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Tüketicilerin Online Alışverişe Karşı Tutumlarını ve Online Alışveriş Yapma Niyetlerini Etkileyen Faktörler: Türkiye – Slovenya Karşılaştırması

Year 2017, , 111 - 124, 01.11.2017


İnternetin hava yolu işletmeleri açısından artan önemi online bilet almaya karşı tüketicilerin tutum ve niyetlerini etkileyen faktörleri ortaya çıkarmayı gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye ve Slovenya’daki tüketicilerin online uçak bileti satın almalarına karşı tutum ve niyetlerini etkileyen önemli faktörleri ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmada önce açıklayıcı faktör analizi ile online bilet alma davranışını etkileyen faktörler belirlenmiş daha sonra araştırma hipotezleri çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizi ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda; güvenlik ve alışveriş keyfi boyutlarının hem Slovenya’ da hem de Türkiye’ de online alış verişe karşı tutumu olumlu yönde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Her iki ülkede de gizlilik ve zaman kazanma boyutları tutumu etkilememektedir. Ayrıca, güvenlik ve kullanım kolaylığı boyutlarının Slovenya’ da ve Türkiye’ de online alışveriş yapma niyetini olumlu yönde etkilediği ortaya çıkmıştır. Gizlilik boyutunun her iki ülkede de online alışveriş yapma niyetini etkilemediği belirlenmiştir. Zaman kazanma boyutunun Slovenya’ da, kullanım kolaylığı boyutunun ise Türkiye’ de online alışveriş yapma niyeti üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğu ortaya konmuştur.


  • Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2010), “Repeat Purchase Intentions in Online Shopping: The Role of Satisfaction, Attitude, and Online Retailers’ Performance”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23(1), 5–20.
  • Alam, S. S., ve Yasin, N. M. (2010), “What Factors Influence Online Brand Trust: Evidence From Online Tickets Buyers in Malaysia”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 5(3), 78–89.
  • Bird, M., ve Ehrenberg, A. (1966), “Intentions-to-buy and Claimed Brand Usage”, Operational Research Quarterly, 17(1), 27-46. Bizannes, E. (2007), Define Privacy: tarihi: 27.11.2015. What Does it Mean to You?. Erişim
  • Chai Lau, T., Ling Kwek, C., ve Piew Tan, H. (2011), “Airline E-Ticketing Service: How Eservice Quality and Customer Satisfaction Impacted Purchase Intention”, International Business Management, 5(4), 200-208.
  • Chiou, J.-S., ve Ting, C.-C. (2011), “Will You Spend More Money and Time on Internet Shopping When The Product nd Situation are Right?”, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 203–208.
  • Chiu, Y. B., Lin, C. P., ve Tang, L. L. (2005),”Gender Differs: Assessing a Model of Online Purchase Intentions in E-Tail Service”, International Jornal of Service Industry Management, 16(5), 416- 435.
  • Cockburn, A., ve Mckenzie, B. (2001), “What Do Web Users Do? An Empirical Analysis of Web Use”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 54(6), 903–922.
  • Davis, FD. (1989), “Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology”, MIS Quarlerly,13, 319-340.
  • Demirali, Y. E. (1995), “Ölçeklerde Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik”, M.Ü. Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7, 125-148.
  • Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., ve Warrington, P. (2006), “Understanding Online B-to-C Relationships: An Integrated Model of Privacy Concerns, Trust, and Commitment”, Journal of Business Research, 59(8), 877–886.
  • Escobar-Rodríguez, T., ve Carvajal-Trujillo, E. (2013), “Online Drivers of Consumer Purchase of Web Site Airline Tickets”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 32, 58–64.
  • Featherman, ve Pavlou, PA (2003), “Predicting E-Services Adoption : A Perceived Risk Facts Perspective”, International Journal Of Human Computer Studies, 59, 1034-1046.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R. L. ve Black, W.C. (1995), Multivariate Data Analysis With Readings(4th Ed.), Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
  • Harrison Mcknight, D., Choudhury, V. ve Kacmar, C. (2002), The Impact of Initial Consumer Trust on Intentions to Transact with a Web Site: A Trust Building Model”, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 11(3-4), 297–323.
  • Hong, I. B. ve Cho, H. (2011), “The Impact of Consumer Trust on Attitudinal Loyalty and Purchase Intentions in B2C E-Marketplaces: Intermediary Trust vs. Seller Trust”, International Journal of Information Management, 31(5), 469–479.
  • Joy, D. (2015), How Many People Shop Online. online--shopping/. Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2015.
  • Khan, S. ve Rizvi, A. (2012), “Factors Influencing the Consumers’ Intention to Shop Online”, Skyline Businessjournal, VII(1), 28-40.
  • Kim, W.G. ve Kim, J,K, (2004), “Factors Affecting Online Hotel Reservation Intention Between Online and Non - Online Customers”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23, 381-395.
  • Koiso-Kanttila, N. (2005), “Time, Attention, Authenticity and Consumer Benefits of the Web”, Business Horizons, 48(1), 63–70.
  • Kulviwat, S., Al-Shuridah, O. ve Bruner, G. (2009), “The Role of Social İnfluence on Adoption of High Tech Innovations: The Moderating Effect of Public/Private Consumption”, Journal of Business Research, 62(7), 706-712.
  • Liao, Z. ve Cheung, M. T. (2001), “Internet-Based E-Shopping and Consumer Attitudes: An Empirical Study”, Information and Management, 38(5), 299–306.
  • Liu, C. ve Arnett, K. P. (2000), “Exploring The Factors Associated With Web Site Success in the Context of Electronic Commerce”, Information and Management, 38(1), 23–33.
  • Liu, C., Marchewka, J. T., Lu, J. ve Yu, C.-S. (2004), “Beyond Concern: A Privacy–Trust–Behavioral Intention Model of Electronic Commerce”, Information and Management, 42(1), 127-142.
  • Nazir, S., Tayyab, A., Sajid, A., Rashid, H. ve Javed, I. (2012), “How Online Shopping is Affecting Consumers Buying Behavior in Pakistan ?”, International Journal of Computer Science, 9(3), 486-495.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978), Psychometric Theory. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.
  • Pappas, I. O., Giannakos, M. N. ve Chrissikopoulos, V. (2012), “Personalized Services in Online Shopping : Enjoyment and Privacy”, International Conference on Information Society (İ-Society 2012,)168–173.
  • Park , C.-H. ve Kim, Y.-G. (2003), “Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior in An Online Shopping Context”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Peter, J. ve Olson, J. (1994), Understanding Consumer Behavior. Sydney,Australia, Irwin Boston.
  • Sam, M. F. ve Tahir, M. N. (2009), “Website Quality and Consumer Online Purchase Intention of Air Ticket”, International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 9(10), 20–24.
  • Sandilands, R. (2010), CYREN Security Blog. Retrieved from What is Security:şim Tarihi: 20.122015.
  • Schlosser, A. E. (2003), “Experiencing Products in the Virtual World: The Role of Goal and Imagery in Influencing Attitudes Versus Purchase Intentions”, Journal Of Consumer Research, 30(2), 184–198.
  • Taylor, S. ve Tood, P, 1995, “Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models”, Information Systems Research, 6, 144-176.
  • Thongpapanl, N. ve Ashraf, A. R. (2011),” Enhancing Online Performance Through Website Content and Personalization”, Journal Of Computer Information Systems, Fall 2011, 3–13.
  • Udo, G. J. (2001), “Privacy and Security Concerns as Major Barriers for E ‐ Commerce : A Survey Study Privacy and Security Concerns as Major Barriers for E-Commerce : A Survey Study”, Information Management and Computer Security, 9(4), 165–174.
  • Wu, K.-W., Huang, S. Y., Yen, D. C. ve Popova, I. (2012), “The Effect of Online Privacy Policy on Consumer Privacy Concern and Trust. Computers in Human Behavior”, 28(3), 889–897.
  • Yoo, B. ve Donthu, N. (2001), “Developing a Scale to Measure the Perceived Quality of an Internet Shopping Site ( SITEQUAL )”, Quarterly Journal Of Electronic Commerce, 2, 31– 47.
  • Zarrad, H. ve Debabi, M. (2012),“Online Purchasing Intention: Factors and Effects. International Business and Management, 4(1), 37–47.

