A. & Capelli, C., Una Producción de Cerámica Común y de Lucernas del Medio Oriente (Antioquía?) Identificadas en Vigo (Galicia, Spain), Rei Cretariae Romanae Favtorum Acta, 43, Bonn.
  • Gautier 1974 Gautier, P,. “Le Typikon du Christ Sauveur Pantocrator”, Revue Des Études Byzantines, 32, Paris.
  • Gençler Güray 2005 Gençler Güray, Ç., “Elaiussa Sebaste’den Bir Cam Kandil ve Kullanımı Üzerine”, Ramazan Özgan’a Armağan. Ed: M. Şahin ve İ. H. Mert. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Gençler Güray 2010 Gençler Güray, Ç., “The Glass Finds”, Elaiussa Sebaste III: L’Agora Romana. Ed: E. Equini Schneider. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Gerouisi 2010 Gerouisi, E., “The Lamps from the Late Antique and Early Byzantine Cemetery in Perissa in Thera”, Gerousi Keramike tes Ysteres Archaiotetas apo ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Gorin Rosen & Winter 2010 Gorin Rosen, Y. & Winter, T., “Selected Insights into Byzantine Glass in the Holy Land”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Gürler & Laflı 2010 Gürler, B. & Laflı, E., “Middle and Late Roman Glass from the Agora of Smyrna from the Excavation Seasons 1997 and 2002-2003”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Hayes 2007 Hayes, J. W., “Clay Lamps”, Kourion: Excavations in the Episcopal Precinct. Ed: A. H. S. Megaw. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection and Harvard University Press, Washington D.C.
  • Katsioti 2008 Katsioti, A., “Aspects of the Economic and Commercial Activity of Rhodes During Late Antiquity: The Case of Lamps”, Meletemata 53. Sailing in the Aegean: Readings on the Rconomy and Trade Routes. Ed: C. Papageorgiadou-Banis & A. Giannikouri. Diffusion de Boccard, Athens.
  • Katsioti 2014 Katsioti, A., “The Circulation of Cypriot Lamps in Late Roman – Early Byzantine Rhodes, Greece”, ΕΥΛΙΜΕΝΗ 2: Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνη στα Δωδεκάνησα κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα. Ed: N. Zarras & M.I. Stefanakis. Mesogeiaki Arkheologiki Etaireia, Resmo.
  • Lightfoot 2012 Lightfoot, C.S., “Middle Byzantine Terracotta Lamps, 1993–2005”, Amorium Reports 3: The Lower City Enclosure Finds Reports and Technical Studies. Ed: C.S. Lightfoot and E.A. Ivison. BAR, Oxford.
  • Meyer 1987 Meyer, C., “Glass from the North Theater, Byzantine Church and Soundings at Jerash, Jordan 1982-83”, The Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 25, Boston.
  • Morgenstein 1993 Morgenstein, J. The Fort Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Istanbuler Forschungen 40, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen.
  • Motsianos 2005 Motsianos, I., “Some Comments on Byzantine Wheel-Made Lamps”, Lychnological Acts 1. Actes du 1er Congres International d’Etudes Sur le Luminaire Antique (Nyon – Geneve, 29.IX – 4.X.2003), Monographies Instrumentum 31. Ed: L. Chrzanovski. Editions Monique Mergoil, Montagnac.
  • Mundell Mango 1986 Mundell Mango, M., Silver from Early Byzantium: The Kaper Koraon and Related Treasures. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore & Maryland.
  • Olcay 2000 Olcay, B.Y., “Bizans Dönemi Pencere Camları ve Kullanım Biçimleri Üzerine Bazı Bulgular”, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi II, Eskişehir.
  • Olcay 2001 Olcay, B.Y., “Lighting Methods in the Byzantine Period and Findings of Glass Lamps in Anatolia”, Journal of Glass Studies, 43, New York.
  • Oziol 1977 Oziol, T., Salamine de Chypre VII: Les lampes du Musée de Chypre. Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Ötüken 2008 Ötüken, S.Y., “2007 Yılı Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazısı ve Duvar Resimlerini Koruma-Onarım-Belgeleme Çalışmaları”, 30. KST, cilt 4, Ankara.
