Research Article
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Year 2017, , 119 - 140, 26.12.2017


This study aimed to explain youth definition and
characteristics of youth, and also evaluate the importance of the youth
political participation. Part of the this aim first of all youth definition is
given, after that factors and constraints are evaluated on the participation of
youth. And also youth needs and importance of media are focused. All this
together with the dynamics associated with young people's participation in
voting, volunteering, youth programs and organizations are evaluated


  • Anduiza, E., Cantijoch, M., Gallego, A. (2009). Political participation and the internet, information. Communication & Society, 12(6), ss. 860-878. Aras, H.Ö. (2006). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin siyasal, ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel ilgi alanları. XVI. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi (5-7 Eylül 2007). Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı. Arches, J., ve J. Fleming (2006). Young people and social action: youth participation in The United Kingdom and United States. New Directions for Youth Development, 111, ss. 81-90. Asthana, S. (2006). Innovative practices of youth participation in media, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 6, Erişim Tarihi:37.06.2016 Balsano, A., E. Phelps, C. Theokas, J.V. Lerner ve R. M. Lerner (2009). Patterns of early adolescents’ participation in youth development programs having positive youth development goals. Journal Of Research on Adolescence, 19(2), ss. 249-259. Bessant, J (2004). Mixed messages: youth participation and democratic practice. Australian Journal of Political Science, 39 (2), ss.387-404. Brown, G. (2007) . Constitutional reform statement, 3 July (online). Available from: [Accessed 1 April 2017]. Büyükkaragöz, S. (1987). Gençlerde törel gelişim ve bu gelişimi etkileyen sebepler. Uluslararası Terörizm ve Gençlik, MEB Yay. Ank. Büyüktosunoğlu, T. (2013). Selçuk ve Di̇cle Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n si̇yasal katilma davranışları üzeri̇ne uygulamalı bi̇r çalışma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. Checkoway, B. ve K. R. Schuster (2003). Youth participation in community evaluation research. American Journal of Evaluation, 24 (1), ss. 21-33. Çebi S. ve Y. Şahin Akıllı. (2011). Türkiye’de gençliğin internet üzerinden katılımı özelinde genç siyasallığı ve müzakereci demokrasi. Katılımın e-hali, Gençlerin sanal eylemi. A. T. Aydemir (eds.). Alternatif Bilişim. 198-232 Della Porta, D. ve L. Mosca. (2005). Global-net for global movements? A network of networks for a movement of movements. Journal of Public Policy, 25(1), ss. 165-190. DiMaggio, P., Hargittai, E., Neuman, R. ve J. Robinson. (2001). Social implications of the internet. Annual Review of Sociology, 27, ss. 307-336. Edwards, K (2008). Social ınclusion and youth participation: a new deal for Australia's young people? Youth Studies Australia, 27 (2), ss. 11-17. Erkan, N. (1985). Gençlik ve Demokrasi, Güven Yay., Ank. Esen, A (2007). Gençliğin yerel siyasete katılımı. Yerel Siyaset, 23, ss. 34-35. Evans, S. D., ve I. Prilleltensky (2007). Youth and democracy: participation for personal, relational, and collective well-being. Journal of Community Psychology, 35 (6), ss. 681-692. Farthing, R (2010). The politics of youthful antipolitics: representing the 'issue' of youth participation in politics. Journal of Youth Studies, 13 (2), ss. 181–195. Faulkner, K.M (2009). youth participation in ongoing public decision-making projects. