• It is of great importance that you adhere to the rules of writing, punctuation, and citation/referencing in your work to make it ready for publication more quickly.
• The work should be prepared in A4 size in the "Office Word" program.
• Garamond font should be used throughout the work
• The font size throughout the work should be 11 points, except for sections that require 9 and 14 point font size (article title, abstract, keywords, references, footnotes, and captions). Further explanations about these sections will be provided in subsequent headings.
• Paragraph indentation should be 0 (zero) throughout the work, no paragraph should be indented anywhere.
• The entire work (except for the author's name and surname section) should be aligned to both margins.
• The entire work should be single-spaced.
• The margin for the top, bottom, right, and left of the work should be 2.5 cm, with no spine margin.
• There should be no additional blank lines anywhere in the work. Explanations regarding the spacing before or after a paragraph (in terms of nk value) will be given in subsequent headings.
• If your work is in English, the article title section in the template and the English Title section should be written in English, and the Turkish title should be written in the Turkish Title section. The places of Abstract and Öz should be changed.
• Each time you upload the file for your work, it should be named with the first three words of the article title and the upload date, with no Turkish characters and with an underscore ("_") between each word (e.g., Social_Economic_Research_01.05.2020).
• Writing your work on the template provided in the system will be of great help.
• In the last part of the study – to come before the bibliography – Ethics Statement, Author Contribution Statement and Statement of Interest information should be included (as of April 2021 Issue). You should review the topic 3.4 and the template.
• The titles to be used in the study were recorded as style in the template with their outlines (size, space, capital/lower case, thickness, italic, color).
• If the title and the text below the page are less than 3 lines in total, the title should start from the new page. Headings are saved as styles in the template to provide this
• Details and differences of the headings to be used in the study are listed in the table below.
• Title Font Size Pt Space (Before-After) Numbering Additional Features
• Article Title (Turkish) 14 12-12 No Sentence order / Color (Blue)
• Article Title (English) 11 12-12 No Sentence order / Italic
• Öz-Abstract 11 12-12 No Capital Letter
• Introduction-Conclusion 11 12-12 Numbered (1.) Capital Latter
• Main Title (Level 1) 11 12-12 Numbered (1.) Capital Letter
• Main Title (Level 2) 11 12-12 Numbered(1.1) Capitalize Every Word
• Subtitle (Level 3 and later) 11 12-12 Numbered(1.1.1.) Capitalize Every Word / İtalic
• References 11 12-12 No Capital Latter
• The main text (starting from the introduction) should be written in Garamond font, 11 points, with no paragraph indentation, justified alignment, and single line spacing.
• There should be a 0 nk space before the paragraph and a 6 nk space after the paragraph.
• If there is enough space, the introduction should start from the continuation of the abstract section and be on the first page.
• Footnotes can be added to any part of the work if necessary, and should be written in 9-point italics.
• The author's name and surname should be written in the format: Name SURNAME. Only for this section, the text should be aligned to the right, and there should be a 12 nk space before and after the paragraph. Before the author information, manually created superscript lowercase letters should be used after each author's surname, starting from 'a', and without using footnotes (starting from the 41st issue).
• On the left side of the summary section, the author information (Title, University, Department, ORCID, and e-mail) should be written in superscript numbers that start sequentially and should be ordered. The city and country information can also be added if preferred. Following this, the name and surname of the corresponding author, the article type, and the submission and acceptance dates (to be filled by the editors) should be included. This section, referred to as the "credit line" by our journal, should be written in 9-point font, justified alignment, with no space before or after the paragraph.
• The summary and abstract sections should be written in 9-point font, justified alignment, with no space before or after the paragraph. The summary section should not exceed 150 words, excluding keywords and JEL codes. At least 3 and up to 5 keywords and at least 1 JEL code should be included. The information on how to write the structured abstract section, referred to as "structured abstract" by our journal, will be explained in detail in the next section.
3.1. Structured Abstract and Abstract
• Our journal has implemented the policy of using "structured abstracts" starting from Volume 20, Issue 40 in the year 2020.
