Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 103 - 113, 28.10.2024


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors encompass the non-financial information of a company and have gained worldwide significance as a global concern. Stakeholders have started to realize that ESG has become an important source of corporate risk and can affect the financial performance and profitability of the businesses. Thus, demands of stakeholders regarding these factors have steadily increasing. Accordingly, businesses have started to shift from short-term profit maximization goals to pursuing long-term sustainable ESG goals. Businesses have the option to voluntarily dissemination of the ESG information. Today, some national and international businesses still do not pay due attention to the dissemination of this information. This study investigates the importance of ESG factors from the perspective of businesses and the benefits of their implementation.


  • Armstrong, A. (2020). “Ethics and ESG”, AABFJ, 14 (3), 6-17.
  • Ben-Porath, E., Dekel, E. and Lipman, B. L. (2018). "Disclosure and choice", The Review of Economic Studies, 85(3), 1471-1501.
  • Bistrova, J. ve Lace, N. (2012). “Defining Key Factors to Sustain Maximum Shareholder Value”, Journal of Financial Studies and Research,2012, 1-14. doı:10.5171/2012.391928
  • Bofinger, Y., Heyden, K.J. ve Rock, B. (2022). "Corporate social responsibility and market efficiency: Evidence from ESG and misvaluation measures", Journal of Banking & Finance, 134
  • Byen, S. H. ve Kim, K. H. (2021). “Challenges and Tasks for Establishing a Korean Model of ESG Management”, Korea CEO Academy: Seoul, Korea, 85-89.
  • Carroll, A. B. (1979). “A three-dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance”, Academy of Management Review, 4(4), 497-505.
  • Chava, S. (2014). “Environmental externalities and cost of capital”, Management Science, 60(9), 2223-2247.
  • Chang, Y.-J. ve Lee, B.-H. (2022). “The Impact of ESG Activities on Firm Value: Multi-Level Analysis of Industrial Characteristics”, Sustainability, 14(21).
  • Chen, Z. ve Xie, G. (2022). "ESG disclosure and financial performance: Moderating role of ESG investors", International Review of
  • Cho, C. H., Guidry, R. P., Hageman, A. M., ve Patten, D. M. (2012). “Do actions speak louder than words? An empirical investigation of corporate environmental reputation”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37(1), 14-25.
  • Clark, G. L. ve Viehs, M. (2014). “The Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility for Investors: An Overview and Evaluation of the Existing CSR Literature”, SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-52.
  • Edit, V. (2019). “The relationship between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility”, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, 13(3-4), 28-34, doı: 10.19041/APSTRACT/2019/3-4/3
  • Edmans, A. (2022). “The end of ESG”, Financial Management, 52(1), 3-17.
  • Elbasha, T. and Avetisyan, E. (2018). “A framework to study strategizing activities at the field level: example of CSR rating agencies”, European Management Journal, 36(1), 38-46.
  • Ferrell, A., Liang, H., ve Renneboog, L. (2016). “Socially responsible firms”, Journal of Financial Economics, 122(3), 585-606.
  • Gao, L., ve Zhang, J. H. (2015). “Firms' earnings smoothing, corporate social responsibility, and valuation”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 32, 108-127.
  • Garel, A. ve Petit-Romec, A. (2021). "Investor rewards to environmental responsibility: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis", Journal of Corporate Finance,
  • Gillan, S. L., Koch, A., ve Starks, L. T. (2021). “Firms and social responsibility: A review of ESG 68(2021). and CSR research in corporate finance”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 66(101).
  • Graham, J. R. (2022). “Presidential address: Corporate finance and reality”, The Journal of Finance, 77(4), 1975-2049.
  • Hermundsdottir, F. ve Aspelund, A. (2021). “Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 280(1),
  • Jung, J. S. ve Niu, S. J. (2021). “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and ESG Management: Based on the Comparison between Korea and China Cases in the Distribution Industry”, Korean Manag. Consult. Rev., 21, 351-366.
