Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 905 - 918, 12.06.2024



  • [1] Abualoush S, Masa’deh R, Bataineh K, Alrowwad A. The role of knowledge management process and intellectual capital as intermediary variables between knowledge management infrastructure and organization performance. Interdiscip J Inf Knowl Manag 2018;13:279309. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Adjei KOK, Dei D-GJ. Assessing implementation of knowledge management systems in banks, a case of Ghana. J Inf Knowl Manag 2015;5:133139. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Al-Alawi AI, Al-Marzooqi NY, Mohammed YF. Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: critical success factors. J Knowl Manag 2007;11:2742. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Ali Mohammed A. Developing a project learning model considering fragmentation in construction (master thesis). Malaya: University of Malaya; 2012.
  • [5] Anbari FT, Carayannis EG, Voetsch RJ. Post-project reviews as a key project management competence. Technovation 2008;28:633643. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Baird BN. Internship, practicum, and field placement handbook: A guide for the helping professions. London: Routledge; 2015.
  • [7] Bairi J, Manohar BM, Kundu GK. Knowledge acquisition by outsourced service providers from aging workforce of oil and gas industry. Vine 2013;43:3956. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Bakker RM, Cambré B, Korlaar L, Raab J. Managing the project learning paradox: A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer. Int J Proj Manag 2011;29:494503. [CrossRef] [9] Bartsch V, Ebers M, Maurer I. Learning in project-based organizations: The role of project teams' social capital for overcoming barriers to learning. Int J Proj Manag 2013;31:239251. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Bashir M, Farooq R. The synergetic effect of knowledge management and business model innovation on firm competence. Int J Innov Sci 2019;11:362387. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Bratianu C. Organizational Knowledge Dynamics: Managing Knowledge Creation, Acquisition, Sharing, and Transformation. Hersey, USA: IGI Global; 2015. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Carrillo P, Ruikar K, Fuller P. When will we learn? Improving lessons learned practice in construction. Int J Proj Manag 2013;31:567578. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Catalano AS, Lyons-White J, Mills MM, Knight AT. Learning from published project failures in conservation. Biol Conserv 2019;238:108223. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Chen SS, Chuang YW, Chen PY. Behavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of KMS quality, KMS self-efficacy, and organizational climate. Knowl-Based Syst 2012;31:106118. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Dalkir K. Knowledge management in theory and practice. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press; 2017. [16] Davenport E, Cronin B. Knowledge management: semantic drift or conceptual shift? J Educ Libr Inf Sci 2000;41:294306. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Dei D-GJ, van der Walt TB. Knowledge management practices in universities: The role of communities of practice. Soc Sci Humanit Open 2020;2:100025. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Dei D-GJ, van der Walt TB. Strategies for managing knowledge in organisations: A conceptual study. Strategies 2020;202:4073. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Desai VM. Constrained growth: How experience, legitimacy, and age influence risk taking in organizations. Organ Sci 2008;19:594608. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Dragicevic N, Ullrich A, Tsui E, Gronau N. A conceptual model of knowledge dynamics in the industry 4.0 smart grid scenario. Knowl Manag Res Pract 2020;18:199213. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Duffield S, Whitty SJ. Developing a systemic lessons learned knowledge model for organisational learning through projects. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:311324. [CrossRef]
  • [22] El-Farr H, Hosseingholizadeh R. Aligning Human Resource Management with Knowledge Management for Better Organizational Performance: How Human Resource Practices Support Knowledge Management Strategies. In: Current Issues in Knowledge Management. London: IntechOpen; 2019. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Evans JM, Brown A, Baker GR. Organizational knowledge and capabilities in healthcare: Deconstructing and integrating diverse perspectives. SAGE Open Med 2017;5:2050312117712655. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Evers G, Chappin MM. Knowledge sharing in smart grid pilot projects. Energy Policy 2020;143:111577. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Foray D. Economics of knowledge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press; 2004. [CrossRef] [26] Goffin K, Koners U, Baxter D, Van der Hoven C. Managing lessons learned and tacit knowledge in new product development. Res Technol Manag 2010;53:3951. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Ghorbani S, Khanachah SN. Investigating the reasons for failures and delays in R&D projects with the project management approach. Ann Manage Organ Res 2020;1:319334. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Ghorbani S, Khanachah SN. Providing a framework for knowledge sharing in knowledge-based organizations according to social capital indicators. Ann Manag Organ Res 2021;1:271284. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Hanna TM, Brown D, Brett M. Democratising Knowledge: Transforming Intellectual Property and Research and Development. UK: Democratic Public Ownership; 2020.
