Year 2022,
Issue: 90, 441 - 458, 28.03.2022
Tuğba Özyıldız
Eda Dineri
Bu çalışmada, finansal dışa açıklık ile makroekonomik göstergeler arasındaki ilişki
panel veri analizi yöntemiyle incelenmektedir. Çalışmada, finansal dışa açıklığın ekonomik büyüme üzerinde açıklayıcı bir güce sahip olup olmadığını gösteren Dumitrescu-
Hurlin Testi ve Panel ARDL Modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmada 1995-2018 dönemi
için gelişmekte olan ülkelerde finansal açıklık ile ekonomik büyüme arasında nedensellik
ilişkisinin varlığı ortaya konulmuştur. Panel ARDL sonuçlarına göre uzun dönemde, finansal açıklık derecesinde yaşanan artışlar gelişmekte olan ülkeler için finansal açıklığın
ekonomik büyüme üzerinde pozitif etkisinin olduğu göstermektedir. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde finansal açıklık seviyesi ticari açıklık ve geniş para arzına pozitif etkide bulurken,
sadece finansal açıklık derecesinde yaşanacak bir artış özel sektör kredilerini negatif
yönde etkilemektedir.
- Alola,A.A.,Bekun, F. ve Sarkodie, S.A.(2019). Dynamic impact oftrade policy, economic
growth,fertilitiy rate, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption
onecological footprint in Europe. Science Of The Total Environment, 685,702-
- Asongu, S. A. (2010). Linkages between financial development and openness: panel
evidence from developing countries. Munich Personal Repec Archive, 26926,
- Bist, J. P. (2018). Financial development and economic growth: evidence from a panel of
16 african and non-african low-income countries. Cogent Economics & Finance,
6(1), 1-17.
- Breusch, T. ve Pagan, A. (1980), The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model
specification in econometrics, Review of Economic Studies, 47 (1), 239-253.
- Bussıere, M. ve Fratzscher, M. (2008). Financial openness and growth: short-run gain,
long-run pain?. Review of International Economics, 16(1), 69-95.
- Carmignani, F. ve Chowdhury, A. R. (2005). Does financial openness promote economic
integration? Some evidence from europe and the CIS. The United Nations
University World Institute for Development Economics Research Paper,74, 1-
- Çeştepe, H., Yıldırım, E. ve Özbek, Z. (2018). Ticari ve finansal açıklığın ekonomik bü-
yüme üzerine etkisi: Türkiye’ye ilişkin ampirik kanıtlar. AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler
Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(4), 1-17.
- Demetriades, P. ve Hussein, K. A. (1996). Does financial development cause economic
growth? Time-series evidence from 16 countries. Journal of Development
Economics, 51(2), 387-411.
- Doğru, M. E., Coşkun, N. ve Değirmen, S. (2017). McKinnon ve Shaw Tamamlayıcılık
Hipotezinin Türkiye İçin Sınanması1. Dünden Bugüne Ekonomi Yazıları, 271,
- Doğruel, A. S. ve Mekonnen, J. L. (2017). Growth and volatility nexus in Sub-Saharan
Africa. African Development ReviewVolume 30(2), 175-186.
- Edison, H.J., Levine, R., Ricci, L.A. ve Slok, T. (2002). International financial ıntegration
and economic growth. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, 749-
- Fang, Z. ve Chang, Y. (2016). Energy, human capital and economic growth in Asia Pacific
countries: Evidence from a panel cointegration and causality. Energy Economics,
56, 177-184.
- Fratzscher, M. ve Bussiere, M. (2004). Financial openness and growth: Short-run gain,
long-run pain?. European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, 348,1-41.
- Freeman, J. R. (1992). International finance and democracy: Proposal to the NSF.
Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota. Typescript.
- Frenkel, J. A. Razin, A. ve Sadka, E. (1991). International Taxation in an inte-grated
World. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Gaies, Nabi, M. S. (2019). Financial openness and growth in developing countries.
Journal of Economic Integration, 34(3), 426-464.
- Grilli, V. ve Milesi- Ferretti., G.M. (1995). Economic effects and structural determinants
of capital controls. IMF Staff Papers, 42(3), 517-551.
