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Sahiplik Yapısı ve İhracat Yoğunluğunun İşletmelerin Karları Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 93 - 109, 01.01.2015


Bu çalışma, Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi'nin TİM 2012 Yılı İlk 1000 İhracatçı Araştırması’nın verilerini kullanarak, farklı düzeylerde yurtdışı satış yapan ve farklı sahiplik yapılarına sahip olan firmaların karlarının, Anova ve Ki-Kare ile analizini amaçlamaktadır. Analizler, yüksek ihracat yoğunluğu olan şirketler ile yerli sermayeli şirketlerin karlılığının düşük, düşük ihracat yoğunluğuna sahip firmalar ile yabancı ve karma yerli - yabancı sermayeli firmaların karlılığının ise yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Abor, Joshua (2011). “Do Export Status and Export Intensity Increase Firm Performance”, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol:53, No:1, ss: 9-18.
  • Talaat, Abdel–Malek (1974), “Foreign Ownership and Export Performance”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, Autumn, ss: 1-14.
  • Ahmed, S. and Rock, J. (2012), “Exploring The Relationship Between Export İntensity And Exporter Characteristics, Resources, And Capabilities: Evidence From Chile”, Latin American Business Review, 13, ss: 29-57.
  • Atıcı, Gonca ve Güner Gürsoy (2013), “Foreign Ownership and Export Orientation: Evidence From Turkey”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol: October, Issue:115, ss: 8-21.
  • Berle, A.A. and Means, G.C. (1932). The Modern Corporation and Private Property, NewYork: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  • Bernard, A. B., J. Bradford Jensen and Robert Z. Lawrence (1995), “Exporters, Jobs and Wages in US Manufacturing: 1976–1987”, Papers on Economic Activity, Brookings, Microeconomics, ss: 67–119.
  • Cole, Matthew, Robert Elliott and Supreeya Virakul (2010), “Firm Heterogeneity, Origin of Ownership and Export Participation”, World Economy, Vol:33, Issue:2, ss:264-291
  • Demsetz, H. (1983), “The Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm”, Journal of Law & Economics, 26(2), ss: 375–390.
  • Filatotchev, Igor, Johannes Stephan and Björn Jindra (2008), “Ownership Structure, Strategic Controls and Export Intensity of Foreign-Invested Firms in Transition Economies”, Journal of International Business Studies 39, ss: 1133-1148.
  • Fryges, Helmut and Joachim Wagner (2010), “Exports and Profitability: First Evidence for German Manufacturing Firms”, The World Economy, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., ss:399-423.
  • Grazzi, Marco (2012), “Export and Firm Performance: Evidence on Productivity and Profitability of Italian Companies”, J IndCompetTrade, Vol:12, ss:413-444.
  • Girma, Sourafel, Holger Görg and Eric Strobl (2004), “Exports, International Investment and Plant Performance: Evidence From a Non-Parametric Test”, Economic Letters, Vol:83, ss:317-324.
  • Jongwanich, Juthathip ve Archanun Kohpaiboon (2008), “Export Performance, Foreign Ownership and Trade Policy Regime: Evidence from Thai Manufacturing”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No:140.
  • Kneller, Richard ve Mauro Pisu (2004), “Export Oriented FDI in the UK”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol.20, No:3, ss:424-439.
  • Kneller, Richard and Mauro Pisu (2010). “TheReturns to Exporting: Evidence from UK Firms”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:43, No:2, ss: 494-519.
  • Kongmanila, Xayphone and Yoshi Takahashi (2009), “Innovation, Export Performance and Profitability of Lao Garment Exporters”. International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol: 3(2), ss: 225-236.
  • Kuivalainen, Olli and Sanna Sundqvist (2006), “Profitability of Rapid Internationalization: The Relationship Between Internationalization Intensity and Firms Export Performance”, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol:16, Issue1/2, ss: 59-69.
  • Kumar, Manmohan Singh (1984), “Comparative Analysis of UK Domestic and International Firms”, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 11 Iss: 3, ss: 26–42.
  • Lall, Sanjaya, Sharif Mohammad (1983), “Foreign ownership and export performance in the large corporate sector of India”, The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, ss: 56-67.
  • Lu, Jane W. and Paul W. Beamish (2006), “SME Internationalization and Performance: Growth vs. Profitability”, J. Int. Entrepr., Vol:4, ss: 27-48.
  • Okuyan, H. Aydın (2013), “Türkiye’deki En Büyük 1000 Sanayi İşletmesinin Karlılık Analizi”, Business and Economics Research Journal, Volume: 4 Number: 2, ss: 23-36.
  • Qian, Gongming, Lloyd Yangand and Denis Wang (2003), “Does Multinationality Affect Profit Performance? An Empirical Study of US SME’s”, Journal of General Management, Vol:28, No:4, ss :37-46.
  • Qian, Gongming ve Lee Li (2003), “Profitability of Small and MediumSized Enterprises in High-Tech Industries: The Case of the Biotechnology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol:24, ss: 881-887.
  • Kim, Sangho ve Donghyun Park (2011), “Ownership Structure and Export Performance: Firm-Level Evidence from the Republic of Korea”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No. 295.
  • Perçin, Selçuk (2005), “İhracat Performansını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi ve Firmaların İhracat Performans Ölçülerine Göre Sınıflandırılmasındaki Rolü: İSO 1000 Sanayi Firmaları Uygulaması”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (9) / 1, ss:139-155.
  • Rasiah, Rajah (2011), “Ownership, R&D, and Export Intensities of Automotive Parts Firms in East Asia”, Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol:17, Issue:2, ss: 143- 160
  • Shaked, Israel (1986), “Are Multinational Corporations Safer ?”, J.Int. Bus. Stud., 17 (1), ss: 83–106.
  • Temouri, Yama, Alexander Vogel ve Joachim Wagner (2013), “Self-Selection in to Export Markets by Business Services Firms – Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom’. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol:25, ss: 146-158. Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi (TIM) arastirmasi.html, l 2.02.2014. (2012) İlk Bin İhracatçı
  • Türkiye Teknoloji Geliştirme Vakfı (TTGV) (2013), “Teknoloji, Ar-Ge, Ar-ge Destekleri, Patent, Tasarım ve Markanın Firmaların Rekabet Gücü Üzerindeki Etkisi – İhracat, Yurtiçi Satış, İhracat Birim Fiyatı Analizleri”, 25.02.2014
  • Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) (2014), “World Economic Situation and Prospects”, 7.pdf 22.07.2014
  • Vu, Huong, Mark Holmes, Steven Limand and Tuyen Tran (2014), “Exports and Profitability: A Note From Quantile Regression Approach”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol:21, No:6, ss: 442-445.
  • Wagner, Joachim, Alexander Vogel (2009), “Exports and Profitability: First Evidence for German Business Services Enterprises”, University of Lüneburg WorkingPaper Series in Economics, No:129.
  • Wagner, Joachim (2012), “International Trade and Firm Performance: A Survey of Empirical Studies Since 2006”, Review of World Economics, 148, p:235–67.
  • Wyorek, Joanna (2012), “The Impact of Export on the Sales and Profitability of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange”, Cracow Review of Economics and Management, Vol:877, ss: 99-114.
  • Zhang, Yuan, Runtian Jing and Wenhao Fu (2008), “Do Ownership and Culture Matter to Joint Venture Success ?”, Journal of Comparative International Management, Vol:11, No:1, ss: 3-13.