  • Lins, K. V., Servaes, H., ve Tamayo, A. (2017). “Social capital, trust, and firm performance: The value of corporate social responsibility during the financial crisis”, The Journal of Finance, 72(4), 1785-1824.
  • Martha, H. ve Khomsiyah, K. (2023). “The effects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) corporate performance”, Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia, 17 (1), 112-120.
  • Michelon, G., Pilonato, S., ve Ricceri, F. (2015). “CSR reporting practices and the quality of on disclosure: An empirical analysis”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 33, 59-78.
  • Morea, D., Mango, F., Cardi, M., Paccione, C. ve Bittucci, L. (2022). “Circular Economy Impact Analysis on Stock Performances: An Empirical Comparison with the Euro Stoxx 50® ESG Index”, Sustainability, 14.
  • Naemm, N. ve Çankaya, S. (2022). “The Impact of ESG Performance over Financial Performance: A Study on Global Energy and Power Generation Companies”, International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 8(1), 1-25.
  • Nordhaus, W. (2019). "Climate change: The ultimate challenge for economics", American Economic Review, 109(6), 1991-2014. DOI: 10.1257/aer.109.6.1991
  • Oikonomou, I., Brooks, C., ve Pavelin, S. (2012). “The impact of corporate social performance on financial risk and utility: A longitudinal analysis”, Financial Management, 41(2), 483-515.
  • Starks, L. T. (2021). "Environmental, social, and governance issues and the financial analysts journal", Financial Analysts Journal, 77(4), 5-21.
  • Stellner, C., Klein, C., ve Zwergel, B. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and Eurozone corporate bonds: The moderating role of country sustainability. Journal of Banking & Finance, 59, 538- 549.
  • Syed, A. M. (2017). “Environment, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and preference of managers”, Cogent Business & Management, 4(1), 1-13,
  • Thurnbull, S. (1997). “Corporate governance: ıts scope, concerns and theories”, Corporate Governance, 5, (4), 180-205.
  • Zhao, C., Guo, Y., Yuan, J., Wu, M., Li, D., Zhou, Y. and Kang, J. (2018). “ESG and corporate financial performance: empirical evidence from China’s listed power generation companies”, Sustainability Journal, 10(8). doi:10.3390/su10082607
  • Yüksel, F. ve Aracı, H. (2017). “Entegre raporlama, Türk işletmelerinin entegre raporlamaya bakışı üzerine bir araştırma”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 24(3), 741-757, doi: 10.18657/yonveek.335544
  • Angyal, A. (2009). Vallalatok tarsadalmi felelossege, felelos tarsasagiranyıtas (corporate social responsibility), Kossuth Kıadó / Budapest
  • Bernoville, T. (2024). Why is ESG important in business in 2024?, 01.08.2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Cadbury, A. (1992). The financial a spects of corporate governance, Report of the committee on, London, 1 90.
  • Clarke, G. L., Feiner, A. ve Viehs, M. (2015). From the stockholder to the stakeholder: How sustainability can drive financial outperformance, University of Oxford Press.
  • Deetz, S. (2007). Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and communication. The debate over corporate social responsibility, [May, S., Cheney, G. and Roper, J. (eds.)], New York, USD, 267278. May, S., Cheney, G. and Roper, J. (eds.).
  • Doğan, S. (2024). Çevre, sosyal ve kurumsal yönetim (ÇSY) kriterleri ile sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerine yönelik açıklamaların finansal performansa etkisi: BİST sürdürülebilirlik endeksindeki işletmelere yönelik analiz, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmış Doktora Tezi.
  • ESG Reporting Guide 2.0. (2019).Nasdaq. 2.08.2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı. Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach, Cambridge University Press.
  • Henisz, W., Koller, T. ve Nuttall, R. (2019). Five ways that ESG creates value, McKinsey Quarterly, 01.08.2024 tarihinde alındı
  • Simpson, J. and Taylor, J. R. (2013). Corporate governance ethics and csr. Great Britain and the United States: Kogan Page, 17.10.2024 tarihinde i adresinden alındı.
  • Yasar, K. (2024). 5 ESG benefits for businesses. 01.08.2024 adresinden alındı.
  • URL 1 : (Erişim tarihi: 01.08.2024). tarihinde


Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 103 - 113, 28.10.2024


Çevresel, sosyal ve yönetişim (ÇSY) faktörleri, bir işletmenin finansal olmayan bilgilerini temsil etmektedir ve küresel bir konu haline gelmiştir. Paydaşlar, ÇSY'nin önemli bir kurumsal risk kaynağı haline geldiğinin ve işletmenin finansal performansını ve karlılığını etkileyebileceğinin farkına varmaya başlamıştır. Böylece paydaşların bu faktörlere yönelik talepleri her geçen gün artmıştır. Bu doğrultuda işletmeler, kısa vadeli kâr maksimizasyonu hedeflerinden uzun vadeli sürdürülebilir ÇSY hedeflerine geçiş yapmaya başlamıştır. ÇSY bilgilerinin işletmeler tarafından açıklanması gönüllülük esasına dayanmaktadır. Günümüzde bazı ulusal ve uluslararası işletmeler hala bu bilgilerin açıklanması konusunda gerekli özeni göstermemektedir. Bu araştırma, işletmelerin bakış açısından ÇSY faktörlerinin önemini ve bunların uygulanmasının faydalarını incelemektedir.


  • Armstrong, A. (2020). “Ethics and ESG”, AABFJ, 14 (3), 6-17.
  • Ben-Porath, E., Dekel, E. and Lipman, B. L. (2018). "Disclosure and choice", The Review of Economic Studies, 85(3), 1471-1501.
  • Bistrova, J. ve Lace, N. (2012). “Defining Key Factors to Sustain Maximum Shareholder Value”, Journal of Financial Studies and Research,2012, 1-14. doı:10.5171/2012.391928
  • Bofinger, Y., Heyden, K.J. ve Rock, B. (2022). "Corporate social responsibility and market efficiency: Evidence from ESG and misvaluation measures", Journal of Banking & Finance, 134
  • Byen, S. H. ve Kim, K. H. (2021). “Challenges and Tasks for Establishing a Korean Model of ESG Management”, Korea CEO Academy: Seoul, Korea, 85-89.
  • Carroll, A. B. (1979). “A three-dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance”, Academy of Management Review, 4(4), 497-505.
  • Chava, S. (2014). “Environmental externalities and cost of capital”, Management Science, 60(9), 2223-2247.
  • Chang, Y.-J. ve Lee, B.-H. (2022). “The Impact of ESG Activities on Firm Value: Multi-Level Analysis of Industrial Characteristics”, Sustainability, 14(21).
  • Chen, Z. ve Xie, G. (2022). "ESG disclosure and financial performance: Moderating role of ESG investors", International Review of
  • Cho, C. H., Guidry, R. P., Hageman, A. M., ve Patten, D. M. (2012). “Do actions speak louder than words? An empirical investigation of corporate environmental reputation”, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37(1), 14-25.
  • Clark, G. L. ve Viehs, M. (2014). “The Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility for Investors: An Overview and Evaluation of the Existing CSR Literature”, SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-52.
  • Edit, V. (2019). “The relationship between corporate governance and corporate social responsibility”, University of Debrecen, Faculty of Economics and Business, 13(3-4), 28-34, doı: 10.19041/APSTRACT/2019/3-4/3
  • Edmans, A. (2022). “The end of ESG”, Financial Management, 52(1), 3-17.
  • Elbasha, T. and Avetisyan, E. (2018). “A framework to study strategizing activities at the field level: example of CSR rating agencies”, European Management Journal, 36(1), 38-46.
  • Ferrell, A., Liang, H., ve Renneboog, L. (2016). “Socially responsible firms”, Journal of Financial Economics, 122(3), 585-606.
  • Gao, L., ve Zhang, J. H. (2015). “Firms' earnings smoothing, corporate social responsibility, and valuation”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 32, 108-127.
  • Garel, A. ve Petit-Romec, A. (2021). "Investor rewards to environmental responsibility: Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis", Journal of Corporate Finance,
  • Gillan, S. L., Koch, A., ve Starks, L. T. (2021). “Firms and social responsibility: A review of ESG 68(2021). and CSR research in corporate finance”, Journal of Corporate Finance, 66(101).
  • Graham, J. R. (2022). “Presidential address: Corporate finance and reality”, The Journal of Finance, 77(4), 1975-2049.
  • Hermundsdottir, F. ve Aspelund, A. (2021). “Sustainability innovations and firm competitiveness: A review”, Journal of Cleaner Production, 280(1),
  • Jung, J. S. ve Niu, S. J. (2021). “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and ESG Management: Based on the Comparison between Korea and China Cases in the Distribution Industry”, Korean Manag. Consult. Rev., 21, 351-366.
  • Lins, K. V., Servaes, H., ve Tamayo, A. (2017). “Social capital, trust, and firm performance: The value of corporate social responsibility during the financial crisis”, The Journal of Finance, 72(4), 1785-1824.