  • [30] Hartmann A, Dorée A. Learning between projects: More than sending messages in bottles. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:341351. [CrossRef] [31] Hebibi L, Raimi N, Milićićević R. Knowledge management and the importance of knowledge management for the organization's performance. Ekonomika 2019;65:117126. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Hildrum JM. Sharing tacit knowledge online: A case study of e-Learning in Cisco's network of system integrator partner firms. Ind Innov 2009;16:197218. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Hill Eriksson A. Organizational learning through knowledge sharing: A study regarding influential factors of knowledge sharing between developers of an IT-consultant organization (master thesis). KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2019.
  • [34] Jabbour CJC, Sarkis J, de Sousa Jabbour ABL, Renwick DWS, Singh SK, Grebinevych O, et al. Who is in charge? A review and a research agenda on the ‘human side’ of the circular economy. J Clean Prod 2019;222:793801. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Ketcha Djiffouet AL. An investigation into the acquisition of tacit knowledge in e-learning environments: An experimental study (master thesis). University of Wales Trinity Saint David; 2019.
  • [36] Kirwan C. Making sense of organizational learning: Putting theory into practice. London: Routledge; 2016. [CrossRef] [37] Krenzer MLM. A case study exploring the application of the Occupation-based Community Development Framework: co-constructing humanising praxis (dissertation thesis). Cape Town: University of Cape Town: Faculty of Health Sciences; 2019.
  • [38] Langston C, Ghanbaripour AN. A Management Maturity Model (MMM) for project-based organisational performance assessment. Constr Econ Build 2016;16:6885. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Lin Y-H, Chen Y-S. Determinants of green competitive advantage: the roles of green knowledge sharing, green dynamic capabilities, and green service innovation. Qual Quant 2017;51:16631685. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Lindner F, Wald A. Success factors of knowledge management in temporary organizations. Int J Proj Manag 2011;29:877888. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Lopes CM, Scavarda A, Hofmeister LF, Thomé AMT, Vaccaro GLR. An analysis of the interplay between organizational sustainability, knowledge management, and open innovation. J Clean Prod 2017;142:476488. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Luukka M. Systematic learning from experiences in project environment (master thesis). Finland: Lappeenranta-Lahtı Unıversıty of Technology Lut; 2020.
  • [43] Marsick VJ, Watkins K. Informal and incidental learning in the workplace (Routledge revivals). London: Routledge; 2015. [CrossRef]
  • [44] McClory S, Read M, Labib A. Conceptualising the lessons-learned process in project management: Towards a triple-loop learning framework. Int J Proj Manag 2017;35:13221335. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Miković R, Petrović D, Mihić M, Obradović V, Todorović M. The integration of social capital and knowledge management–The key challenge for international development and cooperation projects of nonprofit organizations. Int J Proj Manag 2020;38:515533. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Nakashima D, Krupnik I. Indigenous knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Nili M, Seyedhosseini SM, Jabalameli MS, Dehghani E. A multi-objective optimization model to sustainable closed-loop solar photovoltaic supply chain network design: A case study in Iran. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2021;150:111428. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Nili M, Seyedhosseini SM, Jabalameli MS, Dehghani E. An integrated model for designing a bi-objective closed-loop solar photovoltaic supply chain network considering environmental impacts: a case study in Iran. J Ind Syst Eng 2021;13:243280.
