Research Article
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Reflection of Gender Norms in Kyrgyz and Turkish Tales on Social Life

Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 342 - 359, 31.08.2024


The messages on gender roles given through fairy tales, which contain elements related to the structure of society, cause children to internalize the knowledge and behavioral patterns they have acquired since their early ages, to be exhibited at later ages. This study was carried out to scrutinize the gender norms in Kyrgyz and Turkish fairy tales, revealing their similarities and differences, and examining the reflection of these norms on social life. A case study model, one of the qualitative research methods, was used and data was collected through document review and interview techniques. The documents (fables), used in the study, were determined using the stratified purposeful sampling method. Among the tales reached in the first stage, the ones in the realistic tale type and enriched with extraordinary elements were selected: a Kyrgyz and a Turkish tale with a family theme were selected from these tales. Tales were examined in terms of the gender norms they contain. The contents of the tales were analyzed in detail with the descriptive analysis technique. Individual interviews were conducted with 2 Kyrgyz students living in Türkiye and 2 Turkish students living in Kyrgyzstan, and the data were analyzed with the descriptive analysis technique. In the research, different gender norms in both tales were determined and it was concluded that these norms were reflected in social life. These norms have emerged in the form of supporting the patriarchal structure in the Turkish fairy tale while in the Kyrgyz fairy tale, the woman is considered to be precious.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee permission for the study was received with the letter of Başkent University Academic Evaluation Coordinatorship dated 24.01.2023 and numbered E-62310886-605.99-200150.


  • Abalova, N. G. (2019). Epos “Manas” as the greatest monument of oral folk creativity and its role in the formation of the culture of the present and future of Kyrgyz people. The Facets of History, 2 (10), 51-59. Retrieved from
  • Arsoy, N. (2011). Patriarchy, gender discrimination, and women in Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 302982) [Master's thesis, Kafkas University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Aydın, M. (2019). The consequences of the Soviet Union's language policies in the case of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan Studies, 167-176. Retrieved from
  • Bağcı, E. (2011). Examination of the roles of heroes in Naki Tezel's Turkish fairy tales. Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 9, 221-244. Retrieved from
  • Bakırcı, N. (2015). On Turkish fairy tales. Turkish World Studies, 111(218), 143-154. Retrieved from
  • Bem, S. L. (1983). Gender schema theory and its implications for child development: Raising gender-aschematic children in a gender-schematic society. Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 8(4), 598-616. Retrieved from
  • Bilkan, A. F. (2009). Fairy tale aesthetics. Istanbul: Timaş Publishing.
  • Bür, B. (2019). Comparison of Turkish and world fairy tales on the list of 100 essential works in terms of gender (Thesis number: 588254) [Master's thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Bayrak İşcanoğlu, İ. (2018). Women in Kyrgyz family and socio-cultural life. International Journal of Turkish Dialect Studies (Türklad), 2(1), 358-366.
  • Bozkırlı, K. Ç. (2018). An analysis on Turkish fairy tales in the context of their educational properties. European Journal of Education Studies, 5(3), 88-99. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Prentice Hall.
  • Deyoung, A. J. (2007). The erosion of vospitaniye (social upbringing) in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: Voices from the schools. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 40, 239-256. Retrieved from
  • Diaz-Faes, A. M., Murteira, C. S. R., & Ruskov, M. (2024). Explicit references to social values in fairy tales: A comparison between three european cultures. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 1-20.
  • Doğan, S. (2009). Kyrgyz fairy tales (Text-analysis) (Thesis number: 257716) [Master's thesis, Gazi University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Dor, R. (2022). Kyrgyz people [and their narrative cultures]. Journal of Cultural Studies, (15), 358-361.
  • Dökmen, Z. Y. (2010). Gender. Remzi Bookstore.
  • Gül, Y. E. (2021). The Soviet socio-political education system in Kyrgyzstan and the activities of the association against ignorance (1924-1927). Bilig, 99, 115-135.
  • Hohr, H. (2000). Dynamic aspects of fairy tales: Social and emotional competence through fairy tales. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 89-103.
