Research Article
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Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process

Year 2015, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 91 - 114, 11.05.2015


This article aims at a critical contribution to neo-Gramscian political economy literature on agency of
transnational capitalist class in shaping the global socio-economic order through the empirical analysis
of hegemonic agency of TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association) in formation of EU
membership as a hegemonic project in Turkey in the first half of the 2000s. Drawing Poulantzas close to
Gramsci and using his distinction between the power bloc and the dominated classes/groups, it
introduces the notion of double moments of hegemony, which marks a comprehensive and multidimensional
understanding of hegemony as a process involving two interrelated moments – within the
power bloc and over a class-divided society. This conceptual contribution helps us to depict the political
agency of transnational capitalist class in the making of the neoliberal mode of regulation, beyond its
economic role in shaping the regime of accumulation. This conception not only provides an alternative
against the conventional notion of hegemony within the neo-Gramscian IPE as limited with the
processes, alliances, compromises and struggles within the power bloc but also contributes to the
broader field of Gramscian studies in terms of analysing the strategic-agential dimension in the making
of hegemony, focusing on the (material and discursive) means and mechanisms in which hegemony is
produced and maintained. A Gramscian analysis of TÜSİAD as a hegemonic agent, a political party and
a collective organic intellectual builds on an empirical research on those means and mechanisms utilized
in shaping the EU membership as a hegemonic project. 


  • Arat, Y. (1991), ‘Politics and Big Business: Janus-Faced Link to the State’ in M. Heper (ed.), Strong State and Economic Interest Groups: The Post-1980 Turkish Experience. New York, Walter de Gruyter: 135-148.
  • Ayers, A. (eds.) (2008), Gramsci, Political Economy and International Relations Theory: Modern Princes and Naked Emperors. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bieler, A. and Morton, A.D. (2001), ‘The Gordion Knot of Agency – Structure in International Relations: A Neo-Gramscian Perspective’, European Journal of International Relations. 7 (1): 5-35.
  • Buci-Glucksmann, C. (1980), Gramsci and the State. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Buci-Glucksmann, C. (1982), ‘Hegemony and Consent: A Political Strategy’. In Sassoon A.S. (eds), Approaches to Gramsci, London: Writers & Readers: 116-126.
  • Buğra, A. (1994), State and Business in Modern Turkey: A Comparative Study. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Buğra, A. and Savaşkan, O. (2014), Türkiye’de Yeni Kapitalizm: Siyaset, Din ve İş Dünyası. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Cox, R. (1983), ‘Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method’, Millennium, 12 (2): 162-175.
  • Crehan, K. (2002), Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology. London: Pluto Press.
  • Crouch, C. (2004), Post-democracy. Malden, MA: Polity.
  • Della, P. D. and Diani, M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Demirkol, Ö. (2009), The Businessmen and the EU: The Case of TÜSİAD. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
  • Eczacıbaşı, B. (1992a), ‘21. Yüzyıla Doğru Yeni Bir ‘Görüş’’, Görüş, 1: 12-13.
  • Ercan, F. (2009), ‘Sermayeyi Haritalandırmaya Dönük Kavramsal Düzenekler’, Praksis, 19: 09-53.
  • Germain, R.D. and Kenny, M. (1998), ‘Engaging Gramsci: International Relations Theory and the New Gramscians’, Review of International Studies, 24: 3-21.
  • Gill, S. (1991), American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gültekin-Karakaş, D. (2009), ‘Sermayenin Uluslarasılaşma Sürecinde Türkiye Banka Reformu ve Finans Kapital-içi Yeniden Yapılanma’. Praksis, 19: 95-131.
  • Güzelsarı, S. and Aydın, S. (2010), ‘Türkiye’de Büyük Burjuvazinin Örgütlü Yükselişi: Siyasal ve Yönetsel Süreçlerin Biçimlendirilmesinde TÜSİAD’, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(1): 43-68.
  • Gramsci, A. (1971), Selections from the Prison Notebooks, edited by Q. Hoare and G. NowellSmith. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Gramsci, A. (2000), The Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings 1916-1935, edited by D. Forgacs. New York: New York University Press.
  • Jessop, B. (1982), The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods. Oxford: Martin Robertson & Company Ltd.
  • Jessop, B. (2003), ‘Putting the Hegemony in Its Place’, Journal of Critical Realism, 2(1):138-148.
  • Jessop, B. (2005), ‘Critical Realism and the Strategic-Relational Approach’, New Formations, 56: 40-56.
  • Joseph, J. (2003), ‘Re-Stating Hegemonic Theory’, Journal of Critical Realism, 2(1): 127-137.