- Guillen, J. (2016). Does financial openness matter in the relationship between financial
development and ıncome distribution in Latin America?. Emerging Markets
Finance and Trade, 52(5), 1145-1155.
- Helleiner, E. (1993). Freeing money, restricting trade: explaining the liberalization of
finance in a protectionist age. Presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the
International Studies Association, Acapulco.
- Hye, Q. ve Islam, F. (2013). Does financial development hamper economic growth:
em-pirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Business Economics and
Management, 14, 558-582.
- İdris, J. Yusop, Z. ve Habibullah, M. S. (2016). Trade openness and economic growth: A
causality test in panel perspective. International Journal of Business and Society,
17(2), 281-290.
- Kandil, M. (2015). On capital flow and macroekonomic performance: Evidence before
and after the financial crisis in Turkey. Borsa İstanbul Review, 15(4), 249-258.
- King, R. G. ve Levine, R. (1993). Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right.
Quarterly Journal of Economics ,108(7),17-37.
- Lee, C. H. ve Chou, P. (2018). Financial openness and market liquidity in emerging
markets. Finance Research Letters, 25, 124-130.
- Levine, R. (1997). Financial development and economic growth: View and agenda.
Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV,688-726.
- Levine, R. (2005). Finance and growth: theory and evidence. Handbook Of Economic
Growth, 865-934.
- Mathieson, D.J. veRojas-Suarez,L.(1993). Liberation of the capital account: experiences
and ıssues. International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper, 103, Washington,
- McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital ın economic development. Brookings
Institution, Washington DC.
- McKinnon, R. I. (1988). Financial liberalisation in retrospect: ınterest rate policies in
LDCs: Comment. Ranis, G. and Schultz, T. P. (Ed.), The State of Development
Economics (411-415). Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
- McKinnon, R. I. (1993). The Order of Financial Liberalization. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins
- Muhammad, Q., Hye, A. ve Lau, W. (2017). Economic liberalization and economic
growth: an empirical analysis of Pakistan. Asian Economic and Financial
Review, 7(12), 1256-1302.
- Özcan, B. (2011). Finansal açıklığın makroekonomik değişkenlerin oynaklığı üzerine etkisi: bir yazın tartışması. Journal of Yaşar University, 24(6), 3712-3743.
- Pindyck, R. S. (1991). Irreversibility, uncertainty, and investment. Journal of Economic
Literature, 29(11), 10-48.
- Przeworski, A. ve Wallerstein, M. (1988). Structural dependence of the state on capital.
American Political Science Review, 82,11-30.
- Quinn, D. ve Toyoda, M. (2008). Does capital account liberalization lead to growth?. The
Review of Financial Studies, 21(3), 1403-1449.
- Rajan, R. G. ve Zingales, L. (2003). The great reversals: The politics of financial
development in the twentieth century. Journal of Financial Economics, 69(1),5-
- Rodrik, D. (1999). The Asian financial crisis and the virtues of democracy. Challenge,
42(4), 44-59.
- Saad, N. (2014). Financial development and economic growth: evidence from Lebanon.
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(8), 173-186.
- Sulaiman, L. A., Oke, M. O. ve Azeez, B. A. (2012). Effect of fınancıal lıberalızatıon oneconomıc growth ın developıng countrıes:The Nigerian experience.InternationalJournal of Economics and Management Sciences, 1(12), 16-28.
- Swank, D. (1992). Politics and the structural dependence of the state in democratic
capitalist nations. American Political Science Review, 86, 38-54.
- Sweeney,R.J.(1996).The InformationCosts ofCapitalControls.Rios,R.C. and. Sweeney,
R.J. (Ed.), In Capital Controls in Emerging Economies (45-61.Boulder: West-
view Press.
- Tamirisa, N. T. (1999). Exchange and capital controls as barriers to trade. IMF Stoff
Papers, 46(1), 69-88.
- Tarı, R. (2015). Ekonometri. (11 Baskı). Kocaeli: Umuttepe Yayınları.
