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Eric Voegelin: The Political Restoration of the Political Order

Year 2011, Issue: 23, 155 - 168, 01.03.2011


In this study, political theory of Eric Voegelin is analysed. Voegelin’s political theory is basically a theory of history and it consists history of the civilization from Mesopotamia to recent. In this study, Voegelin’s political theory is analyzed as intellectual traditions: ancient-Greek, Jewish-Christian heritage and the modern gnostic tradition. In this study, we analyzed Voegelin’s basic question which consists his basic argument: What are the sociological, historical and political results of exploration, conservation and losing of “transcendent experience”? In his political theory, firstly transcendent experience is determinated as historical and “common experience” of humanity. And then in modern era, he analyses the political results of losing or ignoring of this experience: political religions, ideologies, totalitarian political systems, alienation, mass culture and etc


  • CAYGILL Howard, 2002, Levinas and the Political, London, Routledge
  • FEDERICI Michael P., 2002, Eric Voegelin; The Restoration of Order, “Glossary”, Wilmington, Delaware, ISI Books
  • HENKEL, Michael, 1998, Eric Voegelin: zur Einführung, Hamburg, Junius Verlag GmbH
  • HERNDON Jeffrey C., 2007, Eric Voegelin and the Problem of Christian Political Order, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • JARDIN Murray, 1995, “Eric Voegelin’s Interpretation(s) of Modernity: A Reconsideration of the Spirutual and Political Implications of Voegelin’s Therapeutic Analysis”, Review of Politics 57
  • LOWITH Karl, 1949, Meaning in History. The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History, The Chicago, University of Chicago Press
  • LUBAC Henri de, 1998, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, San Fransisco, Ignatius Press
  • MOLNAR, Thomas, 1971, “The God-Problem and the Philosophers”, Modern Age, Winter
  • PLATON, 1969, Symposium, The Collected Dialogues of Plato I, USA, (ed.) Edith Hamilton, Huntington Cairns, Princeton University Press
  • SANDOZ Ellis, 2006, “Glossary of Terms Used in Eric Voegelin’s Writings”, Autobiographical Reflections, Revised Edition, with a Voegelin Glossary and Cumulative Index, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • TAUBES Jacob, 1991, Abendländische Eschatologie, München, Matthes&Seitz Verlag
  • TILLICH Paul, The Courage To Be, 1964, London&Glasgow, Collins
  • VOEGELIN Eric 1956, Order and History, Israel and Revelation, cilt. I, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1936, “Volksbildung, Wissenschaft und Politik”, Monatsschrift für Kultur und Politik, 1.Jg., 7, Juli
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1952, The New Science of Politics; An Introduction, Chicago, Illinois The University of Chicago Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1974, The Ecumenic Age, Order and History, cilt.IV, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1975, From Enlightenment to Revolution, ed. John H. Hallowell, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1983, Order and History, Plato and Aristotle, cilt.III, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1986, Order and History, The World of the Polis, cilt.II, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1988, “Die Ordnung der Geschichte enthüllt sich in der Geschichte der Ordnung”Ordnung, Bewuβtsein, Geschichte, Späte Schriften-eine Auswahl, , Stuttgart, Verlagsgemeinschaft Ernst Klett Verlag
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1989, Autobiographical Reflections, Ed. Ellis Sandoz, Baton Rouge and London Lousiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1990a, “Anxiety and Reason”, What is History? And Other Late Unpublished Writings. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, cilt:28, Ed. Thomas A. Hollweck, Paul Caringella, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1990b, “Equivalences of Experience and Symbolization in History,” Published Essays 1966-1985, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, cilt.12, Ed. Ellis Sandoz, Baton Rouge and London, Lousiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1998c, Religion and the Rise of Modernity, History of Political Ideas, cilt.V, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1998d, Renaissance and Reformation, History of Political Ideas, cilt.IV, Ed. David L. Morse ve William M. Thompson, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 2002, “Eternal Being in Time,” Anamnesis: On the Theory of History and Politics, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 2004a, Die Neue Wissenschaft der Politik, München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 1998a, “Apostasy”, History of Political Ideas, cilt VI, Revolution and the New Science, Ed. Barry Cooper, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 1998b, The Later Middle Ages, History of Political Ideas, cilt III, ed. David Walsh, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 2004b, “Structures of Consciousness”, The Drama of Humanity and Other Miscellaneous Papers, 1939-1985, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Ed. William Petropulos ve Gilbert Weiss, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press


