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Lisans Öğrencilerinin İngiliz Dili Yazımında Birleşik Zarf Kullanımlarının Geliştirilmesi

Year 2019, Issue: 78, 137 - 154, 15.07.2019


Öğrenciler, farklı etkinliklerle yazma becerilerini geliştirme gayreti içerisindeler ve eğitmenler de öğrencilerinin bu gayretlerini gerçekleştirmelerinde yardımcı olmak için
oldukça fazla vakit ayırmaktalar. Oysaki yazma becerisi bir bütün olarak geliştirilebilir bir beceri olmaktan çok kısım kısım geliştirilmelidir. Geliştirilmesi gereken bu kısımlarda
bir tanesi İngilizce yazımda birleşik zarflardır. Bu zarfların doğru bir şekilde kullanılması yazı akıcılığını arttırırken herhangi bir yanlış kullanım okuma akıcılığına zarar verecektir.
Bundan dolayı, birleşik zarfların bir metin içerisindeki görevi hafife alınmamalıdır. Bu doğrultuda, mevcut çalışmanın amacı öğrenci ve eğitmenlerin birleşik zarf ve yazım
kalitesi arasındaki farkındalığını oluşturmak, öğrencilerin İngilizcede birleşik zarf kullanımlarını geliştirmelerini sağlamak, bu zarfların hatalı kullanımları üzerine bazı
açıklamalarda bulunmak ve son olarak öğrencilerin kullanabilecekleri bir birleşik zarf listesi oluşturmak olarak sıralanabilir. Çalışmanın verisini bir Tercümanlık bölümünde
okuyan 30 öğrenciden toplanan çeşitli etkinlikler oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma iki sonuca ulaşmıştır. Bunlardan ilki, öğrencilerin birleşik zarfları kullanırken noktalama işaretlerini
doğru kullanamadıkları, ikincisi ise öğrencilerin İngilizce birleşik zarflarını tam olarak bilmedikleridir. Bu çalışma eğitmenlerin eğitim müfredatlarında birleşik zarflar için ayrı
bir yer ayırmanın faydalı olacağı sonucuna ulaşmıştır.