The Factors that Influences the Attitudes of Consumers in Onlıne Shopping and Their Purchase Intention: Turkey – Slovenia Comparison

Year 2017, , 111 - 124, 01.11.2017


Internet airline companies should give importance for the increasing number of online flight ticket by trying to understand the online factors that influence on consumers attitudes and intentions. The purpose of this study is to show the important factors that has impact on consumer’s attitudes and intentions toward online purchasing of airline tickets in Turkey and Slovenia. Factor analysis test has been used, in order to expose the online factors that influence consumer attitude and intention. Then multiple linear regression analysis to test the research hypotheses. Findings of this study show that, enjoyment of shopping, and security and trust, are two common online factors, which have an influence on the attitudes of both Slovenian and Turkish. Privacy and saving time factors have neither an impact on the attitudes of Turkish online consumers nor an impact on the attitudes of Slovenian online consumers. On the other hand, security and trust, ease of use, are two common online factors, which have an influence on the intentions of Slovenian and Turkish. Whereas, results prove that no impact of the privacy of the website on both Turkish and Slovenian consumer’s intentions. While, saving time factor has an impact on the intentions of Slovenian, but it has not impact on Turkish intentions.


  • Abdul-Muhmin, A. G. (2010), “Repeat Purchase Intentions in Online Shopping: The Role of Satisfaction, Attitude, and Online Retailers’ Performance”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23(1), 5–20.
  • Alam, S. S., ve Yasin, N. M. (2010), “What Factors Influence Online Brand Trust: Evidence From Online Tickets Buyers in Malaysia”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 5(3), 78–89.
  • Bird, M., ve Ehrenberg, A. (1966), “Intentions-to-buy and Claimed Brand Usage”, Operational Research Quarterly, 17(1), 27-46. Bizannes, E. (2007), Define Privacy: tarihi: 27.11.2015. What Does it Mean to You?. Erişim
  • Chai Lau, T., Ling Kwek, C., ve Piew Tan, H. (2011), “Airline E-Ticketing Service: How Eservice Quality and Customer Satisfaction Impacted Purchase Intention”, International Business Management, 5(4), 200-208.
  • Chiou, J.-S., ve Ting, C.-C. (2011), “Will You Spend More Money and Time on Internet Shopping When The Product nd Situation are Right?”, Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), 203–208.
  • Chiu, Y. B., Lin, C. P., ve Tang, L. L. (2005),”Gender Differs: Assessing a Model of Online Purchase Intentions in E-Tail Service”, International Jornal of Service Industry Management, 16(5), 416- 435.
  • Cockburn, A., ve Mckenzie, B. (2001), “What Do Web Users Do? An Empirical Analysis of Web Use”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 54(6), 903–922.
  • Davis, FD. (1989), “Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology”, MIS Quarlerly,13, 319-340.
  • Demirali, Y. E. (1995), “Ölçeklerde Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik”, M.Ü. Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7, 125-148.
  • Eastlick, M. A., Lotz, S. L., ve Warrington, P. (2006), “Understanding Online B-to-C Relationships: An Integrated Model of Privacy Concerns, Trust, and Commitment”, Journal of Business Research, 59(8), 877–886.
  • Escobar-Rodríguez, T., ve Carvajal-Trujillo, E. (2013), “Online Drivers of Consumer Purchase of Web Site Airline Tickets”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 32, 58–64.
  • Featherman, ve Pavlou, PA (2003), “Predicting E-Services Adoption : A Perceived Risk Facts Perspective”, International Journal Of Human Computer Studies, 59, 1034-1046.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., Tatham, R. L. ve Black, W.C. (1995), Multivariate Data Analysis With Readings(4th Ed.), Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
  • Harrison Mcknight, D., Choudhury, V. ve Kacmar, C. (2002), The Impact of Initial Consumer Trust on Intentions to Transact with a Web Site: A Trust Building Model”, The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 11(3-4), 297–323.
