Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 211 - 245, 31.12.2024


The examination of stagflation and slumplatin phenomena, which began with the oil crises (1974- 75), one of the major economic crises, has gained momentum due to the sudden decline in the supply side of the economy caused by the 2020 pandemic. The study has two main objectives. The first is to qualitatively determine the difference between stagflation and slumplation phenomena in the Turkish economy through econometric applications, and if present, to identify the chronological periods during which they occured. The quantitative analysis section of the study focuses on obtaining preliminary results regarding the inflation and the growth rates in the agriculture, industry, and services sectors of the Turkish economy from 1996 to 2022, and identifying the years in which stagflation and slumplation materialized. In the econometric analysis section, conducted with the help of the E- Views software package, the study extends beyond sectoral grawth and inflation rates to include variables such as emissions, M2 maney supply, domestic credits, and GDP. According to the numerical analysis findings fort he Turkish economy, stagflation occurs in a toral of eight years, while slumplation accours in a total of three years. It is observed that stagflation decreases Money supply, industrial prduction, and GDP, whereas slumplation increases Money supply, is less effective on industrial production, and increases GDP. Both phenomena have the same direction and magnitude of impact on the services sector..


  • Atukeren E. (2011), Granger-Nedensellik Sınamalarına Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Atatürk Ü., İİBF Dergisi, 10. Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı, 137- 153.
  • Back Matter of Meeting (1976), “Money Whence It Came, Where It Went”, The American Economic Review, 66(2), i- xv.
  • Birner J. (2021), “F.A. Hayek’s Economics, A neglected Part of His Work”, 31st Annual Conference of Societἀ Italiana di Scienza Politica, 14(16), 212- 243.
  • Boguszewski P., Radzai R. (1990), “Inflation and Equilibrium (Methodological Aspects)”, Eastern European Economics, Spring, 28(3), 48- 69.
  • Chase R. X. (1976), “The Failure of American Keynesianism”, Challenge, March- April, 19(1), 30- 83.
  • Gittens J.A. (1978), “The Control of Inflation In A Small, Underdeveloped Open Economy – The Barbadian Experience”, The American Economist, Spring, Vol., 22(1), 60-65.
  • Feiwel G.R. (1980), “Macroeconomic Theorizing and The Instability of Post-Keynesian Capitalism”, Journal of Economic Issues, 14(2), 525- 538.
  • Frank A. G. (1981/1982), “”After Reaganomics and Thatcherism, What? From Keynesian Demand Management via Supply-Side Economics to Corporate State Planning and 1984”, Contemporary Marxism, 4(1), 18- 28.
  • Frank A. G. (1980), “World System In Crisis”, Contemporary Marxism, The European Workers’ Movement, Winter, 2(1), 8- 18.
  • Freymond J. (1975), “An Atlanticist or European Europe? ”, The World Today, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, May, 31(5), 214-243.
  • Friedman M. (1977), “Inflation and Unemployment”, Journal of Political Economy, 85(3), June, 451- 472.
  • Greene W.H. (2012), Econometric Analysis, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition, England, 1- 1239.
  • Harunoğulları M., Ayhan G. (2023), “Rusya-Ukrayna Krizinin Dünya Gıda Güvenliğine Etkileri”, Coğrafi Bilimelr Dergisi, 21(2), 525- 556.
  • Hawkins A. (1975), “Full Employment to Meet America’ s Needs”, Challenge, november- December, 18(5), 20- 28.
  • Healey N. M, (1991), “Prospects for Economic Reform in USSR”, Economic and Political Weekly, Oct., 12(26), 2346- 2347.
  • Heinsohn G., Steiger O. (1997), “Inflation and Witchcraft or The Birth of Political Economy: The Case of Jean Bodin Reconsidered”, 42nd International Atlantic Economic Conference Washington, Extended Version Semptember, 1- 62.