• Thanks to structured abstracts, the abstract sections of the articles will be standardized in terms of content and quality, and will provide more useful information to readers and researchers in a shorter amount of time.
• The abstract section should include a brief and concise statement of the study's objective, methodology, findings, and conclusions
• Purpose - What are the reasons for conducting this study and/or what are the objectives of the study? These will be briefly explained in this section.
• Methodology - What are the methodologies/approaches/methods (theoretical/practical) used in writing this article and/or conducting the research? These will be briefly explained in this section.
• Findings - What are the main findings of the conducted research/study? These will be briefly explained in this section
• Conclusion - What are the main results and evaluations (comments) of the conducted research/study? These will be briefly explained in this section."
3.2. Header and Footer
• The header and footer sections have been designed in accordance with the template and will be updated by the editors after the completion of the peer-review process of the article
3.3. Visual Elements
• The captions for visual elements should start with a capital letter for each word, be justified, and 11-point in size with 6pt spacing before and after. The caption should be separated from the numbered part by a dot, where the numbered part is written in bold and the title part is written in normal font (e.g. "Table 1. Characteristics of Visual Elements").
• The description and/or source information under the visual elements should be written in 9-point size with 6pt spacing before and after
• In-text references to visual elements should not use expressions such as "above" or "below", but rather refer to the element by its number, such as "Table 1" or "Figure 1".
• The same format should be used for all visual elements, and tables, figures, graphs, and images should be numbered separately and in order.
3.3.1. The information regarding tables
• The text inside the table should be single-spaced and in 9-point font size, with no spacing before or after (0 pt).
• Row/column numbers can be adjusted as needed.
• Row/column widths can be adjusted as needed, but the "Autofit to Window" command should be selected.
• Row height should be at least 0.5 cm.
• Text should be aligned to the center (middle left, middle vertical, middle right).
• Only horizontal borders should be used in the table, and all vertical borders should be removed.
• Tables that do not exceed one page (including sources and explanations below the table) should be placed on the same page without dividing. If there is not enough space on the current page, the overflowing tables should be started on a new page and the available space on the current page should be filled again (if possible).
• Tables that exceed one page should be divided into two separate tables, taking into account the above explanations, or the header row should be repeated for each continuing page.
3.3.2. Information on Shapes and Other Visual Elements
• Figures and other visual elements should be placed in such a way that they do not exceed one page (including captions and source information) and do not go beyond the margins. If there is not enough space on the current page, overflowing visual elements should be placed on the next page, and the layout should be adjusted if possible to fill in the empty space on the current page.
• Especially, after drawing figures, they should be grouped to include all components.
3.4. Ethical Statement, Author Contribution Statement and Statement of Interest
• In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included on the first page of the article; in case reports, information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article. If ethical approval is not required for the study, this information should still be included in this section. Additionally, it is necessary to include a statement that the responsibility will be on the author in case of any contrary findings.
• The contribution of each author(s) to the study should be clearly indicated.
• Any potential conflict of interest during the study should be clearly stated.
• Authors are responsible for disclosing all personal and financial relationships that may be relevant to their work.
• Sample statements regarding these disclosures are provided in the template. You may revise the disclosure statement in the template to suit your study.
• Every cited work should be included in the reference list.
• Our journal uses an in-text citation system. Authors are expected to be diligent in their citation and reference presentation.
• Our journal uses the APA 6th Edition style for citation and reference presentation.
• When presenting references, the "Citations and Bibliography" tab in Microsoft Word should be used. Citations should not be converted to static text.
• The works that are not referenced within the study should not be included in the bibliography.
• Our journal uses APA 6th Edition as the citation style.
• The "Citations & Bibliography" tab of the Office Word program should be used to create the bibliography. The bibliography should not be converted to static text
• Authors are expected to be meticulous in preparing their bibliographies.
• Bibliography should start on a new page (as of April 2021 Issue).
You can access the English version of the Article Template by clicking here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.