Year 2021,
, 34 - 48, 31.12.2021
Damla Yağcı
Mustafa Turhan Çoban
Oğuz Emrah Turgut
Sanayinin birçok alanında, değişik türde ve çeşitte soğutucu akışkanların kullanılıyor olmasının yanı sıra, literatüre de birbirinden farklı özelliklere sahip birçok yeni akışkan eklenmiştir. Her soğutucu akışkan için literatürde bulunan mevcut yoğuşma ısı transfer korelasyonlarıyla ısı transfer katsayısı hesabı yapmak, birçok hatayı beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu makalede birçok soğutucu akışkana yer verilmiş ve literatürde bulunan en popüler korelasyonlardan 9 korelasyon ile deneysel veriler karşılaştırılmıştır. Akışkan türleri, kütle akış hızları, sıcaklıkları ve boru çapları gibi parametreler değiştirilerek ısı transfer sonuçları Java Crimson Editör ile hesaplanmıştır. Isı transfer katsayı sonuçları grafiksel analiz metotları ile karşılaştırmalı olarak irdelenmiştir.
- [1] Kandlikar, S.G., Shoji, M., Dhir, V.K., 1999, Handbook Of Phase Change: Boilling And Condensation, Printed by Edwards Brothers, U.K., Chapter 23.
- [2] Dalkilic, A. S., Wongwises, S. 2009., Intensive Literature Review Of Condensation İnside Smooth And Enhanced Tubes, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 52(15-16), 3409–3426.
- [3] Dittus, F.W., Boelter, L.M.E. ,1930, Engineering Publication 2, University of California, p. 443.
- [4] Akers, W.W., Deans, H.A., Crosser, O.K., (1959), Condensation heat transfer within horizontal tubes, Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 55 (29) ,171–176.
- [5] Cavallini, A., Zecchin, R.A., 1974, A dimensionless correlation for heat transfer in forced convection condensation, in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference, vol. 3, pp. 309–313.
- [6] Shah, M.M., 1979, A general correlation for heat transfer during film condensation inside pipes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 547–556.
- [7] Dobson, M.K., Chato, J.C., 1998, Condensation in Smooth Horizontal Tubes, Journal of Heat Transfer, United States, Volume 120, 193-213p.
- [8] Haraguchi, H., Koyama, S., Fujii, T., 1994. Condensation Of Refrigerants HCFC 22, HFC 134a And HCFC 123 İn A Horizontal Smooth Tube (2nd Report), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 245-252p.
- [9] Wang, W.-W., Radcliff T.D., Christensen, R.N., 2002, A Condensation Heat Transfer Correlation For Millimeter-Scale Tubing With Flow Regime Transition Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., 26 pp. 473-485
- [10] Huang, X., Ding. G., Hu, H., Zhu, Y. Peng, H., Gao, Y., Dengo, B., 1994. Influence Of Oil On Flow Condensation Heat Transfer Of R410A İnside 4.18 mm and 1.6 mm İnner Diameter Horizontal Smooth Tubes, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 33, 158-169p.
- [11] Shah, M.M., 2009, An Improved and Extended General Corroletaion for heat Transfer During Condensation in Plain Tubes, AHRAE HVAC&R Research, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2009
- [12] Soliman, H. M., Schuster, J. R., and Berenson, P. J. 1968. A General Heat Transfer Correlation For Annular Flow Condensation, J. Heat Transfer, 90, 267–276p.
- [13] Zivi, S.M., 1964, Estimation of Steady-State Steam Void-Fraction by Means of the Principle of Minimum Entropy Generation, J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 86, pp. 247-252.
- [14] Thome, J.R., El Hajal, J., Cavallini, A., 2003, Condensation İn Horizontal Tubes, Part 2: New Heat Transfer Model Based On Flow Regimes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 3365-3387p.
- [15] Traviss, D. P., Rohsenow, W. M., and Baron, A. B., 1973. Forced Convective Condensation İn Tubes: A Heat Transfer Correlation For Condenser Design. ASHRAE Trans., 79 (1), 157–165p.
- [16] Kattan, N., Thome, J.R and Favrat, D., 1998a, Flow Boiling in Horizontal Tubes. Part 1: Development of a Diabatic Two Phase Flow Pattern Map, J. Heat Transfer, Vol.120, No.1 140–147p.
[17] Lee, Y.-T., Hong, S., Chien, L.-H., Lin, W.-H., Yang, A.-S., 2020, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Film Condensation İn A Horizontal Minitube for HFO1234yf Refrigerant, Applied Energy, Volume 274, 115183
- [18] Longo, G.A., Mancin, S., Righetti, G., Zilio, C., Ceccato, R., Salmaso, L., 2019, Saturated Vapour Condensation of R134a Inside A 4 Mm ID Horizontal SmoothTube: Comparison With The Low GWP Substitutes R152a, R1234yf and R1234ze(E), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 133, 461-473p.
- [19] Nasrfard, H., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadpour, A., Naderan, H., 2019, Experimental Study of Condensation Heat Transfer for R141b İn Intermittent Flow Regime Within A Smooth Horizontal Tube, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 105, 109-122p.
- [20] Aprea C., Greco A ,Vanoli G.P. , 2003, Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficients for R22 and R407C in Gravity Driven Flow Regime Within A Smooth Horizontal Tube, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 26, Issue 4, 393-401p.
- [21] Cavallini,A., Censi, G., Del Col, D., Doretti, L., Longo, G.A., Rossetto, L., 2001, Experimental Investigation on Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of New HFC Refrigerants (R134a, R125, R32, R410A, R236ea) in A Horizontal Smooth Tube, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 24, Issue 1, 73-87p
- [22]Sarmadian, A., Shafaee, M., Mashouf, H., Mohseni, S.G., 2017,Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of R-600a In Horizontal Smooth and Helically Dimpled Tubes, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 86, 54-62p.