  • Martha, H. ve Khomsiyah, K. (2023). “The effects of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) corporate performance”, Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia, 17 (1), 112-120.
  • Michelon, G., Pilonato, S., ve Ricceri, F. (2015). “CSR reporting practices and the quality of on disclosure: An empirical analysis”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 33, 59-78.
  • Morea, D., Mango, F., Cardi, M., Paccione, C. ve Bittucci, L. (2022). “Circular Economy Impact Analysis on Stock Performances: An Empirical Comparison with the Euro Stoxx 50® ESG Index”, Sustainability, 14.
  • Naemm, N. ve Çankaya, S. (2022). “The Impact of ESG Performance over Financial Performance: A Study on Global Energy and Power Generation Companies”, International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 8(1), 1-25.
  • Nordhaus, W. (2019). "Climate change: The ultimate challenge for economics", American Economic Review, 109(6), 1991-2014. DOI: 10.1257/aer.109.6.1991
  • Oikonomou, I., Brooks, C., ve Pavelin, S. (2012). “The impact of corporate social performance on financial risk and utility: A longitudinal analysis”, Financial Management, 41(2), 483-515.
  • Starks, L. T. (2021). "Environmental, social, and governance issues and the financial analysts journal", Financial Analysts Journal, 77(4), 5-21.
  • Stellner, C., Klein, C., ve Zwergel, B. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and Eurozone corporate bonds: The moderating role of country sustainability. Journal of Banking & Finance, 59, 538- 549.
  • Syed, A. M. (2017). “Environment, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and preference of managers”, Cogent Business & Management, 4(1), 1-13,
  • Thurnbull, S. (1997). “Corporate governance: ıts scope, concerns and theories”, Corporate Governance, 5, (4), 180-205.
  • Zhao, C., Guo, Y., Yuan, J., Wu, M., Li, D., Zhou, Y. and Kang, J. (2018). “ESG and corporate financial performance: empirical evidence from China’s listed power generation companies”, Sustainability Journal, 10(8). doi:10.3390/su10082607
  • Yüksel, F. ve Aracı, H. (2017). “Entegre raporlama, Türk işletmelerinin entegre raporlamaya bakışı üzerine bir araştırma”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, 24(3), 741-757, doi: 10.18657/yonveek.335544
  • Angyal, A. (2009). Vallalatok tarsadalmi felelossege, felelos tarsasagiranyıtas (corporate social responsibility), Kossuth Kıadó / Budapest
  • Bernoville, T. (2024). Why is ESG important in business in 2024?, 01.08.2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Cadbury, A. (1992). The financial a spects of corporate governance, Report of the committee on, London, 1 90.
  • Clarke, G. L., Feiner, A. ve Viehs, M. (2015). From the stockholder to the stakeholder: How sustainability can drive financial outperformance, University of Oxford Press.
  • Deetz, S. (2007). Corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and communication. The debate over corporate social responsibility, [May, S., Cheney, G. and Roper, J. (eds.)], New York, USD, 267278. May, S., Cheney, G. and Roper, J. (eds.).
  • Doğan, S. (2024). Çevre, sosyal ve kurumsal yönetim (ÇSY) kriterleri ile sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerine yönelik açıklamaların finansal performansa etkisi: BİST sürdürülebilirlik endeksindeki işletmelere yönelik analiz, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayımlanmış Doktora Tezi.
  • ESG Reporting Guide 2.0. (2019).Nasdaq. 2.08.2024 tarihinde adresinden alındı. Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach, Cambridge University Press.
  • Henisz, W., Koller, T. ve Nuttall, R. (2019). Five ways that ESG creates value, McKinsey Quarterly, 01.08.2024 tarihinde alındı
  • Simpson, J. and Taylor, J. R. (2013). Corporate governance ethics and csr. Great Britain and the United States: Kogan Page, 17.10.2024 tarihinde i adresinden alındı.
  • Yasar, K. (2024). 5 ESG benefits for businesses. 01.08.2024 adresinden alındı.
  • URL 1 : (Erişim tarihi: 01.08.2024). tarihinde
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Development Economics, Finance
Journal Section Research Articles

Seda Doğan 0000-0003-2347-1107

Publication Date October 28, 2024
Submission Date August 27, 2024
Acceptance Date October 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Doğan, S. (2024). İŞLETMELER PERSPEKTİFİNDEN ÇEVRESEL, SOSYAL VE YÖNETİŞİM (ÇSY) UYGULAMALARININ ÖNEMİ. Scientific Journal of Finance and Financial Law Studies, 4(2), 103-113.