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Açıköğretim Fakültesi Çerçevesinde Bilişim Sistemleri Başarı Modelinin Geçerlenmesi

Year 2015, Issue: 64, 101 - 114, 30.10.2015


Uzaktan ve açık öğretimin en önemli bileşeni olan öğretim yönetim sistemlerinin eğitim faaliyetlerini daha iyi yönetebilmek amacı ile değerlendirilmesi ve iyileştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Atatürk Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi (ATA-AOF) Öğretim Yönetim Sistemi (ÖYS) DeLone ve McLean’in bilişim sistemleri başarı modeli temel alınarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan model ise yapısal eşitlik yaklaşımı kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Ortaya çıkan sonuçlara göre sistem kalitesi, hizmet kalitesi ve bilgi kalitesinin ÖYS’nin başarıya ulaşmasında önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, D&M modelinin aksine hizmet kalitesinin algılanan sistem kullanımı ile ilgili önemli bir etkiye sahip olmadığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışma katılımcı sayısı (3067) ve bilişim sistemleri başarı modelinin Açıköğretim Fakültesi çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi açısından alanyazın için büyük önem taşımaktadır.


  • Alsabawy, A. Y., Cater-Steel, A., Soar, J. (2013). IT infrastructure services as a requirement for e-learning system success. Computers & Education, 69, 431-451.
  • Arbaugh, J. B. (2002). Managing the on-line classroom: A study of technological and behavioral characteristics of web-based MBA courses. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2), 203-223.
  • Cavus, N., Uzunboylu, H., Ibrahim, D. (2009). Student opinion towards using an open source learning management system together with a collaborative tool. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 120-129.
  • Chau, P. Y., Hu, P. J. H. (2001). Information technology acceptance by individual professionals: A model comparison approach. Decision Sciences, 32(4), 699- 719.
  • Chen, H. J. (2010). Linking employees’ e-learning system use to their overall job outcomes: An empirical study based on the IS success model. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1628-1639.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • DeLone, W. H., McLean, E. R. (1992). Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable. Information Systems Research, 3(1), 60-95.
  • DeLone, W. H., McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9-30.
  • Ferdousi, B. J. (2009). A study of factors that affect instructors’ intention to use e-learning systems in two-year colleges, PhD. Thesis, Nova Southeastern University.
  • Freeze, R. D., Alshare, K. A., Lane, P. L., Joseph Wen, H. (2010). IS success model in elearning context based on students' perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 173.
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R., Tatham, R. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis, (6th edn). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis, (7th edn). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Halawi, L. A., McCarthy, R. V., Aronson, J. E. (2007). An Empirical Investigation of Knowledge Management Systems' success. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 48(2), 121-136.
  • Hassanzadeh, A., Kanaani, F., Elahi, S. (2012). A model for measuring e-learning systems success in universities. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(12), 10959- 10966.
  • Holsapple, C. W., Lee-Post, A. (2006). Defining, Assessing, and Promoting E-Learning Success: An Information Systems Perspective. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 4(1), 67-85.
  • Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., Mullen, M. R. (2008). Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6, 53–60.
  • Islam, A. K. M. (2012). The Role of Perceived System Quality as Educators’ Motivation to Continue E-learning System Use. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(1), 25-43.
  • Islam, A. N. (2013). Investigating e-learning system usage outcomes in the university context. Computers & Education, 69, 387-399.