  • Iğdır, Z. Ö. (2014). Fairy tales and their contribution to the process of constructing gender roles. Creative Drama Journal, 9(18), 77-86. Retrieved from
  • İshakoğlu, J. (2020). Construction of gender roles towards women through fairy tales: A study on traces-mass (Thesis number: 618595) [Master's thesis, Ege University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Kaçmaz, C. (2020). A comparative study of Anatolian and Kyrgyz folk tales (Thesis number: 664121) [Master's thesis, İstanbul Kültür University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Karaarslan, C. (2019). Women in the context of gender in anonymous Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 591401) [Master's thesis, Marmara University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Karadavut, Z. (2015). On the parallels of the type and motif structures of Kyrgyz fairy tales with those of other Turkish tribes. Turkish World Fairy Tale Studies, 437-445. Retrieved from
  • Koyuncu Şahin, M., & Çoban, A. (2019). An overview of studies on gender in the field of education in Türkiye. International Journal of Social Research, 12, 588-599.
  • Kuehnast, K. R. (1997). Let the stone lie where it has fallen: Dilemmas of gender and generation in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan (Thesis number: 9815046) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Minnesota]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Database.
  • Lester, A. J. (2015). The impact of traditional and modern fairy tales on society and its individuals [Unpublished bachelor's thesis, University of Arizona]. Retrieved from
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research (6th ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Meland, A. T. (2020). Challenging gender stereotypes through a transformation of a fairy tale. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(6), 911–922.
  • Miles, M., & Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Oinas, F. J. (1975). The political uses and themes of folklore in the Soviet Union. Journal of the Folklore Institute, 12, 157-175.
  • Ölçer, E. (2003). The relationship between gender and space in Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 137656) [Master's thesis, Bilkent University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Ölçer Özünel, E. (2015). The hero who brings spring: Bamsı Beyrek. National Folklore, 27(107), 34-48. Retrieved from
  • Özen, S. (2008). Kyrgyz fairy tales in terms of subject and structure (Thesis number: 228200) [Master's thesis, Ankara University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Panchenko, A. (2007). Lenin cult and Soviet folklore. In S. Gürçayır (Trans.), The Fake of Folklore: Fakelore. Geleneksel Publishing.
  • Pawłowska, J. (2021). Gender stereotypes presented in popular children’s fairy tales. Society Register, 5(2), 155-170.
  • Rahman, F. (2017). The revival of local fairy tales for children's education. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7, 336-344.
  • Roy, O. (2009). New Central Asia or the fabrication of nations (M. Moralı, Trans.). Metis Publishing.
  • Sayer, I. M., Kristiawan, M., & Agustina, M. (2018). Fairy tale as a medium for children’s character cooperation building. Al-Talim Journal, 25(2), 108-116.
  • Seidman, I. (2006). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences (3rd ed.). Teachers College Press.
  • Sezer, M. Ö. (2013). Fairy tales and gender. Evrensel Publishing.
  • Shaheen, U., Mumtaz, N., & Khalid, K. (2019). Exploring gender ideology in fairy tales: A critical discourse analysis. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 7(2), 28-42. Retrieved from
  • Singh, N. (2022). MANAS: The socio-cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people. In Cultural Histories of Central Asia (pp. 99-107). Routledge.
  • Sobirjonovich, S. I., & Bahromjon, H. H. (2022). Fairy tales and their role in education of preschool children. Journal of Advanced Research and Stability, Special issue, 150-155. Retrieved from
  • Sobirjonovna, S. O. G. (2022). Development of reading skills in children through fairy tales. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 1229-1231. Retrieved from
  • Sotvoldiev, M. (2022). Researching and publishing Kyrgyz folk tales. International Journal of Language, Education, and Translation, 3(6), 105-114.
  • Şahin, M. (2011). Examination of the effects of fairy tales on child development from the perspective of teachers. National Folklore, 23, 208-219. Retrieved from
  • Tekin, A. (2010). Goddesses and women's memory. Women's Studies Journal, 9, 111-138. Retrieved from
  • Temellioğlu, Ş. H. (2021). Gender roles in Andersen's fairy tales. Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 165-178.