  • [49] Nilsson M, Chisholm E, Griggs D, Howden-Chapman P, McCollum D, Messerli P, et al. Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward. Sustain Sci 2018;13:14891503. [CrossRef]
  • [50] Nisar TM, Prabhakar G, Strakova L. Social media information benefits, knowledge management and smart organizations. J Bus Res 2019;94:264272. [CrossRef]
  • [51] Nonaka I, Takeuchi H. The knowledge-creating company. Harv Bus Rev 2007;85:162.
  • [52] O'Dell C, Hubert C. The new edge in knowledge: How knowledge management is changing the way we do business. New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons; 2011. [CrossRef]
  • [53] Paranagamage P, Carrillo P, Ruikar K, Fuller P. Lessons learned practices in the UK construction sector: current practice and proposed improvements. Eng Proj Organ J 2012;2:216230. [CrossRef]
  • [54] Perry HB, Solomon R, Bisrat F, Hilmi L, Stamidis KV, Steinglass R, et al. Lessons learned from the CORE Group Polio Project and their relevance for other global health priorities. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019;101(Suppl 4):107112. [CrossRef]
  • [55] Ragsdell G, Rathi D, Given LM, Forcier E. Knowledge needs in the non-profit sector: an evidence-based model of organizational practices. J Knowl Manag 2016;20:2348. [CrossRef]
  • [56] Ramohlale MP. Knowledge management practices at the Department of Defence in South Africa (master thesis]. South Africa: Unıversity of South Africa, Pretoria 2014.
  • [57] Ranucci RA, Souder D. Facilitating tacit knowledge transfer: routine compatibility, trustworthiness, and integration in M and As. J Knowl Manag 2015;19:257276. [CrossRef]
  • [58] Rojas Dávila RS, Torres Briones CL. La Gestión del Conocimiento basado en la Teoría de Nonaka y Takeuchi. INNOVA Res J 2017;2:3037. [CrossRef]
  • [59] Rönkä J. Development of project logistics and distribution operations of outflowing goods in engineering and construction projects (master thesis). Finland: Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT; 2020. [CrossRef]
  • [60] Sharkey J. The promising potential role of intercultural citizenship in preparing mainstream teachers for im/migrant populations. Lang Teach Res 2018;22:570589. [CrossRef]
  • [61] Sherstobitova AA, Glukhova LV, Khozova EV, Krayneva RK. Integration of Agile methodology and PMBok standards for educational activities at higher school. In: Smart Education and e- Learning 2020. Midtown Manhattan, New York City: Springer; 2020. p. 339349. [CrossRef]
  • [62] Strakhovich E. Using Smart Education Together with Design Thinking: A Case of IT Product Prototyping by Students Studying Management. In: Smart Education and e-Learning 2020. Midtown Manhattan, New York City: Springer; 2020. p. 245253. [CrossRef]
  • [63] Telford D. Journeys to the Edge: Exploring the Dimensions of Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Communities of Practice. (doctorial thesis). Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University; 2018.
  • [64] Wang J, Lin E, Spalding E, Klecka CL, Odell SJ. Quality teaching and teacher education: A kaleidoscope of notions. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Sage CA; 2011. [CrossRef]
  • [65] Wątróbski J. Towards Knowledge Handling in Sustainable Management Domain. Procedia Comput Sci 2019;159:15911601. [CrossRef]
  • [66] Wiig KM. Knowledge management: Where did it come from and where will it go? Expert Syst Appl 1997;13:114. [CrossRef]
  • [67] Williams T, Klakegg O, Andersen B, Walker D, Magnussen O, Onsoyen L. Early warning signs in complex projects. Paper presented at the PMI Research and Education Conference; 2010.
