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Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması

Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 39 - 50, 31.12.2007


Bütirat, metanojenik şartlar altında organik madde dönüşümünde önemli bir ara ürün olup havasız biyoreaktörlerde metanojenezin %60’ını kapsayabilen bir maddedir. Organik maddenin ayrışması sırasında oluşan hidrojen ve/veya format, ortamdan uzaklaştırılmadığı sürece bütiratın ayrışması termodinamik açıdan mümkün değildir. Bütiratın ayrışması hidrojen tüketen organizmalarla yapılan sintrofik etkileşimlere dayalı olup ayrışma mekanizması ile ilgili bilgiler saf kültür çalışmalarıyla sınırlıdır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, bütirat ayrışmasını yapan sintrofik bakterilerin çeşitliliği ve ekolojisi birçok bilinmeyen özelliği içermektedir Bu kapsamda yeni bir teknik olan stabil izotop işaretlemesi kullanılarak havasız ortamlardaki bütiratı ayrıştıran aktif mikroorganizmaların kimliği tespit edilmiştir. Sintrofik bütirat ayrıştıran bu aktif türlerin, filogenetik olarak bir gruba ait olmadığı ve 9 farklı filum içerisinde yer aldığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmada saf kültür tanımlaması yapılmamış türlerin varlığına rastlanmıştır. 16S ribozomal ribo nükleik asit sekans analizleri belirlenen klonların, veri bankalarında yapılan karşılaştırmalı analizinde bakteriyel türlerin çok çeşitli metabolik aktivitelere sahip olabileceklerini ve büyük bir kısmının havasız ortamlardan izole edilmiş klonlara benzerlik gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Özellikle, Proteobacteria filumunda yer alan klonlara benzerlik gösteren türlerin baskın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında sintrofik bütirat ayrışmasında başlıca Syntrophus sp. türünün önemli rol aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgu, şimdiye kadar kabul gören bütiratı ayrıştıran Syntrophomonas türlerinin ait olduğu Firmicutes’ten farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte sintrofik propiyonat oksitleyen Syntrophobacter türünün de bütirat gideriminde aktif rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Altınbaş, M., (2007). Population dynamics in butyrate degrading communities in anaerobic bioreactors, Doktora tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Altschul, S.F., Stephen, F., Thomas, L., Madden, L., Alejandro, A., Schaffer, A., Zang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W. ve Lipman, D.J., (1997). Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs, Nucleic Acids Research, 25, 17, 3389-3402.
  • Beaty, P.S. ve McInerney, M.J., (1987). Growth of Syntrophomonas wolfei in pure culture on crotonate, Archives of Microbiology, 147, 4, 389-393.
  • Bryant, M.P. ve Boone, D.R., (1987). Isolation and characterization of Methanobacterium formicicum MF, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 37, 2, 171-173.
  • Cheeseman, S.L., Hiom, S.J., Weightman, A.J. ve Wade, W.G., (1996). Phylogeny of oral asaccharolytic Eubacterium species determined by 16S Ribosomal DNA sequence comparison and proposal of Eubacterium infirmum sp. nov. And Eubacterium tardum sp. nov., International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46, 4, 957-959.
  • Chen, S., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2005). Syntrophobacter sulfatireducens sp. nov., a novel syntrophic, propionate-oxidizing bacterium isolated from UASB reactors, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55, 3, 1319-1324.
  • Chenna, R., Sugawara, H., Koike, T., Lopez, R., Gibson, T.J., Higgins, D.G. ve Thompson, J.D., (2003). Multiple sequence alignment with the clustal series of programs, Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 13, 3497-3500.
  • De Bok, F.A.M., Luijten, M.L.G.C. and Stams, A.J.M., (2002). Biochemical evidence for formate transfer in syntrophic propionate-oxidizing cocultures of Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans and Methanospirillum hungatei, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 9 4247-4252.
  • Fang, H.H.P., Chui, H.K. ve Li, Y.Y., (1995). Anaerobic degradation of butyrate in a UASB reactor, Bioresource Technology, 51, 1, 75-81.
  • Heising, S., Richter, L., Ludwig, W. ve Schink, B., (1999). Chlorobium ferrooxidans sp. nov., a phototrophic green sulfur bacterium that oxidizes ferrous iron in coculture with a "Geospirillum" sp. strain, Archives of Microbiology, 172, 2, 116-124.
