Construction materials are being used primarily for the humans’ basic shelter needs since the beginning of history. Also, construction sector continues to evolve with the constantly advancing technology and it is one of the most important and largest sectors together with textile and food in the world. Gas concrete, which is a type of lightweight concrete’s, usage has increased due to its minimal energy losses and light weight. With the additives that uses in gas concrete and creating pores with them, the structure can gain lightness and insulating properties.
In this study, the gas concrete samples have been prepared with different methods using various industrial wastes as aggregate. Two different mixing types including by hand and with mechanical stirrer were used to see the impact of mixing type to the strength. Characterization and compressive strength values of the prepared samples were determined by comparing the best aggregate types. Gas concrete has been prepared both under the pressure and temperature in autoclaved conditions and the room conditions separately to see the effect of using the autoclave. According to analysis result, the gas concrete sample prepared from Afsin Elbistan fly ash and sand mixture had the best compressive strength of 1.09 N/mm2 and it was classified as G1 class regarding to TS 453.
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