Publication Principles

  1. Techno-Science, basic and applied science fields are published original articles and reviews peer-reviewed journal.
  2. The journal is published twice a year.
  3. The journal is open to the works of scientists from every institution and every nation. The journal may publish special issues on any subject when necessary.
  4. Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. In papers presented at any symposium or congress, the name, place, and date of the congress should be specified. Papers presented at symposia or congresses and published in any form cannot be submitted for publication in the journal. In studies supported by a research institution or fund, the name of the supporting organization and the project number should be provided.
  5. The language of the articles may preferably be Turkish or English. An abstract in English is mandatory for all Turkish articles.
  6. Candidate articles submitted for publication in the journal are first subjected to pre-evaluation by the editors regarding format, language, appropriateness, and accuracy of the statistics used. Articles that do not meet the required criteria are returned to the authors. Articles deemed suitable are anonymously sent to two referees by the editor.
  7. For articles to be published in the journal, positive opinions must be expressed by the referees. The Editor and the Journal Publication Committee decide whether or not the articles are accepted for publication, taking into account the referee reports. If the changes suggested by the referees are not accepted by the author, it is the responsibility of the Editor and the Publication Committee of the journal to apply to another referee or not to publish the article.
  8. All changes in the articles are made by the authors. Once the final version is prepared and prepared for publication, no changes can be made by the authors. A author who, for any reason, decides not to publish his/her article can withdraw it within fifteen days from the date of application.
  9. Communication between authors and referees is provided solely by the Editor and the Publication Committee. If the articles are accepted for publication, Techno-Science Journal has all the publication rights.
  10. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will not be returned whether they have been published or not.
  11. All legal responsibilities regarding the content of the articles to be published in the journal and any copyright issues that may arise belong to the authors.
  12. Articles submitted in accordance with the specified writing principles are published in the journal.
  13. Techno-Science Journal does not assume responsibility for the results or ideas reached in the publications of the authors.
  14. Techno-Science Journal does not have any obligation or claim regarding the accuracy, completeness, suitability, and usability of the information, tools, products, or functions put forward in the publications; therefore, they cannot be held responsible for any reason.
  15. Any part of this publication cannot be published, stored in an information storage system, or reproduced by electronic, mechanical, etc. systems without the written permission of Techno-Science Journal, without citation.
  16. No copyright is paid for published articles.

Last Update Time: 2/28/24, 3:20:38 PM