Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 145 - 152, 31.01.2025


Weak and failed states which can’t succeed effective Weberian responsibilities and functions, was occured in wide geography from the Balkans to the Caucasus, from the Middle East to Central Asia since Cold War was ended. In the process up to the present this states number increased and are increasing. It was said in important articles that poverty, coruption, narco traffic, teror and various conflicts which threathens international system’s stability was caused by weak and failed states. Failed states conflicts can be solved by building succesful liberal democratic states for liberal perspective. In this article liberal states building which was very important for international community, was analized in the paradigm of International Relations discipline.


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  • Barkin, J. S. (2010). "Realist Constructivism Rethinking International Relations Theory Realism". Cambridge University Press, 16.
  • Burchill, S., Linklater, A., Devetak, R., Donnelly, J., Paterson, M., Reus-Smit, C., & True, J. (2005). "Theories of international relations" (Jervis, Ro). Palgrave Macmillan., 25: 55.
  • Carothers, T. (2007). "How Democracies Emerge: The “Sequencing” Fallacy". Journal Of Democracy, 18(1), 12–27.
  • Doyle, M. W. (1983). "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs. Philosophy and Public Affairs", 12(3), 205–235., 205-235.
  • Doyle, M. W. (2012). "Liberal Peace". Routledge., 4.
  • Folker, J. S. (2013). "International Relations Theories Discipline and Diversity" (T. Dunne, M. Kurki, & S. Smith (eds.)). Oxford University Press, 113-129.
  • Friedman, T. L. (1996). "Foreign Affairs Big Mac". Nytimes., (04.09.2021).
  • Fukuyama, F. (1993). "End of History and the Last Man". In Contemporary Sociology (Vol. 22, Issue 2). Free Press., 22.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2014). "State – Building Governance And World Order In The 21st Century". Cornell University Press, 48.
  • Ghani, A., ve Lockhart, C. (2008). "Fixing Failed States A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World". Oxford University Press; 1st edition, 4.
  • Gismondi, M. D. (2008). "Ethics, liberalism and realism in international relations". Routledge., 19: 41: 54.
  • Gold, D., & McGlinchey, S. (2017). "International Relations Theory" (S. McGlinchey (ed.); E-International Relations Publishing., 48.
  • Gözler, K. (2018). "Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş". Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 49: 103-104.
  • Griffiths, M. (2007). "International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century". Routledge., 69.
  • Hameiri, S. (2010). "Regulating Statehood". Palgrave Macmillan, 1.
  • Harari, Y. N. (2018). "21 Lessons For The 21st Century". Penguin Books, 22.
  • Hehir, A., ve Robinson, N. (2007). "State-building: Theory and practice. State-Building: Theory and Practice", 1–200., 1.
  • Moravcsik, A. (1992). "Liberalism and International Relations Theory". Harvard University Press, 3-53.
  • Keohane, R. O., Nye, J. (2012). "Power and Interdependence". New York: Pearson, 252.
  • Rengger, N. J. (2005). "International Relations, Political Theory and The Problem of Order: Beyond International Relations Theory?" Routledge., 117: 129.
  • Russet, B. (1993). "Grasping The Democratic Peace" (Vol. 1). Princeton University Press., 4: 94-131.
  • Sandıklı, A., ve Kaya, E. (2013). B"arış Kavramına Teorik Yaklaşımlar ve Küresel Yönetişim". İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(23), 59–79.
  • Sarıca, M. (1996). "100 soruda Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi". Gerçek Yayınevi, 64.
  • Şenel, A. (1996). "Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi, Tarih Öncesinde İlkçağda Ortaçağda ve Yeniçağda Toplum ve Siyasal Düşünüş". Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, 319.
  • Sutch, P. (2007). "International Relations: The Basics". Routledge., 11: 65: 67.
  • Viotti, P. R., & Kauppi, M. V. (2012). "International Relations Theory". Pearson, 129-164.


Year 2025, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 145 - 152, 31.01.2025


Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesiyle birlikte, Balkanlar'dan Kafkaslara, Ortadoğu’dan, Orta Asya'ya kadar uzanan geniş bir coğrafyada, Weberyen anlamdaki sorumluluklarını ve fonksiyonlarını etkin olarak yerine getiremeyen, başarısız ve zayıf devletler ortaya çıkmıştır. Günümüze kadar devam eden süreçte bu devletlerin sayısı gün geçtikçe artmış ve artmaktadır. Yoksulluk, yolsuzluk, uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı, terör gibi ciddi pek çok uluslararası sistemin güvenliğini tehdit eden sorunların bu zayıf ya da başarısız devletlerden kaynaklandığı uluslararası kamuoyunda ve çeşitli disiplinlerdeki önemli çalışmalarda ifade edilmektedir. Liberal perspektifte, başarısız devletler sorunsalının çözümünün, etkili liberal demokratik devlet inşasından geçtiği ve uluslararası toplumun bu konuda birlikte hareket etmesi gerektiği düşüncesi paylaşılmaktadır. Makalede, uluslararası toplum açısından taşıdığı önemden hareketle, liberal devlet inşası konusu Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplini paradigması sınırlarında analiz edilmiştir.


