Writing Rules

Articles submitted to Selçuk Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi must meet the following formal requirements in order to be accepted.

Click here for the writing rules template.

1. Manuscript Submission Procedure
Prepared manuscripts should be submitted to the journal editorial office by uploading them to the system via DergiPark. All stages, including referee review, will be carried out through the DergiPark system.
Selçuk Üniversitesi Adalet Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi does not accept articles from outside the DergiPark system.

2. Required Fields in the Article
The author's name should be written as "FULL NAME" under the main title, right justified, together with the academic title.
Authors who wish to have their works published should obtain an "ORCID" number and write it in the footnote using the * sign together with their personal information (Name-Surname, Academic or Professional Title, E-mail Address). The "ORCID" number can be obtained from https://orcid.org/.
The title of the article in Turkish and foreign languages, an abstract of at least 100 and at most 150 words in Turkish and foreign languages, and five keywords (Keywords) should be included at the beginning of the article.
References should be included at the end of the study.

3. Page Structure
It should be 2 cm from the top, bottom and sides.
Articles prepared in this way should not exceed 50 pages.

4. Text Articles
It should be written in ''Palatino Linotype'' character, 11 pt, single line spacing, the first line should be a paragraph with a special 1 cm value, and the spaces between paragraphs should be aligned on both sides, with 3 nk before and after.
Title 1 format should only be used for the main title of the manuscript.

5. Footnotes
It should be written in the same font as the article, 9 pt, single line spacing, 0.7 hanging, 3 nk space after paragraph.
Footnotes should be given automatically and at the bottom of each page, and footnotes should be written as follows: IN BOOKS; Author's Surname, Name, Book Title, (if any) Edition number, (if any) Translator (or Editor) Surname, Name, Place of publication, year and page; IN ARTICLES; Author's Surname, Name, "Article Name" (in quotation marks), Publication Name, Volume, Issue, year and page; In the second and subsequent references to the same work, a short format can be used as Author's surname and page.

6. The article must not have been published or submitted for publication anywhere before.

7. No royalties will be paid to the authors. Authors agree that Selçuk University Vocational School of Justice has all publication rights on the published manuscripts, including publishing in any format.

Applications that do not meet these conditions will not be accepted.