Ownership Structure and Effect of Export Intensity on Firms’ Profit

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 93 - 109, 01.01.2015


This study aims to analyse the profit of companies exporting at different levels and having different ownership structures over the data of Top 1000 Exporter Survey for the Year 2012 of Turkish Exporters Assembly TIM by performing ANOVA and Chi-square Test. Analyses show that while the companies having high export intensity and the local companies get lower profit; the companies having low export intensity and the foreign owned and mixed local - foreign-owned ones- get higher profit


  • Abor, Joshua (2011). “Do Export Status and Export Intensity Increase Firm Performance”, Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol:53, No:1, ss: 9-18.
  • Talaat, Abdel–Malek (1974), “Foreign Ownership and Export Performance”, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, Autumn, ss: 1-14.
  • Ahmed, S. and Rock, J. (2012), “Exploring The Relationship Between Export İntensity And Exporter Characteristics, Resources, And Capabilities: Evidence From Chile”, Latin American Business Review, 13, ss: 29-57.
  • Atıcı, Gonca ve Güner Gürsoy (2013), “Foreign Ownership and Export Orientation: Evidence From Turkey”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol: October, Issue:115, ss: 8-21.
  • Berle, A.A. and Means, G.C. (1932). The Modern Corporation and Private Property, NewYork: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  • Bernard, A. B., J. Bradford Jensen and Robert Z. Lawrence (1995), “Exporters, Jobs and Wages in US Manufacturing: 1976–1987”, Papers on Economic Activity, Brookings, Microeconomics, ss: 67–119.
  • Cole, Matthew, Robert Elliott and Supreeya Virakul (2010), “Firm Heterogeneity, Origin of Ownership and Export Participation”, World Economy, Vol:33, Issue:2, ss:264-291
  • Demsetz, H. (1983), “The Structure of Ownership and the Theory of the Firm”, Journal of Law & Economics, 26(2), ss: 375–390.
  • Filatotchev, Igor, Johannes Stephan and Björn Jindra (2008), “Ownership Structure, Strategic Controls and Export Intensity of Foreign-Invested Firms in Transition Economies”, Journal of International Business Studies 39, ss: 1133-1148.
  • Fryges, Helmut and Joachim Wagner (2010), “Exports and Profitability: First Evidence for German Manufacturing Firms”, The World Economy, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., ss:399-423.
  • Grazzi, Marco (2012), “Export and Firm Performance: Evidence on Productivity and Profitability of Italian Companies”, J IndCompetTrade, Vol:12, ss:413-444.
  • Girma, Sourafel, Holger Görg and Eric Strobl (2004), “Exports, International Investment and Plant Performance: Evidence From a Non-Parametric Test”, Economic Letters, Vol:83, ss:317-324.
  • Jongwanich, Juthathip ve Archanun Kohpaiboon (2008), “Export Performance, Foreign Ownership and Trade Policy Regime: Evidence from Thai Manufacturing”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No:140.
  • Kneller, Richard ve Mauro Pisu (2004), “Export Oriented FDI in the UK”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol.20, No:3, ss:424-439.
  • Kneller, Richard and Mauro Pisu (2010). “TheReturns to Exporting: Evidence from UK Firms”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol:43, No:2, ss: 494-519.
  • Kongmanila, Xayphone and Yoshi Takahashi (2009), “Innovation, Export Performance and Profitability of Lao Garment Exporters”. International Journal of Economics and Management, Vol: 3(2), ss: 225-236.
  • Kuivalainen, Olli and Sanna Sundqvist (2006), “Profitability of Rapid Internationalization: The Relationship Between Internationalization Intensity and Firms Export Performance”, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol:16, Issue1/2, ss: 59-69.
