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ILO Düzgün İş Hedefinin Gıda Üretimi Yapan Bir Firma Üzerinde Analizi

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 75 - 92, 01.07.2019


Bu çalışmada ILO’nun Düzgün İş fikri eşitlik , güvenlik,özgürlük Saygınlık,üretkenlik boyutlarıyla ve istihdam,çalışma hakları,sosyal güvenlik,sosyal diyalog temelleriyle ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca Düzgün İş kavramını ortaya koyan ILO tarihsel olarak incelenmiş, misyonu,vizyonu ,olaylara bakış açısı çizilmiştir.Düzgün İş çok ayrıntılı bir şekilde boyutları ve bileşenleriyle tanımlansada bu düşünce hayata uygulanabilir bir somutluğa sahip değildir.ILO sadece düşünce ve plan üreten bir organizasyon olmaktan öte emek piyasasını şekillendiren ,standartlar koyan ve bunu denetlemek isteyen bir örgüttür.Bunun için düşünceyi somutlaştırma işlemine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu somutlaştırma işlemini ;Düzgün İş Göstergeleri yapar.Bu göstergelerin herbiri Düzgün işin emek piyasasındaki eli ve ayağı olur.Bu göstergeler yardımıyla Sakarya ilinde gıda üretimi yapan ve parekende satış zinciri bulunan bir firma biçimsel mülakat yöntemi ile veri toplanılarak analiz edilmiştir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı Ilo düzgün iş düşüncesi ve göstergeleri hakkında bilgi vermek, hernekadar bazı göstergeler sadece ulusal düzeyde ölçümlere izin versede , ekonominin temel taşları olan şirketlerin ilo göstergeleri ile analiz edilebileceğini göstermektir. Sosyal adalet , kalıcı barış ve sürdürülebilirlik amaçları için tabandan iyileştirme şarttır.


  • ANKER , R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2003,“Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators”, International Labour Review, Geneva, 142 (2) ANKER, R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2002,Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators, Working Paper No:2,Policy Integration Department Statistical Development and Analysis Group International Labour Office, Geneva ANKER , R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2003,“Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators”, International Labour Review, Geneva, syf 8 Bescond, D., Châtaignier, A., Mehran, F. : 2003, “Seven Indicators to Measure Decent Work: An International Comparison”, International Labour Review, Geneva, 142 (2), s.179-212 Carls, K. ve Bridgford, J. (2014). Sosyal Diyalog: İşçi Sendikası Eğitim El Kitabı. Turin: ILO. GHAİ, Draham : "Decent Work: Concept And Indicators", International Labour Review, vol 142, no 2, 2003. GHAİ, Draham : 2002, “Decent Work: Concepts, Models And Indicators”, Discussion Paper,International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva GHAI, Draham; "Decent Work: Concept And Indicators", International Labour Review, vol 142, no 2, 126 2003 GHAİ D (2006) Decent work: Objectives and strategies, International Labor Office (ILO) syf 12 FIELDS, Gary S.; Decent Work And Development Policies, Staff Conference-Decent Work Issues and Policies, Working Paper, International Labour Office, 2000 syf 242. ILO; Employment And Social Protection In The Informal Sector-Employment In The Informal Sector: Challenges And Future Agenda,Governing Body-Committee On Employment And Social Policy (GB277/ESP/1/2), Geneva, 2000a. 20 ILO; İnternational Labor Organization Mission and Vision Statement ILO; “Decent Work”, International Labour Conferance 87th Session 1999,Report Of The Director General, Geneva, 1999a. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012s.45.
  • ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.69. ILO, IMF, OECD, Eurostat, UN, and WB: Consumer price index manual. Theory and practice. (Geneva, 2004); and UNECE: Practical guide to producing Consumer Price Indices (Geneva, 2009). ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.83. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.69. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 17 ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012 s.83). ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s.111) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 101-115) ILO : Hard to see, harder to count: Survey guidelines to estimate forced labour of adults and children (Geneva, 2011 ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 101-115) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 127) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 141 ). ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 18) ILO; Decent Work Indicators: Concepts And Definitions, ILO, S65 International Labour Office, First Edition, Geneva, ILO, 2012b ILO: Reducing the decent work deficit – A global challenge, Report of the Director-General, ILC, 89th Session (Geneva, June 2001). DG report, ILC, 2001, p.59 ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 154-169. ILO: Resolution concerning an integrated system of wage statistics, adopted by the Twelfth International Conference of Labour Statisticians. (Geneva, October 197) ILO; Equality At Work: Tackling The Challenges, Global Report Under The Follow Up To The ILO Declaration On Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work, International Labour Conference 96th Session, Report Of The Director General, Geneva, ILO, 2007a. ILO; “Decent Work”, International Labour Conferance 87th Session 1999, Report Of The Director General, Geneva, 1999a. ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 190-206). ILO ; World Social Security Report 2010 syf 2 2009, Indicators of job quality in the European Union, Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy European Parliament, Bruxelles KAPAR. Recep; "Uygun İş Bağlamında Çalışan Yoksullar", İktisat Fakültesi Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları, 48. Kitap, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 4531, 2004. Muñoz de Bustillo,R.,Fernandez-Macias, E., Antón, José-Ignacio, Esteve, F.:RODGERS, Gerry; “Decent Work, Social Inclusion, And Development”,Indian Journal Of Human Development, vol 1, no 1, 2007.15(Fields, 2000: 1 SOMAVIA, Juan; “Preface”, ILO Declaration On Social Justice For A FairGlobalization, 97th Session International Labour Conference, 10 June 2008,Switzerland, 2008.17(ILO, 1999a: 21) STANDİNG, Guy; “Global Insecurity: Restructuring Social Income”, Global Tensions Conference In Honor Of Ester Boserup, 9-10 March 2001, Cornell University, 200124Arıcı ve Alper, 2012, s. 4).. SENGENBERGER. Werner ; ‘The international Labour Organization Goals,Functions and Political İmpact ‘ Barnes & Feldman 1982 : 43 Erişim Şen, S., Topateş, H.: 2009, “İnsanca İş ve İş Denetimi Boyutuyla Ölçülebilirliği”, 1. Syf 414 Sosyal Haklar Uluslararası Sempozyumu Kitabı, Belediye İş Sendikası, Ankara WEBSTER meriam Dictinary definition ; Fairly good