  • [68] Zahedi M, Abbasi M, Khanachah SN. Providing a lean and agile supply chain model in project-based organizations. Ann Manage Organ Res 2020;1:213233. [CrossRef]
  • [69] Zahedi MR, Khanachah SN. The effect of knowledge management processes on organizational innovation through intellectual capital development in Iranian industrial organizations. J Sci Technol Policy Manag 2020;12:86105. [CrossRef]
  • [70] Zazkis R, Leikin R. Advanced mathematical knowledge in teaching practice: Perceptions of secondary mathematics teachers. Math Think Learn 2010;12:263281. [CrossRef]
  • [71] Zhao D, Zuo M, Deng XN. Examining the factors influencing cross-project knowledge transfer: An empirical study of IT services firms in China. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:325340. [CrossRef]
  • [72] Fazli M, Mehrjardi SAA, Mahmoudi A, Khademi A, Amini M. Advancements in pulsating heat pipes: Exploring channel geometry and characteristics for enhanced thermal performance. Int J Thermofluid 2024;22:100644. [CrossRef]
  • [73] Mazaheri K, Fazli M. Exergy-based methodology to develop design guidelines for performance optimization of a coupled co-axial thermoacoustic refrigerator. Int J Thermofluid 2023;20:100451. [CrossRef]

Provide a model for acquisition and recording of organizational lessons learned in the framework of the knowledge handbook with emphasis on effective components

Year 2024, Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 905 - 918, 12.06.2024


Although there is extensive literature on knowledge management and its new domains and methods, there is still room to discuss the mechanism of how knowledge is disseminated and experts acquire tacit knowledge in organizations; Especially project-oriented organizations that have a different and distinct nature from routine organizations. The main purpose of this study is to provide a model of organizational requirements for the development of a knowl-edge handbook and also a model for the development of a knowledge handbook based on les-sons learned and with emphasis on key factors in the organization. The experts are 45 manag-ers and researchers in the field of Lessons learned and knowledge management in prominent and reputable Iranian organizations. The present study is qualitative-quantitative in terms of applied purpose and terms of the data collection method. This research has been done in two steps: the requirements for implementing the handbook and the model for compiling the handbook. Finally, both models were evaluated based on the structural equation approach with PLS software.  The organization  knowledge handbook implementation requirements model includes 5 main components of organizational leadership, Staff culture, technology, Staff learning, and system process, which are explained by 53 items; Also, the model of com-piling the knowledge handbook of the organization includes approaches of recognizing and selecting the appropriate expert, organizing discourse sessions, reasoning the results, localiza-tion of knowledge and the phase of suggestions.


  • [1] Abualoush S, Masa’deh R, Bataineh K, Alrowwad A. The role of knowledge management process and intellectual capital as intermediary variables between knowledge management infrastructure and organization performance. Interdiscip J Inf Knowl Manag 2018;13:279309. [CrossRef]
  • [2] Adjei KOK, Dei D-GJ. Assessing implementation of knowledge management systems in banks, a case of Ghana. J Inf Knowl Manag 2015;5:133139. [CrossRef]
  • [3] Al-Alawi AI, Al-Marzooqi NY, Mohammed YF. Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: critical success factors. J Knowl Manag 2007;11:2742. [CrossRef]
  • [4] Ali Mohammed A. Developing a project learning model considering fragmentation in construction (master thesis). Malaya: University of Malaya; 2012.
  • [5] Anbari FT, Carayannis EG, Voetsch RJ. Post-project reviews as a key project management competence. Technovation 2008;28:633643. [CrossRef]
  • [6] Baird BN. Internship, practicum, and field placement handbook: A guide for the helping professions. London: Routledge; 2015.