  • Temur, N. (2009). A Soviet product: The theoretical variant of Manas. Türkbilig, 17, 133-145. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences (6th ed.). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods (Vol. 5). Sage Publications.
  • Yılmaz, A. (2012). The place of fairy tales in child education (Example of One Thousand and One Nights Tales). SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, 25, 299-306. Retrieved from
Year 2024, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 342 - 359, 31.08.2024



  • Abalova, N. G. (2019). Epos “Manas” as the greatest monument of oral folk creativity and its role in the formation of the culture of the present and future of Kyrgyz people. The Facets of History, 2 (10), 51-59. Retrieved from
  • Arsoy, N. (2011). Patriarchy, gender discrimination, and women in Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 302982) [Master's thesis, Kafkas University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Aydın, M. (2019). The consequences of the Soviet Union's language policies in the case of Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan Studies, 167-176. Retrieved from
  • Bağcı, E. (2011). Examination of the roles of heroes in Naki Tezel's Turkish fairy tales. Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 9, 221-244. Retrieved from
  • Bakırcı, N. (2015). On Turkish fairy tales. Turkish World Studies, 111(218), 143-154. Retrieved from
  • Bem, S. L. (1983). Gender schema theory and its implications for child development: Raising gender-aschematic children in a gender-schematic society. Signs: Journal of women in culture and society, 8(4), 598-616. Retrieved from
  • Bilkan, A. F. (2009). Fairy tale aesthetics. Istanbul: Timaş Publishing.
  • Bür, B. (2019). Comparison of Turkish and world fairy tales on the list of 100 essential works in terms of gender (Thesis number: 588254) [Master's thesis, Ondokuz Mayıs University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Bayrak İşcanoğlu, İ. (2018). Women in Kyrgyz family and socio-cultural life. International Journal of Turkish Dialect Studies (Türklad), 2(1), 358-366.
  • Bozkırlı, K. Ç. (2018). An analysis on Turkish fairy tales in the context of their educational properties. European Journal of Education Studies, 5(3), 88-99. Retrieved from
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Prentice Hall.
  • Deyoung, A. J. (2007). The erosion of vospitaniye (social upbringing) in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: Voices from the schools. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 40, 239-256. Retrieved from
  • Diaz-Faes, A. M., Murteira, C. S. R., & Ruskov, M. (2024). Explicit references to social values in fairy tales: A comparison between three european cultures. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 1-20.
  • Doğan, S. (2009). Kyrgyz fairy tales (Text-analysis) (Thesis number: 257716) [Master's thesis, Gazi University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Dor, R. (2022). Kyrgyz people [and their narrative cultures]. Journal of Cultural Studies, (15), 358-361.
  • Dökmen, Z. Y. (2010). Gender. Remzi Bookstore.
  • Gül, Y. E. (2021). The Soviet socio-political education system in Kyrgyzstan and the activities of the association against ignorance (1924-1927). Bilig, 99, 115-135.
  • Hohr, H. (2000). Dynamic aspects of fairy tales: Social and emotional competence through fairy tales. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 89-103.
  • Iğdır, Z. Ö. (2014). Fairy tales and their contribution to the process of constructing gender roles. Creative Drama Journal, 9(18), 77-86. Retrieved from
  • İshakoğlu, J. (2020). Construction of gender roles towards women through fairy tales: A study on traces-mass (Thesis number: 618595) [Master's thesis, Ege University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Kaçmaz, C. (2020). A comparative study of Anatolian and Kyrgyz folk tales (Thesis number: 664121) [Master's thesis, İstanbul Kültür University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Karaarslan, C. (2019). Women in the context of gender in anonymous Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 591401) [Master's thesis, Marmara University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Karadavut, Z. (2015). On the parallels of the type and motif structures of Kyrgyz fairy tales with those of other Turkish tribes. Turkish World Fairy Tale Studies, 437-445. Retrieved from
  • Koyuncu Şahin, M., & Çoban, A. (2019). An overview of studies on gender in the field of education in Türkiye. International Journal of Social Research, 12, 588-599.