  • Altıner, C. (2017). Difficulty analysis of conjunctive adverbs as coordinate conjunctions for students of English language education. Turkish Studies, 12(34), 19-34 http://
  • Andrews, R., Torgerson, C., Beverton, S., Freeman, A., Locke, T., Low, G., et al. (2006). The effect of grammar teaching on writing development. British Educational Research Journal, 32(1), 39-55.
  • Chanyoo, N. (2018). Cohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentscohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentscohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentsv. Journal of Language Teaching and Research,, 9(5), 994-1001 DOI:
  • Chiang, S. Y. (2003). The importance of cohesive conditions to perceptions of writing quality at the early stages of foreign language learning. System, 31, 471-484.
  • Crossley, S., Kyle, K., Varner, L., & McNamara, D. (2014). The importance of grammar and mechanicsin writing assessment and instruction: Evidence from data mining. The 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 300-303). London: Institute of Education.
  • Ellis, R. (2009). Implicit and explicit learning, knowledge and instruction. In Implicit and explicit knowledge in second language learning, testing and teaching (pp. 3-25). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Elola,I.(2010).Collaborative writing: Fostering foreign language and writing conventions development. Language Learning & Technology, 14(3), 51-71.
  • Freedman, A. (1993). Show and Tell? The Role of Explicit Teaching in Learning of New Gen. Research in the Teaching of English, 27(3), 222-251.
  • Hyland, K., &Anan, E. (2006). Teachers’perceptions of error: The effects of first language and experience. System, (34), 509-519.
  • La Paz, S. D., & Graham, S.(2002). ExplicitlyTeaching Strategies, Skills, and Knowledge: Writing Instruction in Middle School Classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(4), 687-698 DOI: 10.1037//0022-0663.94.4.687.
  • Laufer, B., & Nation, P. (1995). Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production. Applied linguistics, 16(3), 307-322.
  • Leggette, H. R., Rutherford, T. A., & Dunsford, D. W. (2015). Amodel to augment critical thinking and create knowledge through writing in the agriculturalsocialsciences. NACTA journal, 59(3), 254-252.
  • Liaw, M.-L. (2007). Content-based reading and writing for critical thinking skills in an EFL context . English Teaching & Learning, 31(2): 45-87 .
  • Martinez, A. C. (2016). Conjunctions in the writing of students enrolled on bilingual and non-bilingual programs. Revista de Educación, 371: 100-125, DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2015-371-310.
  • Mohamed, H. I., & Nyinondi, O. S. (2017). Academic writing as discourse of practice: Genre analysis of students writing in higher education in Tanzania. The Internet Journal Language, Culture and Society, 43:10-23.
  • Nassaji, H. (2006). The relationship between depth of vocabulary knowledge and L2 learners’ lexical inferencing strategy use and success. The Modern Language Journal, 90(3), 387-401.
  • NICHD, (. I. (2000). Report of the national reading panel: Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups. Washinton D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Ogiso, T. (2018). Effect of text cohesion on inference generation during ELF reading: Evidence from think-aloud protocols. ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 29:161-176.
  • Olinghouse, N. G., & Wilson, J. (2013). The relationship between vocabulary and writing quality in three genres. Reading and Writing, 26(1), 45-65.
  • Oshima, A., & Houge, A. (1991). Writing academic English. London: Longman.
  • Phuket, P. R., & Othman, N. B. (2015). Understanding EFL students’ errors in writing. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(32): 99-106.
  • Purcell-Gates, V., Duke, N. K., & Martineau, J. A. (2007). Learning to read and write genre-specific text: Roles ofAuthentic experience and explicit teaching. Reading Research Quarterly, 8-45.
  • Qian, D. D. (2002). Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective. Language learning, 52(3), 513-536.
  • Römer, U., & Arbor, A. (2009). English in academia: Does nativeness matter? . International Journal of English Studies, 89-100.
  • Seger, C. A. (1994). Implicit learning. Psychological bulletin, 115(2), 163.
  • Stephen, P. W., & Lester, F. (1981). Coherence, cohesion, and writing Quality. College composition and communication, 31(2), 184-204.
  • Vinter, A., & Chartrel, E. (2010). Effects of different types of learning on handwriting movements in young children. Learning and instruction, 20(6), 476-486.
  • Wei, J. (2016). Effects of instruction on chinese college students’ thematic. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(14), 60-68.
  • Witte, S. P., & Faigley, L. (1981). Coherence, cohesion, and writing quality. College composition and communication, 32(2),189-204.
  • Yılmaz, E., & Dikilitaş, K. (2017). EFL Learners’ uses of adverbs in argumentative essays. Novitas-ROYAL Research on Youth and Languag), 11(1), 69-87.
  • Yoon, J. W., & Yoo, E. W. (2011). An error analysis of english conjunctive adjuncts in korean college students' writing. English Teaching, 66(1), 225-244.
Year 2019, Issue: 78, 137 - 154, 15.07.2019



