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OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Panel Nedensellik Analizleri

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 13 - 29, 01.10.2018


Sağlıklı bir toplum, nitelikli insan kaynağı ve ekonomik büyüme/kalkınma için ciddi öneme sahiptir. Ekonomik büyümenin sağlanmasında temel rollerden birini üstlenen sağlık harcamaları, ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeylerine göre farklılık göstermektedir. Sağlık harcamaları bireyin ve toplumun sağlık düzeyini yükseltirken, beşeri sermayeye yapmış olduğu katkılar nedeniyle ekonomik büyümeyi de etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacını OECD ülkeleri örneğinde gelir ve sağlık harcama türleri arasındaki nedensellik ilişkisinin tahmin edilmesi oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada yeni nesil panel nedensellik testlerinden Emirmahmutoğlu ve Köse 2011 panel nedensellik testi kullanılmıştır. Tahminler sonucunda OECD ülkelerinin yaklaşık %80’inde gelir ile ele alınan sağlık harcama türlerinin en az biri arasında nedensellik ilişkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, OECD ülkelerinde gelir artışının en fazla toplam sağlık harcamalarını artırdığı, kamu sağlık harcamalarının artmasının da gelirin artmasına neden olduğu ortaya çıkan sonuçlar arasında yer almaktadır.