  • Hermens F.A. (1983), “…And Now The Future”, Review of Social Economy, December, 41(3), 330- 355.
  • Johansen, S. (1988), “Statistical Analysis of Conintegration Vectors”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12(2-3), 231- 254.
  • Kull D.C. (1975), Inflation and Financial management (Interaction of Federal and State Programs), Public Administration Review, Sep.- Oct., 35(5), 524- 527.
  • Külahlıoğlu, S. (2021), “Göç Kavramı ve Suriye Göçünün Sosyo- Kültürel ve Ekonomik Yansımaları”, İnternational Journal of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences, 7(46), 2276- 2283).
  • Lipton M. (1980), “Brandt: Whose Common Interest?”, International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Spring, 56(2), 317- 327.
  • Means G.C. (1975), “Remarks upon Receipt of The Veblen- Commons Award”, Journal of Economic Issues, Jun, ,9(2), 149- 157.
  • Minsky H.P., Ferri P. (1984), “Prices, Employment, and Profits”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, Summer, 6(4), 489- 499.
  • Parkin M. (1974), “Inflation: Causes, Effects and Cures”, Economic Papers, E1, March, 45(1), 17- 25
  • Resmi Gazete (2024), Cumhurbaşkanlığından Tasarruf Tedbirleri Genelgesi, sayı: 32549, 17 Mayıs, 1-8.
  • Rima I.H. (1984), “Involuntary Unemployment and The Respecified labor Supply Curve”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, 6(4), 540- 550.
  • Sen S.R. (1993), “Stagflation, Unemployment and Oligopoly”, Economic and Political Weekly, Aug, 28(32), 1649 – 1651.
  • Seton F. (1983), “A “Phillipsoid” Wage- Pusn Flastion: “In-,”, “Stag-,” or “Slump-“ “, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring, 5(3), 440- 453.
  • Sivado A. (2019), “The Ontology of Sir William Petty’ s Political Arithmetic”, 29(5), 1003- 1026.
  • Sojak S. (2022), “Pawel Ciompa’ s Econometric Theory of Bookkeeping”, Accounting History, 27(3), 370- 392.
  • Stein J.L. (1979), “The Acceleration of Inflation”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Autumn, 2(1), Autumn, 26- 42.
  • Strange S. (1981), “Reactions to Brandt Popular Acclaim and Academic Attack”, International Studies Quarterly, Symposium In Honor of Hans J. Morgenthau, Jun, 25(2), 328- 342.
  • Street L. (1977), “The International Frontier and Techonogical Progress In Latin America”, Latin American Research Review, 12(3), 25- 56.
  • Triffin R. (1975), “The Threat To The World Economic Order”, The World Today, Aug, 31( 8), 326- 337.
  • Toyo E. (1987), “Recovery From Economic Decline: Lessons For A Developing Economy” Afrique et Développement, Reflections On Structural Adjustment, 12(3), 5- 50.
  • Weintraub S. (1975), “The Keynesian Light That Failed”, Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, Autumn, 14(4), 3-20.
  • Weintraub S. (1976), “Revision and Recantation In Hicksian Economics: A review Article”, Journal of Economic Issues, September, 10(3), 618- 627.
  • Weintraub S. (1978), “Worldwide Inflation”, Journal of Economic, Semptember,12(3), 746- 754.
  • Yergin D. (2003), Petrol- Para ve Güç Çatışmasının Epik Öyküsü, Çev. Kamuran Tuncay, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Yue C. S. (1975), “World Inflation and Recession and Their Impact On The Singapore Economy”, Southeast Asian Affairs, 12(2), 160- 170.
  • Zannoni D.C., McKenna E.J., (1981), “A test of The Monetarist “Puzzle””, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, 2(4), 25-35.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı (2024), Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı, Türkiye Ekonomisinde Haftalık Gelişmeler ve Genel Görünüm,,
  • Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı (2024), Ekonomik Göstergeler, Mayıs, Ankara,


Year 2024, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 211 - 245, 31.12.2024