  • Öztaşkın 2015 Öztaşkın, M., “Stratonikeia Bizans Dönemi Cam Buluntuları”, Stratonikeia ve Çevresi Araştırmaları. Ed: B. Söğüt. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Parani 2003 Parani, M.G., Reconstructing the Reality of Images: Byzantine Material Culture and Religious Iconography (11th-15th centuries). Brill, LeidenBoston.
  • Parani 2005 Parani, M.G., “Representations of Glass Objects as a Source on Byzantine Glass: How Useful Are They?”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 59, Washington D.C.
  • Pollak 2005 Pollak, R., “Tirat-HaCarmel- The Glass Vessels”, Contract Archeology Reports I, 2005, Haifa.
  • Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986 Poulou-Papadimitriou, N., “Lampes Paléochrétiennes de Samos”, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 110, Paris.
  • Reynolds 1987 Reynolds, P., El Yacimiento Tardorromano de Lucentum (BenaluaAlicante): Las Ceramicas Finas, Catalogo de Fondos del Museo Arqueologico (II), Museo Arqueologico Provincial, Alicante.
  • Saldern 1980 von Saldern, A., Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
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  • Stern 2001 Stern, E. M., Roman, Byzantine, and Early Medieval Glass, 10 BCE-700 CE: Ernesto Wolf Collection. Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern.
  • Thomas & Constantinides Hero 2000 Thomas, J. & Constantinides Hero, A., (Ed.) Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.
  • Touma 2001 Touma, M., “Quelques Témoignages de la Céramique sur les Échanges Syro-Chypriotes à la Période Byzantine”, La Céramique Byzantine et Proto-Islamique en Syrie-Jordaine (IVe-VIIIe siécles apr. J.-C.). Ed: E. Villeneuve & P.M. Watson. Institut Français d’Archaéologie du ProcheOrient, Beyrouth. Varkıvanç 2001-2002
  • Varkıvanç, B., “Patara’da Bir Seramik İşliği”, Adalya, V, Antalya. Vessberg 1953
  • Vessberg, O., “Hellenistic and Roman Lamps in Cyprus”, Opuscula Atheniensia, 1, Athens.
  • Vroom 2004 Vroom, J., “Late Antique Pottery, Settlement and Trade in the East Mediterrrenean: A Preliminary Comparison of Ceramics from Limyra (Lycia) and Boeotia”, Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside. Ed: W. Bowden-L. Lavan-C. Machado. Brill, Leiden-Boston.
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Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri

Year 2017, Issue: 7, 1 - 28, 01.01.2017


Olympos Antik Likya bölgesinin doğusunda yer alır. Uzun bir süre korsanlıkla tanınan kentte Roma hâkimiyetine girdikten sonra özellikle MS 2.-3. yüzyıllarda yoğun bir imar faaliyeti görülür. Hıristiyanlıkla birlikte MS 5. yüzyıldan itibaren Roma dönemi kent dokusu üzerinde yeni bir yerleşim dokusu oluşturulmuştur. Roma dönemi cadde ve sokaklarında daralmalar olurken birçok eski yapı dönüştürülerek yeni inşa faaliyetlerinde kullanılmıştır. Mevcut arkeolojik çalışmalara göre Olympos’taki kentsel ölçekteki yaşam MS 7. yüzyılda sonlanmıştır. Erken Bizans dönemine ait mimari kalıntıların üzerinde herhangi bir modern yerleşim bulunmaması bu döneme ait kent dokusunun halen net olarak izlenebilmesini sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Olympos kazısında bulunan cam ve seramikten yapılmış Bizans dönemi aydınlatma gereçlerini tanıtmaktır. Kazı çalışmaları 2006 yılından itibaren kentin farklı yapılarında devam etmektedir. Dini amaçlı kullanıma sahip alanlar olarak Episkopeion Piskoposluk Sarayı ve Nekropol Kilisesi’nde, sivil yerleşim dokusunun tespit edildiği alanlar olarak ise Mozaikli Yapı ve Giriş Kompleksi’nde kazı çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Ayrıca sokak dokusunun tespitine yönelik olarak Nekropol Caddesi ve Köprü Caddesi’nde sondajlar yapılmıştır. Ele geçen aydınlatma gereçlerine ait parçalar kentteki yaşama dair önemli veriler sunmaktadır. Cam buluntular arasında Erken Bizans dönemine ait farklı tipte kandiller tespit edilmiştir. Bu cam kandilleri ‘kulplu kandiller’, 'çubuklu kandiller’ ve ‘kadeh biçimli kandiller’ olarak ayırmak