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Year 2017, , 65 - 84, 25.08.2017



Avrupa Birliği Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesinden sonra Orta ve Doğu Avrupa ülkelerini üyeliğe kabul ederek genişleme sürecine girdi. Bu süreçte Avrupa Birliği üye ve aday ülkelerin siyasi ve ekonomik yapılarını kendi müktesebatına uygun olarak dönüştürürken, AB’nin bu dönüştürücü etkisi Avrupalılaşma (Europeanization) kavramı ile ifade edilmeye başlanmıştır. Avrupa Birliği aday ülkelerde demokratikleşmeye ne şekilde etkide bulunmaktadır ve bu etki mekanizmasını açıklayan kuramsal yaklaşımlar nelerdir, özellikle adaylık sürecinde Avrupa Birliği etkisiyle ortaya çıkan demokratik değişim hangi kuramsal çerçeve ile açıklanabilir gibi sorulara Avrupalılaşma yaklaşımı çerçevesinde cevap aranmaktadır. Bu anlamda AB genişleme politikası bağlamında tartışılmaya başlanan Avrupalılaşma kavramı üye veya aday ülkelerde Avrupa Birliği etkisi ile ortaya çıkan iç değişime işaret eder. Avrupalılaşma çalışmalarında ülkelerin demokratik dönüşümünü kuramsal olarak açıklamak üzere kurumsalcı temelde, dış teşvik modeli ve sosyal öğrenme modellerinden faydalanılır. Bu modeller bir dış etken olarak AB’nin özelikle aday ülkelerin demokratik değişimindeki etkisini açıklamak üzere yararlı bir çerçeve sunmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı Avrupalılaşma yaklaşımı çerçevesinde sosyal öğrenme ve dış teşvik modellerinin varsayımları doğrultusunda AB’nin aday ülkeler üzerindeki demokratikleştirici etkisini kuramsal açıdan açıklamaktır.

Avrupalılaşma, Kurumsalcılık, Dış Teşvik Modeli, Sosyal Öğrenme, Demokratikleşme


  • Bartolini, Stefano (2005). Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building and Political Structuring between the Nation-state and the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Bölükbaşı, Tolga, Ebru H. Ertugal ve Saime Özçürümez (2011). “Avrupa Entegrasyonu Kuramlarıyla Türkiye’yi Konu Alan Yazının Etkileşimi: Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Türkiye Özelinde Yeniden Düşünmek”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.8, Sayı.30.
  • Börzel, Tanja A. (1999). “Towards Convergence in Europe?Institutional Adaptation to Europeanisation in Germany and Spain”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.37, No.4, ss.573- 596.
  • Börzel, Tanja (2003). “Shaping and Taking EU Policies: Member States Responses to Europeanization”, Queen’s Papers on Europeanisation, No.2, ss.1-3.
  • Börzel, Tanja (2010). “The Transformative Power of Europe Reloaded-The Limits of External Europeanization”, KFG Working Papers, No.11, Free University Berlin. oerzel.pdf(5 Ekim 2015)
  • Börzel, Tanja and Thomas Risse (2000).“When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change” European Integration Online Papers (EIop) Vol.4 No.15, (08 Eylül 2015)
  • Börzel, Tanja and Thomas Risse (2003). “Conceptualising the Domestic Impact of Europe”, Kevin Featherstone and Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Bulmer, Simon (2007). “Theorizing Europeanization”, Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink (Ed.), Europeanization: New Research Agendas, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ss.46-58.
  • Checkel, Jeff ry T. (1999). “Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.43 No.1, ss.83-114.
  • Checkel, Jeffrey T. (2000). “Compliance and Conditionality”, Arena Working Paper WP:00/18, ARENA Universitetet I Oslo, ss.4-5. 2000/2000/wp00_18.htm(25 Ekim 2015)
  • Chryssochoou, Dimitris N. (2001). Theorizing European Integration, Sage Publications, London.
  • Diez, Thomas and Antje Wiener, (2009). “Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory”, Thomas Diez and Antje Wiener (Ed.), European Integration Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.1-24.
  • Featherstone, Kevin (2003). “Introduction: In The Name of 'Europe", Kevin Featherstone and Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.) The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford: ss.1-25.
  • Flockhart, Trine (2010). “Europeanization or EU-ization?The Transfer of European Norms across Time and Space”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 48, No.4, ss.787–810.