  • Kumar, Manmohan Singh (1984), “Comparative Analysis of UK Domestic and International Firms”, Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 11 Iss: 3, ss: 26–42.
  • Lall, Sanjaya, Sharif Mohammad (1983), “Foreign ownership and export performance in the large corporate sector of India”, The Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, ss: 56-67.
  • Lu, Jane W. and Paul W. Beamish (2006), “SME Internationalization and Performance: Growth vs. Profitability”, J. Int. Entrepr., Vol:4, ss: 27-48.
  • Okuyan, H. Aydın (2013), “Türkiye’deki En Büyük 1000 Sanayi İşletmesinin Karlılık Analizi”, Business and Economics Research Journal, Volume: 4 Number: 2, ss: 23-36.
  • Qian, Gongming, Lloyd Yangand and Denis Wang (2003), “Does Multinationality Affect Profit Performance? An Empirical Study of US SME’s”, Journal of General Management, Vol:28, No:4, ss :37-46.
  • Qian, Gongming ve Lee Li (2003), “Profitability of Small and MediumSized Enterprises in High-Tech Industries: The Case of the Biotechnology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol:24, ss: 881-887.
  • Kim, Sangho ve Donghyun Park (2011), “Ownership Structure and Export Performance: Firm-Level Evidence from the Republic of Korea”, ADB Economics Working Paper Series, No. 295.
  • Perçin, Selçuk (2005), “İhracat Performansını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi ve Firmaların İhracat Performans Ölçülerine Göre Sınıflandırılmasındaki Rolü: İSO 1000 Sanayi Firmaları Uygulaması”, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (9) / 1, ss:139-155.
  • Rasiah, Rajah (2011), “Ownership, R&D, and Export Intensities of Automotive Parts Firms in East Asia”, Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol:17, Issue:2, ss: 143- 160
  • Shaked, Israel (1986), “Are Multinational Corporations Safer ?”, J.Int. Bus. Stud., 17 (1), ss: 83–106.
  • Temouri, Yama, Alexander Vogel ve Joachim Wagner (2013), “Self-Selection in to Export Markets by Business Services Firms – Evidence from France, Germany and the United Kingdom’. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol:25, ss: 146-158. Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi (TIM) arastirmasi.html, l 2.02.2014. (2012) İlk Bin İhracatçı
  • Türkiye Teknoloji Geliştirme Vakfı (TTGV) (2013), “Teknoloji, Ar-Ge, Ar-ge Destekleri, Patent, Tasarım ve Markanın Firmaların Rekabet Gücü Üzerindeki Etkisi – İhracat, Yurtiçi Satış, İhracat Birim Fiyatı Analizleri”, 25.02.2014
  • Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) (2014), “World Economic Situation and Prospects”, 7.pdf 22.07.2014
  • Vu, Huong, Mark Holmes, Steven Limand and Tuyen Tran (2014), “Exports and Profitability: A Note From Quantile Regression Approach”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol:21, No:6, ss: 442-445.
  • Wagner, Joachim, Alexander Vogel (2009), “Exports and Profitability: First Evidence for German Business Services Enterprises”, University of Lüneburg WorkingPaper Series in Economics, No:129.
  • Wagner, Joachim (2012), “International Trade and Firm Performance: A Survey of Empirical Studies Since 2006”, Review of World Economics, 148, p:235–67.
  • Wyorek, Joanna (2012), “The Impact of Export on the Sales and Profitability of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange”, Cracow Review of Economics and Management, Vol:877, ss: 99-114.
  • Zhang, Yuan, Runtian Jing and Wenhao Fu (2008), “Do Ownership and Culture Matter to Joint Venture Success ?”, Journal of Comparative International Management, Vol:11, No:1, ss: 3-13.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hakan Tunahan This is me

Sinan Esen This is me

Bayram Topal This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


ISNAD Tunahan, Hakan et al. “Sahiplik Yapısı Ve İhracat Yoğunluğunun İşletmelerin Karları Üzerindeki Etkisi”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 3/1 (January 2015), 93-109.