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Modeling of three-phase three-level rectifier with space vector pulse width modulation method in matlab/simulink program

Year 2020, Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 227 - 251, 27.03.2020


Multi-level rectifiers have low harmonic content and electromagnetic interference (EMI). In recent years, especially in medium and high-power applications are increasing use. As the voltage level per switch and switching frequency are low, the multi-level rectifiers have low losses and high efficiency. In this study, three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) rectifier topology with pulse width modulation (PWM) is investigated and the decoupled equations in the d-q synchronous rotating axis of the rectifier are given and a space vector PWM (SVPWM) control algorithm based on the d-q synchronous rotating axis of three-level rectifier is proposed. The control of the whole system is provided by voltage oriented control (VOC) strategy, which enables the realization of control in cascade system with outer voltage and inner current control blocks. This paper is focused on explaining in detail modulus optimum and symmetrical optimum methods used in the design of the inner current and outer voltage PI controllers of the three-level rectifiers, respectively. PI voltage controller is used to keep the rectifier output voltage constant, and PI current controller is used to reduce the harmonic content of the grid current. In addition, a simplified method compared to conventional SVPWM is used to calculate switching times and switching sequences. In this study, three-level rectifier is simulated in Matlab / Simulink with the help of SVPWM. The performance of the circuit has been tested by changing both the load value and the load voltage suddenly and successful results have been achieved.


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There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Halil İbrahim Yüksek This is me 0000-0001-8740-6596

Uğur Arifoğlu This is me 0000-0001-8082-5448

Publication Date March 27, 2020
Submission Date June 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 38 Issue: 1


Vancouver Yüksek Hİ, Arifoğlu U. Modeling of three-phase three-level rectifier with space vector pulse width modulation method in matlab/simulink program. SIGMA. 2020;38(1):227-51.

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