  • Haas, Ernest B. (1958). The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950- 1957, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • Hall, Peter A. and Rosemary C.R. Taylor (1996).“Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms”, Political Studies, Vol.44, No.5, ss.936-957.
  • Hoffman, Stanley (1996). “Obstinate or Obsolete: The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe”, Daedalus, Vol.95, No.3, ss.862-915. nisationFiles/Filetoupload,38412,en.pdf. (5 Eylül 2015)
  • Kaid, Lynda Lee and Christina Holtz-Bacha (2008). Encyclopedia of Political Communication, (Vols. 1-2).Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Karacasulu, Nilüfer (2007). Avrupa Entegrasyon Kuramları ve Sosyal İnşacı Yaklaşım, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, Cilt.3, Sayı.9, ss.94-100.
  • Knill, Christoph and Dirk Lehmkuhl (1999).“How Europe Matters: Diff erent Mechanisms of Europeanisation”, European Integration Online Papers (EIoP), Vol.3, No.7, (17 Eylül 2015).
  • Knill, Christoph and Dirk Lehmkuhl (2002). “The National Impact of European Union Regulatory Policy: Three Europeanization Mechanisms”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.41, No.2, ss.255-280.
  • Koch, Svea (2015). “A Typology of Political Conditionality Beyond Aid: Conceptual Horizons Based on Lessons from the European Union”, World Development, Vol.75, ss. 97-108.
  • Kubicek, Paul (2005). “The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Vol.6, No.3, ss.361-377.
  • Kubicek, Paul (2003). “International Norms, the European Union, and Democratization, Tentative Theory and Evidence”, Paul Kubicek (Ed.), The European Union and Democratization, Routledge, London, ss.1-29.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1984). “The New Institutionalism: Organisational Factors in Political Life”, American Political Science Review, Vol.8, No.3, ss.734-749.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1989). Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basics of Politics, The Free Press, New York.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1998). “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders”, International Organisation, Vol.52, No.4, ss.943-969.
  • Mccormick, John (2013). Avrupa Birliği'ni Anlamak, Çev. Yusuf Şahin-Hasan Hüseyin Şahin, Bigbang Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Milward, Alan S. (1992). The European Rescue of the Nation State, Routledge, London.
  • Mitrany, David (1943). A Working Peace System, Quadrangle Books, Chicago.
  • Moravcsik, Andrew (1998). The Choice for Europe, Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Cornell University Press, London.
  • Olsen, Johan P. (2002). “The Many Faces of Europeanisation”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.40, No.5, ss.921-952.
  • Öner, Selcen (2012). “Europeanisation of Civil Society in Turkey during the Accession Process to the European Union”, Çiğdem Nas and Yonca Özer (Ed.), Turkey and the European Union: Processes of Europeanization, Ashgate, Aldershot, ss.99-118.
  • Pollack, Mark A. (2009). “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration”, Antje Wiener and Thomas Diez (Ed.), European Integration Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.125-143.
  • Pridham, Geoffrey (2005). Designing Democracy, EU Enlargement and Regime Change in Post- Communist Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Pridham, Geoffrey (2006). “European Union Accession Dynamics and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Future Perspectives”, Government and Opposition, Vol.41, No.3, ss.373-400.
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2000). “Whither Europeanization? Concept Stretching and Substantive Change” European Integration Online Papers.Vol.4, No.8, ss.1-25. 008.htm. (15 Temmuz 2015)
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2003). “The Europeanisation of Public Policy”, Kevin Featherstone, Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.27- 56.
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2004). “Europeanisation: Solution or Problem?”, European Integration Online Papers, Vol.8, No.16, ss.3-4. (15 Temmuz 2015) Risse, Thomas, Maria Green Cowles and James Caporaso, (2001).“Europeanization and Domestic Change: Introduction”, Thomas Risse, Maria G. Cowles and James Caporaso (Ed.), Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Political Change, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, ss.1-20.