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, 16 (1), ss.89–104. Ferejohn, J. ve J. Kuklinski. (1990). Information and democratic processes, Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Finkel, S.E (2002). Civic education and the mobilization of political participation in developing democracies. The Journal of Politics, 64, ss. 994-1020. Fournier, B. ve M. Reuchamps. (2008). Youth political ınterest, political participation, and civic education in French-speaking Belgium. Civic Education and Political Participation Workshop, Université de Montréal: ss.1–47. Frisco, M.L., C. Muller ve K. Dodson (2004). Participation in voluntary youth-serving associations and early adult voting behavior. Social Science Quarterly, 85 (3), ss.660-676. Fyfe, I (2009). Researching youth political participation in Australia. Youth Studies Australia, 28 (1), ss. 37–45. Galston, W.A (2004). Civic education and political participation. Political Science and Politics, 37(2), ss. 263–266. Gaiser, W., J. De Rijke ve R. Spannring (2010). Youth and political participation, empirical results for Germany within a European context. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 18(4), ss 427-450. Gauthier, M (2003). The inadequacy of concepts: the rise of youth interest in civic participation in Quebec. Journal of Youth Studies, 6 (3), ss. 265-276. GTZ, (2010). E.D.: 05.07.2016 Iyengar, S. ve D.R. Kinder. (1987). News that matters, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Iyengar, S. (1991). Is anyone responsible?. How television frames political issues, Chicago: University Lopes, J., Benton T. ve E. Cleaver. (2009). Young people's intended civic and political participation: does education matter?, Journal of Youth Studies, 12(1), ss. 1-20, Lüküslü, G.D. (2005). Constructors and constructed: youth as a political actor in modernising Turkey. In Revisiting Youth Political Participation Challenges for Research and Democratic Practice in Europe (Edited Joerg Forbrig). France: Council of Europe Publishing. Lüküslü, D. (2008). Günümüz Türkiye gençliği: ne kayıp bir kuşak ne de ülkenin aydınlık geleceği, Yentürk, N. Y. Kurtaran ve Nemutlu, G. (2008) Türkiye’de Gençlik Çalışması ve Politikaları içinde, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul. Lüküslü, D. (2009). Türkiye’de “Gençlik Miti”. 1980 Sonrası Türkiye Gençliği, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. Lüküslü, D. (2011). Bilişim teknolojileriyle örgütlenen gençlik hareketleri ve yeni bir siyaset arayışı. Katılımın e-hali, Gençlerin sanal eylemi. A. T. Aydemir (eds.). Alternatif Bilişim. 48-67. McCombs, M. E. ve Shaw, D.L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of the media. Public Opinion Quarterly, 36, ss. 176–187. Mcfarland D.A ve J. T. Reuben. (2006). Bowling young: how youth voluntary associations ınfluence adult political participation. American Sociological Review, 71 (3), ss. 401–425. McLeod, J.M., Daily, K., Guo, Z., Eveland, W.P. Jr, Bayer, J., Yang, S. ve H. Wang. (1996). Community integration, local media use and democratic processes. Communication Research, 23, ss. 179–209. McLeod, J. M. ve D. McDonald. (1985). Beyond simple exposure: Media orientations and their impact on political processes. Communication Research, 12, ss. 3–33. Millennium Development Goals Report Turkey, Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri Raporu Türkiye, (2010). E.D. 27.06.2016 mdgreportTurkey2010.html Milner, H. (2008). The informed political participation of young Canadians and Americans. The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) Working Paper 60. E.D.: 27.06.2016 Ups/WorkingPapers/WP60Milner.pdf Molloy, D., C. White ve N. Hosfield. (2002). Understanding youth participation in local government a qualitative study final report. National Centre for Social Research, ss. 78. Norris, P. (2002), Democratic Phoenix: reinventing political activism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Okojıe, E.E. (2016). E.D.: 05.07.2016 _addis06_1_youth_participation.pdf Özer, Y. E. (2011). Gençlerin toplumsal yaşama katılımı ve yerel yönetimlerin rolü. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 26 (1), ss.43-65. Quintelier, E. (2010). The effect of schools on political participation: a multilevel logistic analysis, Research Papers in Education, 25(2), ss. 137-154, DOI: 10.1080/02671520802524810 Pavlidis, A. ve Barker, S. (2010). Who participates? Youth Studies Australia, 29 (1), ss. 27–34. Print, M. (2007). Citizenship education and youth participation in democracy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (3), ss. 325-345. Russell, D. (1994). Communists and Democrats: democratic attitudes in the two Germanies. British Journal of Political Science, 24, ss. 469–493. Schusler, T.M ve M. E. Kasny. (2008). Youth participation in local environmental action: an avenue for science and civic learning? Participation and Learning, ss. 268–284. Sotirovic, M. ve J.M. McLeod. (2001). Values, communication behavior, and political participation, Political Communication, 18:3, 273-300, DOI: 10.1080/10584600152400347 Sotirovic, M. (2001). Affective and cognitive processes as mediators of media influences on crime policy preferences. Mass Communication & Society, 4, ss. 311–329. Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (Sandy). (1995). The war of desire and technology at the close of the mechanical age. Cambridge: MIT Press. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). (2004). Setting Standards For Youth Participation. E.D.: 27.06.2016 Toprak, Z. (2010). Müzakereci demokrasi ve yerel siyasetin demokratik gelişimi. Yerel Yönetimler Yerel Siyaset ve Kentsel Politikalar, Ed. Prof. Dr. Bekir Parlak, Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık, ss. 30–42. Türkdoğan, O. (1985). Sosyal Şiddet ve Türkiye Gerçeği. Maya Yay. Ankara. UNDP, (2008). E.D.: 5.07.2016 nhdr_bp_ali_carkoglu.pdf Wood, D., R.W. Larson ve J.R. Brown (2009). How adolescents come to see themselves as more responsible through participation in youth programs. Child Development, 80(1), ss. 295-309.


Year 2017, , 119 - 140, 26.12.2017


Bu çalışmada öncelikle gençliğin tanımı ve
özellikleri verilerek siyasi katılımda gençliğin önemini değerlendirmek
amaçlanmaktadır. Bu amaç kapsamında öncelikle gençlik tanımı yapılmaya
çalışılmıştır. Sonrasında çalışmada gençliğin katılımda etkenler ve kısıtlar
değerlendirilmektedir. Bunlarla birlikte gençliğin katılım konusundaki
ihtiyaçları ve medyanın önemine yer verilmektedir. Bunlarla birlikte gençlerin
katılımıyla ilgili dinamikler kapsamında oy verme, gönüllülük, gençlik
programları ve örgütlenmeler değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Anduiza, E., Cantijoch, M., Gallego, A. (2009). Political participation and the internet, information. Communication & Society, 12(6), ss. 860-878. Aras, H.Ö. (2006). Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi öğrencilerinin siyasal, ekonomik, toplumsal ve kültürel ilgi alanları. XVI. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kongresi (5-7 Eylül 2007). Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı. Arches, J., ve J. Fleming (2006). Young people and social action: youth participation in The United Kingdom and United States. New Directions for Youth Development, 111, ss. 81-90. Asthana, S. (2006). Innovative practices of youth participation in media, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), 6, Erişim Tarihi:37.06.2016 Balsano, A., E. Phelps, C. Theokas, J.V. Lerner ve R. M. Lerner (2009). Patterns of early adolescents’ participation in youth development programs having positive youth development goals. Journal Of Research on Adolescence, 19(2), ss. 249-259. Bessant, J (2004). Mixed messages: youth participation and democratic practice. Australian Journal of Political Science, 39 (2), ss.387-404. Brown, G. (2007) . Constitutional reform statement, 3 July (online). Available from: [Accessed 1 April 2017]. Büyükkaragöz, S. (1987). Gençlerde törel gelişim ve bu gelişimi etkileyen sebepler. Uluslararası Terörizm ve Gençlik, MEB Yay. Ank. Büyüktosunoğlu, T. (2013). Selçuk ve Di̇cle Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n si̇yasal katilma davranışları üzeri̇ne uygulamalı bi̇r çalışma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya. Checkoway, B. ve K. R. Schuster (2003). Youth participation in community evaluation research. American Journal of Evaluation, 24 (1), ss. 21-33. Çebi S. ve Y. Şahin Akıllı. (2011). Türkiye’de gençliğin internet üzerinden katılımı özelinde genç siyasallığı ve müzakereci demokrasi. Katılımın e-hali, Gençlerin sanal eylemi. A. T. Aydemir (eds.). Alternatif Bilişim. 