- Tornell, A. Westermann, F. ve Martinez, L. (2004). The positive link between financial
liberalization growth and crises. Nber Working Paper Series, 10293, 1-55.
- Tung Bui, D. ve Hoai Bui, T. M. (2019). How does institutional development shape
bank risk-taking incentives in the context of financial openness?. Pacific- Basin
Finance Journal, 58, 1-16.
- Younas, J. (2011). De facto financial openness and capital mobility. Economics Letters,
112, 60-62.
Year 2022,
Issue: 90, 441 - 458, 28.03.2022
Tuğba Özyıldız
Eda Dineri
- Alola,A.A.,Bekun, F. ve Sarkodie, S.A.(2019). Dynamic impact oftrade policy, economic
growth,fertilitiy rate, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption
onecological footprint in Europe. Science Of The Total Environment, 685,702-
- Asongu, S. A. (2010). Linkages between financial development and openness: panel
evidence from developing countries. Munich Personal Repec Archive, 26926,
- Bist, J. P. (2018). Financial development and economic growth: evidence from a panel of
16 african and non-african low-income countries. Cogent Economics & Finance,
6(1), 1-17.
- Breusch, T. ve Pagan, A. (1980), The lagrange multiplier test and its applications to model
specification in econometrics, Review of Economic Studies, 47 (1), 239-253.
- Bussıere, M. ve Fratzscher, M. (2008). Financial openness and growth: short-run gain,
long-run pain?. Review of International Economics, 16(1), 69-95.
- Carmignani, F. ve Chowdhury, A. R. (2005). Does financial openness promote economic
integration? Some evidence from europe and the CIS. The United Nations
University World Institute for Development Economics Research Paper,74, 1-
- Çeştepe, H., Yıldırım, E. ve Özbek, Z. (2018). Ticari ve finansal açıklığın ekonomik bü-
yüme üzerine etkisi: Türkiye’ye ilişkin ampirik kanıtlar. AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler
Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18(4), 1-17.
- Demetriades, P. ve Hussein, K. A. (1996). Does financial development cause economic
growth? Time-series evidence from 16 countries. Journal of Development
Economics, 51(2), 387-411.
- Doğru, M. E., Coşkun, N. ve Değirmen, S. (2017). McKinnon ve Shaw Tamamlayıcılık
Hipotezinin Türkiye İçin Sınanması1. Dünden Bugüne Ekonomi Yazıları, 271,
- Doğruel, A. S. ve Mekonnen, J. L. (2017). Growth and volatility nexus in Sub-Saharan
Africa. African Development ReviewVolume 30(2), 175-186.
- Edison, H.J., Levine, R., Ricci, L.A. ve Slok, T. (2002). International financial ıntegration
and economic growth. Journal of International Money and Finance, 21, 749-
- Fang, Z. ve Chang, Y. (2016). Energy, human capital and economic growth in Asia Pacific
countries: Evidence from a panel cointegration and causality. Energy Economics,
56, 177-184.
- Fratzscher, M. ve Bussiere, M. (2004). Financial openness and growth: Short-run gain,
long-run pain?. European Central Bank, Working Paper Series, 348,1-41.
- Freeman, J. R. (1992). International finance and democracy: Proposal to the NSF.
Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota. Typescript.
- Frenkel, J. A. Razin, A. ve Sadka, E. (1991). International Taxation in an inte-grated
World. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Gaies, Nabi, M. S. (2019). Financial openness and growth in developing countries.
Journal of Economic Integration, 34(3), 426-464.
- Grilli, V. ve Milesi- Ferretti., G.M. (1995). Economic effects and structural determinants
of capital controls. IMF Staff Papers, 42(3), 517-551.
- Guillen, J. (2016). Does financial openness matter in the relationship between financial
development and ıncome distribution in Latin America?. Emerging Markets
Finance and Trade, 52(5), 1145-1155.
- Helleiner, E. (1993). Freeing money, restricting trade: explaining the liberalization of
finance in a protectionist age. Presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the
International Studies Association, Acapulco.
- Hye, Q. ve Islam, F. (2013). Does financial development hamper economic growth:
em-pirical evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Business Economics and
Management, 14, 558-582.