  • Akar, S. 2014. “Türkiye’de Sağlık Harcamaları, Sağlık Harcamalarının Nisbi Fiyatı ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Cilt:21, Sayı:1, ss. 311-322.
  • Antonio, J. and Zamora, C. (2000). Investment in Health and Economic Growth: a Perspective From Latin America and the Caribbean. XXXV Meeting of The Advisory Committe on Health Research, Havana, Cuba, 17-19 July, Division of Health and Human Development, Washington, DC.
  • Atasever, M. (2014). Türkiye’de Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Finansmanı ve Sağlık Harcamalarının Analizi 2002-2013 Dönemi. Bakanlık Yayın No: 983, Ankara.
  • Badri, A.K. and Badri, S.K. (2016). Health Spending and Economic Growth in Selected OECD Countries. AIS (American Institute of Science), American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2 (1), 5-9.
  • Baltagi, B.H. and Moscone, F. (2010). Health Care Expenditure and Incame İn The OECD Reconsidered: Evidence From Panel Data. Discussion Paper, No:4851, March, IZA, P.O. Box 7240, 53072, Bonn, Germany, 1-22.
  • Barro, R.J. (1996). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Emprical Study. NBER Working Paper, 5698
  • Beraldo, S., Montolio, D. and Turati, G. (2009). Healthy, Educated and Wealthy: A Primer on the Impact of Public and Private Welfare Expenditures on Economic Growth. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38, 946-956.
  • Bloom, D.E. and Canning, D. (2000). The Health and Wealth of Nations. Science’s Compas, Policy Forum: Public Health, Bolüm: 287, 1207-1209.
  • Breitung, J. (2005). A Parametric Approach To The Estimation Of Cointegration Vectors In Panel Data. Econometric Reviews, 24, 151-173.
  • Brempong, K.G. and Wilson, M., 2004. “Health Human Capital and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African and OECD Countries”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol: 44, ss. 296-320.
  • Çetin, M. ve Ecevit, E. (2010). Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Panel Regresyon Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11(5), 166-182.
  • Ding, H. (2012). Economic Growth and Welfare State: A Debate of Econometrics. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Papers, No. 39685, 1-32.
  • Dreger, C. and Reimers, H. E. (2005). Health care expenditures in OECD countries: a panel unit root and cointegration analysis. IZA Discussion Paper, 1469, 1-20.
  • Dumitrescu, E.I. and Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing For Granger Non-Causality In Heterogeneous Panels. Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Emirmahmutoğlu, F. (2011). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Para Krizlerinin Ekonometrik Analizi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Ekonometri Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Emirmahmutoğlu, F. and Köse, N. (2011). Testing For Granger Causality In Heterogeneous Mixed Panels. Economic Modelling, 28, 870-876.
  • Fisher, R.A. (1932). Statistical Methods for Research Workers, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 4th edition.
  • Foon Tang, C. (2011). Multivariate Granger Causality and the Dynamic Relationship Between Health Care Spanding, Income and Relative Price of Health Care in Malaysia. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 52, 199-214.
  • Georgiou, M.N. (2013). Health Expenditure and Economic Growth. A Worldwide Panel Data Analys. Erişim T: 18.06.2016
  • Gerdtham, U.G. and Löthgren, M. (2002). New Panel Results on Cointegration of International Health Expenditure and GDP. Applied Economics, 34, 1679-1686.
  • Granger, C.W.J. (1969). Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models: Cross Spectral Methods. Econometrica, 37, 424-438.
  • Granger, C.W.J. (2003). Some Aspects Of Causal Relationships. Journal of Econometrics, 112, 69-71.
  • Hansen, P. and King, A., 1996. “The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure: A Cointegration Approach,” Journal of Health Economics, No:15 (1), ss. 127-137.
  • Hartwig, J. (2010). Is Health Capital Formation Good for Long-term Economic Growth?-Panel Granger-causality Evidence for OECD Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32, 314-325.
  • Hayran, O. (1998). Sağlık Hizmetleri, Sağlık Hizmetleri El Kitabı (Editör: Osman Hayran ve Haydar Sur). Yüce Yayım, Çevik Matbaası, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 15-32, 450 s.
  • Heshmati, A. (2001). On The Causality Between Gdp And Health Care Expenditure In Augmented Solow Growth Model. SSE/EFI Working Paper Series İn Economics And Finance, No:423, 1-19, January.
  • Kar, M. ve Ağır, H., 2006. Türkiye’de Beşeri Sermaye ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Eşbütünleşme İle Nedensellik Testi, 1926-1994. SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11, 51-68.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A. (1998). İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin yeri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 53(1), 207-230.
  • Konya, L. (2006). Exports And Growth: Granger Causality Aanalysis On OECD Countries With A Panel Data Approach. Economic Modelling, 23, 978-992.
  • Koying, C. and Young-Hsiang, Y. (2006). Economic Growth, Human Capital Investment, And Health Expenditure: A Study Of OECD Countries. Hitotsubashi Journal Of Economics, 47(1), 1-16.
  • Köksal, S.S., Sipahioğlu, N.T., Yurtsever, E. ve Vehid, S. (2016). Temel Sağlık Düzeyi Göstergeleri Açısından Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri. TJFM&PC (Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care), 10(4), December, 205-212.
  • Luintel, K.B. and Khan, M. (2004). Are International R&D Spillovers Costly For The US?. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 896-910.
  • Luintel, K.B. and Khan, M. (2009). Heterogeneous Ideas Production And Endogenous Growth: An Empirical Investigation. Canadian Journal of Economics, 42(3), 1176-1205.
  • Lutkepolhl, H.K.M. (2004). Applied Time Series Econometrics. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Mc Coskey, S.K. and Selden, T.M., 1998. “Health Care Expenditures and GDP: Panel Data Unit Root Test Results”. Journal of Health Economics, No:17, ss. 369-376.
  • Okunade, A.A. and Karakuş, M.C. (2001). Unit Root and Cointegration Tests: Time Series Versus Panel Estimates for International Health Expenditure Models. Applied Economics, 33, 1131-1137.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2006). Estimation And Inference In Large Heterogeneous Panels With Multifactor Error Structure. Econometrica, 74, 967-1012.
  • Pesaran, M.H. and Smith, R.P. (1995). Estimating Long-Run Relationships From Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 68, 79-113.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R.P. (1999). Pooled Mean Group Estimation Of Dynamic Heterogenous Panels. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94 (446), 621-634.
  • Pradhan, R.P. (2011). Effects of health spending on economic growth: A time series approach. Decision, 38(2), 68-83, August.
  • Romer, P.M. (1986). Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5), 1002-1037.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı (2006). Türkiye Ulusal Sağlık Hesapları Hane Halkı Sağlık Harcamaları 2002-2003. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı Hıfzıssıhha Mektebi Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Toda, H.Y. and Yamamato, T. (1995). Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions With Possibly Integrated Processes, Journal of Econometrics, 66, 225-250.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2015). 2015 Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators, Erişim T: 06.02.2017
  • Woodhall, M. (1987). Human Capital Concepts. (Edited by George PSACHAROPOULOS), Economics of Education Research and Studies, Advanges in Education, Pergamon Pres, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA.
  • World Health Statistics (2015). World Health Statistics 2015. World Health Organization.
  • World Bank. (2016). World Development Indicators, Erişim T: 18.06.2016
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2012). OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Bir İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 27-47.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F., 2011. “The Relationships between Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth: A Panel Error Correction Model”. Journal of Economic and Social Research, 13(1), ss. 75-88.
  • Zellner, A. (1962). An Efficient Method Of Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations And Tests Of Aggregation Bias. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 57, 500-509.

