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Küresel Vergi Yönetimi: Yeni Ortak Hukuk

Year 2017, , 39 - 46, 01.11.2017


2008 Mali Krizinden sonra devletler artan kamu borçlarının finanse edilebilmesi için vergi gelirlerinin yeterli olmadığını görmüş, vergiden kaçınma, vergilendirmede şeffaflık, bilgi değişimi gibi küresel işbirliği gerektiren konularda uluslararası eylem planlarına dahil olmuşlardır. OECD`nin öncülüğünü yaptığı BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting ve Avrupa Birliği çerçevesinde geçerli olan ATA Anti Tax Avoidance Directive bu eylem planlarının örneklerini oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle OECD`nin ürettiği eylem planları çerçevesinde üye devletlerin iç hukuk sistemlerinde uyumlastırmaya gitmeleri, vergilendirme ile başlayan ortak bir hukuka yönelimi düşündürmektedir. Literatürde daha yüksek sesle dile getirilmeye başlanılan “küresel vergi yönetimi” ve eylem planları, devletlerin iç hukuk sistemlerinde bağımsız olmakla birlikte ticari ve mali varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri bakımından ortak paydaya sahip bir vergi hukuku ve idaresine sahip olmalarını ifade etmektedir. Asgari paydaya sahip ortak bir hukuk sisteminin tarihsel örneklerinden biri de Roma hukukunun Ortaçağ’daki uygulama ve görünüm biçimi olan “ius commune”dir. Günümüzde uluslararası vergi hukuku sahasında ortak hukuk bilimi ve karşılaştırmalı hukuk çalışmalarıyla hukukun birleştirilmesi yoluna gidilebilir. Bunun çağdaş örneklerinden biri OECD tarafından önerilen ortak vergi mevzuatı çalışmaları biçiminde kendini göstermektedir. Çalışmada küresel vergi yönetimi ve gerektirdigi ortak hukuk, Roma hukuku ve günümüz vergi hukuku bakımından değerlendirilecektir.


  • ATEŞ, Leyla (2017), “Assessing BEPS: Origins, Standards and Responses- Turkish Report fort he 2017 Annual IFA CONgress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IFA Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International, Vol. 102 A, 765-788.
  • AVİ-YONAH, Reuven (2004), “International Tax as International Law”, 57 Tax Law Review, 496- 501.
  • BİLİCİ, Nurettin (2017), Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye, 7. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • BRUMMER, Chris (2015), Soft Law and the Global Financial System (Rule Making in the 21st Century), Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, USA.
  • CHINKIN, Christine, M. (1959), “The Challenge of Soft Law: Development and Change in International Law, 38 International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 1959, 850-866.
  • CHRISTIANS, Allison (2007), “Hard Law & Soft Law in International Taxation”, University of Wisconsin Law School, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Paper No. 1049.
  • DIETSCH, Peter (2011), “Rethinking Sovereignty in International Fiscal Policy”, Review of International Studies, 37 (05), 2107-2120.
  • GARIBALDI, Oscar M. (1979), “The Legal Status of General Assembly Resolutions: Some Conceptual Observations”, Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 73, 324-327.
  • GOLDSTEIN, Judith & KAHLER, Miles & KEOHANE, Robert O. & SLAUGHTER, Anne- Marie (2000), “Legalization and World Politics”, International Organization, 54 (03), 385-400.
  • GRIBNAU, Hans (2007), “Improving the Legitimacy of Soft Law in EU Tax Law”, 35 Intertax, Issue 1, 30-44.
  • GUZMAN, Andrew T. & MEYER, Timothy L. (2010), “International Soft Law”, Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 1, 171-225.
  • HONSELL, Heinrich (2015), Römisches Recht, 8. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  • KARADENİZ ÇELEBİCAN, Özcan (2014), Roma Hukuku, 17. Basım, Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • KÜÇÜK, Eşref (2007), “XII. Yüzyıl Rönesansı ve Yeniden Doğan Roma’yı Günümüze Bağlayan Son Halka: Pandekt Hukuku”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 56, Sayı 4, 111- 122.
  • MANTHE, Ulrich (2007), Geschichte des römischen Rechts, 3. Auflage, C.H. Beck, München.
  • MARCUSSEN, Martin (2004), “OECD Governance Through Soft Law”, in Ulrika Mörth (ed.), Soft Law in Governance and Regulation- An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • MÖRTH, Ulrika (2005), “Soft Law and New Modes of EU Governance- A Democratic Problem?”, Paper Presented in Darmstadt Nov. 1-25.
  • RIXEN, Thomas (2011), “Tax Competition and Inequality- The Case for Global Tax Governance”, Global Governance: A Review of Multilaterism and International Institutions, Vol. 17, 1-39.
  • RODNEY, Bruce Hall & BIERSTEKER, Thomas J. (2002), “The Emergence of Private Authority in the International System”, The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance, Cambridge Studies International Relations, (ed.) R. Bruce and T. Biersteker, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • SASSEN, Saskia (1996), “Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization”, (43) Columbia University Press, New York 1996.
  • OĞUZ, Arzu (2003), Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara 2003.
  • ÖZ, Semih (2005), Uluslararası Vergi Rekabeti ve Vergi Cennetleri, Maliye ve Hukuk, Ankara.
  • WEELENS, K. C. & BORCHARDT, G. (1989), “Soft Law in European Community”, (14) European Law Review, 267-321.
  • YALTI, Billur (2015), “BEPS’in Hukuki Araçları: Yumuşak Hukukun İçinde Mi, Ötesinde Mi?”, Vergilendirmede Matrah Aşındırma ve Kâr Kaydırmanın (BEPS) Önlenmesi: Politika, Hukuk, Eylem, ANAMED, İstanbul 27 Kasım 2015.