Yaşanan büyük ekonomik krizlerden olan petrol krizleri (1974- 75) ile başlayan stagflasyon ve slamplasyon olgularının incelenmesi, 2020 pandemisinin özellikle ekonominin arz cephesinde meydana getirdiği ani düşüşle, hız kazanmıştır. Çalışmanın iki amacı mevcuttur. İlki teorik açıdan, ekonomi bilimi literatürüne göre, stagflasyon ve slampflasyon olgularının farkını nitel olarak belirlemektir. İkincisi de ekonometrik uygulama ile Türkiye ekonomisinde stagflasyon ve slampflasyon olgularının mevcut olup- olmadığını, mevcut ise kronolojik olarak hangi tarihler arasında olduğunu incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmanın nicel analiz bölümü Türkiye ekonomisinin 1996 ile 2022 yılları arasındaki 27 gözlem yılarına ait tarım, sanayi ve hizmetler sektörünün büyüme ve enflasyon oranlarının karşılaştırılması ve stagflasyon ile slampflasyon kavramlarının hangi yıllarda somutlaştığına dair ilk sonuçları elde etmeye yöneliktir. Çalışmanın eviews paket programı yardımıyla gerçekleştirilen ekonometrik analiz bölümünde, sadece sektörel büyüme ve enflasyon oranları değil, ayrıca emisyon, M2 para arzı, yurt içi krediler ve GSYİH gibi değişkenlerle genişletilmektedir. Çalışmanın Türkiye ekonomisi için yapılan sayısal analiz bulgularına göre, toplam sekiz yılda stagflasyon, toplam üç yılda da slampflasyon gerçekleşmektedir Stagflasyonun para arzını, sanayi üretimini ve GSYİH’yı azalttığı, slampflasyonun para arzını arttırırken, sanayi üretiminde daha az etkili olduğu ve GSYİH’yı arttırdığı görülmektedir. Her ikisinin hizmetler sektörü üzerindeki etkisinin aynı yön ve aynı oranda olduğu gözlemlenmektedir.

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dergi çalışanlarına emekleri için teşekkür ederim