mümkündür. Giriş Kompleksi’nde farklı tipte birçok cam kandile ait parçaların bulunması cam kandillerin sadece dini yapılarda değil sivil yapılarda da kullanıldığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca Piskoposluk Kilisesi içerisinde yapılan çalışmalarda ele geçen cam ve maden buluntuların azlığı kentin ani bir afet ya da istila ile değil yavaş yavaş terk edilmiş olduğu fikrini desteklemektedir. Yine Episkopeion’da yapılan kazılarda farklı renklerde levha biçimli pencere camlarına ait parçalar bulunmuştur. Küçük buluntular arasında cam kandillerle birlikte kullanılan maden askı ve fitil taşıyıcıları ile seramikten yapılmış fitil taşıyıcıları tespit edilmiştir. Olympos’ta bulunan pişmiş toprak kandiller arasında köken, biçim ve yapım tekniklerine göre dört farklı grup tespit edilmiştir. Bunlardan en yaygın olanı ‘çark yapımı bezemesiz kandiller’dir. Bu grup tek başına Olympos kandil buluntularının % 84’ünü oluşturur. Tespit edilen kandiller arasında Ege kökenli ‘Samos tipi’ ve olasılıkla Kıbrıs kökenli ‘kasnak biçimli’ kalıp yapımı kandiller yer alır. Olasılıkla Kıbrıs kökenli bir diğer kandil ‘konkav gövdeli çark yapımı kandiller’dir. Cam ve seramikten yapılan aydınlatma gereçleri Olympos’un refah dönemi olan 5. yüzyıl-7. yüzyıl başına aittir.


  • Abadie-Reynolds & Sodini 1992 Abadie-Reynal, C. & Sodini, J.-P., La Ceramique Paleochretienne de Thasos : Aliki, Delkos, Fouilles Anciennes. Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Acara & Olcay 1998 Acara, M. & Olcay, B.Y., “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi’nde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”, Adalya, II, Antalya.
  • Antonaras 2007 Antonaras, A., “Early Christian Glass Finds from the Museum Basilica, Philippi”, Journal of Glass Studies, 49, New York.
  • Bailey 1988 Bailey, D.M., A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum III: Roman Provincial Lamps, British Museum, London.
  • Bairami 2010 Bairami, K., “Ταφικό σύνολο παλαιοχριστιανικών λυχναριών από τη ροδιακή νεκρόπολη”, Keramike Tes Ysteres Archaiotetas Apo Ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Bonifay 2010 Bonifay, M., “Avancées dans l’Etude des Céramiques Africaines de l’Antiquité Tardive”, Keramike Tes Ysteres Archaiotetas Apo Ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Bouras 1982 Bouras, L., “Byzantine Lighting Devices”, JÖB, 32/3, Wien.
  • Chavane 1975 Chavane, M. J., Salamine de Chypre VI: Les Petits Objets, Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Courtils 2001 Courtils, J., “Xanthos: Rapport Sur La Campagne de 2000”, Anatolia Antiqua, IX, İstanbul.
  • Crowfoot & Harden 1931 Crowfoot, G.M. & Harden, D.B., “Early Byzantine and Later Glass Lamps”, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 17, London.
  • Crowfoot 1957 Crowfoot, G.M., Glass. The Objects from Samaria III. Ed. J.W. Crowfoot. Palestine Explaration Fund, London.
  • Çakmakçı 2009 Çakmakçı, Z., Typological Approach to the Glass Goblet Production from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Light of Recent Finds”, Late Antique/Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ed: E. Laflı. Hürriyet Matbaası, İzmir.
  • Demirel Gökalp - Uzun - Yıldırım Demirel Gökalp, Z. – Uzun, M.C. – Yıldırım, B., “Olympos Kazısı 2009- 2012 Yılları Arası Maden Buluntuları”, Olympos Band I (baskıda).
  • Dobbins 1977 Dobbins, J., Terracotta Lamps of the Roman Province of Syria. (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation). University of Michigan, Michigan.
  • Drauschke & Greiff 2010 Drauschke, J. & Greiff, S., “Chemical Aspects of Byzantine Glass from Caricin Grad/ Justiniana Prima (Serbia)”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. RömischGermanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Fernández & Capelli 2014 Fernández, A. & Capelli, C., Una Producción de Cerámica Común y de Lucernas del Medio Oriente (Antioquía?) Identificadas en Vigo (Galicia, Spain), Rei Cretariae Romanae Favtorum Acta, 43, Bonn.