  • Hutchens, E., Radajewski, S., Dumont, M.G., McDonald, I.R., Murrell, J.C. ve Hutchens, E., (2004). Analysis of methanotrophic bacteria in Movile Cave by stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 2, 111-120.
  • Jackson, B.E., Bhupathiraju, V.K., Tanner, R.S., Woese, C.R. ve McInerney, M.J., (1999). Syntrophus aciditrophicus sp. nov., a new anaerobic bacterium that degrades fatty acids and benzoate in syntrophic association with hydrogen- using microorganisms, Archives of Microbiology, 171, 2, 107-114.
  • Lane, D.J., (1991). 16S/23S rRNA sequencing, in Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics, eds, Stackebrandt E. and Goodfellow M., John Wiley & Sons, 115-1745, Chichester, United Kingdom.
  • Lin, J.L., Radajewski, S., Eshinimaev, B.T., Trotsenko, Y.A., McDonald, I.R. ve Murrell, J.C., (2004). Molecular diversity of methanotrophs in Transbaikal soda lake sediments and identification of potentially active populations by stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 10, 1049-1060.
  • Lu, Y., Lueders, T., Friedrich, M.W. ve Conrad, R., (2005). Detecting active methanogenic populations on rice roots using stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 3, 326-336.
  • Lueders, T., Friedrich, M.W. ve Manefield, M., (2004a). Enhanced sensitivity of DNA- and rRNA-based stable isotope probing by fractionation and quantitative analysis of isopycnic centrifugation gradients, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 1, 73-78.
  • Lueders, T., Pommerenke, B. ve Friedrich, M.W., (2004b). Stable-isotope probing of microorganisms thriving at thermodynamic limits: Syntrophic propionate oxidation in flooded soil, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, 10, 5778-5786.
  • Mahmood, S., Paton, G.I. ve Prosser, J.I., (2005). Cultivation-independent in situ molecular analysis of bacteria involved in degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 9, 1349-1360.
  • Maidak, B.L., Cole, J.R., Lilburn, T.G., Parker, C.T., Saxman, P.R., Farris, R.J., Garrity, G.M., Olsen, G.J., Schmidt, T.M. ve Tiedje, J.M., (2001). The RDP-II (Ribomosal Data Project), Nucleic Acids Research, 29, 1, 173-174.
  • Manefield, M., Whiteley, A.S., Griffiths, R.I. ve Bailey, M.J., (2002). RNA stable isotope probing, a novel means of linking microbial community function to phylogeny, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 11, 5367-5373.
  • McInerney, M.J., Bryant, M.P., Hespell, R.B. ve Costerton, J.W., (1981). Syntrophomonas wolfei gen. nov. sp. nov., an anaerobic, syntrophic, fatty acid-oxidizing bacterium, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 41, 4, 1029-1039.
  • McInerney, M.J. ve Wofford, N.Q., (1992). Enzymes involved in crotonate metabolism in Syntrophomonas wolfei, Archives of Microbiology, 158, 5, 344-349.
  • Plugge, C.M., (2005). Anoxic media design, preparation and considerations, in Methods in Enzymology: Environmental Microbiology, eds, Leadbetter J, Academic Press, 3-16, USA.
  • Radajewski, S., Murrell, J.C., Ineson, P. ve Parekh, N.R., (2000). Stable-isotope probing as a tool in microbial ecology, Nature, 403(6770), 646-649.
  • Radajewski, S., Webster, G., Reay, D.S., Morris, S.A., Ineson, P., Nedwell, D.B., Prosser, J.I. ve Murrell, J.C., (2002). Identification of active methylotroph populations in an acidic forest soil by stable-isotope probing, Microbiology, 148, 8, 2331-2342.
  • Roest, K., Altınbaş, M., Paulo, P.L., Heilig, H.G., Akkermans, A.D.L., Smidt, H., De Vos, W.M., ve Stams, A.J., (2005). Enrichment and detection of microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methanogenesis from methanol in an anaerobic thermophilic bioreactor, Microbial Ecology, 50, 3, 440-446.
  • Roy, F., Samain, E., Dubourguier, H.C. ve Albagnac, G., (1986). Syntrophomonas sapovorans sp. nov., a new obligately proton reducing anaerobe oxidizing saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acids, Archives of Microbiology, 145, 2, 142-147.
  • Schink, B. ve Friedrich, M., (1994). Energetics of syntrophic fatty acid oxidation, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 15, 2-3, 85-94.
