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Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 23, 414 - 454, 01.06.2012


The aim of the study is to search the relationships between the three components of
occupational commitment and the three components of organizational commitment. The
other aim of the research is to search the relationships of occupational and organizational
commitment’s three components with the core task attributes, role stress, occupational
activity, job satisfaction, behavioral results related to organization and life satisfaction.
272 nurses in Konya city consisted of the content of the research. At the end of the
research, it has been found out that occupational commitment is related to the
organizational commitment. Job satisfaction, role stress, core task attributes, behavioral
results related to the organization has shown a highly considerable relationship with
occupational and organizational commitment. Participation in occupational activity has
not revealed a meaningful relationship with commitment types except continuance
commitment. All commitment types show positive relationships with life satisfaction.
Role stress is found out to be meaningless in affecting life satisfaction. Job satisfaction is
the most effective variable in life satisfaction. Finally both commitment types have shown
a difference in terms of demographic variables. Other results of the study has examined in
following episodes.
In favor of adapting of organizations to changing conditions in the global
organizational structure, attempts to improve the quality of work with supporting elements
such as developing capabilities, responding to the expectations of individuals has showed
the need to focus on different organizational dimensions. In this respect, the component of
commitment has appeared as an element, which reflects the sense of belonging, provides
the integration of individual, to be intertwined with the organization and also to facilitate
organizational participation. The concept of commitment has harboured prominent
dynamics in both work and social lives, such as identification, loyalty, self- sacrifice, the
sense of pleasure, and satisfaction. Long life- cycle of the organization is closely related
with commitment of employees to the organization and especially occupation and
intention to leave. When coordination and compatibility created in the organization have
combained with a good management mechanism, by improving pscyhological climate of
the work environment, it would provide a positive contribution to the feelings of
individuals for the organization and occupation.
The sense of commitment of the employees for the organization and occupation could
reduce some negative outcomes such as arriving late to work, absenteeism, intention to
leave work and occupation and has also related with the core task attributes like
significance of the work, autonomy, feedback that conveys to obtain information for the
employees. In terms of increasing employee performance, the adoption of the employees
to the organizational objectives and improving organizational commitment is today the
most important issue of the management. It is considered that commitment is important at
the point of involvement to the organizational activities particularly in the period of crisis
in order to prevent falls occupational motivation of the organizations and job satisfaction.
The interaction of employees between the organization and occupation, would contribute
positively to contact with employee and the organization and provide high working drive
of the individual. In the literature, generally organizational commitment is referred to the
degree of overall institutional commitment, which could connote how employees work
willing and loyal. In particular, it is assumed that employees who are informed about mission, vision and values that make up organizational climate, could commit to the
organization emotionally and internalize this emotion by transforming into the behavior.
Employees, who could integrate organizational objectives and values with the own goals,
would accept the organization as a part of themselves and they could be pleasure with the
resulting successes, however with the opposite unsuccessful situations could improve the
ways of coping with the problems. Specifically, employees whose expectations and
requirements could not met with high workload, role conflict, role ambiguity which can
be seen in the fields, which received outcomes that affect patients’ living standards, it is
difficult to identify priorities such as health sector, could have job and role stres. To take
into consideration the negative effects of stres factor on organizational success, it is
assumed to related with organizational and occupational commitment, life and job
satisfaction of the employees.
If it is accepted that with the employees, who have a great improvement of concept of
commitment, it would have a high potantial for involvement to the organization and
identification with that, it could be discussed to produce more effective outcomes for the
organization with the increasing self- sacrifice behaviors of the employees. In the basis of
organizational commitment, which is correspond to the one of the most important factors
make up with the organizational identity, has shined the concept of individual thus
occupational commitment. As it is considered that organizational identity is in a broader
context than individual identity, organization has a guiding and empowering role in the
radical positions, employees faced with and increasing organizational commitment of the
It is appeared that employees’ commitment with the occupational view is associated
with the life satisfaction. As much as employees’ delight with their jobs in the
organization, their occupational satisfaction and status in terms of career could make them
being pleasure and also be identified as pro- success factors. In this context, employees’
occupational satisfaction, developing a greater sense of belonging and innovation and
improvement of the results of that could be overlapped with the organizational
commitment. Occupational commitment has created the best way to practice for the
individual and at the same time drive in order to follow the latest scientific and
technological developments. Whatever in the field of occupation, developing commitment
and feeling of belongings, created in the organizational structure, have a vital importance
for the organization. At this point, commitment of the employees to their occupation and
organization could have prevented the consequences, which affect organizational
productivity and image negatively such as spending less effort for the job, trying to delay
and procrastination, being indifferent to produce solutions for the problems.
For occupational and organizational commitment has created connected employees to
each and their managers, it could be clearly seen that the organization would gain
competitive advantage in the sector. Commitment has a role as basic building block in
order to spirit of organizational integrity. With this perspective, it is necessary to be
included loyal employees for their organization and occupation so that the organization
could gain competitive advantage, provide permanence and development. In this sense, an
organization brings into loyal employees to each and their occupation by increasing
dynamics such as motivation, satisfaction of employees, named as an investment, emerges
an important point. To take into account all these mentioned factors, to be created and
improved commitment of employees to the need for work life and organization, is to
provide the organization continuity as much as possible with employees, who has self- aware and perceive the organizational objectives completely. Organization could improve
the commitment in response to occupational needs of the employees. Employee on behalf
of contributing organizational development, when the individual effort has been betimes
inadequate, would need to behavior patterns in order to increase organizational efficiency
and effectiveness. The most crucial factor, which brings out these behavior patterns is the
commitment. Satisfaction in terms of occupation could provide positive feedbacks for the
organization with pleasure and contributions. In other words, the employee would work
more willing by considering potential added value of contribution to self for the
organization and in this way the organization would increase positive outcomes. By the
improvement of the spiritual dynamics such as employees’ increasing working hours
without charge, attention to work on behalf of providing continuity of organizational
activities outside of working hours, accepting as the organization is belong to self,
occupational and organizational commitment has a great share. At the point of lacking
organizational and occupational commitment, burnout feeling of an employee could be
named as some of undesired results that can be a dangerous situation for the organization.
In this regard, in terms of preventing to occur negative situations like this, to have
employees, who are loyal for organization and occupation and also could turn this sense
of commitment into behavior, would provide benefit for the future steps of the
organization clearly.


