In masonry structures, it is challenging to determine the mechanical parameter values and to determine the structural behavior accordingly. For this purpose, a vaulted masonry structure resting on successive arches was built using solid clay brick and Khorasan mortar under laboratory conditions. Firstly, the Ambient Vibration Test was applied to the structure, and the natural frequency values and mode shapes of the structure were determined. Then, the displacement values due to the load were determined by using linear displacement transducer placed in different regions by applying force in the lateral direction with the incremental loading and unloading method. The structure was modeled with the Finite Element Method in the computer program by macro modeling technique, where mortar and brick were reduced to one element. The graph of change in elastic modulus due to damage ratios in the structure and the graph of change in natural frequency values due to variable elastic modulus were obtained by using the data of the Incremental Cyclic Loading Test in the Finite Element Model. Finally, Finite Element and Ambient Vibration Test analysis results were evaluated comparatively.
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