  • Stams, A.J.M., Van Dijk, J.B., Dijkema, C. Ve Plugge, C.M., (1993). Growth of syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria with fumarate in the absence of methanogenic bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 59, 4, 1114- 1119.
  • Stieb, M. ve Schink, B., (1985). Anaerobic oxidation of fatty acids by Clostridium bryantii sp. nov., a sporeforming, obligately syntrophic bacteria, Archives of Microbiology, 140, 4, 387-390.
  • Truper, H.G. ve Schlegel, H.G., (1964). Sulphur metabolism in Triorhodaceae. 1. Quantitative measurements on growing cells of Chromatium okenii, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 30, 1, 225-238.
  • Wallrabenstein, C. ve Schink, B., (1994). Evidence of reversed electron transport in syntrophic butyrate or benzoate oxidation by Syntrophomonas wolfei and Syntrophus buswellii, Archives of Microbiology, 162, 1-2, 136-142.
  • Wu, W.M., Jain, M.K., Macario, E.C., Thiele, J.H. ve Zeikus, J.G., (1992). Microbial composition and characterization of prevalent methanogens and acetogens isolated from syntrohic methanogenic granules, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38, 2, 282-290.
  • Zhang, C., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2004). Syntrophomonas curvata sp. nov., an anaerobe that degrades fatty acids in co-culture with methanogens, International Journal of Systematic and Bacteriology, 54, 3, 969-973.
  • Zhang, C., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2005). Syntrophomonas erecta sp. nov., a novel anaerobe that syntrophically degrades short-chain fatty acids, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55, 799-803.
  • Zhao, H., Yang, D., Woese, C.R. ve Bryant, M.P., (1990). Assignment of Clostridium bryantii to Syntrophosphora bryantii gen. nov., comb. nov. on the basis of a 16S rRNA sequence analysis of its crotonate-grown pure culture, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 40, 1, 40-44.
  • Zhao, H., Yang, D., Woese, C.R. ve Bryant, M.P., (1993). Assignment of fatty acid-B-oxidizing syntrophic bacteria to Syntrophomonadaceae fam. nov. on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analyses, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 43, 2, 278-286.
  • Zou, B.Z., Takeda, K., Tonouchi, A., Akada, S. Ve Fujita, T., (2003). Characteristics of an anaerobic, syntrophic, butyrate-degrading bacterium in paddy field soil, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 67, 10, 2059-2067.
Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 39 - 50, 31.12.2007



  • Altınbaş, M., (2007). Population dynamics in butyrate degrading communities in anaerobic bioreactors, Doktora tezi, İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Altschul, S.F., Stephen, F., Thomas, L., Madden, L., Alejandro, A., Schaffer, A., Zang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W. ve Lipman, D.J., (1997). Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs, Nucleic Acids Research, 25, 17, 3389-3402.
  • Beaty, P.S. ve McInerney, M.J., (1987). Growth of Syntrophomonas wolfei in pure culture on crotonate, Archives of Microbiology, 147, 4, 389-393.
  • Bryant, M.P. ve Boone, D.R., (1987). Isolation and characterization of Methanobacterium formicicum MF, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 37, 2, 171-173.
  • Cheeseman, S.L., Hiom, S.J., Weightman, A.J. ve Wade, W.G., (1996). Phylogeny of oral asaccharolytic Eubacterium species determined by 16S Ribosomal DNA sequence comparison and proposal of Eubacterium infirmum sp. nov. And Eubacterium tardum sp. nov., International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 46, 4, 957-959.
  • Chen, S., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2005). Syntrophobacter sulfatireducens sp. nov., a novel syntrophic, propionate-oxidizing bacterium isolated from UASB reactors, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55, 3, 1319-1324.
  • Chenna, R., Sugawara, H., Koike, T., Lopez, R., Gibson, T.J., Higgins, D.G. ve Thompson, J.D., (2003). Multiple sequence alignment with the clustal series of programs, Nucleic Acids Research, 31, 13, 3497-3500.
  • De Bok, F.A.M., Luijten, M.L.G.C. and Stams, A.J.M., (2002). Biochemical evidence for formate transfer in syntrophic propionate-oxidizing cocultures of Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans and Methanospirillum hungatei, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 9 4247-4252.
  • Fang, H.H.P., Chui, H.K. ve Li, Y.Y., (1995). Anaerobic degradation of butyrate in a UASB reactor, Bioresource Technology, 51, 1, 75-81.