  • [7] Bairi J, Manohar BM, Kundu GK. Knowledge acquisition by outsourced service providers from aging workforce of oil and gas industry. Vine 2013;43:3956. [CrossRef]
  • [8] Bakker RM, Cambré B, Korlaar L, Raab J. Managing the project learning paradox: A set-theoretic approach toward project knowledge transfer. Int J Proj Manag 2011;29:494503. [CrossRef] [9] Bartsch V, Ebers M, Maurer I. Learning in project-based organizations: The role of project teams' social capital for overcoming barriers to learning. Int J Proj Manag 2013;31:239251. [CrossRef]
  • [10] Bashir M, Farooq R. The synergetic effect of knowledge management and business model innovation on firm competence. Int J Innov Sci 2019;11:362387. [CrossRef]
  • [11] Bratianu C. Organizational Knowledge Dynamics: Managing Knowledge Creation, Acquisition, Sharing, and Transformation. Hersey, USA: IGI Global; 2015. [CrossRef]
  • [12] Carrillo P, Ruikar K, Fuller P. When will we learn? Improving lessons learned practice in construction. Int J Proj Manag 2013;31:567578. [CrossRef]
  • [13] Catalano AS, Lyons-White J, Mills MM, Knight AT. Learning from published project failures in conservation. Biol Conserv 2019;238:108223. [CrossRef]
  • [14] Chen SS, Chuang YW, Chen PY. Behavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of KMS quality, KMS self-efficacy, and organizational climate. Knowl-Based Syst 2012;31:106118. [CrossRef]
  • [15] Dalkir K. Knowledge management in theory and practice. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press; 2017. [16] Davenport E, Cronin B. Knowledge management: semantic drift or conceptual shift? J Educ Libr Inf Sci 2000;41:294306. [CrossRef]
  • [17] Dei D-GJ, van der Walt TB. Knowledge management practices in universities: The role of communities of practice. Soc Sci Humanit Open 2020;2:100025. [CrossRef]
  • [18] Dei D-GJ, van der Walt TB. Strategies for managing knowledge in organisations: A conceptual study. Strategies 2020;202:4073. [CrossRef]
  • [19] Desai VM. Constrained growth: How experience, legitimacy, and age influence risk taking in organizations. Organ Sci 2008;19:594608. [CrossRef]
  • [20] Dragicevic N, Ullrich A, Tsui E, Gronau N. A conceptual model of knowledge dynamics in the industry 4.0 smart grid scenario. Knowl Manag Res Pract 2020;18:199213. [CrossRef]
  • [21] Duffield S, Whitty SJ. Developing a systemic lessons learned knowledge model for organisational learning through projects. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:311324. [CrossRef]
  • [22] El-Farr H, Hosseingholizadeh R. Aligning Human Resource Management with Knowledge Management for Better Organizational Performance: How Human Resource Practices Support Knowledge Management Strategies. In: Current Issues in Knowledge Management. London: IntechOpen; 2019. [CrossRef]
  • [23] Evans JM, Brown A, Baker GR. Organizational knowledge and capabilities in healthcare: Deconstructing and integrating diverse perspectives. SAGE Open Med 2017;5:2050312117712655. [CrossRef]
  • [24] Evers G, Chappin MM. Knowledge sharing in smart grid pilot projects. Energy Policy 2020;143:111577. [CrossRef]
  • [25] Foray D. Economics of knowledge. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press; 2004. [CrossRef] [26] Goffin K, Koners U, Baxter D, Van der Hoven C. Managing lessons learned and tacit knowledge in new product development. Res Technol Manag 2010;53:3951. [CrossRef]
  • [27] Ghorbani S, Khanachah SN. Investigating the reasons for failures and delays in R&D projects with the project management approach. Ann Manage Organ Res 2020;1:319334. [CrossRef]
  • [28] Ghorbani S, Khanachah SN. Providing a framework for knowledge sharing in knowledge-based organizations according to social capital indicators. Ann Manag Organ Res 2021;1:271284. [CrossRef]
  • [29] Hanna TM, Brown D, Brett M. Democratising Knowledge: Transforming Intellectual Property and Research and Development. UK: Democratic Public Ownership; 2020.
  • [30] Hartmann A, Dorée A. Learning between projects: More than sending messages in bottles. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:341351. [CrossRef] [31] Hebibi L, Raimi N, Milićićević R. Knowledge management and the importance of knowledge management for the organization's performance. Ekonomika 2019;65:117126. [CrossRef]
  • [32] Hildrum JM. Sharing tacit knowledge online: A case study of e-Learning in Cisco's network of system integrator partner firms. Ind Innov 2009;16:197218. [CrossRef]
  • [33] Hill Eriksson A. Organizational learning through knowledge sharing: A study regarding influential factors of knowledge sharing between developers of an IT-consultant organization (master thesis). KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, 2019.