  • Kanuka, H., Anderson, T. (2008). Ethical issues in qualitative e-learning research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 6(2), 20-39.
  • Kettinger, W. J., Lee, C. C. (1994). Perceived service quality and user satisfaction with the information services function. Decision Sciences, 25(5-6), 737-766.
  • Kim, J., Lee, J., Han, K., Lee, M. (2002). Businesses as buildings: Metrics for the architectural quality of Internet businesses. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 239-254.
  • Kulkarni, U. R., Ravindran, S., Freeze, R. (2006). A knowledge management success model: Theoretical development and empirical validation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(3), 309-347.
  • Latchem, C., Özkul, A. E., Aydin, C. H., Mutlu, M. E. (2006). The Open Education System, Anadolu University, Turkey: E-transformation in a mega-university. Open Learning, 21(3), 221-235.
  • Lee, J. K., Lee, W. K. (2008). The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-Learning environmental quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(1), 32-47.
  • Lin, H. F. (2007). Measuring online learning systems success: Applying the updated DeLone and McLean model. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(6), 817-820.
  • Lee-Post, A. (2009). e-Learning Success Model: An Information Systems Perspective. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7(1), 61-70.
  • Leidner, D. E., Kayworth, T. (2006). Review: a review of culture in information systems research: toward a theory of information technology culture conflict. MIS Quarterly, 30(2), 357-399.
  • Livari, J. (2005). An empirical test of the DeLone-McLean model of information system success. ACM Sigmis Database, 36(2), 8-27.
  • Jarvis, P. (2009). The routhledge international handbook of lifelong learning. NY: Routledge Publishing.
  • Mtebe, J. S., Raisamo, R. (2014). Challenges and instructors’ intention to adopt and use open educational resources in higher education in Tanzania. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(1), 249-271.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W., McLean, E. (2008). Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(3), 236-263.
  • Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., & Frolick, M. N. (2000). Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: an exploratory study. Information & Management, 37(3), 103-110.
  • Seddon, P. B. (1997). A respecification and extension of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Information Systems Research, 8(3), 240-253.
  • Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., Frolick, M. N. (2000). Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: an exploratory study. Information & Management, 37(3), 103-110.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W., McLean, E. (2008). Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(3), 236-263.
  • Petter, S., McLean, E. R. (2009). A meta-analytic assessment of the DeLone and McLean IS success model: An examination of IS success at the individual level. Information & Management, 46(3), 159-166.
  • Rai, A., Lang, S. S., Welker, R. B. (2002). Assessing the validity of IS success models: An empirical test and theoretical analysis. Information Systems Research, 13(1), 50-69.
  • Ramayah, T., & Lee, J. W. C. (2012). System Characteristics, Satisfaction and ELearning Usage: A Structural Equation Model (SEM). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 11(2), 196-206.
  • Roca, J. C., Chiu, C. M., Martínez, F. J. (2006). Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(8), 683-696.
  • Wang, Y. S. (2003). Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems. Information & Management, 41(1), 75
  • Wang, Y. S. (2008). Assessing e-commerce systems success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Information Systems Journal, 18(5), 529-557.
  • Wang, Y. S., & Liao, Y. W. (2008). Assessing eGovernment systems success: A validation of the DeLone and McLean model of information systems success. Government Information Quarterly, 25(4), 717-733.
  • Wang, Y. S., Wang, H. Y., & Shee, D. Y. (2007). Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), 1792-1808.
Year 2015, Issue: 64, 101 - 114, 30.10.2015



