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Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi

Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 15 - 24, 31.12.2007


Çamur stabilizasyonu, organik madde içeriğinin azaltılması, patojen organizmaların giderilmesi ve koku potansiyelinin azaltılması amacıyla çamura uygulanan birim işlemlerdendir. En yaygın kullanılan biyolojik stabilizasyon yöntemleri, anaerobik çürütme ve aerobik çürütmedir. Bu yöntemler, bir çok avantajlara sahip olmakla birlikte, stabilizasyon sonrasında elde edilen çamur zayıf su verme özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu da mekanik su alma işlemleri sırasında daha fazla şartlandırıcı kimyasal madde tüketimi ve çamur kekinde düşük katı madde içeriği ile birlikte daha yüksek işletme ve bertaraf etme maliyetlerine neden olur. Atıksu arıtma tesislerinde oluşan arıtma çamurlarının suyunu güç vermesindeki biyolojik nedenler üzerine son dönemde yapılan birçok araştırma mevcuttur. Anaerobik ve aerobik çürütme proseslerinde, azalan enzim aktivitesinin sonucu olarak, katı madde indirgenme hızlarındaki düşüş ve flok yapıdaki farklılaşma çamurun su verme özelliklerini zayıflatmaktadır. Çamurların su verme özelliklerinden sorumlu olan çamur bünyesindeki protein, polisakkaritler gibi hücre dışı polimerik bileşenler; aerobik veya anaerobik ortamda hidrolizi gerçekleştirecek olan enzimlerin aktivitelerindeki azalmayla birlikte bozunamayıp, ortamda birikmeye başlamaktadır. Aerobik çürüme işleminde polisakkarit miktarında gözlenen artış; anaerobik çürüme işleminde ise hem protein hem de polisakkarit bozunmasındaki azalmaya rağmen bunların mertebe olarak aerobik çürüme işlemindeki değerlerden daha yüksek olması, azalan enzim aktivitesinin en önemli göstergesidir. Bu makale kapsamında, arıtma çamurlarının enzimlerle arıtımı, enzimatik arıtımın flok ayrıştırma mekanizmaları ve oluşan çamur miktarı üzerindeki etkilerinin incelendiği araştırmaların sonuçları verilmektedir. Ayrıca enzimlerin çamurların su verme özelliklerini nasıl etkilediği konusu irdelenmiştir.


  • Ayol A., Filibeli A., Sir D., Kuzyaka E. (2007). Aerobic and anaerobic bioprocessing of activated sludge: Floc disintegration by enzymes. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 755-764, Antalya.
  • Ayol, A. (2005.a). Enzymatic treatment effects on dewaterability of anaerobically digested biosolids-I: Performance evaluations, Process Biochemistry, 40, 7, 2427–2434.
  • Ayol, A., Dentel, S.K., (2005). Enzymatic treatment effects on dewaterability of anaerobically digested biosolids-II: Filterability and Drainability Simulations, Process Biochemistry, 40, 7, 2435–2442.
  • Ayol, A., (2005b). Arıtma çamurlarının su verme özelliklerinin geliştirilmesinde yeni bir uygulama: enzimlerle arıtma proje önerisi, TÜBİTAK 104Y375 Nolu proje 1. Gelişme Raporu.
  • Bailey, J.E. ve Ollis, D.F., (1986). Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill.
  • Barjenbruch M., Kopplow O., (2003). Enzymatic, mechanical and thermal pre-treatment of surplus sludge, Advances in Environmental Research, 7, 715–720.
  • Baudez J.C., Ginisty P., Peuchot C., Spinosa L. (2007). The preparation of synthetic sludge for lab testing. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 469-477, Antalya.
  • Chu C.P., Chu C.P., Chang B.V., Liao G.S., Jean D.S., Lee D.J. (2001). Observation on changes in ultrasonically treated waste-activated sludge. Water Research, 35, 4, 1038–46.