  • [34] Jabbour CJC, Sarkis J, de Sousa Jabbour ABL, Renwick DWS, Singh SK, Grebinevych O, et al. Who is in charge? A review and a research agenda on the ‘human side’ of the circular economy. J Clean Prod 2019;222:793801. [CrossRef]
  • [35] Ketcha Djiffouet AL. An investigation into the acquisition of tacit knowledge in e-learning environments: An experimental study (master thesis). University of Wales Trinity Saint David; 2019.
  • [36] Kirwan C. Making sense of organizational learning: Putting theory into practice. London: Routledge; 2016. [CrossRef] [37] Krenzer MLM. A case study exploring the application of the Occupation-based Community Development Framework: co-constructing humanising praxis (dissertation thesis). Cape Town: University of Cape Town: Faculty of Health Sciences; 2019.
  • [38] Langston C, Ghanbaripour AN. A Management Maturity Model (MMM) for project-based organisational performance assessment. Constr Econ Build 2016;16:6885. [CrossRef]
  • [39] Lin Y-H, Chen Y-S. Determinants of green competitive advantage: the roles of green knowledge sharing, green dynamic capabilities, and green service innovation. Qual Quant 2017;51:16631685. [CrossRef]
  • [40] Lindner F, Wald A. Success factors of knowledge management in temporary organizations. Int J Proj Manag 2011;29:877888. [CrossRef]
  • [41] Lopes CM, Scavarda A, Hofmeister LF, Thomé AMT, Vaccaro GLR. An analysis of the interplay between organizational sustainability, knowledge management, and open innovation. J Clean Prod 2017;142:476488. [CrossRef]
  • [42] Luukka M. Systematic learning from experiences in project environment (master thesis). Finland: Lappeenranta-Lahtı Unıversıty of Technology Lut; 2020.
  • [43] Marsick VJ, Watkins K. Informal and incidental learning in the workplace (Routledge revivals). London: Routledge; 2015. [CrossRef]
  • [44] McClory S, Read M, Labib A. Conceptualising the lessons-learned process in project management: Towards a triple-loop learning framework. Int J Proj Manag 2017;35:13221335. [CrossRef]
  • [45] Miković R, Petrović D, Mihić M, Obradović V, Todorović M. The integration of social capital and knowledge management–The key challenge for international development and cooperation projects of nonprofit organizations. Int J Proj Manag 2020;38:515533. [CrossRef]
  • [46] Nakashima D, Krupnik I. Indigenous knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2018. [CrossRef]
  • [47] Nili M, Seyedhosseini SM, Jabalameli MS, Dehghani E. A multi-objective optimization model to sustainable closed-loop solar photovoltaic supply chain network design: A case study in Iran. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 2021;150:111428. [CrossRef]
  • [48] Nili M, Seyedhosseini SM, Jabalameli MS, Dehghani E. An integrated model for designing a bi-objective closed-loop solar photovoltaic supply chain network considering environmental impacts: a case study in Iran. J Ind Syst Eng 2021;13:243280.
  • [49] Nilsson M, Chisholm E, Griggs D, Howden-Chapman P, McCollum D, Messerli P, et al. Mapping interactions between the sustainable development goals: lessons learned and ways forward. Sustain Sci 2018;13:14891503. [CrossRef]
  • [50] Nisar TM, Prabhakar G, Strakova L. Social media information benefits, knowledge management and smart organizations. J Bus Res 2019;94:264272. [CrossRef]
  • [51] Nonaka I, Takeuchi H. The knowledge-creating company. Harv Bus Rev 2007;85:162.