- [23] Son, C.-H., Oh, H.-K., 2012, Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2 in A Horizontal Smooth and Microfin Tube At High Saturation Temperatures, Applied Thermal Engineering ,Volume 36, 51-62p.
Year 2021,
, 34 - 48, 31.12.2021
Damla Yağcı
Mustafa Turhan Çoban
Oğuz Emrah Turgut
- [1] Kandlikar, S.G., Shoji, M., Dhir, V.K., 1999, Handbook Of Phase Change: Boilling And Condensation, Printed by Edwards Brothers, U.K., Chapter 23.
- [2] Dalkilic, A. S., Wongwises, S. 2009., Intensive Literature Review Of Condensation İnside Smooth And Enhanced Tubes, International Journal Of Heat And Mass Transfer, 52(15-16), 3409–3426.
- [3] Dittus, F.W., Boelter, L.M.E. ,1930, Engineering Publication 2, University of California, p. 443.
- [4] Akers, W.W., Deans, H.A., Crosser, O.K., (1959), Condensation heat transfer within horizontal tubes, Chem. Eng. Prog. Symp. Ser. 55 (29) ,171–176.
- [5] Cavallini, A., Zecchin, R.A., 1974, A dimensionless correlation for heat transfer in forced convection condensation, in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Heat Transfer Conference, vol. 3, pp. 309–313.
- [6] Shah, M.M., 1979, A general correlation for heat transfer during film condensation inside pipes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 547–556.
- [7] Dobson, M.K., Chato, J.C., 1998, Condensation in Smooth Horizontal Tubes, Journal of Heat Transfer, United States, Volume 120, 193-213p.
- [8] Haraguchi, H., Koyama, S., Fujii, T., 1994. Condensation Of Refrigerants HCFC 22, HFC 134a And HCFC 123 İn A Horizontal Smooth Tube (2nd Report), Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B, 245-252p.
- [9] Wang, W.-W., Radcliff T.D., Christensen, R.N., 2002, A Condensation Heat Transfer Correlation For Millimeter-Scale Tubing With Flow Regime Transition Exp. Thermal Fluid Sci., 26 pp. 473-485
- [10] Huang, X., Ding. G., Hu, H., Zhu, Y. Peng, H., Gao, Y., Dengo, B., 1994. Influence Of Oil On Flow Condensation Heat Transfer Of R410A İnside 4.18 mm and 1.6 mm İnner Diameter Horizontal Smooth Tubes, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 33, 158-169p.
- [11] Shah, M.M., 2009, An Improved and Extended General Corroletaion for heat Transfer During Condensation in Plain Tubes, AHRAE HVAC&R Research, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2009
- [12] Soliman, H. M., Schuster, J. R., and Berenson, P. J. 1968. A General Heat Transfer Correlation For Annular Flow Condensation, J. Heat Transfer, 90, 267–276p.
- [13] Zivi, S.M., 1964, Estimation of Steady-State Steam Void-Fraction by Means of the Principle of Minimum Entropy Generation, J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 86, pp. 247-252.
- [14] Thome, J.R., El Hajal, J., Cavallini, A., 2003, Condensation İn Horizontal Tubes, Part 2: New Heat Transfer Model Based On Flow Regimes, Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 3365-3387p.
- [15] Traviss, D. P., Rohsenow, W. M., and Baron, A. B., 1973. Forced Convective Condensation İn Tubes: A Heat Transfer Correlation For Condenser Design. ASHRAE Trans., 79 (1), 157–165p.
- [16] Kattan, N., Thome, J.R and Favrat, D., 1998a, Flow Boiling in Horizontal Tubes. Part 1: Development of a Diabatic Two Phase Flow Pattern Map, J. Heat Transfer, Vol.120, No.1 140–147p.
[17] Lee, Y.-T., Hong, S., Chien, L.-H., Lin, W.-H., Yang, A.-S., 2020, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Film Condensation İn A Horizontal Minitube for HFO1234yf Refrigerant, Applied Energy, Volume 274, 115183
- [18] Longo, G.A., Mancin, S., Righetti, G., Zilio, C., Ceccato, R., Salmaso, L., 2019, Saturated Vapour Condensation of R134a Inside A 4 Mm ID Horizontal SmoothTube: Comparison With The Low GWP Substitutes R152a, R1234yf and R1234ze(E), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 133, 461-473p.
- [19] Nasrfard, H., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadpour, A., Naderan, H., 2019, Experimental Study of Condensation Heat Transfer for R141b İn Intermittent Flow Regime Within A Smooth Horizontal Tube, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 105, 109-122p.
- [20] Aprea C., Greco A ,Vanoli G.P. , 2003, Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficients for R22 and R407C in Gravity Driven Flow Regime Within A Smooth Horizontal Tube, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 26, Issue 4, 393-401p.
- [21] Cavallini,A., Censi, G., Del Col, D., Doretti, L., Longo, G.A., Rossetto, L., 2001, Experimental Investigation on Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of New HFC Refrigerants (R134a, R125, R32, R410A, R236ea) in A Horizontal Smooth Tube, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 24, Issue 1, 73-87p
- [22]Sarmadian, A., Shafaee, M., Mashouf, H., Mohseni, S.G., 2017,Condensation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of R-600a In Horizontal Smooth and Helically Dimpled Tubes, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 86, 54-62p.
- [23] Son, C.-H., Oh, H.-K., 2012, Condensation Heat Transfer Characteristics of CO2 in A Horizontal Smooth and Microfin Tube At High Saturation Temperatures, Applied Thermal Engineering ,Volume 36, 51-62p.