198-232 Della Porta, D. ve L. Mosca. (2005). Global-net for global movements? A network of networks for a movement of movements. Journal of Public Policy, 25(1), ss. 165-190. DiMaggio, P., Hargittai, E., Neuman, R. ve J. Robinson. (2001). Social implications of the internet. Annual Review of Sociology, 27, ss. 307-336. Edwards, K (2008). Social ınclusion and youth participation: a new deal for Australia's young people? Youth Studies Australia, 27 (2), ss. 11-17. Erkan, N. (1985). Gençlik ve Demokrasi, Güven Yay., Ank. Esen, A (2007). Gençliğin yerel siyasete katılımı. Yerel Siyaset, 23, ss. 34-35. Evans, S. D., ve I. Prilleltensky (2007). Youth and democracy: participation for personal, relational, and collective well-being. Journal of Community Psychology, 35 (6), ss. 681-692. Farthing, R (2010). The politics of youthful antipolitics: representing the 'issue' of youth participation in politics. Journal of Youth Studies, 13 (2), ss. 181–195. Faulkner, K.M (2009). youth participation in ongoing public decision-making projects. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research, 16 (1), ss.89–104. Ferejohn, J. ve J. Kuklinski. (1990). Information and democratic processes, Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Finkel, S.E (2002). Civic education and the mobilization of political participation in developing democracies. The Journal of Politics, 64, ss. 994-1020. Fournier, B. ve M. Reuchamps. (2008). Youth political ınterest, political participation, and civic education in French-speaking Belgium. Civic Education and Political Participation Workshop, Université de Montréal: ss.1–47. Frisco, M.L., C. Muller ve K. Dodson (2004). Participation in voluntary youth-serving associations and early adult voting behavior. Social Science Quarterly, 85 (3), ss.660-676. Fyfe, I (2009). Researching youth political participation in Australia. Youth Studies Australia, 28 (1), ss. 37–45. Galston, W.A (2004). Civic education and political participation. Political Science and Politics, 37(2), ss. 263–266. Gaiser, W., J. De Rijke ve R. Spannring (2010). Youth and political participation, empirical results for Germany within a European context. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 18(4), ss 427-450. Gauthier, M (2003). The inadequacy of concepts: the rise of youth interest in civic participation in Quebec. Journal of Youth Studies, 6 (3), ss. 265-276. GTZ, (2010). E.D.: 05.07.2016 Iyengar, S. ve D.R. Kinder. (1987). News that matters, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Iyengar, S. (1991). Is anyone responsible?. How television frames political issues, Chicago: University Lopes, J., Benton T. ve E. Cleaver. (2009). Young people's intended civic and political participation: does education matter?, Journal of Youth Studies, 12(1), ss. 1-20, Lüküslü, G.D. (2005). Constructors and constructed: youth as a political actor in modernising Turkey. In Revisiting Youth Political Participation Challenges for Research and Democratic Practice in Europe (Edited Joerg Forbrig). France: Council of Europe Publishing. Lüküslü, D. (2008). Günümüz Türkiye gençliği: ne kayıp bir kuşak ne de ülkenin aydınlık geleceği, Yentürk, N. Y. Kurtaran ve Nemutlu, G. (2008) Türkiye’de Gençlik Çalışması ve Politikaları içinde, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul. Lüküslü, D. (2009). Türkiye’de “Gençlik Miti”. 1980 Sonrası Türkiye Gençliği, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul. Lüküslü, D. (2011). Bilişim teknolojileriyle örgütlenen gençlik hareketleri ve yeni bir siyaset arayışı. Katılımın e-hali, Gençlerin sanal eylemi. A. T. Aydemir (eds.). Alternatif Bilişim. 48-67. McCombs, M. E. ve Shaw, D.L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of the media. Public Opinion Quarterly, 36, ss. 176–187. Mcfarland D.A ve J. T. Reuben. (2006). Bowling young: how youth voluntary associations ınfluence adult political participation. American Sociological Review, 71 (3), ss. 401–425. McLeod, J.M., Daily, K., Guo, Z., Eveland, W.P. Jr, Bayer, J., Yang, S. ve H. Wang. (1996). Community integration, local media use and democratic processes. Communication Research, 23, ss. 179–209. McLeod, J. M. ve D. McDonald. (1985). Beyond simple exposure: Media orientations and their impact on political