Retraction: Dissociation of patella Types in Sakarya Cities Adult Population

Year 2014, , 125 - 128, 01.09.2014
This article was retracted on March 16, 2023.


DISSOCIATION OF PATELLA TYPES IN SAKARYA CITY'S ADULT POPULATIONSUMMARYPurpose: to determine the type and morphology of the patella and association with patellofemoral joint diseases, such as chondromalasia patella, lateral compression syndrom in Sakarya adult population.Methods and Materials: One hundred knees are chosen randomly from the patients admitted to polyclinic with symptoms of knee complaint. Median age of patients is fifty -one (18-93) and none of the patients have history of knee trauma or knee surgery. Knee radiographs were performed according to Merchant et al. Patella types are determinated according to Wiberg and Baumgartle classification.Results: It's determinated that; type I %24, type II %70 and type III %6. No type IV was founded.Conclusion: There are inter-observer differences in Wiberg and Baumgartle classification. Patella type chondromalasia is not thought to be a factor in patella ethiology however displasic facet anathomy cause patellofemoral pain because of incomplete contact. Patella types of adults in Sakarya doesn't have spesific dissociation.Key words: Patella; Type; Dissociation.


  • Tria AJ, Palumbo RC, Alicea JA. Conservative care for patellofemoral pain. Orthop Clin North Am 1992; 23(4): 545-555.
  • Wiberg G. Roentgenographic and anatomic studies on the patellofemoral joint:With special reference to chondromalacia patella. Acta Orthop Scand 1941; 12: 319-410.
  • Baumgartle F. Das Kniegelenk: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1964.
  • Merchant AC, Mercer RL, Jacobsen RH. Roentgenographic analysis of patellofemoral congruence. J Bone Joint Surg 1974; 56-A: 1391-1396.
  • Reider B, Marshall JL, Koslin B. The anterior aspect of the knee joint an anatomic study. J Bone Joint Surg 1981; 63-A: 351-356.
  • Aglietti P, Buzzi R, Insall JN. Disorders of the patellofemoral joint. In: Insall JN, Scott WN. Ed. 3th edition. Surgery of the knee. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2001: 913-959.
  • Schutzer SF, Ramsby GR, Fulkerson JP. Computer tomographic classification of patellofemoral pain patients. Orthop Clin North Am 1986; 17: 235-248.
  • Outerbridge RE. The etiology of chondromalacia patellae. J Bone Joint Surg 1961; 43-B: 752-757.
  • Outerbridge RE. Further studies on etiology of chondromalacia patellae. J Bone Joint Surg 1964; 46-B: 179-190.

Retraction: Sakarya ilindeki Erişkinlerde Patella Tiplerinin Dağılımı

Year 2014, , 125 - 128, 01.09.2014
This article was retracted on March 16, 2023.


SAKARYA İLİNDEKİ ERİŞKİNLERDE PATELLA TİPLERİNİN DAĞILIMIAmaç: Bu çalışma ile Sakarya ilindeki erişkinlerde patella tipleri dağılımının saptanarak, patella morfolojisi ile kondromalazi patella ve lateral kompresyon sendromu gibi sık görülen patellofemoral eklem hastalıklar arasındaki ilişkilerin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: Farklı hastalıklarla polikliniğimize başvuran randomize olarak seçilmiş ve dizlerinde semptomu bulunan olguların yüz adet dizi çalışmaya alındı. Olguların yaş ortalaması elli bir (18-93) idi ve hiçbirinde dizlerine ait travma ve cerrahi girişim hikayesi yoktu. Hastalara Merchant ve arkadaşlarının tanımladığı biçimde direkt tanjansiyel patella grafileri çektirildi. Wiberg ve Baumgartle sınıflamasına göre patella tipleri belirlendi.Bulgular: Tip I patella %24, tip II patella %70 ve tip III patella %6 olarak bulundu. Hiçbir hastada tip IV patellaya rastlanmadı.Sonuç: Wiberg ve Baumgartle sınıflamasına göre patella tiplendirilmesi yapılırken kişisel farklılıklar yaşanır. Patella tipi kondromalazi patella etyolojisinde bir faktör olarak düşünülmemektedir. Ancak displazik faset anatomisi tam olmayan temasa yol açarak patellofemoral ağrıya yol açabilmektedir. Sakarya ilindeki erişkenlerin patella tiplerinin kendine has bir dağılım özelliği yoktur.Anahtar Kelimeler: Patella; Tiplendirme; Dağılım.


  • Tria AJ, Palumbo RC, Alicea JA. Conservative care for patellofemoral pain. Orthop Clin North Am 1992; 23(4): 545-555.
  • Wiberg G. Roentgenographic and anatomic studies on the patellofemoral joint:With special reference to chondromalacia patella. Acta Orthop Scand 1941; 12: 319-410.
  • Baumgartle F. Das Kniegelenk: Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1964.
  • Merchant AC, Mercer RL, Jacobsen RH. Roentgenographic analysis of patellofemoral congruence. J Bone Joint Surg 1974; 56-A: 1391-1396.
  • Reider B, Marshall JL, Koslin B. The anterior aspect of the knee joint an anatomic study. J Bone Joint Surg 1981; 63-A: 351-356.
  • Aglietti P, Buzzi R, Insall JN. Disorders of the patellofemoral joint. In: Insall JN, Scott WN. Ed. 3th edition. Surgery of the knee. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2001: 913-959.
  • Schutzer SF, Ramsby GR, Fulkerson JP. Computer tomographic classification of patellofemoral pain patients. Orthop Clin North Am 1986; 17: 235-248.
  • Outerbridge RE. The etiology of chondromalacia patellae. J Bone Joint Surg 1961; 43-B: 752-757.
  • Outerbridge RE. Further studies on etiology of chondromalacia patellae. J Bone Joint Surg 1964; 46-B: 179-190.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Tolga Kaplan This is me

Hakan Başar This is me

Mustafa Erkan İnanmaz This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2014
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


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