Year 2011, Issue: 23, 155 - 168, 01.03.2011


Bu çalışmada, politika filozofu Eric Voegelin’in politika teorisi incelenmiştir. Voegelin’in politika teorisi en temelde bir tarih teorisidir ve uygarlık tarihini Mezopotamya’dan günümüze içine alır. Bu çalışmada, Voegelin’in politika teorisi, insan görüşü ve tarih teorisi ekseninde antik Yunan ve Yahudi-Hıristiyan düşünce geleneklerini, modern dönemde de gnostik geleneği içine alacak şekilde analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, Voegelin’in politika teorisinin temel argümanını oluşturan şu problem incelendi: “aşkın tecrübe”nin keşfedilişinin, muhafazasının ve kaybedilişinin tarihsel, sosyolojik, felsefî ve politik sonuçları. Voegelin’in politika teorisinde, öncelikle “aşkın tecrübe”nin, tarihsel ve bütün insanlığa “ortak bir tecrübe” olduğu tespit edilir. Modern dönemde söz konusu tecrübenin kaybının ya da yok sayılmasının politik ve sosyolojik sonuçları ele alınır: politik dinler, ideolojiler, totaliter politik sistemler, yabancılaşma, kitle kültürü vs


  • CAYGILL Howard, 2002, Levinas and the Political, London, Routledge
  • FEDERICI Michael P., 2002, Eric Voegelin; The Restoration of Order, “Glossary”, Wilmington, Delaware, ISI Books
  • HENKEL, Michael, 1998, Eric Voegelin: zur Einführung, Hamburg, Junius Verlag GmbH
  • HERNDON Jeffrey C., 2007, Eric Voegelin and the Problem of Christian Political Order, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • JARDIN Murray, 1995, “Eric Voegelin’s Interpretation(s) of Modernity: A Reconsideration of the Spirutual and Political Implications of Voegelin’s Therapeutic Analysis”, Review of Politics 57
  • LOWITH Karl, 1949, Meaning in History. The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History, The Chicago, University of Chicago Press
  • LUBAC Henri de, 1998, The Drama of Atheist Humanism, San Fransisco, Ignatius Press
  • MOLNAR, Thomas, 1971, “The God-Problem and the Philosophers”, Modern Age, Winter
  • PLATON, 1969, Symposium, The Collected Dialogues of Plato I, USA, (ed.) Edith Hamilton, Huntington Cairns, Princeton University Press
  • SANDOZ Ellis, 2006, “Glossary of Terms Used in Eric Voegelin’s Writings”, Autobiographical Reflections, Revised Edition, with a Voegelin Glossary and Cumulative Index, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • TAUBES Jacob, 1991, Abendländische Eschatologie, München, Matthes&Seitz Verlag
  • TILLICH Paul, The Courage To Be, 1964, London&Glasgow, Collins
  • VOEGELIN Eric 1956, Order and History, Israel and Revelation, cilt. I, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1936, “Volksbildung, Wissenschaft und Politik”, Monatsschrift für Kultur und Politik, 1.Jg., 7, Juli
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1952, The New Science of Politics; An Introduction, Chicago, Illinois The University of Chicago Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1974, The Ecumenic Age, Order and History, cilt.IV, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1975, From Enlightenment to Revolution, ed. John H. Hallowell, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1983, Order and History, Plato and Aristotle, cilt.III, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1986, Order and History, The World of the Polis, cilt.II, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1988, “Die Ordnung der Geschichte enthüllt sich in der Geschichte der Ordnung”Ordnung, Bewuβtsein, Geschichte, Späte Schriften-eine Auswahl, , Stuttgart, Verlagsgemeinschaft Ernst Klett Verlag
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1989, Autobiographical Reflections, Ed. Ellis Sandoz, Baton Rouge and London Lousiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1990a, “Anxiety and Reason”, What is History? And Other Late Unpublished Writings. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, cilt:28, Ed. Thomas A. Hollweck, Paul Caringella, Baton Rouge and London, Louisiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1990b, “Equivalences of Experience and Symbolization in History,” Published Essays 1966-1985, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, cilt.12, Ed. Ellis Sandoz, Baton Rouge and London, Lousiana State University Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1998c, Religion and the Rise of Modernity, History of Political Ideas, cilt.V, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 1998d, Renaissance and Reformation, History of Political Ideas, cilt.IV, Ed. David L. Morse ve William M. Thompson, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 2002, “Eternal Being in Time,” Anamnesis: On the Theory of History and Politics, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN Eric, 2004a, Die Neue Wissenschaft der Politik, München, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 1998a, “Apostasy”, History of Political Ideas, cilt VI, Revolution and the New Science, Ed. Barry Cooper, Columbia and London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 1998b, The Later Middle Ages, History of Political Ideas, cilt III, ed. David Walsh, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
  • VOEGELIN, Eric, 2004b, “Structures of Consciousness”, The Drama of Humanity and Other Miscellaneous Papers, 1939-1985, The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, Ed. William Petropulos ve Gilbert Weiss, Columbia, London, University of Missouri Press
There are 30 citations in total.


Other ID JA45TC62BH
Journal Section Research Article

Bengül Güngörmez This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date March 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 23


APA Güngörmez, B. (2011). ERIC VOEGELIN: POLİTİK DÜZENİN RESTORASYONU. Sosyoloji Dergisi(23), 155-168.

Sosyoloji Dergisi, Journal of Sociology, SD, JOS