Health Expenditures and Economic Growth Relationship in OECD Countries: Panel Causality Analysis

Year 2018, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 13 - 29, 01.10.2018


A healthy society has a critical importance for qualitative human resource and economic growth/development. Health expenditures, which play a key role in ensuring economic growth, differ according to development levels of countries. While health expenditure raises the health level of the individual and the society, it also affects economic growth due to the contributions to human capital. The purpose of this study is to estimate the causality relationship between income and health expenditure types in OECD countries. Panel causality test of Emirmahmutoğlu and Köse 2011 was used in the new generation panel causality tests. Estimates suggest that there are causality relationships between income and at least one of studied types of health expenditures in nearly 80% of OECD countries. In addition, it is among the results that the increase in income in the OECD countries increased the total health expenditures at most, and the increase in the public health expenditures caused the income increase.


  • Akar, S. 2014. “Türkiye’de Sağlık Harcamaları, Sağlık Harcamalarının Nisbi Fiyatı ve Ekonomik Büyüme Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi”, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Cilt:21, Sayı:1, ss. 311-322.
  • Antonio, J. and Zamora, C. (2000). Investment in Health and Economic Growth: a Perspective From Latin America and the Caribbean. XXXV Meeting of The Advisory Committe on Health Research, Havana, Cuba, 17-19 July, Division of Health and Human Development, Washington, DC.
  • Atasever, M. (2014). Türkiye’de Sağlık Hizmetlerinin Finansmanı ve Sağlık Harcamalarının Analizi 2002-2013 Dönemi. Bakanlık Yayın No: 983, Ankara.
  • Badri, A.K. and Badri, S.K. (2016). Health Spending and Economic Growth in Selected OECD Countries. AIS (American Institute of Science), American Journal of Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2 (1), 5-9.
  • Baltagi, B.H. and Moscone, F. (2010). Health Care Expenditure and Incame İn The OECD Reconsidered: Evidence From Panel Data. Discussion Paper, No:4851, March, IZA, P.O. Box 7240, 53072, Bonn, Germany, 1-22.
  • Barro, R.J. (1996). Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Emprical Study. NBER Working Paper, 5698
  • Beraldo, S., Montolio, D. and Turati, G. (2009). Healthy, Educated and Wealthy: A Primer on the Impact of Public and Private Welfare Expenditures on Economic Growth. The Journal of Socio-Economics, 38, 946-956.
  • Bloom, D.E. and Canning, D. (2000). The Health and Wealth of Nations. Science’s Compas, Policy Forum: Public Health, Bolüm: 287, 1207-1209.
  • Breitung, J. (2005). A Parametric Approach To The Estimation Of Cointegration Vectors In Panel Data. Econometric Reviews, 24, 151-173.
  • Brempong, K.G. and Wilson, M., 2004. “Health Human Capital and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan African and OECD Countries”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol: 44, ss. 296-320.
  • Çetin, M. ve Ecevit, E. (2010). Sağlık Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisi: OECD Ülkeleri Üzerine Bir Panel Regresyon Analizi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11(5), 166-182.
  • Ding, H. (2012). Economic Growth and Welfare State: A Debate of Econometrics. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA) Papers, No. 39685, 1-32.
  • Dreger, C. and Reimers, H. E. (2005). Health care expenditures in OECD countries: a panel unit root and cointegration analysis. IZA Discussion Paper, 1469, 1-20.
  • Dumitrescu, E.I. and Hurlin, C. (2012). Testing For Granger Non-Causality In Heterogeneous Panels. Economic Modelling, 29(4), 1450-1460.
  • Emirmahmutoğlu, F. (2011). Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Para Krizlerinin Ekonometrik Analizi, Gazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Ekonometri Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Emirmahmutoğlu, F. and Köse, N. (2011). Testing For Granger Causality In Heterogeneous Mixed Panels. Economic Modelling, 28, 870-876.
  • Fisher, R.A. (1932). Statistical Methods for Research Workers, Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 4th edition.
  • Foon Tang, C. (2011). Multivariate Granger Causality and the Dynamic Relationship Between Health Care Spanding, Income and Relative Price of Health Care in Malaysia. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 52, 199-214.
  • Georgiou, M.N. (2013). Health Expenditure and Economic Growth. A Worldwide Panel Data Analys. Erişim T: 18.06.2016
  • Gerdtham, U.G. and Löthgren, M. (2002). New Panel Results on Cointegration of International Health Expenditure and GDP. Applied Economics, 34, 1679-1686.
  • Granger, C.W.J. (1969). Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models: Cross Spectral Methods. Econometrica, 37, 424-438.
  • Granger, C.W.J. (2003). Some Aspects Of Causal Relationships. Journal of Econometrics, 112, 69-71.
  • Hansen, P. and King, A., 1996. “The Determinants of Health Care Expenditure: A Cointegration Approach,” Journal of Health Economics, No:15 (1), ss. 127-137.
