Research Article
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Year 2021, Issue: 88, 467 - 478, 26.12.2021


This study aimed to investigate compassion and submissive compassion as predictors
of psychological well-being. Participants consisted of 252 people, 150 women and
102 men between 18 and 59 years of age. Correlation and hierarchical regression
analyses were performed to examine the relationships between compassion, submissive
compassion, and psychological well-being. The study found a positive and significant
relationship between compassion and psychological well-being, and a negative and
significant one between submissive compassion and psychological well-being. The
results indicate, on the other hand, that compassion and submissive compassion were
significantly negatively correlated. Based on the gender and age variables, compassion
and submissive compassion explain 13% of the variance in psychological well-being. The
results are discussed based on the literature.


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There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Seher Akdeniz This is me

Zeynep Gültekin Ahçı This is me

Publication Date December 26, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 88
