Research Article
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Adherence to 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in Reducing Premenstrual Symptoms: Physical Activity, Sleep, and Sedentary Behaviors

Year 2025, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 20.03.2025


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a prevalent disease impacting a substantial proportion of women of reproductive years. This study aims to investigate the impact of women's compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines (being physically active, reducing sedentary behaviors, adequate sleep quality) on the likelihood of experiencing PMS symptoms. 130 women aged 18 to 30 who fulfilled the inclusion criteria participated in the study. Participants were evaluated and categorized based on the 24-hour movement guidelines. Data were gathered utilizing the premenstrual syndrome scale and the visual analog scale. Analyses were conducted with the IBM SPSS 20 statistical analysis software. The study's findings indicated that women who followed the 24-hour movement guidelines were less prone to have PMS symptoms than those who did not. Physical activity, sedentary behaviors, sleep, and daytime screen exposure contribute to the alleviation of PMS symptoms, and compliance with 24-hour movement guidelines enhances women's quality of life.


  • Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. P., Bassett-Gunter, R. L., Leo, J., Sharma, R., Olds, T., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., & Ginis, K. A. M. (2021). A cross-sectional examination of the 24-hour movement behaviours in Canadian youth with physical and sensory disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 14(1).
  • Baker, F. C., Sassoon, S. A., Kahan, T., Palaniappan, L., Nicholas, C. L., Trinder, J., & Colrain, I. M. (2012a). Perceived poor sleep quality in the absence of polysomnographic sleep disturbance in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research, 21(5), 535-545.
  • Baker, F. C., Sassoon, S. A., Kahan, T., Palaniappan, L., Nicholas, C. L., Trinder, J., & Colrain, I. M. (2012b). Perceived poor sleep quality in the absence of polysomnographic sleep disturbance in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research, 21(5), 535-545.
  • Chaput, J. P., Gray, C. E., Poitras, V. J., Carson, V., Gruber, R., Olds, T., Weiss, S. K., Gorber, S. C., Kho, M. E., Sampson, M., Belanger, K., Eryuzlu, S., Callender, L., & Tremblay, M. S. (2016). Systematic review of the relationships between sleep duration and health indicators in school-aged children and youth. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 41(6), S266-S282. Chastin, S. F. M., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Dontje, M. L., & Skelton, D. A. (2015). Combined effects of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep on obesity and cardio-metabolic health markers: A novel compositional data analysis approach. Plos One, 10(10).
  • Chemtob, K., Reid, R. E. R., Guimaraes, R. D., Henderson, M., Mathieu, M. E., Barnett, T. A., Tremblay, A., & Van Hulst, A. (2021). Adherence to the24-hourmovement guidelines and adiposity in a cohort of at risk youth: A longitudinal analysis. Pediatric Obesity, 16(4).
  • Chen, Z., Imai, K., & Zhou, X. (2023). The relationship between physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in senior high school students: a prospective study. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  • Conzatti, M., Perez, A. V., Maciel, R. F., De Castro, D. H., Sbaraini, M., & Wender, M. C. O. (2021). Sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness in women with Premenstrual Syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology, 37(10), 945-949.
  • Czajkowska, M., Plinta, R., Rutkowska, M., Brzek, A., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Drosdzol-Cop, A. (2019). Menstrual cycle disorders in professional female rhythmic gymnasts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8).
  • Daley, A. (2009). Exercise and Premenstrual Symptomatology: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Womens Health, 18(6), 895-899.
  • Dilbaz, B., & Aksan, A. (2021). Premenstrual syndrome, a common but underrated entity: review of the clinical literature. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc, 22(2), 139-148.
  • Dozsa-Juhasz, O., Makai, A., Premusz, V., Acs, P., & Hock, M. (2023). Investigation of premenstrual syndrome in connection with physical activity, perceived stress level, and mental status-a cross-sectional study. Front Public Health, 11, 1223787.
  • Falbe, J., Davison, K. K., Franckle, R. L., Ganter, C., Gortmaker, S. L., Smith, L., Land, T., & Taveras, E. M. (2015). Sleep duration, restfulness, and screens in the sleep environment. Pediatrics, 135(2), e367-375.