  • Dursun, D., Ayol, A., Dentel, S.K., (2004).Physical characteristics of a waste activated sludge: Conditioning responses and correlations with a synthetic surrogate, Water Science and Technology, 50, 9, 129-136.
  • Dursun D., Dentel S.K. (2007). The importance of structural and gel fractions in determining shear sensitivity of sludge. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 721-730, Antalya.
  • Dursun D., Dentel S.K. (2005). Sludge as a gel like material. I. Ulusal Arıtma Çamurları Sempozyumu-AÇS2005 Bildiriler Kitabı, 77-86, İzmir .
  • Report of the Commission on Enzymes of the International Union of Biochemistry. Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1961.
  • Enzyme Nomenclature. Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. New York: Academic Press; 1992.
  • Goodwin JAS, Forster CF. (1985). A further examination into the composition of activated sludge surfaces in relation to their settlement characteristics, Water Research, 19, 4, 527–33.
  • Houghton, J.I. and Stephenson, T. (2002). Effect of influent organic content on digested sludge extracellular polymer content and dewaterability. Water Research, 36, 3620-3628.
  • Jain, S., Lala, A.K., Bhatia, S.K., and Kudchadker, A.P., (1992) Modeling of hydrolysis controlled anaerobic digestion, J Chem Tech Biotechnol, 53, 337-344.
  • La Cour Jansen, J., Davidsson, A., Dey, E. S., Norrlöw, O. (2004). Enzyme-assisted sludge minimization, In Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VIII, Gothenburg Symposium, 345-353, Orlando, FL, United States.
  • Li D-H, Ganczarczyk J. (1990). Structure of activated sludge flocs, Biotechnol Bioeng 35, 1, 57–65.
  • Liu Y., Tay J.H. (2001). Strategy for minimization of excess sludge production from the activated sludge process, Biotechnol. Adv., 19, 2, 97–107.
  • Mikkelsen, L.H. (1999). A physical chemical approach to the floc strength concept-with dewatering implications, Ph.D. Dissertation, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • Mikkelsen LH, Keiding K. (2002). Physicochemical characteristics of full scale sewage sludges with implications to dewatering, Water Research, 36, 2451–2462.
  • Müller, J. A. (2000). Disintegration as a key-step in sewage sludge treatment, Water Science Technology, 41, 8, 123–130.
  • Muller J.A, Winter A., Strünkmann G. (2004). Investigation and assessment of sludge pretreatment processe, Water Science and Technology, 49, 10, 97-104.
  • Novak JT, Sadler ME, Murthy SN. (2003) Mechanisms of floc destruction during anaerobic and aerobic digestion and the effect on conditioning and dewatering of biosolids, Water Research, 37, 3136–44.
  • Ormeci, B., Vesilind P.A. (2000). Development of an improved synthetic sludge: A possible surrogate for studying activated sludge dewatering characteristics, Water Research, 34, 1069-1078.
  • Poxon, T.L. (1996). Structure and dewaterability in anaerobically digested sludge. In Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation WEFTEC, Residuals and Biosolid Management Collection Systems, Dallas, Texas, 2, 167-178.
  • Sanin F.D., Vesilind P.A. (1996). Synthetic sludge: A physical/chemical model in understanding bioflocculation, Water Environment Research, 68, 927-933.
  • Sarkar, J., Shah, J., Ramesh, M., (2003). Method of dewatering sludge using enzymes, US- Patent Application.
  • Speece RE., (1996). Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewater. Nashville Tennessee, USA: Archae Press.
  • Thomas, L., Jungschaffer, G., ve Sprossler, B. (1993). Improved sludge dewatering by enzymatic treatment, Water Science and Technology, 28, 1, 189-192.
  • Wawrzynczyk, J., Dey, E. S., Norrlöw, O., Jansen, J. l. C. (2003). Alternative method for sludge reduction using commercial enzymes, In 8th CIWEM/Aqua Enviro European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference (P. Lowe and J. A. Hudson, eds.), 1-5. Aqua Enviro Technology Transfer, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK.