  • Heising, S., Richter, L., Ludwig, W. ve Schink, B., (1999). Chlorobium ferrooxidans sp. nov., a phototrophic green sulfur bacterium that oxidizes ferrous iron in coculture with a "Geospirillum" sp. strain, Archives of Microbiology, 172, 2, 116-124.
  • Hutchens, E., Radajewski, S., Dumont, M.G., McDonald, I.R., Murrell, J.C. ve Hutchens, E., (2004). Analysis of methanotrophic bacteria in Movile Cave by stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 2, 111-120.
  • Jackson, B.E., Bhupathiraju, V.K., Tanner, R.S., Woese, C.R. ve McInerney, M.J., (1999). Syntrophus aciditrophicus sp. nov., a new anaerobic bacterium that degrades fatty acids and benzoate in syntrophic association with hydrogen- using microorganisms, Archives of Microbiology, 171, 2, 107-114.
  • Lane, D.J., (1991). 16S/23S rRNA sequencing, in Nucleic acid techniques in bacterial systematics, eds, Stackebrandt E. and Goodfellow M., John Wiley & Sons, 115-1745, Chichester, United Kingdom.
  • Lin, J.L., Radajewski, S., Eshinimaev, B.T., Trotsenko, Y.A., McDonald, I.R. ve Murrell, J.C., (2004). Molecular diversity of methanotrophs in Transbaikal soda lake sediments and identification of potentially active populations by stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 10, 1049-1060.
  • Lu, Y., Lueders, T., Friedrich, M.W. ve Conrad, R., (2005). Detecting active methanogenic populations on rice roots using stable isotope probing, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 3, 326-336.
  • Lueders, T., Friedrich, M.W. ve Manefield, M., (2004a). Enhanced sensitivity of DNA- and rRNA-based stable isotope probing by fractionation and quantitative analysis of isopycnic centrifugation gradients, Environmental Microbiology, 6, 1, 73-78.
  • Lueders, T., Pommerenke, B. ve Friedrich, M.W., (2004b). Stable-isotope probing of microorganisms thriving at thermodynamic limits: Syntrophic propionate oxidation in flooded soil, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 70, 10, 5778-5786.
  • Mahmood, S., Paton, G.I. ve Prosser, J.I., (2005). Cultivation-independent in situ molecular analysis of bacteria involved in degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil, Environmental Microbiology, 7, 9, 1349-1360.
  • Maidak, B.L., Cole, J.R., Lilburn, T.G., Parker, C.T., Saxman, P.R., Farris, R.J., Garrity, G.M., Olsen, G.J., Schmidt, T.M. ve Tiedje, J.M., (2001). The RDP-II (Ribomosal Data Project), Nucleic Acids Research, 29, 1, 173-174.
  • Manefield, M., Whiteley, A.S., Griffiths, R.I. ve Bailey, M.J., (2002). RNA stable isotope probing, a novel means of linking microbial community function to phylogeny, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68, 11, 5367-5373.
  • McInerney, M.J., Bryant, M.P., Hespell, R.B. ve Costerton, J.W., (1981). Syntrophomonas wolfei gen. nov. sp. nov., an anaerobic, syntrophic, fatty acid-oxidizing bacterium, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 41, 4, 1029-1039.
  • McInerney, M.J. ve Wofford, N.Q., (1992). Enzymes involved in crotonate metabolism in Syntrophomonas wolfei, Archives of Microbiology, 158, 5, 344-349.
  • Plugge, C.M., (2005). Anoxic media design, preparation and considerations, in Methods in Enzymology: Environmental Microbiology, eds, Leadbetter J, Academic Press, 3-16, USA.
  • Radajewski, S., Murrell, J.C., Ineson, P. ve Parekh, N.R., (2000). Stable-isotope probing as a tool in microbial ecology, Nature, 403(6770), 646-649.
  • Radajewski, S., Webster, G., Reay, D.S., Morris, S.A., Ineson, P., Nedwell, D.B., Prosser, J.I. ve Murrell, J.C., (2002). Identification of active methylotroph populations in an acidic forest soil by stable-isotope probing, Microbiology, 148, 8, 2331-2342.
  • Roest, K., Altınbaş, M., Paulo, P.L., Heilig, H.G., Akkermans, A.D.L., Smidt, H., De Vos, W.M., ve Stams, A.J., (2005). Enrichment and detection of microorganisms involved in direct and indirect methanogenesis from methanol in an anaerobic thermophilic bioreactor, Microbial Ecology, 50, 3, 440-446.