- İdris, J. Yusop, Z. ve Habibullah, M. S. (2016). Trade openness and economic growth: A
causality test in panel perspective. International Journal of Business and Society,
17(2), 281-290.
- Kandil, M. (2015). On capital flow and macroekonomic performance: Evidence before
and after the financial crisis in Turkey. Borsa İstanbul Review, 15(4), 249-258.
- King, R. G. ve Levine, R. (1993). Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right.
Quarterly Journal of Economics ,108(7),17-37.
- Lee, C. H. ve Chou, P. (2018). Financial openness and market liquidity in emerging
markets. Finance Research Letters, 25, 124-130.
- Levine, R. (1997). Financial development and economic growth: View and agenda.
Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV,688-726.
- Levine, R. (2005). Finance and growth: theory and evidence. Handbook Of Economic
Growth, 865-934.
- Mathieson, D.J. veRojas-Suarez,L.(1993). Liberation of the capital account: experiences
and ıssues. International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper, 103, Washington,
- McKinnon, R. I. (1973). Money and capital ın economic development. Brookings
Institution, Washington DC.
- McKinnon, R. I. (1988). Financial liberalisation in retrospect: ınterest rate policies in
LDCs: Comment. Ranis, G. and Schultz, T. P. (Ed.), The State of Development
Economics (411-415). Basil Blackwell: Oxford.
- McKinnon, R. I. (1993). The Order of Financial Liberalization. Baltimore:Johns Hopkins
- Muhammad, Q., Hye, A. ve Lau, W. (2017). Economic liberalization and economic
growth: an empirical analysis of Pakistan. Asian Economic and Financial
Review, 7(12), 1256-1302.
- Özcan, B. (2011). Finansal açıklığın makroekonomik değişkenlerin oynaklığı üzerine etkisi: bir yazın tartışması. Journal of Yaşar University, 24(6), 3712-3743.
- Pindyck, R. S. (1991). Irreversibility, uncertainty, and investment. Journal of Economic
Literature, 29(11), 10-48.
- Przeworski, A. ve Wallerstein, M. (1988). Structural dependence of the state on capital.
American Political Science Review, 82,11-30.
- Quinn, D. ve Toyoda, M. (2008). Does capital account liberalization lead to growth?. The
Review of Financial Studies, 21(3), 1403-1449.
- Rajan, R. G. ve Zingales, L. (2003). The great reversals: The politics of financial
development in the twentieth century. Journal of Financial Economics, 69(1),5-
- Rodrik, D. (1999). The Asian financial crisis and the virtues of democracy. Challenge,
42(4), 44-59.
- Saad, N. (2014). Financial development and economic growth: evidence from Lebanon.
International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(8), 173-186.
- Sulaiman, L. A., Oke, M. O. ve Azeez, B. A. (2012). Effect of fınancıal lıberalızatıon oneconomıc growth ın developıng countrıes:The Nigerian experience.InternationalJournal of Economics and Management Sciences, 1(12), 16-28.
- Swank, D. (1992). Politics and the structural dependence of the state in democratic
capitalist nations. American Political Science Review, 86, 38-54.
- Sweeney,R.J.(1996).The InformationCosts ofCapitalControls.Rios,R.C. and. Sweeney,
R.J. (Ed.), In Capital Controls in Emerging Economies (45-61.Boulder: West-
view Press.
- Tamirisa, N. T. (1999). Exchange and capital controls as barriers to trade. IMF Stoff
Papers, 46(1), 69-88.
- Tarı, R. (2015). Ekonometri. (11 Baskı). Kocaeli: Umuttepe Yayınları.
- Tornell, A. Westermann, F. ve Martinez, L. (2004). The positive link between financial
liberalization growth and crises. Nber Working Paper Series, 10293, 1-55.
- Tung Bui, D. ve Hoai Bui, T. M. (2019). How does institutional development shape
bank risk-taking incentives in the context of financial openness?. Pacific- Basin
Finance Journal, 58, 1-16.
- Younas, J. (2011). De facto financial openness and capital mobility. Economics Letters,
112, 60-62.