Global Tax Governance: Towards a New Jus Commune

Year 2017, , 39 - 46, 01.11.2017


After the 2008 financial crisis, many states have seen their public debt rise to high levels and public revenues are insufficient to afford. States have involved in international action plans about subjects that need global cooperation such as anti-tax avoidance, transparency and transfer of information. BEPS Base Erosion and Profit Shifting and ATA Anti Tax Avoidance Directive are examples of these action plans. Member states, harmonizing their national law systems according to the legislation of OECD, shows a structure of common law in the scope of tax law. Often heard in literature now, the “global tax governance” and action plans, calls for a global tax law based on common principles and a global governance to sustain the cooperation, where states are independent in their national law systems. This system has an example in history called “ius commune”. Today unification of international tax law is the new approach and the action plans of common tax legislation of OECD are the contemporary examples. In this study, the global tax governance and the common law it brings are going to be compared with Roman law and today`s tax law.


  • ATEŞ, Leyla (2017), “Assessing BEPS: Origins, Standards and Responses- Turkish Report fort he 2017 Annual IFA CONgress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, IFA Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International, Vol. 102 A, 765-788.
  • AVİ-YONAH, Reuven (2004), “International Tax as International Law”, 57 Tax Law Review, 496- 501.
  • BİLİCİ, Nurettin (2017), Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye, 7. Baskı, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • BRUMMER, Chris (2015), Soft Law and the Global Financial System (Rule Making in the 21st Century), Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, USA.
  • CHINKIN, Christine, M. (1959), “The Challenge of Soft Law: Development and Change in International Law, 38 International & Comparative Law Quarterly, 1959, 850-866.
  • CHRISTIANS, Allison (2007), “Hard Law & Soft Law in International Taxation”, University of Wisconsin Law School, Legal Studies Research Paper Series, Paper No. 1049.
  • DIETSCH, Peter (2011), “Rethinking Sovereignty in International Fiscal Policy”, Review of International Studies, 37 (05), 2107-2120.
  • GARIBALDI, Oscar M. (1979), “The Legal Status of General Assembly Resolutions: Some Conceptual Observations”, Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 73, 324-327.
  • GOLDSTEIN, Judith & KAHLER, Miles & KEOHANE, Robert O. & SLAUGHTER, Anne- Marie (2000), “Legalization and World Politics”, International Organization, 54 (03), 385-400.
  • GRIBNAU, Hans (2007), “Improving the Legitimacy of Soft Law in EU Tax Law”, 35 Intertax, Issue 1, 30-44.
  • GUZMAN, Andrew T. & MEYER, Timothy L. (2010), “International Soft Law”, Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 2, No. 1, 171-225.
  • HONSELL, Heinrich (2015), Römisches Recht, 8. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  • KARADENİZ ÇELEBİCAN, Özcan (2014), Roma Hukuku, 17. Basım, Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • KÜÇÜK, Eşref (2007), “XII. Yüzyıl Rönesansı ve Yeniden Doğan Roma’yı Günümüze Bağlayan Son Halka: Pandekt Hukuku”, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt 56, Sayı 4, 111- 122.
  • MANTHE, Ulrich (2007), Geschichte des römischen Rechts, 3. Auflage, C.H. Beck, München.
  • MARCUSSEN, Martin (2004), “OECD Governance Through Soft Law”, in Ulrika Mörth (ed.), Soft Law in Governance and Regulation- An Interdisciplinary Analysis, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • MÖRTH, Ulrika (2005), “Soft Law and New Modes of EU Governance- A Democratic Problem?”, Paper Presented in Darmstadt Nov. 1-25.
  • RIXEN, Thomas (2011), “Tax Competition and Inequality- The Case for Global Tax Governance”, Global Governance: A Review of Multilaterism and International Institutions, Vol. 17, 1-39.
  • RODNEY, Bruce Hall & BIERSTEKER, Thomas J. (2002), “The Emergence of Private Authority in the International System”, The Emergence of Private Authority in Global Governance, Cambridge Studies International Relations, (ed.) R. Bruce and T. Biersteker, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • SASSEN, Saskia (1996), “Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of Globalization”, (43) Columbia University Press, New York 1996.
  • OĞUZ, Arzu (2003), Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk, Yetkin Yayınları, Ankara 2003.
  • ÖZ, Semih (2005), Uluslararası Vergi Rekabeti ve Vergi Cennetleri, Maliye ve Hukuk, Ankara.
  • WEELENS, K. C. & BORCHARDT, G. (1989), “Soft Law in European Community”, (14) European Law Review, 267-321.
  • YALTI, Billur (2015), “BEPS’in Hukuki Araçları: Yumuşak Hukukun İçinde Mi, Ötesinde Mi?”, Vergilendirmede Matrah Aşındırma ve Kâr Kaydırmanın (BEPS) Önlenmesi: Politika, Hukuk, Eylem, ANAMED, İstanbul 27 Kasım 2015.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Eda Özdiler Küçük This is me

Eşref Küçük This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


ISNAD Küçük, Eda Özdiler - Küçük, Eşref. “Küresel Vergi Yönetimi: Yeni Ortak Hukuk”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/5 (November 2017), 39-46.