  • Ferrari, G., Alberico, C., Drenowatz, C., Kovalskys, I., Gómez, G., Rigotti, A., Cortés, L. Y., García, M. Y., Liria-Domínguez, M. R., Herrera-Cuenca, M., Peralta, M., Marques, A., Marconcin, P., Cristi-Montero, C., Leme, A. C. B., Zimberg, I. Z., Farías-Valenzuela, C., Fisberg, M., & Rollo, S. (2022). Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of meeting the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines among latin american adults: a multi-national cross-sectional study. Bmc Public Health, 22(1).
  • Frey-Law, L. A., Lee, J. E., Wittry, A. M., & Melyon, M. (2014). Pain rating schema: three distinct subgroups of individuals emerge when rating mild, moderate, and severe pain. Journal of Pain Research, 7.
  • Gaikwad, S. T., & Kanase, S. (2022). Analysis of premenstrual syndrome in sedentary lifestyle women. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(9), 2363-2372.
  • Gençdoğan, B. (2006). Premenstrual sendrom için yeni bir ölçek. Türkiye’de Psikiyatri, 8(2), 81-87.
  • Goncalves, W. S. F., Byrne, R., de Lira, P. I. C., Viana, M. T., & Trost, S. G. (2022). Adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines among rural Brazalian preschool children: associations with parenting practices. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1).
  • Haghighi, E. S., Jahromi, M. K., & Osh, F. D. (2015). Relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, habitual physical activity, body mass index and premenstrual symptoms in collegiate students. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 55(6), 663-667. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000362933800016
  • Hale, L., & Guan, S. (2015). Screen time and sleep among school-aged children and adolescents: A systematic literature review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 21, 50-58.
  • Haywood, A., Slade, P., & King, H. (2007). Psychosocial associates of premenstrual symptoms and the moderating role of social support in a community sample. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62(1), 9-13.
  • Hinz, A., Glaesmer, H., Brähler, E., Löffler, M., Engel, C., Enzenbach, C., Hegerl, U., & Sander, C. (2017). Sleep quality in the general population: psychometric properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, derived from a German community sample of 9284 people. Sleep Medicine, 30, 57-63.
  • Jeong, D., Lee, H., & Kim, J. (2023). Effects of sleep pattern, duration, and quality on premenstrual syndrome and primary dysmenorrhea in korean high school girls. Bmc Womens Health, 23(1), 456.
  • Kanda, M., Matsuhashi, M., Sawamoto, N., Oga, T., Mima, T., Nagamine, T., & Shibasaki, H. (2002). Cortical potentials related to assessment of pain intensity with visual analogue scale (VAS). Clinical Neurophysiology, 113(7), 1013-1024.
  • Karaman, H. I. O., Tanriverdi, G., & Degirmenci, Y. (2012). Subjective sleep quality in premenstrual syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology, 28(8), 661-664.
  • Kastelic, K., Sarabon, N., Burnard, M. D., Lipovac, D., & Pedisic, Z. (2023). Association of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines with low back pain among adults. Aims Public Health, 10(4), 964-979.
  • Kawabe, R., Chen, C. Y., Morino, S., Mukaiyama, K., Shinohara, Y., Kato, M., Shimizu, H., Shimoura, K., Nagai-Tanima, M., & Aoyama, T. (2022). The relationship between high physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in Japanese female college students. Bmc Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation, 14(1).
  • Kiloatar, H., & Kurt, G. (2024). Perception of benefits-barriers of exercise, physical activity level, and body awareness in women with premenstrual syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 50(1), 120-127.
  • Kroll-Desrosiers, A. R., Ronnenberg, A. G., Zagarins, S. E., Houghton, S. C., Takashima-Uebelhoer, B. B., & Bertone-Johnson, E. R. (2017). Recreational physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in young adult women: A cross-sectional study. Plos One, 12(1), e0169728.
  • Lamarche, L. J., Driver, H. S., Wiebe, S., Crawford, L., & De Koninck, J. M. (2007). Nocturnal sleep, daytime sleepiness, and napping among women with significant emotional/behavioral premenstrual symptoms. Journal of Sleep Research, 16(3), 262-268. 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2007.00604.x
  • Luo, L., Cao, Y. X., Hu, Y. L., Wen, S. J., Tang, K. Q., Ding, L. N., & Song, N. Q. (2022). The associations between meeting 24-Hour movement guidelines (24-HMG) and self-rated physical and mental health in older adults-cross sectional evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20).
  • Madigan, S., Eirich, R., Pador, P., McArthur, B. A., & Neville, R. D. (2022). Assessment of changes in child and adolescent screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Jama Pediatrics, 176(12), 1188-1198.
  • Mauri, M., Reid, R. L., & MacLean, A. W. (1988). Sleep in the premenstrual phase: a self-report study of PMS patients and normal controls. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 78(1), 82-86.
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Premenstrual Semptomların Azaltılmasında 24 Saatlik Hareket Yönergelerine Uyum: Fiziksel Aktivite, Uyku ve Sedanter Davranışlar