  • Rosamond, Ben. (2000). Theories of European Integration, Palgrave, New York.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank (2004). “The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality in Central and Eastern Europe: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis,” Paper prepared for the Second Pan- European Conference of the ECPR, Bologna, ss.1- 28. Eylül 2015)
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, Frank and Hanno Scholtz, (2007).“EU Democracy Promotion in the European Neighbourhood: Conditionality, Economic Development, and Linkage”, Paper for EUSA Biennial Conference, Montreal, ss.1- 31. 12b.pdf(7 Eylül 2015)
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank and Ulrich Sedelmeier (2004).“Governance by Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11, No.4, ss.661-679.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank and Ulrich Sedelmeier (2005). “Introduction: Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe”, Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (Ed.). The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, ss.1-19.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel (2003).“Costs, Commitment and Compliance: The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.41, No.3, ss.495-518.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel (2006).International Socialization in Europe European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich (2011). “Europeanisation in New Member and Candidate States”, Living Reviews in European Governance,Vol.6, No.1, ss.1-52. (07 Ekim 2015)
  • Spinelli, Altiero and Ernesto Rossi (2006). “For a Free and United Europe: A Draft Manifesto”, Mette Eilstrup Sangovanni (Ed.),Debates On European Integration: A Reader,Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ss.37-42.
  • Stokke, Olav (1995). “Aid and Political Conditionality: Core Issues and State of the Art”, Olav Stokke (Ed.), Aid and Political Conditionality, Frank Cass, London, ss.1-87.
  • Usul, Ali Resul (2008). Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi/Siyasi Şartlılığında Çekme-İtme Dengesi ve Bu Dengenin Bozulması, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.5, Sayı.17, ss.105-125.
  • Vink, Maarten (2003). “What is Europeanization? And Other Questions on a New Research Agenda”, European Political Science, Vol.3, No.1.
  • Vink, Maarten P. and Paolo Graziano (2007). “Introduction: Challenges of a New Research Agenda”, Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink (Ed.),Europeanisation: New Research Agendas,Palgrave, Basingstoke.
  • Yazgan, Hatice (2012). “Bir Kavramsal Çerçeve Olarak “Avrupalılaşma: Kapsam, Gereklilik ve Sınırlar”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.12, Sayı.4, ss.123-140.
  • Zielonka, Jan (2006). Europe as Empire The Nature of the Enlarged European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Year 2017, , 65 - 84, 25.08.2017



After the end of the Cold War, the European Union entered the process of enlargement by accepting Central and Eastern European countries membership. In this process, the European Union has transformed the political and economic structures of its member and candidate countries in accordance with its acquis. This transformative effect of the EU has begun to be expressed by the concept of Europeanization. How the European Union is influencing democratization in candidate countries and what are the theoretical approaches that explain this mechanism of influence? Which theoretical framework explain the democratic change that emerged under the influence of the European Union, especially in the process of nomination? The answer to such questions is sought within the framework of the Europeanization approach. In this sense, the notion of Europeanisation, which has begun to be discussed in the context of the EU enlargement policy, points to the internal change resulting from the influence of the European Union in the member or candidate Countries.Europeanization studies use external incentive models and social learning models to explain countries' democratic transformation.These models provides a useful framework for explaining the influence of the EU as an external factor, especially in the democratic transformation of candidate countries.The aim of this article is to theoretically explain the democratizing effect of the EU on the candidate Countries, in the context of Europeanization Approach that is based on social learning and external incentives models.

Keywords: Europeanization, Institutionalism, External Incentives, Social Learning Model, Democratization.

JEL Codes:


  • Bartolini, Stefano (2005). Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building and Political Structuring between the Nation-state and the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Bölükbaşı, Tolga, Ebru H. Ertugal ve Saime Özçürümez (2011). “Avrupa Entegrasyonu Kuramlarıyla Türkiye’yi Konu Alan Yazının Etkileşimi: Avrupalılaşma Araştırma Programını Türkiye Özelinde Yeniden Düşünmek”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.8, Sayı.30.
  • Börzel, Tanja A. (1999). “Towards Convergence in Europe?Institutional Adaptation to Europeanisation in Germany and Spain”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.37, No.4, ss.573- 596.
  • Börzel, Tanja (2003). “Shaping and Taking EU Policies: Member States Responses to Europeanization”, Queen’s Papers on Europeanisation, No.2, ss.1-3.