  • Holman, O. (2004), ‘Integrating Peripheral Europe: The Different Roads to `Security and Stability` in Southern and Central Europe’, Journal of International Relations and Development, 7: 208-236.
  • Kaya, R. and Çakmur, B. (2010), ‘Politics and the Mass Media in Turkey’, Turkish Studies, 11(4): 521-537.
  • Kayhan, M. (15/01/1999), Speech Delivered at the 29th General Assembly of TÜSİAD, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • Koç, M. (30/05/2003), ‘Turkey-EU Relations and the Role of the Private Sector’, speech delivered at Deutsche Bank Conference, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Koç, M. (25/01/2007), Speech at the at the 37th General Assemble of TÜSİAD, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • McNally, M. and Schwarzmantel, J. (ed.) (2009), Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Öniş, Z. (2003), ‘Domestic Politics, International Norms and Challenges to the State: Turkey EU Relations in the post-Helsinki Era’ in A.Çarkoğlu and B. Rubin (eds), Turkey and the European Union: Domestic Politics, Economic Integration and International Dynamics. London, Frank Cass: 9-34.
  • Portelli, H. (1973), Gramsci y el bloque histórico. Mexico: Siglio Ventiuno.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1978), Political Power and Social Classes. London: Verso.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1980), State, Power, Socialism. London: Verso.
  • Sabancı, Ö. (25/01/2007), Speech at the 37th General Assemble of TÜSİAD, available at http://www.TÜSİÜSİADYonetimKuruluBaskaniOmerSabancinin37-GenelKurulKonusmasi.pdf, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Şenalp, M.G. and Şenalp, Ö. (2009), ‘Sermayenin ve Devletin Ulusötesileşmesi ve Türkiye’de Ulusötesi Tarihsel Blok Oluşumu’, Praksis, 19, pp. 191-240.
  • TSP (25/11/1999), located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TSP (24/09/2004), available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TSP (03/12/2004), available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011
  • TÜSİAD (20/01/1997), ‘TÜSİAD Calls on Everyone to Make Common Cause for Democracy’, Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (13/12/1999), Press Release on Turkey’s Candidature, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (09/11/2000), ‘AB’ye Uyum, Hükümet ve Parlamento Açısından 2001 Yılının Temel İcraat Programını Oluşturuyor’. Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (23/06/2001), Press Release on the Economic Crises in Turkey, Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (05/2002), Türkiye’de Demokratikleşme Perspektifleri ve AB Kopenhag Siyasi Kriterleri: Görüşler ve Öncelikler, No: 3-4: Ölüm Cezası, Kültürel Yaşama ve Bireysel Özgürlükler, Report on Death Penalty, Cultural Rights and Individual Freedoms, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (05/06/2002), ‘Toplumsal Mutabakat 7 Haziran Zirvesinde Mutlaka Sağlanmalıdır’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (29/07/2002), ‘Siyasi Partiler AB’ye uyum yasaları konusunda Mecliste Farklı İttifaklar Oluşturabilmeli’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (12.2002), Kamu Reformu Araştırması, Public Opinion Survey on Public Reform, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (09.05.2003), ‘‘Türkiye’den Avrupa’ya Yeni Renkler’’ Fotoğraf Yarışması sonuçlandı’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (09.01.2004), ‘TÜSİAD Alman Büyükelçisi Dr. Kyaw’a Ödülünü Bugün Veriyor’, Press Release, available at, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Ugur, M. and Yankaya, D. (2008), ‘Policy Enterpreneurship, Policy Opportunism and EU Conditionality: The AKP and TÜSİAD Experience in Turkey’, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 22(4): 581-601.
  • van Apeldoorn, B. (2002) Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration. London: Routledge.
  • van der Pijl, K. (1984), The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. London: Verso.
  • Worth, O. (2008), ‘The Poverty and Potential of Gramscian Thought in International Relations’, International Politics, 45(6): 633-645.
  • Worth, O. (2011), ‘Recasting Gramsci in International Politics’, Review of International Studies, 37(1): 373-392.
  • Yaka, Ö. (2011), Transformation of Turkey’s Cyprus Policy: From a National Cause to an Impediment. Lap Lambert, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Yalman, G. L. (2001), ‘The Turkish State and Bourgeoisie in Historical Perspective: A Relativist Paradigm or a Panoply of Hegemonic Strategies’. In N. Balkan and S. Savran (eds), In the Politics of Permanent Crises: Class, Ideology and State in Turkey. New York, Nova Science Publishers: 21-54.