  • Gautier 1974 Gautier, P,. “Le Typikon du Christ Sauveur Pantocrator”, Revue Des Études Byzantines, 32, Paris.
  • Gençler Güray 2005 Gençler Güray, Ç., “Elaiussa Sebaste’den Bir Cam Kandil ve Kullanımı Üzerine”, Ramazan Özgan’a Armağan. Ed: M. Şahin ve İ. H. Mert. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Gençler Güray 2010 Gençler Güray, Ç., “The Glass Finds”, Elaiussa Sebaste III: L’Agora Romana. Ed: E. Equini Schneider. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Gerouisi 2010 Gerouisi, E., “The Lamps from the Late Antique and Early Byzantine Cemetery in Perissa in Thera”, Gerousi Keramike tes Ysteres Archaiotetas apo ton Elladiko Choro, vol 1. Ed: D. Papanikola-Bakırtzi. Epistemonike Sunantese. Thessalonike.
  • Gorin Rosen & Winter 2010 Gorin Rosen, Y. & Winter, T., “Selected Insights into Byzantine Glass in the Holy Land”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Gürler & Laflı 2010 Gürler, B. & Laflı, E., “Middle and Late Roman Glass from the Agora of Smyrna from the Excavation Seasons 1997 and 2002-2003”, Glass in Byzantium. Production, Usage, Analyses. Ed: J. Drauschke – D. Keller. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz.
  • Hayes 2007 Hayes, J. W., “Clay Lamps”, Kourion: Excavations in the Episcopal Precinct. Ed: A. H. S. Megaw. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection and Harvard University Press, Washington D.C.
  • Katsioti 2008 Katsioti, A., “Aspects of the Economic and Commercial Activity of Rhodes During Late Antiquity: The Case of Lamps”, Meletemata 53. Sailing in the Aegean: Readings on the Rconomy and Trade Routes. Ed: C. Papageorgiadou-Banis & A. Giannikouri. Diffusion de Boccard, Athens.
  • Katsioti 2014 Katsioti, A., “The Circulation of Cypriot Lamps in Late Roman – Early Byzantine Rhodes, Greece”, ΕΥΛΙΜΕΝΗ 2: Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνη στα Δωδεκάνησα κατά την Ύστερη Αρχαιότητα. Ed: N. Zarras & M.I. Stefanakis. Mesogeiaki Arkheologiki Etaireia, Resmo.
  • Lightfoot 2012 Lightfoot, C.S., “Middle Byzantine Terracotta Lamps, 1993–2005”, Amorium Reports 3: The Lower City Enclosure Finds Reports and Technical Studies. Ed: C.S. Lightfoot and E.A. Ivison. BAR, Oxford.
  • Meyer 1987 Meyer, C., “Glass from the North Theater, Byzantine Church and Soundings at Jerash, Jordan 1982-83”, The Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 25, Boston.
  • Morgenstein 1993 Morgenstein, J. The Fort Dereağzı and Other Material Remains in Its Vicinity from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. Istanbuler Forschungen 40, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen.
  • Motsianos 2005 Motsianos, I., “Some Comments on Byzantine Wheel-Made Lamps”, Lychnological Acts 1. Actes du 1er Congres International d’Etudes Sur le Luminaire Antique (Nyon – Geneve, 29.IX – 4.X.2003), Monographies Instrumentum 31. Ed: L. Chrzanovski. Editions Monique Mergoil, Montagnac.
  • Mundell Mango 1986 Mundell Mango, M., Silver from Early Byzantium: The Kaper Koraon and Related Treasures. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore & Maryland.
  • Olcay 2000 Olcay, B.Y., “Bizans Dönemi Pencere Camları ve Kullanım Biçimleri Üzerine Bazı Bulgular”, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi II, Eskişehir.
  • Olcay 2001 Olcay, B.Y., “Lighting Methods in the Byzantine Period and Findings of Glass Lamps in Anatolia”, Journal of Glass Studies, 43, New York.
  • Oziol 1977 Oziol, T., Salamine de Chypre VII: Les lampes du Musée de Chypre. Diffusion de Boccard, Paris.