Year 2012, Volume: 12 Issue: 23, 414 - 454, 01.06.2012


Çalışmanın amacı, meslekî bağlığın üç öğesiyle, örgütsel bağlılığın üç öğesi arasındaki ilişkileri incelemektir. Araştırmanın bir diğer amacı, meslekî bağlılığın ve örgütsel bağlılığın üç öğesinin, temel iş özellikleri, rol stresi, meslekî faaliyete katılım, iş doyumu, örgütsel sonuçlar ve yaşam doyumuyla ilişkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın kapsamını Konya ilindeki 272 hemşire oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, meslekî bağlılık örgütsel bağlılıkla ilişkili bulunmuştur. Meslekî ve örgütsel bağlılık, iş doyumu, rol stresi, temel iş özellikleri, örgüte ilişkin davranış sonuçlarıyla ilişki göstermiştir. Meslekî faaliyete katılım, devamlılık bağlılığı hariç, bağlılık türleriyle anlamlı ilişki göstermemiştir. Yaşam doyumuyla tüm bağlılık türleri pozitif ilişki göstermiştir. Rol stresi, yaşam doyumunu açıklamada anlamsız bulunmuştur. Yaşam doyumunu en fazla etkileyen değişken olarak, iş doyumu tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak, her iki bağlılık türü, demografik değişkenler açısından farklılık göstermiştir. Araştırmanın diğer sonuçları, çalışmada detaylı olarak incelenmektedir.

There are 0 citations in total.


Other ID JA27PT48VN
Journal Section Articles

M. Şerif Şimşek This is me

Şebnem Aslan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Submission Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 12 Issue: 23


APA Şimşek, M. Ş., & Aslan, Ş. (2012). MESLEKÎ VE ÖRGÜTSEL BAĞLILIĞIN, ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞA İLİŞKİN SONUÇLARLA İLİŞKİLERİ. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(23), 414-454.