  • Yılmaz, M. (23/01/2014), ‘44. General Assembly Opening Speech’, available at
Year 2015, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 91 - 114, 11.05.2015



  • Arat, Y. (1991), ‘Politics and Big Business: Janus-Faced Link to the State’ in M. Heper (ed.), Strong State and Economic Interest Groups: The Post-1980 Turkish Experience. New York, Walter de Gruyter: 135-148.
  • Ayers, A. (eds.) (2008), Gramsci, Political Economy and International Relations Theory: Modern Princes and Naked Emperors. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bieler, A. and Morton, A.D. (2001), ‘The Gordion Knot of Agency – Structure in International Relations: A Neo-Gramscian Perspective’, European Journal of International Relations. 7 (1): 5-35.
  • Buci-Glucksmann, C. (1980), Gramsci and the State. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Buci-Glucksmann, C. (1982), ‘Hegemony and Consent: A Political Strategy’. In Sassoon A.S. (eds), Approaches to Gramsci, London: Writers & Readers: 116-126.
  • Buğra, A. (1994), State and Business in Modern Turkey: A Comparative Study. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
  • Buğra, A. and Savaşkan, O. (2014), Türkiye’de Yeni Kapitalizm: Siyaset, Din ve İş Dünyası. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Cox, R. (1983), ‘Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method’, Millennium, 12 (2): 162-175.
  • Crehan, K. (2002), Gramsci, Culture and Anthropology. London: Pluto Press.
  • Crouch, C. (2004), Post-democracy. Malden, MA: Polity.
  • Della, P. D. and Diani, M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Demirkol, Ö. (2009), The Businessmen and the EU: The Case of TÜSİAD. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
  • Eczacıbaşı, B. (1992a), ‘21. Yüzyıla Doğru Yeni Bir ‘Görüş’’, Görüş, 1: 12-13.
  • Ercan, F. (2009), ‘Sermayeyi Haritalandırmaya Dönük Kavramsal Düzenekler’, Praksis, 19: 09-53.
  • Germain, R.D. and Kenny, M. (1998), ‘Engaging Gramsci: International Relations Theory and the New Gramscians’, Review of International Studies, 24: 3-21.
  • Gill, S. (1991), American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gültekin-Karakaş, D. (2009), ‘Sermayenin Uluslarasılaşma Sürecinde Türkiye Banka Reformu ve Finans Kapital-içi Yeniden Yapılanma’. Praksis, 19: 95-131.
  • Güzelsarı, S. and Aydın, S. (2010), ‘Türkiye’de Büyük Burjuvazinin Örgütlü Yükselişi: Siyasal ve Yönetsel Süreçlerin Biçimlendirilmesinde TÜSİAD’, Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(1): 43-68.
  • Gramsci, A. (1971), Selections from the Prison Notebooks, edited by Q. Hoare and G. NowellSmith. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Gramsci, A. (2000), The Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings 1916-1935, edited by D. Forgacs. New York: New York University Press.
  • Jessop, B. (1982), The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods. Oxford: Martin Robertson & Company Ltd.
  • Jessop, B. (2003), ‘Putting the Hegemony in Its Place’, Journal of Critical Realism, 2(1):138-148.
  • Jessop, B. (2005), ‘Critical Realism and the Strategic-Relational Approach’, New Formations, 56: 40-56.
  • Joseph, J. (2003), ‘Re-Stating Hegemonic Theory’, Journal of Critical Realism, 2(1): 127-137.
  • Holman, O. (2004), ‘Integrating Peripheral Europe: The Different Roads to `Security and Stability` in Southern and Central Europe’, Journal of International Relations and Development, 7: 208-236.
  • Kaya, R. and Çakmur, B. (2010), ‘Politics and the Mass Media in Turkey’, Turkish Studies, 11(4): 521-537.
  • Kayhan, M. (15/01/1999), Speech Delivered at the 29th General Assembly of TÜSİAD, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • Koç, M. (30/05/2003), ‘Turkey-EU Relations and the Role of the Private Sector’, speech delivered at Deutsche Bank Conference, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Koç, M. (25/01/2007), Speech at the at the 37th General Assemble of TÜSİAD, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • McNally, M. and Schwarzmantel, J. (ed.) (2009), Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and Resistance. London: Routledge.
  • Öniş, Z. (2003), ‘Domestic Politics, International Norms and Challenges to the State: Turkey EU Relations in the post-Helsinki Era’ in A.Çarkoğlu and B. Rubin (eds), Turkey and the European Union: Domestic Politics, Economic Integration and International Dynamics. London, Frank Cass: 9-34.
  • Portelli, H. (1973), Gramsci y el bloque histórico. Mexico: Siglio Ventiuno.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1978), Political Power and Social Classes. London: Verso.