  • Altıner, C. (2017). Difficulty analysis of conjunctive adverbs as coordinate conjunctions for students of English language education. Turkish Studies, 12(34), 19-34 http://
  • Andrews, R., Torgerson, C., Beverton, S., Freeman, A., Locke, T., Low, G., et al. (2006). The effect of grammar teaching on writing development. British Educational Research Journal, 32(1), 39-55.
  • Chanyoo, N. (2018). Cohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentscohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentscohesive devices and academic writing quality of thai undergraduate studentsv. Journal of Language Teaching and Research,, 9(5), 994-1001 DOI:
  • Chiang, S. Y. (2003). The importance of cohesive conditions to perceptions of writing quality at the early stages of foreign language learning. System, 31, 471-484.
  • Crossley, S., Kyle, K., Varner, L., & McNamara, D. (2014). The importance of grammar and mechanicsin writing assessment and instruction: Evidence from data mining. The 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (pp. 300-303). London: Institute of Education.
  • Ellis, R. (2009). Implicit and explicit learning, knowledge and instruction. In Implicit and explicit knowledge in second language learning, testing and teaching (pp. 3-25). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
  • Elola,I.(2010).Collaborative writing: Fostering foreign language and writing conventions development. Language Learning & Technology, 14(3), 51-71.
  • Freedman, A. (1993). Show and Tell? The Role of Explicit Teaching in Learning of New Gen. Research in the Teaching of English, 27(3), 222-251.
  • Hyland, K., &Anan, E. (2006). Teachers’perceptions of error: The effects of first language and experience. System, (34), 509-519.
  • La Paz, S. D., & Graham, S.(2002). ExplicitlyTeaching Strategies, Skills, and Knowledge: Writing Instruction in Middle School Classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94(4), 687-698 DOI: 10.1037//0022-0663.94.4.687.
  • Laufer, B., & Nation, P. (1995). Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production. Applied linguistics, 16(3), 307-322.
  • Leggette, H. R., Rutherford, T. A., & Dunsford, D. W. (2015). Amodel to augment critical thinking and create knowledge through writing in the agriculturalsocialsciences. NACTA journal, 59(3), 254-252.
  • Liaw, M.-L. (2007). Content-based reading and writing for critical thinking skills in an EFL context . English Teaching & Learning, 31(2): 45-87 .
  • Martinez, A. C. (2016). Conjunctions in the writing of students enrolled on bilingual and non-bilingual programs. Revista de Educación, 371: 100-125, DOI: 10.4438/1988-592X-RE-2015-371-310.
  • Mohamed, H. I., & Nyinondi, O. S. (2017). Academic writing as discourse of practice: Genre analysis of students writing in higher education in Tanzania. The Internet Journal Language, Culture and Society, 43:10-23.
  • Nassaji, H. (2006). The relationship between depth of vocabulary knowledge and L2 learners’ lexical inferencing strategy use and success. The Modern Language Journal, 90(3), 387-401.
  • NICHD, (. I. (2000). Report of the national reading panel: Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups. Washinton D.C: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Ogiso, T. (2018). Effect of text cohesion on inference generation during ELF reading: Evidence from think-aloud protocols. ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 29:161-176.
  • Olinghouse, N. G., & Wilson, J. (2013). The relationship between vocabulary and writing quality in three genres. Reading and Writing, 26(1), 45-65.
  • Oshima, A., & Houge, A. (1991). Writing academic English. London: Longman.
  • Phuket, P. R., & Othman, N. B. (2015). Understanding EFL students’ errors in writing. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(32): 99-106.
  • Purcell-Gates, V., Duke, N. K., & Martineau, J. A. (2007). Learning to read and write genre-specific text: Roles ofAuthentic experience and explicit teaching. Reading Research Quarterly, 8-45.
  • Qian, D. D. (2002). Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective. Language learning, 52(3), 513-536.
  • Römer, U., & Arbor, A. (2009). English in academia: Does nativeness matter? . International Journal of English Studies, 89-100.
  • Seger, C. A. (1994). Implicit learning. Psychological bulletin, 115(2), 163.
  • Stephen, P. W., & Lester, F. (1981). Coherence, cohesion, and writing Quality. College composition and communication, 31(2), 184-204.
  • Vinter, A., & Chartrel, E. (2010). Effects of different types of learning on handwriting movements in young children. Learning and instruction, 20(6), 476-486.
  • Wei, J. (2016). Effects of instruction on chinese college students’ thematic. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(14), 60-68.
  • Witte, S. P., & Faigley, L. (1981). Coherence, cohesion, and writing quality. College composition and communication, 32(2),189-204.
  • Yılmaz, E., & Dikilitaş, K. (2017). EFL Learners’ uses of adverbs in argumentative essays. Novitas-ROYAL Research on Youth and Languag), 11(1), 69-87.
  • Yoon, J. W., & Yoo, E. W. (2011). An error analysis of english conjunctive adjuncts in korean college students' writing. English Teaching, 66(1), 225-244.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cüneyt Demir This is me

Publication Date July 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 78


APA Demir, C. (2019). Lisans Öğrencilerinin İngiliz Dili Yazımında Birleşik Zarf Kullanımlarının Geliştirilmesi. EKEV Akademi Dergisi(78), 137-154.