  • Börzel, Tanja (2010). “The Transformative Power of Europe Reloaded-The Limits of External Europeanization”, KFG Working Papers, No.11, Free University Berlin. oerzel.pdf(5 Ekim 2015)
  • Börzel, Tanja and Thomas Risse (2000).“When Europe Hits Home: Europeanization and Domestic Change” European Integration Online Papers (EIop) Vol.4 No.15, (08 Eylül 2015)
  • Börzel, Tanja and Thomas Risse (2003). “Conceptualising the Domestic Impact of Europe”, Kevin Featherstone and Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Bulmer, Simon (2007). “Theorizing Europeanization”, Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink (Ed.), Europeanization: New Research Agendas, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ss.46-58.
  • Checkel, Jeff ry T. (1999). “Norms, Institutions, and National Identity in Contemporary Europe”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol.43 No.1, ss.83-114.
  • Checkel, Jeffrey T. (2000). “Compliance and Conditionality”, Arena Working Paper WP:00/18, ARENA Universitetet I Oslo, ss.4-5. 2000/2000/wp00_18.htm(25 Ekim 2015)
  • Chryssochoou, Dimitris N. (2001). Theorizing European Integration, Sage Publications, London.
  • Diez, Thomas and Antje Wiener, (2009). “Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory”, Thomas Diez and Antje Wiener (Ed.), European Integration Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.1-24.
  • Featherstone, Kevin (2003). “Introduction: In The Name of 'Europe", Kevin Featherstone and Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.) The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford: ss.1-25.
  • Flockhart, Trine (2010). “Europeanization or EU-ization?The Transfer of European Norms across Time and Space”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 48, No.4, ss.787–810.
  • Haas, Ernest B. (1958). The Uniting of Europe: Political, Social and Economic Forces, 1950- 1957, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
  • Hall, Peter A. and Rosemary C.R. Taylor (1996).“Political Science and the Three New Institutionalisms”, Political Studies, Vol.44, No.5, ss.936-957.
  • Hoffman, Stanley (1996). “Obstinate or Obsolete: The Fate of the Nation State and the Case of Western Europe”, Daedalus, Vol.95, No.3, ss.862-915. nisationFiles/Filetoupload,38412,en.pdf. (5 Eylül 2015)
  • Kaid, Lynda Lee and Christina Holtz-Bacha (2008). Encyclopedia of Political Communication, (Vols. 1-2).Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
  • Karacasulu, Nilüfer (2007). Avrupa Entegrasyon Kuramları ve Sosyal İnşacı Yaklaşım, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika, Cilt.3, Sayı.9, ss.94-100.
  • Knill, Christoph and Dirk Lehmkuhl (1999).“How Europe Matters: Diff erent Mechanisms of Europeanisation”, European Integration Online Papers (EIoP), Vol.3, No.7, (17 Eylül 2015).
  • Knill, Christoph and Dirk Lehmkuhl (2002). “The National Impact of European Union Regulatory Policy: Three Europeanization Mechanisms”, European Journal of Political Research, Vol.41, No.2, ss.255-280.
  • Koch, Svea (2015). “A Typology of Political Conditionality Beyond Aid: Conceptual Horizons Based on Lessons from the European Union”, World Development, Vol.75, ss. 97-108.
  • Kubicek, Paul (2005). “The European Union and Grassroots Democratization in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, Vol.6, No.3, ss.361-377.
  • Kubicek, Paul (2003). “International Norms, the European Union, and Democratization, Tentative Theory and Evidence”, Paul Kubicek (Ed.), The European Union and Democratization, Routledge, London, ss.1-29.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1984). “The New Institutionalism: Organisational Factors in Political Life”, American Political Science Review, Vol.8, No.3, ss.734-749.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1989). Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basics of Politics, The Free Press, New York.
  • March, James G. and Johan P. Olsen (1998). “The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders”, International Organisation, Vol.52, No.4, ss.943-969.
  • Mccormick, John (2013). Avrupa Birliği'ni Anlamak, Çev. Yusuf Şahin-Hasan Hüseyin Şahin, Bigbang Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Milward, Alan S. (1992). The European Rescue of the Nation State, Routledge, London.
  • Mitrany, David (1943). A Working Peace System, Quadrangle Books, Chicago.
  • Moravcsik, Andrew (1998). The Choice for Europe, Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Cornell University Press, London.
  • Olsen, Johan P. (2002). “The Many Faces of Europeanisation”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.40, No.5, ss.921-952.