  • Hartwig, J. (2010). Is Health Capital Formation Good for Long-term Economic Growth?-Panel Granger-causality Evidence for OECD Countries. Journal of Macroeconomics, 32, 314-325.
  • Hayran, O. (1998). Sağlık Hizmetleri, Sağlık Hizmetleri El Kitabı (Editör: Osman Hayran ve Haydar Sur). Yüce Yayım, Çevik Matbaası, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri, 15-32, 450 s.
  • Heshmati, A. (2001). On The Causality Between Gdp And Health Care Expenditure In Augmented Solow Growth Model. SSE/EFI Working Paper Series İn Economics And Finance, No:423, 1-19, January.
  • Kar, M. ve Ağır, H., 2006. Türkiye’de Beşeri Sermaye ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Eşbütünleşme İle Nedensellik Testi, 1926-1994. SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11, 51-68.
  • Kibritçioğlu, A. (1998). İktisadi Büyümenin Belirleyicileri ve Yeni Büyüme Modellerinde Beşeri Sermayenin yeri. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 53(1), 207-230.
  • Konya, L. (2006). Exports And Growth: Granger Causality Aanalysis On OECD Countries With A Panel Data Approach. Economic Modelling, 23, 978-992.
  • Koying, C. and Young-Hsiang, Y. (2006). Economic Growth, Human Capital Investment, And Health Expenditure: A Study Of OECD Countries. Hitotsubashi Journal Of Economics, 47(1), 1-16.
  • Köksal, S.S., Sipahioğlu, N.T., Yurtsever, E. ve Vehid, S. (2016). Temel Sağlık Düzeyi Göstergeleri Açısından Türkiye ve Avrupa Birliği Ülkeleri. TJFM&PC (Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care), 10(4), December, 205-212.
  • Luintel, K.B. and Khan, M. (2004). Are International R&D Spillovers Costly For The US?. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(4), 896-910.
  • Luintel, K.B. and Khan, M. (2009). Heterogeneous Ideas Production And Endogenous Growth: An Empirical Investigation. Canadian Journal of Economics, 42(3), 1176-1205.
  • Lutkepolhl, H.K.M. (2004). Applied Time Series Econometrics. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
  • Mc Coskey, S.K. and Selden, T.M., 1998. “Health Care Expenditures and GDP: Panel Data Unit Root Test Results”. Journal of Health Economics, No:17, ss. 369-376.
  • Okunade, A.A. and Karakuş, M.C. (2001). Unit Root and Cointegration Tests: Time Series Versus Panel Estimates for International Health Expenditure Models. Applied Economics, 33, 1131-1137.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2006). Estimation And Inference In Large Heterogeneous Panels With Multifactor Error Structure. Econometrica, 74, 967-1012.
  • Pesaran, M.H. and Smith, R.P. (1995). Estimating Long-Run Relationships From Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 68, 79-113.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Shin, Y. and Smith, R.P. (1999). Pooled Mean Group Estimation Of Dynamic Heterogenous Panels. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94 (446), 621-634.
  • Pradhan, R.P. (2011). Effects of health spending on economic growth: A time series approach. Decision, 38(2), 68-83, August.
  • Romer, P.M. (1986). Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth. Journal of Political Economy, 94 (5), 1002-1037.
  • Sağlık Bakanlığı (2006). Türkiye Ulusal Sağlık Hesapları Hane Halkı Sağlık Harcamaları 2002-2003. TC Sağlık Bakanlığı Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı Hıfzıssıhha Mektebi Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • Toda, H.Y. and Yamamato, T. (1995). Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions With Possibly Integrated Processes, Journal of Econometrics, 66, 225-250.
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2015). 2015 Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators, Erişim T: 06.02.2017
  • Woodhall, M. (1987). Human Capital Concepts. (Edited by George PSACHAROPOULOS), Economics of Education Research and Studies, Advanges in Education, Pergamon Pres, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA.
  • World Health Statistics (2015). World Health Statistics 2015. World Health Organization.
  • World Bank. (2016). World Development Indicators, Erişim T: 18.06.2016
  • Yardımcıoğlu, F. (2012). OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinin Ekonometrik Bir İncelemesi. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13 (2), 27-47.
  • Yerdelen Tatoğlu, F., 2011. “The Relationships between Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth: A Panel Error Correction Model”. Journal of Economic and Social Research, 13(1), ss. 75-88.
  • Zellner, A. (1962). An Efficient Method Of Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations And Tests Of Aggregation Bias. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 57, 500-509.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hacı Hayrettin Tıraş This is me

Hüseyin Ağır This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


ISNAD Tıraş, Hacı Hayrettin - Ağır, Hüseyin. “OECD Ülkelerinde Sağlık Harcamaları Ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Panel Nedensellik Analizleri”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 6/4 (October 2018), 13-29.