  • Roy, F., Samain, E., Dubourguier, H.C. ve Albagnac, G., (1986). Syntrophomonas sapovorans sp. nov., a new obligately proton reducing anaerobe oxidizing saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acids, Archives of Microbiology, 145, 2, 142-147.
  • Schink, B. ve Friedrich, M., (1994). Energetics of syntrophic fatty acid oxidation, FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 15, 2-3, 85-94.
  • Stams, A.J.M., Van Dijk, J.B., Dijkema, C. Ve Plugge, C.M., (1993). Growth of syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria with fumarate in the absence of methanogenic bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 59, 4, 1114- 1119.
  • Stieb, M. ve Schink, B., (1985). Anaerobic oxidation of fatty acids by Clostridium bryantii sp. nov., a sporeforming, obligately syntrophic bacteria, Archives of Microbiology, 140, 4, 387-390.
  • Truper, H.G. ve Schlegel, H.G., (1964). Sulphur metabolism in Triorhodaceae. 1. Quantitative measurements on growing cells of Chromatium okenii, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 30, 1, 225-238.
  • Wallrabenstein, C. ve Schink, B., (1994). Evidence of reversed electron transport in syntrophic butyrate or benzoate oxidation by Syntrophomonas wolfei and Syntrophus buswellii, Archives of Microbiology, 162, 1-2, 136-142.
  • Wu, W.M., Jain, M.K., Macario, E.C., Thiele, J.H. ve Zeikus, J.G., (1992). Microbial composition and characterization of prevalent methanogens and acetogens isolated from syntrohic methanogenic granules, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 38, 2, 282-290.
  • Zhang, C., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2004). Syntrophomonas curvata sp. nov., an anaerobe that degrades fatty acids in co-culture with methanogens, International Journal of Systematic and Bacteriology, 54, 3, 969-973.
  • Zhang, C., Liu, X. ve Dong, X., (2005). Syntrophomonas erecta sp. nov., a novel anaerobe that syntrophically degrades short-chain fatty acids, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 55, 799-803.
  • Zhao, H., Yang, D., Woese, C.R. ve Bryant, M.P., (1990). Assignment of Clostridium bryantii to Syntrophosphora bryantii gen. nov., comb. nov. on the basis of a 16S rRNA sequence analysis of its crotonate-grown pure culture, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 40, 1, 40-44.
  • Zhao, H., Yang, D., Woese, C.R. ve Bryant, M.P., (1993). Assignment of fatty acid-B-oxidizing syntrophic bacteria to Syntrophomonadaceae fam. nov. on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analyses, International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology, 43, 2, 278-286.
  • Zou, B.Z., Takeda, K., Tonouchi, A., Akada, S. Ve Fujita, T., (2003). Characteristics of an anaerobic, syntrophic, butyrate-degrading bacterium in paddy field soil, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 67, 10, 2059-2067.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Water Resources and Water Structures
Journal Section Lisansüstü tezlerden üretilmiş makaleler

Mahmut Altınbaş This is me

İzzet Öztürk This is me

Alfons J.m. Stams This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Altınbaş, M., Öztürk, İ., & Stams, A. J. (2007). Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, 17(1), 39-50.
AMA Altınbaş M, Öztürk İ, Stams AJ. Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. December 2007;17(1):39-50.
Chicago Altınbaş, Mahmut, İzzet Öztürk, and Alfons J.m. Stams. “Havasız biyoreaktörlerde Sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun Stabil Izotop işaretlemesi Ile tanımlanması”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17, no. 1 (December 2007): 39-50.
EndNote Altınbaş M, Öztürk İ, Stams AJ (December 1, 2007) Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17 1 39–50.
IEEE M. Altınbaş, İ. Öztürk, and A. J. Stams, “Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması”, Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 39–50, 2007.
ISNAD Altınbaş, Mahmut et al. “Havasız biyoreaktörlerde Sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun Stabil Izotop işaretlemesi Ile tanımlanması”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17/1 (December 2007), 39-50.
JAMA Altınbaş M, Öztürk İ, Stams AJ. Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. 2007;17:39–50.
MLA Altınbaş, Mahmut et al. “Havasız biyoreaktörlerde Sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun Stabil Izotop işaretlemesi Ile tanımlanması”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 1, 2007, pp. 39-50.
Vancouver Altınbaş M, Öztürk İ, Stams AJ. Havasız biyoreaktörlerde sintrofik bütiratı ayrıştıran topluluğun stabil izotop işaretlemesi ile tanımlanması. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. 2007;17(1):39-50.