Writing Rules

Authors must follow these instructions carefully and to use templates to avoid delays in submission, peer-review and publication processes.

Links for templates: 

1. Submission of manuscripts

The Journal accepts submissions in English (British English) or Turkish. Submitted manuscripts for publication should be based on a research and adopt a critical approach to the development of arguments on a wide range of subjects related with city and regional planning.

The Journal constitutes original research articles including theoretical papers, original research papers, applied studies related to professional practices and educational works; reviews; viewpoint articles; technical notes and book reviews. Translations of other authors’ works are not accepted.

Authors should submit manuscripts online by using Online Submission System. Manuscripts, which are not submitted using the online system, will not be considered for publication.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be read and approved by all authors. The [SJCRP] Copyright Form - Telif Hakkı Formu prepared for this purpose should be uploaded with the manuscript when it is uploaded to the system.

The submitted manuscript should be original, has not been formally published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third-party rights.

Editorial Board claims no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published manuscripts.

2. Research Article and Review

The article must be prepared by using [SJCRP] Full Text File - Tam Metin file. Authors should follow writing rules indicated within the file.

The article should not contain a concise and informative title; name(s), affiliation(s) (department, faculty, university, city and country) and e-mail address(es) of author(s). All related information should be submitted by using [SJCRP] Title Page - Başlık Sayfası file.

The main text of the article should not include acknowledgments and special notes. Such statements should be specified in the [SJCRP] Title Page - Başlık Sayfası file.

3. Viewpoint Article and Technical Note

Viewpoint articles and technical notes should be between 3,000-5,000 words. Opinion articles and technical notes should follow the rules of article writing and use article writing outline files.

4. Book Review

A book review must be between 500-1,000 words, which indicates the scope for an assessment of the book and its contribution to knowledge and discussion within the broad field of architecture, planning and design. The forms and writing rules used in article writing also apply to book review submissions. A photograph of the book cover must be provided in jpeg format within the text. The title, author, origin, publisher, date, number of pages and ISBN number must be provided as in the following example.

Name of the Book
Author, 1985
City: Publisher
XX pp
ISBN 0-111-1111-1111

5. Peer Review Process

The Editorial Board is the first to see the submitted manuscript. Being subject to initial appraisal by Editorial Board and if found suitable for further consideration; submitted manuscript run through peer review process. Editorial Board may sometimes reject manuscripts without peer review process to make the best use of their resources.

The Journal masks the identities of both the authors and referees and operates double blind process. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by two referees before publication. There exist four possible outcomes for each manuscript submitted and reviewed: acceptance, acceptance after minor revision, major revision and re-submission, or rejection.

Following the peer review process, Editorial Board looks over the referees’ comments. If both referees appointed as advisors agree that the manuscript can be published, the manuscript is placed in the queue to be published in the first issue to be published. If two referees seem to hold opposite opinions, Editorial Board assigns third referee to resolve the controversy, and accordingly Editorial Board gives the final decision as being one of the aforementioned possibilities: acceptance, acceptance with noted changes, or rejection of the paper.

Corrected manuscripts for publication must be submitted by the authors within 30 days at the latest. The author must also upload the [SJCRP] Response to Reviewers - Hakemlere Yanıt file when uploading the corrected manuscript. The full revised manuscript should not contain any annotations or notes of changes. The revised manuscript may be reviewed again by reviewers who request changes. Authors are obliged to take into account the criticism, evaluation and corrections of the referees and the Editorial Board. In case of disagreement, the author should indicate these with the reasons in the [SJCRP] Response to Reviewers - Hakemlere Yanıt file.

6. Publishing Agreement and Plagiarism

The Journal requires the principal author - as the rights holder, to sign the Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement, which is an exclusive license agreement stating that the author retains copyright in the work but grants the Journal the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the full legal term of copyright.

Manuscripts to be published appear Ahead of e-Print as soon as they are ready to be published. Ahead of e-print articles are fully citable using the DOI system.

All manuscripts are checked with ITHENTICATE by Journal Secretariat. Author(s) are responsible about the content of the manuscripts. Articles with more than 20% similarity will be returned. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain written permission from authors and publishers of any previously published material, text, tables, figures, etc.

7. Publication charges

There is no submission and page fee for the Journal.