  • Wei Y., Van Houten R.T., Borger A.R., Eikelboom D.H., Fan Y. (2003). Minimization of excess sludge production for biological wastewater treatment, Water Research, 37, 4453–4467.
  • Whiteley C.G., Lee D.J. (2006). Enzyme technology and biological remediation, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38, 291–316.
  • Whiteley, C.G., Burgess, J.E., Melamane, X., Pletschke B., Rose P.D., (2003). The enzymology of sludge solubilisation utilizing sulphate-reducing systems: the properties of lipases, Water Research, 37, 289–296.
Year 2007, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 15 - 24, 31.12.2007



  • Ayol A., Filibeli A., Sir D., Kuzyaka E. (2007). Aerobic and anaerobic bioprocessing of activated sludge: Floc disintegration by enzymes. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 755-764, Antalya.
  • Ayol, A. (2005.a). Enzymatic treatment effects on dewaterability of anaerobically digested biosolids-I: Performance evaluations, Process Biochemistry, 40, 7, 2427–2434.
  • Ayol, A., Dentel, S.K., (2005). Enzymatic treatment effects on dewaterability of anaerobically digested biosolids-II: Filterability and Drainability Simulations, Process Biochemistry, 40, 7, 2435–2442.
  • Ayol, A., (2005b). Arıtma çamurlarının su verme özelliklerinin geliştirilmesinde yeni bir uygulama: enzimlerle arıtma proje önerisi, TÜBİTAK 104Y375 Nolu proje 1. Gelişme Raporu.
  • Bailey, J.E. ve Ollis, D.F., (1986). Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd edition, McGraw Hill.
  • Barjenbruch M., Kopplow O., (2003). Enzymatic, mechanical and thermal pre-treatment of surplus sludge, Advances in Environmental Research, 7, 715–720.
  • Baudez J.C., Ginisty P., Peuchot C., Spinosa L. (2007). The preparation of synthetic sludge for lab testing. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 469-477, Antalya.
  • Chu C.P., Chu C.P., Chang B.V., Liao G.S., Jean D.S., Lee D.J. (2001). Observation on changes in ultrasonically treated waste-activated sludge. Water Research, 35, 4, 1038–46.
  • Dursun, D., Ayol, A., Dentel, S.K., (2004).Physical characteristics of a waste activated sludge: Conditioning responses and correlations with a synthetic surrogate, Water Science and Technology, 50, 9, 129-136.
  • Dursun D., Dentel S.K. (2007). The importance of structural and gel fractions in determining shear sensitivity of sludge. Proceedings of IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks, and Opportunities, 721-730, Antalya.
  • Dursun D., Dentel S.K. (2005). Sludge as a gel like material. I. Ulusal Arıtma Çamurları Sempozyumu-AÇS2005 Bildiriler Kitabı, 77-86, İzmir .
  • Report of the Commission on Enzymes of the International Union of Biochemistry. Oxford: Pergamon Press; 1961.
  • Enzyme Nomenclature. Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. New York: Academic Press; 1992.
  • Goodwin JAS, Forster CF. (1985). A further examination into the composition of activated sludge surfaces in relation to their settlement characteristics, Water Research, 19, 4, 527–33.
  • Houghton, J.I. and Stephenson, T. (2002). Effect of influent organic content on digested sludge extracellular polymer content and dewaterability. Water Research, 36, 3620-3628.
  • Jain, S., Lala, A.K., Bhatia, S.K., and Kudchadker, A.P., (1992) Modeling of hydrolysis controlled anaerobic digestion, J Chem Tech Biotechnol, 53, 337-344.
  • La Cour Jansen, J., Davidsson, A., Dey, E. S., Norrlöw, O. (2004). Enzyme-assisted sludge minimization, In Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VIII, Gothenburg Symposium, 345-353, Orlando, FL, United States.
  • Li D-H, Ganczarczyk J. (1990). Structure of activated sludge flocs, Biotechnol Bioeng 35, 1, 57–65.
  • Liu Y., Tay J.H. (2001). Strategy for minimization of excess sludge production from the activated sludge process, Biotechnol. Adv., 19, 2, 97–107.