  • Alsabawy, A. Y., Cater-Steel, A., Soar, J. (2013). IT infrastructure services as a requirement for e-learning system success. Computers & Education, 69, 431-451.
  • Arbaugh, J. B. (2002). Managing the on-line classroom: A study of technological and behavioral characteristics of web-based MBA courses. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 13(2), 203-223.
  • Cavus, N., Uzunboylu, H., Ibrahim, D. (2009). Student opinion towards using an open source learning management system together with a collaborative tool. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 120-129.
  • Chau, P. Y., Hu, P. J. H. (2001). Information technology acceptance by individual professionals: A model comparison approach. Decision Sciences, 32(4), 699- 719.
  • Chen, H. J. (2010). Linking employees’ e-learning system use to their overall job outcomes: An empirical study based on the IS success model. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1628-1639.
  • Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
  • DeLone, W. H., McLean, E. R. (1992). Information systems success: The quest for the dependent variable. Information Systems Research, 3(1), 60-95.
  • DeLone, W. H., McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9-30.
  • Ferdousi, B. J. (2009). A study of factors that affect instructors’ intention to use e-learning systems in two-year colleges, PhD. Thesis, Nova Southeastern University.
  • Freeze, R. D., Alshare, K. A., Lane, P. L., Joseph Wen, H. (2010). IS success model in elearning context based on students' perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 173.
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Hair, J., Black, W., Babin, B., Anderson, R., Tatham, R. (2006). Multivariate Data Analysis, (6th edn). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Hair, J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis, (7th edn). Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Halawi, L. A., McCarthy, R. V., Aronson, J. E. (2007). An Empirical Investigation of Knowledge Management Systems' success. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 48(2), 121-136.
  • Hassanzadeh, A., Kanaani, F., Elahi, S. (2012). A model for measuring e-learning systems success in universities. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(12), 10959- 10966.
  • Holsapple, C. W., Lee-Post, A. (2006). Defining, Assessing, and Promoting E-Learning Success: An Information Systems Perspective. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 4(1), 67-85.
  • Hooper, D., Coughlan, J., Mullen, M. R. (2008). Structural equation modelling: Guidelines for determining model fit. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 6, 53–60.
  • Islam, A. K. M. (2012). The Role of Perceived System Quality as Educators’ Motivation to Continue E-learning System Use. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 4(1), 25-43.
  • Islam, A. N. (2013). Investigating e-learning system usage outcomes in the university context. Computers & Education, 69, 387-399.
  • Kanuka, H., Anderson, T. (2008). Ethical issues in qualitative e-learning research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 6(2), 20-39.
  • Kettinger, W. J., Lee, C. C. (1994). Perceived service quality and user satisfaction with the information services function. Decision Sciences, 25(5-6), 737-766.
  • Kim, J., Lee, J., Han, K., Lee, M. (2002). Businesses as buildings: Metrics for the architectural quality of Internet businesses. Information Systems Research, 13(3), 239-254.
  • Kulkarni, U. R., Ravindran, S., Freeze, R. (2006). A knowledge management success model: Theoretical development and empirical validation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(3), 309-347.
  • Latchem, C., Özkul, A. E., Aydin, C. H., Mutlu, M. E. (2006). The Open Education System, Anadolu University, Turkey: E-transformation in a mega-university. Open Learning, 21(3), 221-235.
  • Lee, J. K., Lee, W. K. (2008). The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-Learning environmental quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(1), 32-47.
  • Lin, H. F. (2007). Measuring online learning systems success: Applying the updated DeLone and McLean model. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(6), 817-820.
  • Lee-Post, A. (2009). e-Learning Success Model: An Information Systems Perspective. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7(1), 61-70.
  • Leidner, D. E., Kayworth, T. (2006). Review: a review of culture in information systems research: toward a theory of information technology culture conflict. MIS Quarterly, 30(2), 357-399.
  • Livari, J. (2005). An empirical test of the DeLone-McLean model of information system success. ACM Sigmis Database, 36(2), 8-27.
  • Jarvis, P. (2009). The routhledge international handbook of lifelong learning. NY: Routledge Publishing.
  • Mtebe, J. S., Raisamo, R. (2014). Challenges and instructors’ intention to adopt and use open educational resources in higher education in Tanzania. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(1), 249-271.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W., McLean, E. (2008). Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(3), 236-263.
  • Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., & Frolick, M. N. (2000). Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: an exploratory study. Information & Management, 37(3), 103-110.
  • Seddon, P. B. (1997). A respecification and extension of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Information Systems Research, 8(3), 240-253.
  • Soliman, K. S., Mao, E., Frolick, M. N. (2000). Measuring user satisfaction with data warehouses: an exploratory study. Information & Management, 37(3), 103-110.
  • Petter, S., DeLone, W., McLean, E. (2008). Measuring information systems success: models, dimensions, measures, and interrelationships. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(3), 236-263.
  • Petter, S., McLean, E. R. (2009). A meta-analytic assessment of the DeLone and McLean IS success model: An examination of IS success at the individual level. Information & Management, 46(3), 159-166.
  • Rai, A., Lang, S. S., Welker, R. B. (2002). Assessing the validity of IS success models: An empirical test and theoretical analysis. Information Systems Research, 13(1), 50-69.
  • Ramayah, T., & Lee, J. W. C. (2012). System Characteristics, Satisfaction and ELearning Usage: A Structural Equation Model (SEM). Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET, 11(2), 196-206.
  • Roca, J. C., Chiu, C. M., Martínez, F. J. (2006). Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(8), 683-696.
  • Wang, Y. S. (2003). Assessment of learner satisfaction with asynchronous electronic learning systems. Information & Management, 41(1), 75
  • Wang, Y. S. (2008). Assessing e-commerce systems success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean model of IS success. Information Systems Journal, 18(5), 529-557.
  • Wang, Y. S., & Liao, Y. W. (2008). Assessing eGovernment systems success: A validation of the DeLone and McLean model of information systems success. Government Information Quarterly, 25(4), 717-733.
  • Wang, Y. S., Wang, H. Y., & Shee, D. Y. (2007). Measuring e-learning systems success in an organizational context: Scale development and validation. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), 1792-1808.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ersin Karaman This is me

Mehmet Cem Bölen This is me

Publication Date October 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Issue: 64


APA Karaman, E., & Bölen, M. C. (2015). Açıköğretim Fakültesi Çerçevesinde Bilişim Sistemleri Başarı Modelinin Geçerlenmesi. EKEV Akademi Dergisi(64), 101-114.