  • Kuehnast, K. R. (1997). Let the stone lie where it has fallen: Dilemmas of gender and generation in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan (Thesis number: 9815046) [Doctoral Dissertation, University of Minnesota]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Database.
  • Lester, A. J. (2015). The impact of traditional and modern fairy tales on society and its individuals [Unpublished bachelor's thesis, University of Arizona]. Retrieved from
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research (6th ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Meland, A. T. (2020). Challenging gender stereotypes through a transformation of a fairy tale. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(6), 911–922.
  • Miles, M., & Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Sage Publications.
  • Oinas, F. J. (1975). The political uses and themes of folklore in the Soviet Union. Journal of the Folklore Institute, 12, 157-175.
  • Ölçer, E. (2003). The relationship between gender and space in Turkish fairy tales (Thesis number: 137656) [Master's thesis, Bilkent University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Ölçer Özünel, E. (2015). The hero who brings spring: Bamsı Beyrek. National Folklore, 27(107), 34-48. Retrieved from
  • Özen, S. (2008). Kyrgyz fairy tales in terms of subject and structure (Thesis number: 228200) [Master's thesis, Ankara University]. Turkish Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Panchenko, A. (2007). Lenin cult and Soviet folklore. In S. Gürçayır (Trans.), The Fake of Folklore: Fakelore. Geleneksel Publishing.
  • Pawłowska, J. (2021). Gender stereotypes presented in popular children’s fairy tales. Society Register, 5(2), 155-170.
  • Rahman, F. (2017). The revival of local fairy tales for children's education. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 7, 336-344.
  • Roy, O. (2009). New Central Asia or the fabrication of nations (M. Moralı, Trans.). Metis Publishing.
  • Sayer, I. M., Kristiawan, M., & Agustina, M. (2018). Fairy tale as a medium for children’s character cooperation building. Al-Talim Journal, 25(2), 108-116.
  • Seidman, I. (2006). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences (3rd ed.). Teachers College Press.
  • Sezer, M. Ö. (2013). Fairy tales and gender. Evrensel Publishing.
  • Shaheen, U., Mumtaz, N., & Khalid, K. (2019). Exploring gender ideology in fairy tales: A critical discourse analysis. European Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 7(2), 28-42. Retrieved from
  • Singh, N. (2022). MANAS: The socio-cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people. In Cultural Histories of Central Asia (pp. 99-107). Routledge.
  • Sobirjonovich, S. I., & Bahromjon, H. H. (2022). Fairy tales and their role in education of preschool children. Journal of Advanced Research and Stability, Special issue, 150-155. Retrieved from
  • Sobirjonovna, S. O. G. (2022). Development of reading skills in children through fairy tales. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 1229-1231. Retrieved from
  • Sotvoldiev, M. (2022). Researching and publishing Kyrgyz folk tales. International Journal of Language, Education, and Translation, 3(6), 105-114.
  • Şahin, M. (2011). Examination of the effects of fairy tales on child development from the perspective of teachers. National Folklore, 23, 208-219. Retrieved from
  • Tekin, A. (2010). Goddesses and women's memory. Women's Studies Journal, 9, 111-138. Retrieved from
  • Temellioğlu, Ş. H. (2021). Gender roles in Andersen's fairy tales. Artvin Çoruh University International Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 165-178.
  • Temur, N. (2009). A Soviet product: The theoretical variant of Manas. Türkbilig, 17, 133-145. Retrieved from
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2016). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences (6th ed.). Seçkin Publishing.
  • Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: Design and methods (Vol. 5). Sage Publications.
  • Yılmaz, A. (2012). The place of fairy tales in child education (Example of One Thousand and One Nights Tales). SDU Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, 25, 299-306. Retrieved from
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Early Childhood Education, Gender, Sexuality and Education
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Selcen Aslan 0000-0003-3007-6375

Ayşe Güler Küçükturan 0000-0002-5716-0078

Early Pub Date August 29, 2024
Publication Date August 31, 2024
Submission Date February 24, 2024
Acceptance Date June 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Aslan, H. S., & Küçükturan, A. G. (2024). Reflection of Gender Norms in Kyrgyz and Turkish Tales on Social Life. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 14(2), 342-359.