  • Öner, Selcen (2012). “Europeanisation of Civil Society in Turkey during the Accession Process to the European Union”, Çiğdem Nas and Yonca Özer (Ed.), Turkey and the European Union: Processes of Europeanization, Ashgate, Aldershot, ss.99-118.
  • Pollack, Mark A. (2009). “The New Institutionalisms and European Integration”, Antje Wiener and Thomas Diez (Ed.), European Integration Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.125-143.
  • Pridham, Geoffrey (2005). Designing Democracy, EU Enlargement and Regime Change in Post- Communist Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Pridham, Geoffrey (2006). “European Union Accession Dynamics and Democratization in Central and Eastern Europe: Past and Future Perspectives”, Government and Opposition, Vol.41, No.3, ss.373-400.
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2000). “Whither Europeanization? Concept Stretching and Substantive Change” European Integration Online Papers.Vol.4, No.8, ss.1-25. 008.htm. (15 Temmuz 2015)
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2003). “The Europeanisation of Public Policy”, Kevin Featherstone, Claudio M. Radaelli (Ed.), The Politics of Europeanisation, Oxford University Press, Oxford, ss.27- 56.
  • Radaelli, Claudio M. (2004). “Europeanisation: Solution or Problem?”, European Integration Online Papers, Vol.8, No.16, ss.3-4. (15 Temmuz 2015) Risse, Thomas, Maria Green Cowles and James Caporaso, (2001).“Europeanization and Domestic Change: Introduction”, Thomas Risse, Maria G. Cowles and James Caporaso (Ed.), Transforming Europe: Europeanization and Domestic Political Change, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, ss.1-20.
  • Rosamond, Ben. (2000). Theories of European Integration, Palgrave, New York.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank (2004). “The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality in Central and Eastern Europe: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis,” Paper prepared for the Second Pan- European Conference of the ECPR, Bologna, ss.1- 28. Eylül 2015)
  • SCHIMMELFENNIG, Frank and Hanno Scholtz, (2007).“EU Democracy Promotion in the European Neighbourhood: Conditionality, Economic Development, and Linkage”, Paper for EUSA Biennial Conference, Montreal, ss.1- 31. 12b.pdf(7 Eylül 2015)
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank and Ulrich Sedelmeier (2004).“Governance by Conditionality: EU Rule Transfer to the Candidate Countries of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol.11, No.4, ss.661-679.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank and Ulrich Sedelmeier (2005). “Introduction: Conceptualizing the Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe”, Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeier (Ed.). The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, ss.1-19.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel (2003).“Costs, Commitment and Compliance: The Impact of EU Democratic Conditionality on Latvia, Slovakia and Turkey”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.41, No.3, ss.495-518.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank, Stefan Engert and Heiko Knobel (2006).International Socialization in Europe European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich (2011). “Europeanisation in New Member and Candidate States”, Living Reviews in European Governance,Vol.6, No.1, ss.1-52. (07 Ekim 2015)
  • Spinelli, Altiero and Ernesto Rossi (2006). “For a Free and United Europe: A Draft Manifesto”, Mette Eilstrup Sangovanni (Ed.),Debates On European Integration: A Reader,Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ss.37-42.
  • Stokke, Olav (1995). “Aid and Political Conditionality: Core Issues and State of the Art”, Olav Stokke (Ed.), Aid and Political Conditionality, Frank Cass, London, ss.1-87.
  • Usul, Ali Resul (2008). Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi/Siyasi Şartlılığında Çekme-İtme Dengesi ve Bu Dengenin Bozulması, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Cilt.5, Sayı.17, ss.105-125.
  • Vink, Maarten (2003). “What is Europeanization? And Other Questions on a New Research Agenda”, European Political Science, Vol.3, No.1.
  • Vink, Maarten P. and Paolo Graziano (2007). “Introduction: Challenges of a New Research Agenda”, Paolo Graziano and Maarten P. Vink (Ed.),Europeanisation: New Research Agendas,Palgrave, Basingstoke.
  • Yazgan, Hatice (2012). “Bir Kavramsal Çerçeve Olarak “Avrupalılaşma: Kapsam, Gereklilik ve Sınırlar”, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt.12, Sayı.4, ss.123-140.
  • Zielonka, Jan (2006). Europe as Empire The Nature of the Enlarged European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Önder A. Afşar

Publication Date August 25, 2017
Submission Date March 3, 2017
Acceptance Date April 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017