  • Mikkelsen, L.H. (1999). A physical chemical approach to the floc strength concept-with dewatering implications, Ph.D. Dissertation, Aalborg University, Denmark.
  • Mikkelsen LH, Keiding K. (2002). Physicochemical characteristics of full scale sewage sludges with implications to dewatering, Water Research, 36, 2451–2462.
  • Müller, J. A. (2000). Disintegration as a key-step in sewage sludge treatment, Water Science Technology, 41, 8, 123–130.
  • Muller J.A, Winter A., Strünkmann G. (2004). Investigation and assessment of sludge pretreatment processe, Water Science and Technology, 49, 10, 97-104.
  • Novak JT, Sadler ME, Murthy SN. (2003) Mechanisms of floc destruction during anaerobic and aerobic digestion and the effect on conditioning and dewatering of biosolids, Water Research, 37, 3136–44.
  • Ormeci, B., Vesilind P.A. (2000). Development of an improved synthetic sludge: A possible surrogate for studying activated sludge dewatering characteristics, Water Research, 34, 1069-1078.
  • Poxon, T.L. (1996). Structure and dewaterability in anaerobically digested sludge. In Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation WEFTEC, Residuals and Biosolid Management Collection Systems, Dallas, Texas, 2, 167-178.
  • Sanin F.D., Vesilind P.A. (1996). Synthetic sludge: A physical/chemical model in understanding bioflocculation, Water Environment Research, 68, 927-933.
  • Sarkar, J., Shah, J., Ramesh, M., (2003). Method of dewatering sludge using enzymes, US- Patent Application.
  • Speece RE., (1996). Anaerobic biotechnology for industrial wastewater. Nashville Tennessee, USA: Archae Press.
  • Thomas, L., Jungschaffer, G., ve Sprossler, B. (1993). Improved sludge dewatering by enzymatic treatment, Water Science and Technology, 28, 1, 189-192.
  • Wawrzynczyk, J., Dey, E. S., Norrlöw, O., Jansen, J. l. C. (2003). Alternative method for sludge reduction using commercial enzymes, In 8th CIWEM/Aqua Enviro European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference (P. Lowe and J. A. Hudson, eds.), 1-5. Aqua Enviro Technology Transfer, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK.
  • Wei Y., Van Houten R.T., Borger A.R., Eikelboom D.H., Fan Y. (2003). Minimization of excess sludge production for biological wastewater treatment, Water Research, 37, 4453–4467.
  • Whiteley C.G., Lee D.J. (2006). Enzyme technology and biological remediation, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38, 291–316.
  • Whiteley, C.G., Burgess, J.E., Melamane, X., Pletschke B., Rose P.D., (2003). The enzymology of sludge solubilisation utilizing sulphate-reducing systems: the properties of lipases, Water Research, 37, 289–296.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Water Resources and Water Structures
Journal Section Araştırma makaleleri

Azize Ayol This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Ayol, A. (2007). Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, 17(3), 15-24.
AMA Ayol A. Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. December 2007;17(3):15-24.
Chicago Ayol, Azize. “Arıtma çamuru Flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur Su Verme özellikleri üzerine Etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17, no. 3 (December 2007): 15-24.
EndNote Ayol A (December 1, 2007) Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17 3 15–24.
IEEE A. Ayol, “Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi”, Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 15–24, 2007.
ISNAD Ayol, Azize. “Arıtma çamuru Flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur Su Verme özellikleri üzerine Etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 17/3 (December 2007), 15-24.
JAMA Ayol A. Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. 2007;17:15–24.
MLA Ayol, Azize. “Arıtma çamuru Flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur Su Verme özellikleri üzerine Etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi”. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 3, 2007, pp. 15-24.
Vancouver Ayol A. Arıtma çamuru flok ayrıştırma mekanizmalarının çamur su verme özellikleri üzerine etkisi: Enzimlerle arıtım yöntemi. Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi. 2007;17(3):15-24.