  • Akıncı, A. (2011). "Demokrasi ve Liberalizmin Zorunlu Birlikteliği". Paradoks Ekonomi, 7(1), 7–28., (05.08.2021).
  • Barkin, J. S. (2010). "Realist Constructivism Rethinking International Relations Theory Realism". Cambridge University Press, 16.
  • Burchill, S., Linklater, A., Devetak, R., Donnelly, J., Paterson, M., Reus-Smit, C., & True, J. (2005). "Theories of international relations" (Jervis, Ro). Palgrave Macmillan., 25: 55.
  • Carothers, T. (2007). "How Democracies Emerge: The “Sequencing” Fallacy". Journal Of Democracy, 18(1), 12–27.
  • Doyle, M. W. (1983). "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs. Philosophy and Public Affairs", 12(3), 205–235., 205-235.
  • Doyle, M. W. (2012). "Liberal Peace". Routledge., 4.
  • Folker, J. S. (2013). "International Relations Theories Discipline and Diversity" (T. Dunne, M. Kurki, & S. Smith (eds.)). Oxford University Press, 113-129.
  • Friedman, T. L. (1996). "Foreign Affairs Big Mac". Nytimes., (04.09.2021).
  • Fukuyama, F. (1993). "End of History and the Last Man". In Contemporary Sociology (Vol. 22, Issue 2). Free Press., 22.
  • Fukuyama, F. (2014). "State – Building Governance And World Order In The 21st Century". Cornell University Press, 48.
  • Ghani, A., ve Lockhart, C. (2008). "Fixing Failed States A Framework for Rebuilding a Fractured World". Oxford University Press; 1st edition, 4.
  • Gismondi, M. D. (2008). "Ethics, liberalism and realism in international relations". Routledge., 19: 41: 54.
  • Gold, D., & McGlinchey, S. (2017). "International Relations Theory" (S. McGlinchey (ed.); E-International Relations Publishing., 48.
  • Gözler, K. (2018). "Anayasa Hukukuna Giriş". Ekin Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 49: 103-104.
  • Griffiths, M. (2007). "International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century". Routledge., 69.
  • Hameiri, S. (2010). "Regulating Statehood". Palgrave Macmillan, 1.
  • Harari, Y. N. (2018). "21 Lessons For The 21st Century". Penguin Books, 22.
  • Hehir, A., ve Robinson, N. (2007). "State-building: Theory and practice. State-Building: Theory and Practice", 1–200., 1.
  • Moravcsik, A. (1992). "Liberalism and International Relations Theory". Harvard University Press, 3-53.
  • Keohane, R. O., Nye, J. (2012). "Power and Interdependence". New York: Pearson, 252.
  • Rengger, N. J. (2005). "International Relations, Political Theory and The Problem of Order: Beyond International Relations Theory?" Routledge., 117: 129.
  • Russet, B. (1993). "Grasping The Democratic Peace" (Vol. 1). Princeton University Press., 4: 94-131.
  • Sandıklı, A., ve Kaya, E. (2013). B"arış Kavramına Teorik Yaklaşımlar ve Küresel Yönetişim". İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(23), 59–79.
  • Sarıca, M. (1996). "100 soruda Siyasi Düşünce Tarihi". Gerçek Yayınevi, 64.
  • Şenel, A. (1996). "Siyasal Düşünceler Tarihi, Tarih Öncesinde İlkçağda Ortaçağda ve Yeniçağda Toplum ve Siyasal Düşünüş". Bilim ve Sanat Yayınları, 319.
  • Sutch, P. (2007). "International Relations: The Basics". Routledge., 11: 65: 67.
  • Viotti, P. R., & Kauppi, M. V. (2012). "International Relations Theory". Pearson, 129-164.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Relations Theories
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Erkin Kara 0000-0001-9546-6847

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date October 17, 2024
Acceptance Date December 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Kara, M. E. (2025). ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLER DİSİPLİNİNDE LİBERALİZM VE LİBERAL DEVLET İNŞASI. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(1), 145-152.