  • [52] O'Dell C, Hubert C. The new edge in knowledge: How knowledge management is changing the way we do business. New York, USA: John Wiley and Sons; 2011. [CrossRef]
  • [53] Paranagamage P, Carrillo P, Ruikar K, Fuller P. Lessons learned practices in the UK construction sector: current practice and proposed improvements. Eng Proj Organ J 2012;2:216230. [CrossRef]
  • [54] Perry HB, Solomon R, Bisrat F, Hilmi L, Stamidis KV, Steinglass R, et al. Lessons learned from the CORE Group Polio Project and their relevance for other global health priorities. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019;101(Suppl 4):107112. [CrossRef]
  • [55] Ragsdell G, Rathi D, Given LM, Forcier E. Knowledge needs in the non-profit sector: an evidence-based model of organizational practices. J Knowl Manag 2016;20:2348. [CrossRef]
  • [56] Ramohlale MP. Knowledge management practices at the Department of Defence in South Africa (master thesis]. South Africa: Unıversity of South Africa, Pretoria 2014.
  • [57] Ranucci RA, Souder D. Facilitating tacit knowledge transfer: routine compatibility, trustworthiness, and integration in M and As. J Knowl Manag 2015;19:257276. [CrossRef]
  • [58] Rojas Dávila RS, Torres Briones CL. La Gestión del Conocimiento basado en la Teoría de Nonaka y Takeuchi. INNOVA Res J 2017;2:3037. [CrossRef]
  • [59] Rönkä J. Development of project logistics and distribution operations of outflowing goods in engineering and construction projects (master thesis). Finland: Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT; 2020. [CrossRef]
  • [60] Sharkey J. The promising potential role of intercultural citizenship in preparing mainstream teachers for im/migrant populations. Lang Teach Res 2018;22:570589. [CrossRef]
  • [61] Sherstobitova AA, Glukhova LV, Khozova EV, Krayneva RK. Integration of Agile methodology and PMBok standards for educational activities at higher school. In: Smart Education and e- Learning 2020. Midtown Manhattan, New York City: Springer; 2020. p. 339349. [CrossRef]
  • [62] Strakhovich E. Using Smart Education Together with Design Thinking: A Case of IT Product Prototyping by Students Studying Management. In: Smart Education and e-Learning 2020. Midtown Manhattan, New York City: Springer; 2020. p. 245253. [CrossRef]
  • [63] Telford D. Journeys to the Edge: Exploring the Dimensions of Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Communities of Practice. (doctorial thesis). Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University; 2018.
  • [64] Wang J, Lin E, Spalding E, Klecka CL, Odell SJ. Quality teaching and teacher education: A kaleidoscope of notions. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications Sage CA; 2011. [CrossRef]
  • [65] Wątróbski J. Towards Knowledge Handling in Sustainable Management Domain. Procedia Comput Sci 2019;159:15911601. [CrossRef]
  • [66] Wiig KM. Knowledge management: Where did it come from and where will it go? Expert Syst Appl 1997;13:114. [CrossRef]
  • [67] Williams T, Klakegg O, Andersen B, Walker D, Magnussen O, Onsoyen L. Early warning signs in complex projects. Paper presented at the PMI Research and Education Conference; 2010.
  • [68] Zahedi M, Abbasi M, Khanachah SN. Providing a lean and agile supply chain model in project-based organizations. Ann Manage Organ Res 2020;1:213233. [CrossRef]
  • [69] Zahedi MR, Khanachah SN. The effect of knowledge management processes on organizational innovation through intellectual capital development in Iranian industrial organizations. J Sci Technol Policy Manag 2020;12:86105. [CrossRef]
  • [70] Zazkis R, Leikin R. Advanced mathematical knowledge in teaching practice: Perceptions of secondary mathematics teachers. Math Think Learn 2010;12:263281. [CrossRef]
  • [71] Zhao D, Zuo M, Deng XN. Examining the factors influencing cross-project knowledge transfer: An empirical study of IT services firms in China. Int J Proj Manag 2015;33:325340. [CrossRef]
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There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Computer Software
Journal Section Research Articles

Mohammadreza Zahedi This is me 0000-0002-5745-0104

Shayan Naghdi Khanachah This is me 0000-0002-9880-0588

Publication Date June 12, 2024
Submission Date July 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 42 Issue: 3


Vancouver Zahedi M, Naghdi Khanachah S. Provide a model for acquisition and recording of organizational lessons learned in the framework of the knowledge handbook with emphasis on effective components. SIGMA. 2024;42(3):905-18.