  • Hong, I. B. ve Cho, H. (2011), “The Impact of Consumer Trust on Attitudinal Loyalty and Purchase Intentions in B2C E-Marketplaces: Intermediary Trust vs. Seller Trust”, International Journal of Information Management, 31(5), 469–479.
  • Joy, D. (2015), How Many People Shop Online. online--shopping/. Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2015.
  • Khan, S. ve Rizvi, A. (2012), “Factors Influencing the Consumers’ Intention to Shop Online”, Skyline Businessjournal, VII(1), 28-40.
  • Kim, W.G. ve Kim, J,K, (2004), “Factors Affecting Online Hotel Reservation Intention Between Online and Non - Online Customers”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 23, 381-395.
  • Koiso-Kanttila, N. (2005), “Time, Attention, Authenticity and Consumer Benefits of the Web”, Business Horizons, 48(1), 63–70.
  • Kulviwat, S., Al-Shuridah, O. ve Bruner, G. (2009), “The Role of Social İnfluence on Adoption of High Tech Innovations: The Moderating Effect of Public/Private Consumption”, Journal of Business Research, 62(7), 706-712.
  • Liao, Z. ve Cheung, M. T. (2001), “Internet-Based E-Shopping and Consumer Attitudes: An Empirical Study”, Information and Management, 38(5), 299–306.
  • Liu, C. ve Arnett, K. P. (2000), “Exploring The Factors Associated With Web Site Success in the Context of Electronic Commerce”, Information and Management, 38(1), 23–33.
  • Liu, C., Marchewka, J. T., Lu, J. ve Yu, C.-S. (2004), “Beyond Concern: A Privacy–Trust–Behavioral Intention Model of Electronic Commerce”, Information and Management, 42(1), 127-142.
  • Nazir, S., Tayyab, A., Sajid, A., Rashid, H. ve Javed, I. (2012), “How Online Shopping is Affecting Consumers Buying Behavior in Pakistan ?”, International Journal of Computer Science, 9(3), 486-495.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978), Psychometric Theory. New York: Mc Graw-Hill.
  • Pappas, I. O., Giannakos, M. N. ve Chrissikopoulos, V. (2012), “Personalized Services in Online Shopping : Enjoyment and Privacy”, International Conference on Information Society (İ-Society 2012,)168–173.
  • Park , C.-H. ve Kim, Y.-G. (2003), “Identifying Key Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior in An Online Shopping Context”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Peter, J. ve Olson, J. (1994), Understanding Consumer Behavior. Sydney,Australia, Irwin Boston.
  • Sam, M. F. ve Tahir, M. N. (2009), “Website Quality and Consumer Online Purchase Intention of Air Ticket”, International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 9(10), 20–24.
  • Sandilands, R. (2010), CYREN Security Blog. Retrieved from What is Security:şim Tarihi: 20.122015.
  • Schlosser, A. E. (2003), “Experiencing Products in the Virtual World: The Role of Goal and Imagery in Influencing Attitudes Versus Purchase Intentions”, Journal Of Consumer Research, 30(2), 184–198.
  • Taylor, S. ve Tood, P, 1995, “Understanding Information Technology Usage: A Test of Competing Models”, Information Systems Research, 6, 144-176.
  • Thongpapanl, N. ve Ashraf, A. R. (2011),” Enhancing Online Performance Through Website Content and Personalization”, Journal Of Computer Information Systems, Fall 2011, 3–13.
  • Udo, G. J. (2001), “Privacy and Security Concerns as Major Barriers for E ‐ Commerce : A Survey Study Privacy and Security Concerns as Major Barriers for E-Commerce : A Survey Study”, Information Management and Computer Security, 9(4), 165–174.
  • Wu, K.-W., Huang, S. Y., Yen, D. C. ve Popova, I. (2012), “The Effect of Online Privacy Policy on Consumer Privacy Concern and Trust. Computers in Human Behavior”, 28(3), 889–897.
  • Yoo, B. ve Donthu, N. (2001), “Developing a Scale to Measure the Perceived Quality of an Internet Shopping Site ( SITEQUAL )”, Quarterly Journal Of Electronic Commerce, 2, 31– 47.
  • Zarrad, H. ve Debabi, M. (2012),“Online Purchasing Intention: Factors and Effects. International Business and Management, 4(1), 37–47.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet İsmail Yağcı This is me

Mohamad El-hassan This is me

Ümit Doğrul This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


ISNAD Yağcı, Mehmet İsmail et al. “Tüketicilerin Online Alışverişe Karşı Tutumlarını Ve Online Alışveriş Yapma Niyetlerini Etkileyen Faktörler: Türkiye – Slovenya Karşılaştırması”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 5/5 (November 2017), 111-124.