  • Poulantzas, N. (1980), State, Power, Socialism. London: Verso.
  • Sabancı, Ö. (25/01/2007), Speech at the 37th General Assemble of TÜSİAD, available at http://www.TÜSİÜSİADYonetimKuruluBaskaniOmerSabancinin37-GenelKurulKonusmasi.pdf, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Şenalp, M.G. and Şenalp, Ö. (2009), ‘Sermayenin ve Devletin Ulusötesileşmesi ve Türkiye’de Ulusötesi Tarihsel Blok Oluşumu’, Praksis, 19, pp. 191-240.
  • TSP (25/11/1999), located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TSP (24/09/2004), available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TSP (03/12/2004), available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011
  • TÜSİAD (20/01/1997), ‘TÜSİAD Calls on Everyone to Make Common Cause for Democracy’, Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (13/12/1999), Press Release on Turkey’s Candidature, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (09/11/2000), ‘AB’ye Uyum, Hükümet ve Parlamento Açısından 2001 Yılının Temel İcraat Programını Oluşturuyor’. Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (23/06/2001), Press Release on the Economic Crises in Turkey, Press Release, located in the Archives of TÜSİAD Headquarters, İstanbul.
  • TÜSİAD (05/2002), Türkiye’de Demokratikleşme Perspektifleri ve AB Kopenhag Siyasi Kriterleri: Görüşler ve Öncelikler, No: 3-4: Ölüm Cezası, Kültürel Yaşama ve Bireysel Özgürlükler, Report on Death Penalty, Cultural Rights and Individual Freedoms, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (05/06/2002), ‘Toplumsal Mutabakat 7 Haziran Zirvesinde Mutlaka Sağlanmalıdır’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (29/07/2002), ‘Siyasi Partiler AB’ye uyum yasaları konusunda Mecliste Farklı İttifaklar Oluşturabilmeli’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (12.2002), Kamu Reformu Araştırması, Public Opinion Survey on Public Reform, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (09.05.2003), ‘‘Türkiye’den Avrupa’ya Yeni Renkler’’ Fotoğraf Yarışması sonuçlandı’, Press Release, available at http://www.TÜSİ, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • TÜSİAD (09.01.2004), ‘TÜSİAD Alman Büyükelçisi Dr. Kyaw’a Ödülünü Bugün Veriyor’, Press Release, available at, last accessed on 26.07.2011.
  • Ugur, M. and Yankaya, D. (2008), ‘Policy Enterpreneurship, Policy Opportunism and EU Conditionality: The AKP and TÜSİAD Experience in Turkey’, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, 22(4): 581-601.
  • van Apeldoorn, B. (2002) Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration. London: Routledge.
  • van der Pijl, K. (1984), The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. London: Verso.
  • Worth, O. (2008), ‘The Poverty and Potential of Gramscian Thought in International Relations’, International Politics, 45(6): 633-645.
  • Worth, O. (2011), ‘Recasting Gramsci in International Politics’, Review of International Studies, 37(1): 373-392.
  • Yaka, Ö. (2011), Transformation of Turkey’s Cyprus Policy: From a National Cause to an Impediment. Lap Lambert, Saarbrücken, Germany.
  • Yalman, G. L. (2001), ‘The Turkish State and Bourgeoisie in Historical Perspective: A Relativist Paradigm or a Panoply of Hegemonic Strategies’. In N. Balkan and S. Savran (eds), In the Politics of Permanent Crises: Class, Ideology and State in Turkey. New York, Nova Science Publishers: 21-54.
  • Yılmaz, M. (23/01/2014), ‘44. General Assembly Opening Speech’, available at
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Özge Yaka This is me

Publication Date May 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Yaka, Ö. (2015). Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, 7(1), 91-114.
AMA Yaka Ö. Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process. Spectrum. May 2015;7(1):91-114.
Chicago Yaka, Özge. “Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process”. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 7, no. 1 (May 2015): 91-114.
EndNote Yaka Ö (May 1, 2015) Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 7 1 91–114.
IEEE Ö. Yaka, “Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process”, Spectrum, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 91–114, 2015.
ISNAD Yaka, Özge. “Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process”. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies 7/1 (May 2015), 91-114.
JAMA Yaka Ö. Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process. Spectrum. 2015;7:91–114.
MLA Yaka, Özge. “Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process”. Spectrum: Journal of Global Studies, vol. 7, no. 1, 2015, pp. 91-114.
Vancouver Yaka Ö. Hegemony in the Making: TÜSİAD’s Hegemonic Role in the Context of Turkey’s EU Membership Process. Spectrum. 2015;7(1):91-114.