ILO Proper Business Goal Analysis on a Food Producing Company

Year 2019, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 75 - 92, 01.07.2019



  • ANKER , R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2003,“Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators”, International Labour Review, Geneva, 142 (2) ANKER, R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2002,Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators, Working Paper No:2,Policy Integration Department Statistical Development and Analysis Group International Labour Office, Geneva ANKER , R., Chernyshev, I., Egger, P., Mehran, F., Ritter, J. A. : 2003,“Measuring Decent Work with Statistical Indicators”, International Labour Review, Geneva, syf 8 Bescond, D., Châtaignier, A., Mehran, F. : 2003, “Seven Indicators to Measure Decent Work: An International Comparison”, International Labour Review, Geneva, 142 (2), s.179-212 Carls, K. ve Bridgford, J. (2014). Sosyal Diyalog: İşçi Sendikası Eğitim El Kitabı. Turin: ILO. GHAİ, Draham : "Decent Work: Concept And Indicators", International Labour Review, vol 142, no 2, 2003. GHAİ, Draham : 2002, “Decent Work: Concepts, Models And Indicators”, Discussion Paper,International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva GHAI, Draham; "Decent Work: Concept And Indicators", International Labour Review, vol 142, no 2, 126 2003 GHAİ D (2006) Decent work: Objectives and strategies, International Labor Office (ILO) syf 12 FIELDS, Gary S.; Decent Work And Development Policies, Staff Conference-Decent Work Issues and Policies, Working Paper, International Labour Office, 2000 syf 242. ILO; Employment And Social Protection In The Informal Sector-Employment In The Informal Sector: Challenges And Future Agenda,Governing Body-Committee On Employment And Social Policy (GB277/ESP/1/2), Geneva, 2000a. 20 ILO; İnternational Labor Organization Mission and Vision Statement ILO; “Decent Work”, International Labour Conferance 87th Session 1999,Report Of The Director General, Geneva, 1999a. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012s.45.
  • ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.69. ILO, IMF, OECD, Eurostat, UN, and WB: Consumer price index manual. Theory and practice. (Geneva, 2004); and UNECE: Practical guide to producing Consumer Price Indices (Geneva, 2009). ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.83. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012., s.69. ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 17 ILO, “Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012 s.83). ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s.111) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 101-115) ILO : Hard to see, harder to count: Survey guidelines to estimate forced labour of adults and children (Geneva, 2011 ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 101-115) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 127) ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 141 ). ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 18) ILO; Decent Work Indicators: Concepts And Definitions, ILO, S65 International Labour Office, First Edition, Geneva, ILO, 2012b ILO: Reducing the decent work deficit – A global challenge, Report of the Director-General, ILC, 89th Session (Geneva, June 2001). DG report, ILC, 2001, p.59 ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 154-169. ILO: Resolution concerning an integrated system of wage statistics, adopted by the Twelfth International Conference of Labour Statisticians. (Geneva, October 197) ILO; Equality At Work: Tackling The Challenges, Global Report Under The Follow Up To The ILO Declaration On Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work, International Labour Conference 96th Session, Report Of The Director General, Geneva, ILO, 2007a. ILO; “Decent Work”, International Labour Conferance 87th Session 1999, Report Of The Director General, Geneva, 1999a. ILO, Decent Work Indicators Concepts and Definitions , Geneva, 2012, s 190-206). ILO ; World Social Security Report 2010 syf 2 2009, Indicators of job quality in the European Union, Policy Department Economic and Scientific Policy European Parliament, Bruxelles KAPAR. Recep; "Uygun İş Bağlamında Çalışan Yoksullar", İktisat Fakültesi Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları, 48. Kitap, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayın No: 4531, 2004. Muñoz de Bustillo,R.,Fernandez-Macias, E., Antón, José-Ignacio, Esteve, F.:RODGERS, Gerry; “Decent Work, Social Inclusion, And Development”,Indian Journal Of Human Development, vol 1, no 1, 2007.15(Fields, 2000: 1 SOMAVIA, Juan; “Preface”, ILO Declaration On Social Justice For A FairGlobalization, 97th Session International Labour Conference, 10 June 2008,Switzerland, 2008.17(ILO, 1999a: 21) STANDİNG, Guy; “Global Insecurity: Restructuring Social Income”, Global Tensions Conference In Honor Of Ester Boserup, 9-10 March 2001, Cornell University, 200124Arıcı ve Alper, 2012, s. 4).. SENGENBERGER. Werner ; ‘The international Labour Organization Goals,Functions and Political İmpact ‘ Barnes & Feldman 1982 : 43 Erişim Şen, S., Topateş, H.: 2009, “İnsanca İş ve İş Denetimi Boyutuyla Ölçülebilirliği”, 1. Syf 414 Sosyal Haklar Uluslararası Sempozyumu Kitabı, Belediye İş Sendikası, Ankara WEBSTER meriam Dictinary definition ; Fairly good
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Şimşek This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


ISNAD Şimşek, Mustafa. “ILO Düzgün İş Hedefinin Gıda Üretimi Yapan Bir Firma Üzerinde Analizi”. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/3 (July 2019), 75-92.