processes. Communication Research, 12, ss. 3–33. Millennium Development Goals Report Turkey, Binyıl Kalkınma Hedefleri Raporu Türkiye, (2010). E.D. 27.06.2016 mdgreportTurkey2010.html Milner, H. (2008). The informed political participation of young Canadians and Americans. The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) Working Paper 60. E.D.: 27.06.2016 Ups/WorkingPapers/WP60Milner.pdf Molloy, D., C. White ve N. Hosfield. (2002). Understanding youth participation in local government a qualitative study final report. National Centre for Social Research, ss. 78. Norris, P. (2002), Democratic Phoenix: reinventing political activism. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Okojıe, E.E. (2016). E.D.: 05.07.2016 _addis06_1_youth_participation.pdf Özer, Y. E. (2011). Gençlerin toplumsal yaşama katılımı ve yerel yönetimlerin rolü. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 26 (1), ss.43-65. Quintelier, E. (2010). The effect of schools on political participation: a multilevel logistic analysis, Research Papers in Education, 25(2), ss. 137-154, DOI: 10.1080/02671520802524810 Pavlidis, A. ve Barker, S. (2010). Who participates? Youth Studies Australia, 29 (1), ss. 27–34. Print, M. (2007). Citizenship education and youth participation in democracy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (3), ss. 325-345. Russell, D. (1994). Communists and Democrats: democratic attitudes in the two Germanies. British Journal of Political Science, 24, ss. 469–493. Schusler, T.M ve M. E. Kasny. (2008). Youth participation in local environmental action: an avenue for science and civic learning? Participation and Learning, ss. 268–284. Sotirovic, M. ve J.M. McLeod. (2001). Values, communication behavior, and political participation, Political Communication, 18:3, 273-300, DOI: 10.1080/10584600152400347 Sotirovic, M. (2001). Affective and cognitive processes as mediators of media influences on crime policy preferences. Mass Communication & Society, 4, ss. 311–329. Stone, Allucquere Rosanne (Sandy). (1995). The war of desire and technology at the close of the mechanical age. Cambridge: MIT Press. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). (2004). Setting Standards For Youth Participation. E.D.: 27.06.2016 Toprak, Z. (2010). Müzakereci demokrasi ve yerel siyasetin demokratik gelişimi. Yerel Yönetimler Yerel Siyaset ve Kentsel Politikalar, Ed. Prof. Dr. Bekir Parlak, Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık, ss. 30–42. Türkdoğan, O. (1985). Sosyal Şiddet ve Türkiye Gerçeği. Maya Yay. Ankara. UNDP, (2008). E.D.: 5.07.2016 nhdr_bp_ali_carkoglu.pdf Wood, D., R.W. Larson ve J.R. Brown (2009). How adolescents come to see themselves as more responsible through participation in youth programs. Child Development, 80(1), ss. 295-309.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Melike Tekindal This is me

Publication Date December 26, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Tekindal, M. (2017). THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, 17(39), 119-140.
AMA Tekindal M. THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi. December 2017;17(39):119-140. doi:10.21560/
Chicago Tekindal, Melike. “THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 17, no. 39 (December 2017): 119-40.
EndNote Tekindal M (December 1, 2017) THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 17 39 119–140.
IEEE M. Tekindal, “THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION”, Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 39, pp. 119–140, 2017, doi: 10.21560/
ISNAD Tekindal, Melike. “THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi 17/39 (December 2017), 119-140.
JAMA Tekindal M. THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017;17:119–140.
MLA Tekindal, Melike. “THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION”. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 39, 2017, pp. 119-40, doi:10.21560/
Vancouver Tekindal M. THE POSITION OF THE YOUTH IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION. Sosyal Politika Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017;17(39):119-40.