  • Atukeren E. (2011), Granger-Nedensellik Sınamalarına Yeni Yaklaşımlar, Atatürk Ü., İİBF Dergisi, 10. Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı, 137- 153.
  • Back Matter of Meeting (1976), “Money Whence It Came, Where It Went”, The American Economic Review, 66(2), i- xv.
  • Birner J. (2021), “F.A. Hayek’s Economics, A neglected Part of His Work”, 31st Annual Conference of Societἀ Italiana di Scienza Politica, 14(16), 212- 243.
  • Boguszewski P., Radzai R. (1990), “Inflation and Equilibrium (Methodological Aspects)”, Eastern European Economics, Spring, 28(3), 48- 69.
  • Chase R. X. (1976), “The Failure of American Keynesianism”, Challenge, March- April, 19(1), 30- 83.
  • Gittens J.A. (1978), “The Control of Inflation In A Small, Underdeveloped Open Economy – The Barbadian Experience”, The American Economist, Spring, Vol., 22(1), 60-65.
  • Feiwel G.R. (1980), “Macroeconomic Theorizing and The Instability of Post-Keynesian Capitalism”, Journal of Economic Issues, 14(2), 525- 538.
  • Frank A. G. (1981/1982), “”After Reaganomics and Thatcherism, What? From Keynesian Demand Management via Supply-Side Economics to Corporate State Planning and 1984”, Contemporary Marxism, 4(1), 18- 28.
  • Frank A. G. (1980), “World System In Crisis”, Contemporary Marxism, The European Workers’ Movement, Winter, 2(1), 8- 18.
  • Freymond J. (1975), “An Atlanticist or European Europe? ”, The World Today, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, May, 31(5), 214-243.
  • Friedman M. (1977), “Inflation and Unemployment”, Journal of Political Economy, 85(3), June, 451- 472.
  • Greene W.H. (2012), Econometric Analysis, Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, Seventh Edition, England, 1- 1239.
  • Harunoğulları M., Ayhan G. (2023), “Rusya-Ukrayna Krizinin Dünya Gıda Güvenliğine Etkileri”, Coğrafi Bilimelr Dergisi, 21(2), 525- 556.
  • Hawkins A. (1975), “Full Employment to Meet America’ s Needs”, Challenge, november- December, 18(5), 20- 28.
  • Healey N. M, (1991), “Prospects for Economic Reform in USSR”, Economic and Political Weekly, Oct., 12(26), 2346- 2347.
  • Heinsohn G., Steiger O. (1997), “Inflation and Witchcraft or The Birth of Political Economy: The Case of Jean Bodin Reconsidered”, 42nd International Atlantic Economic Conference Washington, Extended Version Semptember, 1- 62.
  • Hermens F.A. (1983), “…And Now The Future”, Review of Social Economy, December, 41(3), 330- 355.
  • Johansen, S. (1988), “Statistical Analysis of Conintegration Vectors”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12(2-3), 231- 254.
  • Kull D.C. (1975), Inflation and Financial management (Interaction of Federal and State Programs), Public Administration Review, Sep.- Oct., 35(5), 524- 527.
  • Külahlıoğlu, S. (2021), “Göç Kavramı ve Suriye Göçünün Sosyo- Kültürel ve Ekonomik Yansımaları”, İnternational Journal of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences, 7(46), 2276- 2283).
  • Lipton M. (1980), “Brandt: Whose Common Interest?”, International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), Spring, 56(2), 317- 327.
  • Means G.C. (1975), “Remarks upon Receipt of The Veblen- Commons Award”, Journal of Economic Issues, Jun, ,9(2), 149- 157.
  • Minsky H.P., Ferri P. (1984), “Prices, Employment, and Profits”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, Summer, 6(4), 489- 499.
  • Parkin M. (1974), “Inflation: Causes, Effects and Cures”, Economic Papers, E1, March, 45(1), 17- 25
  • Resmi Gazete (2024), Cumhurbaşkanlığından Tasarruf Tedbirleri Genelgesi, sayı: 32549, 17 Mayıs, 1-8.
  • Rima I.H. (1984), “Involuntary Unemployment and The Respecified labor Supply Curve”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, 6(4), 540- 550.
  • Sen S.R. (1993), “Stagflation, Unemployment and Oligopoly”, Economic and Political Weekly, Aug, 28(32), 1649 – 1651.
  • Seton F. (1983), “A “Phillipsoid” Wage- Pusn Flastion: “In-,”, “Stag-,” or “Slump-“ “, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring, 5(3), 440- 453.
  • Sivado A. (2019), “The Ontology of Sir William Petty’ s Political Arithmetic”, 29(5), 1003- 1026.
  • Sojak S. (2022), “Pawel Ciompa’ s Econometric Theory of Bookkeeping”, Accounting History, 27(3), 370- 392.
  • Stein J.L. (1979), “The Acceleration of Inflation”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Autumn, 2(1), Autumn, 26- 42.
  • Strange S. (1981), “Reactions to Brandt Popular Acclaim and Academic Attack”, International Studies Quarterly, Symposium In Honor of Hans J. Morgenthau, Jun, 25(2), 328- 342.
  • Street L. (1977), “The International Frontier and Techonogical Progress In Latin America”, Latin American Research Review, 12(3), 25- 56.
  • Triffin R. (1975), “The Threat To The World Economic Order”, The World Today, Aug, 31( 8), 326- 337.
  • Toyo E. (1987), “Recovery From Economic Decline: Lessons For A Developing Economy” Afrique et Développement, Reflections On Structural Adjustment, 12(3), 5- 50.
  • Weintraub S. (1975), “The Keynesian Light That Failed”, Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, Autumn, 14(4), 3-20.
  • Weintraub S. (1976), “Revision and Recantation In Hicksian Economics: A review Article”, Journal of Economic Issues, September, 10(3), 618- 627.
  • Weintraub S. (1978), “Worldwide Inflation”, Journal of Economic, Semptember,12(3), 746- 754.
  • Yergin D. (2003), Petrol- Para ve Güç Çatışmasının Epik Öyküsü, Çev. Kamuran Tuncay, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları.
  • Yue C. S. (1975), “World Inflation and Recession and Their Impact On The Singapore Economy”, Southeast Asian Affairs, 12(2), 160- 170.
  • Zannoni D.C., McKenna E.J., (1981), “A test of The Monetarist “Puzzle””, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Summer, 2(4), 25-35.
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı (2024), Strateji ve Bütçe Başkanlığı, Türkiye Ekonomisinde Haftalık Gelişmeler ve Genel Görünüm,,
  • Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı (2024), Ekonomik Göstergeler, Mayıs, Ankara,
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economic Models and Forecasting
Journal Section Articles

Sara Onur 0000-0003-1396-2455

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date April 23, 2024
Acceptance Date August 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 13 Issue: 3