  • Ötüken 2008 Ötüken, S.Y., “2007 Yılı Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesi Kazısı ve Duvar Resimlerini Koruma-Onarım-Belgeleme Çalışmaları”, 30. KST, cilt 4, Ankara.
  • Öztaşkın 2015 Öztaşkın, M., “Stratonikeia Bizans Dönemi Cam Buluntuları”, Stratonikeia ve Çevresi Araştırmaları. Ed: B. Söğüt. Ege Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Parani 2003 Parani, M.G., Reconstructing the Reality of Images: Byzantine Material Culture and Religious Iconography (11th-15th centuries). Brill, LeidenBoston.
  • Parani 2005 Parani, M.G., “Representations of Glass Objects as a Source on Byzantine Glass: How Useful Are They?”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 59, Washington D.C.
  • Pollak 2005 Pollak, R., “Tirat-HaCarmel- The Glass Vessels”, Contract Archeology Reports I, 2005, Haifa.
  • Poulou-Papadimitriou 1986 Poulou-Papadimitriou, N., “Lampes Paléochrétiennes de Samos”, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique, 110, Paris.
  • Reynolds 1987 Reynolds, P., El Yacimiento Tardorromano de Lucentum (BenaluaAlicante): Las Ceramicas Finas, Catalogo de Fondos del Museo Arqueologico (II), Museo Arqueologico Provincial, Alicante.
  • Saldern 1980 von Saldern, A., Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis, Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • Stern 1985 Stern, E.M., Ancient and Medieval Glass from the Necropolis Church at Anemurium”, Annales du IX Congres de L’Association Internationale pour L’Histoire du Verre, Liege.
  • Stern 2001 Stern, E. M., Roman, Byzantine, and Early Medieval Glass, 10 BCE-700 CE: Ernesto Wolf Collection. Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern.
  • Thomas & Constantinides Hero 2000 Thomas, J. & Constantinides Hero, A., (Ed.) Byzantine Monastic Foundation Documents: A Complete Translation of the Surviving Founders’ Typika and Testaments, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.
  • Touma 2001 Touma, M., “Quelques Témoignages de la Céramique sur les Échanges Syro-Chypriotes à la Période Byzantine”, La Céramique Byzantine et Proto-Islamique en Syrie-Jordaine (IVe-VIIIe siécles apr. J.-C.). Ed: E. Villeneuve & P.M. Watson. Institut Français d’Archaéologie du ProcheOrient, Beyrouth. Varkıvanç 2001-2002
  • Varkıvanç, B., “Patara’da Bir Seramik İşliği”, Adalya, V, Antalya. Vessberg 1953
  • Vessberg, O., “Hellenistic and Roman Lamps in Cyprus”, Opuscula Atheniensia, 1, Athens.
  • Vroom 2004 Vroom, J., “Late Antique Pottery, Settlement and Trade in the East Mediterrrenean: A Preliminary Comparison of Ceramics from Limyra (Lycia) and Boeotia”, Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside. Ed: W. Bowden-L. Lavan-C. Machado. Brill, Leiden-Boston.
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There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

B. Yelda Olcay Uçkan This is me

Muradiye Öztaşkın This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 7


APA Olcay Uçkan, B. Y., & Öztaşkın, M. (2017). Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri. Seleucia(7), 1-28.
AMA Olcay Uçkan BY, Öztaşkın M. Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri. Seleucia. January 2017;(7):1-28.
Chicago Olcay Uçkan, B. Yelda, and Muradiye Öztaşkın. “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”. Seleucia, no. 7 (January 2017): 1-28.
EndNote Olcay Uçkan BY, Öztaşkın M (January 1, 2017) Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri. Seleucia 7 1–28.
IEEE B. Y. Olcay Uçkan and M. Öztaşkın, “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”, Seleucia, no. 7, pp. 1–28, January 2017.
ISNAD Olcay Uçkan, B. Yelda - Öztaşkın, Muradiye. “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”. Seleucia 7 (January 2017), 1-28.
JAMA Olcay Uçkan BY, Öztaşkın M. Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri. Seleucia. 2017;:1–28.
MLA Olcay Uçkan, B. Yelda and Muradiye Öztaşkın. “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri”. Seleucia, no. 7, 2017, pp. 1-28.
Vancouver Olcay Uçkan BY, Öztaşkın M. Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri. Seleucia. 2017(7):1-28.