Year 2025, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 20.03.2025


Premenstrüel sendrom (PMS), üreme çağındaki kadınların önemli bir bölümünü etkileyen yaygın bir durumdur. Bu çalışma ile kadınların 24 saatlik hareket yönergelerine (fiziksel olarak aktif olmak, hareketsiz olan davranışların azaltılması ve yeterli düzeyde uyku kalitesi) bağlılıklarının PMS semptomları yaşama olasılıklarının etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmaya dahil edilme kriterlerini karşılayan 18 ila 30 yaş aralığında 130 kadın katılmıştır. Katılımcılar, 24 saatlik hareket yönergesine göre değerlendirilmiş ve sınıflandırılmıştır. Veriler, premenstrual sendrom ölçeği ve vizuel analog skala kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Analizler IBM SPSS 20 istatistik analiz programı ile kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, 24 saatlik hareket yönergelerine uyan kadınların, uymayanlara kıyasla PMS semptomları yaşama olasılıklarının düşük olduğu sonucu bulunmuştur. Gün içerisinde yapılan fiziksel aktivite, sedanter davranışlar, uyku ve ekrana maruz kalmanın PMS semptomlarını hafifletmede rolü olduğu ve 24 saatlik hareket yönergelerine uymanın kadınların yaşam kalitelerini yükseltme de etkili olduğu söylenebilir.


  • Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. P., Bassett-Gunter, R. L., Leo, J., Sharma, R., Olds, T., Latimer-Cheung, A. E., & Ginis, K. A. M. (2021). A cross-sectional examination of the 24-hour movement behaviours in Canadian youth with physical and sensory disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 14(1).
  • Baker, F. C., Sassoon, S. A., Kahan, T., Palaniappan, L., Nicholas, C. L., Trinder, J., & Colrain, I. M. (2012a). Perceived poor sleep quality in the absence of polysomnographic sleep disturbance in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research, 21(5), 535-545.
  • Baker, F. C., Sassoon, S. A., Kahan, T., Palaniappan, L., Nicholas, C. L., Trinder, J., & Colrain, I. M. (2012b). Perceived poor sleep quality in the absence of polysomnographic sleep disturbance in women with severe premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research, 21(5), 535-545.
  • Chaput, J. P., Gray, C. E., Poitras, V. J., Carson, V., Gruber, R., Olds, T., Weiss, S. K., Gorber, S. C., Kho, M. E., Sampson, M., Belanger, K., Eryuzlu, S., Callender, L., & Tremblay, M. S. (2016). Systematic review of the relationships between sleep duration and health indicators in school-aged children and youth. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 41(6), S266-S282. Chastin, S. F. M., Palarea-Albaladejo, J., Dontje, M. L., & Skelton, D. A. (2015). Combined effects of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviors and sleep on obesity and cardio-metabolic health markers: A novel compositional data analysis approach. Plos One, 10(10).
  • Chemtob, K., Reid, R. E. R., Guimaraes, R. D., Henderson, M., Mathieu, M. E., Barnett, T. A., Tremblay, A., & Van Hulst, A. (2021). Adherence to the24-hourmovement guidelines and adiposity in a cohort of at risk youth: A longitudinal analysis. Pediatric Obesity, 16(4).
  • Chen, Z., Imai, K., & Zhou, X. (2023). The relationship between physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in senior high school students: a prospective study. Scientific Reports, 13(1).
  • Conzatti, M., Perez, A. V., Maciel, R. F., De Castro, D. H., Sbaraini, M., & Wender, M. C. O. (2021). Sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness in women with Premenstrual Syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology, 37(10), 945-949.
  • Czajkowska, M., Plinta, R., Rutkowska, M., Brzek, A., Skrzypulec-Plinta, V., & Drosdzol-Cop, A. (2019). Menstrual cycle disorders in professional female rhythmic gymnasts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8).
  • Daley, A. (2009). Exercise and Premenstrual Symptomatology: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Womens Health, 18(6), 895-899.
  • Dilbaz, B., & Aksan, A. (2021). Premenstrual syndrome, a common but underrated entity: review of the clinical literature. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc, 22(2), 139-148.
  • Dozsa-Juhasz, O., Makai, A., Premusz, V., Acs, P., & Hock, M. (2023). Investigation of premenstrual syndrome in connection with physical activity, perceived stress level, and mental status-a cross-sectional study. Front Public Health, 11, 1223787.
  • Falbe, J., Davison, K. K., Franckle, R. L., Ganter, C., Gortmaker, S. L., Smith, L., Land, T., & Taveras, E. M. (2015). Sleep duration, restfulness, and screens in the sleep environment. Pediatrics, 135(2), e367-375.
  • Ferrari, G., Alberico, C., Drenowatz, C., Kovalskys, I., Gómez, G., Rigotti, A., Cortés, L. Y., García, M. Y., Liria-Domínguez, M. R., Herrera-Cuenca, M., Peralta, M., Marques, A., Marconcin, P., Cristi-Montero, C., Leme, A. C. B., Zimberg, I. Z., Farías-Valenzuela, C., Fisberg, M., & Rollo, S. (2022). Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of meeting the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines among latin american adults: a multi-national cross-sectional study. Bmc Public Health, 22(1).
  • Frey-Law, L. A., Lee, J. E., Wittry, A. M., & Melyon, M. (2014). Pain rating schema: three distinct subgroups of individuals emerge when rating mild, moderate, and severe pain. Journal of Pain Research, 7.
  • Gaikwad, S. T., & Kanase, S. (2022). Analysis of premenstrual syndrome in sedentary lifestyle women. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(9), 2363-2372.
  • Gençdoğan, B. (2006). Premenstrual sendrom için yeni bir ölçek. Türkiye’de Psikiyatri, 8(2), 81-87.
  • Goncalves, W. S. F., Byrne, R., de Lira, P. I. C., Viana, M. T., & Trost, S. G. (2022). Adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines among rural Brazalian preschool children: associations with parenting practices. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19(1).
  • Haghighi, E. S., Jahromi, M. K., & Osh, F. D. (2015). Relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, habitual physical activity, body mass index and premenstrual symptoms in collegiate students. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 55(6), 663-667. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000362933800016
  • Hale, L., & Guan, S. (2015). Screen time and sleep among school-aged children and adolescents: A systematic literature review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 21, 50-58.
  • Haywood, A., Slade, P., & King, H. (2007). Psychosocial associates of premenstrual symptoms and the moderating role of social support in a community sample. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62(1), 9-13.
  • Hinz, A., Glaesmer, H., Brähler, E., Löffler, M., Engel, C., Enzenbach, C., Hegerl, U., & Sander, C. (2017). Sleep quality in the general population: psychometric properties of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, derived from a German community sample of 9284 people. Sleep Medicine, 30, 57-63.
  • Jeong, D., Lee, H., & Kim, J. (2023). Effects of sleep pattern, duration, and quality on premenstrual syndrome and primary dysmenorrhea in korean high school girls. Bmc Womens Health, 23(1), 456.
  • Kanda, M., Matsuhashi, M., Sawamoto, N., Oga, T., Mima, T., Nagamine, T., & Shibasaki, H. (2002). Cortical potentials related to assessment of pain intensity with visual analogue scale (VAS). Clinical Neurophysiology, 113(7), 1013-1024.
  • Karaman, H. I. O., Tanriverdi, G., & Degirmenci, Y. (2012). Subjective sleep quality in premenstrual syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology, 28(8), 661-664.
  • Kastelic, K., Sarabon, N., Burnard, M. D., Lipovac, D., & Pedisic, Z. (2023). Association of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines with low back pain among adults. Aims Public Health, 10(4), 964-979.
  • Kawabe, R., Chen, C. Y., Morino, S., Mukaiyama, K., Shinohara, Y., Kato, M., Shimizu, H., Shimoura, K., Nagai-Tanima, M., & Aoyama, T. (2022). The relationship between high physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in Japanese female college students. Bmc Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation, 14(1).
  • Kiloatar, H., & Kurt, G. (2024). Perception of benefits-barriers of exercise, physical activity level, and body awareness in women with premenstrual syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 50(1), 120-127.
  • Kroll-Desrosiers, A. R., Ronnenberg, A. G., Zagarins, S. E., Houghton, S. C., Takashima-Uebelhoer, B. B., & Bertone-Johnson, E. R. (2017). Recreational physical activity and premenstrual syndrome in young adult women: A cross-sectional study. Plos One, 12(1), e0169728.
  • Lamarche, L. J., Driver, H. S., Wiebe, S., Crawford, L., & De Koninck, J. M. (2007). Nocturnal sleep, daytime sleepiness, and napping among women with significant emotional/behavioral premenstrual symptoms. Journal of Sleep Research, 16(3), 262-268. 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2007.00604.x
  • Luo, L., Cao, Y. X., Hu, Y. L., Wen, S. J., Tang, K. Q., Ding, L. N., & Song, N. Q. (2022). The associations between meeting 24-Hour movement guidelines (24-HMG) and self-rated physical and mental health in older adults-cross sectional evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20).
  • Madigan, S., Eirich, R., Pador, P., McArthur, B. A., & Neville, R. D. (2022). Assessment of changes in child and adolescent screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Jama Pediatrics, 176(12), 1188-1198.
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There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Science and Exercise (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Buket Şeran 0000-0003-3985-6124

Publication Date March 20, 2025
Submission Date October 18, 2024
Acceptance Date November 19, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Şeran, B. (2025). Adherence to 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in Reducing Premenstrual Symptoms: Physical Activity, Sleep, and Sedentary Behaviors. Spor Ve Bilim Dergisi, 3(1), 1-17.