1. Articles not published or submitted for publication elsewhere accepted in either Turkish or British English.
2. Manuscripts should be at most single-spaced 24 A4 pages with the Times New Roman 11-font character size. Only the DergiPark platform welcomes article submissions.
3. The first page of the Word file to be submitted should include (i) the title of the article; (ii) an abstract of not more than 100 words; (iii) the keywords; and (iv) the JEL Codes; also (i) the full name(s) of the author(s); (ii) the ORCID ID numbers; (iii) institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s); (iv) the e-mail address and phone numbers of the author(s) should be indicated on a separate page. “Ethics Committee Permission Certificate” obtained from the relevant institution in studies that required ethical approval and based on questionnaires should be uploaded at the time of submission.
4. Tables, figures, and graphs should be numbered consecutively and contain full references. The titles of the tables, figures, and graphs should be placed at their heading; the references of tables, figures, and graphs should be at the bottom. A comma should separate decimals. Equations should be numbered consecutively. Equation numbers should appear in parentheses at the right margin. The complete derivation of the formulas (if abridged in the text) should be provided on a separate sheet for referee use.
5. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page.
6. The English title of the article should be given first, then the author's name and surname, Orcid information, institution, country and e-mail should be included. The English title should be written in Trebuchet MS format, aligned left, in 18-point font. The Turkish title of the article should be written in Trebuched MS format, 16 point font and centered on the page.
7. The abstract of the article should first be given in English and then written in Turkish. Key words and Gel code should be included.
8. Introduction and conclusion sections should not be numbered.
9. References to sources should be made within the text, not in footnotes, including page numbers, as shown in the examples below:
.......expressed (Wilson, 2011).
.......is stated (Wilson, 2011: 210-215).
......Dollery (2008a: 15-20) suggests.
......(Wollmann et al., 2012: 126-153).
......(Watson, Hassett, 2003: 399-432; Wollmann, Marcou, 2013: 15-23).
10. All sources referenced in the text should be stated with their page numbers, under the heading "References" (not written as "References") and in accordance with the following examples:
Dunbar, R. (1997). Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolutaion of Language. USA, London: Harvard University Press.
Selznik, P. (1949), TVA and the Grass Roots: A Study of Politics and Organization, University of California Press, California.
Elder, D., & Enke, J. L. (1991, August). “The Structure of Gossip: Opportunities and Constraints on Collective Expression among Adolescents”, American Sociological Review, 56(4), 494-508.
Mamun, A. et al. (2018), “Intention and Behavior towards Green Consumption among Low-Income Households”, Journal of Environmental Management, 227, 73-86.
Krugman, P. (1995), “The Move Toward Free Trade Zones,” in P. King (ed.), International Economics and International Economic Policy: A Reader, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 163-82.
Other Resources:
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2003), Financial Stability, Press Release. March 24. Ankara.
Chang, R. (1998), “The Asian Crisis”, NBER Discussion Paper, 4470, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass.
11. References to websites in the sources must be stated as the date of receipt as day, month, year and with their full addresses:
Turkish Statistical Institute (2022), Marriage and Divorce Statistics: 2021, 29.12.2022.
12. If there is an appendix, it should be included at the end of the article.
13. At the end of the article, a statement regarding the contribution rate of the researchers, a declaration of conflicting interests and whether funding has been received should be stated. If support has been received, a statement of thanks should be included.