Community Supported Fisheries: Diverse Strategies of Direct Sales Practices in Istanbul’s Small-Scale Fishing Cooperatives
Year 2023,
, 1 - 14, 29.06.2023
Irmak Ertör
Pınar Ertör Akyazı
Gökçe Yeniev
Purpose: This article aims to understand diverse forms of direct sales practices of small-scale fishers in Istanbul, Turkey. The research focuses on small-scale fishing cooperatives in Istanbul and examines their livelihood strategies from the perspective of Community Supported Fisheries models.
Design/Methodology/Approach: We have used qualitative research methods and conducted 34 in-depth interviews with representatives from 19 small-scale fishing cooperatives in Istanbul as well as from NGOs, researchers and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Findings: We found that small-scale fishers and their cooperatives are suffering from economic, ecological, and political pressure of industrial fisheries and industrialized food system, and they use diverse forms of livelihood strategies in order to confront these challenges. In Istanbul, we scrutinized these diverse models and examined their benefits, challenges, and limitations as well as discussed their links to different Community Supported Fisheries practices from around the world.
Originality/value: The study thus contributes to literatures on agricultural and fisheries economics, political economy, and small-scale fishing governance with a specific focus on community supported models used in agriculture and fisheries.
Supporting Institution
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri
This study has been supported by the Boğaziçi University Research Fund Grant Number 17562
- Alkon, A. H. and Mares, T. M. (2012). Food Sovereignty in US Food Movements: Radical
Visions and Neoliberal Constraints. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(3): 347-359.
- Atasoy, Y. (2017). Commodification of Global Agrifood Systems and Agro-Ecology:
Convergence, Divergence and Beyond in Turkey. Routledge, London and New York
- Aydın, Z. (2010). Neoliberal Transformation of Turkish Agriculture. Journal of Agrarian
Change, 10(2): 149-87.
- Aysu, A. (2014). “Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete Devlet ve Tarım: yıkılış-kuruluş- çözülüş”.
İçinde: Köylülükten Sonra Tarım (Der: A. Aysu ve M.S. Kayaoğlu),. Epos, İstanbul , ss
- Barbesgaard, M. (2018). Blue growth: Savior or Ocean Grabbing?. The Journal of Peasant
Studies, 45(1): 130-149.
- Berkes, F. (1986). Local-level Management and the Commons Problem: A Comparative
Study of Turkish Coastal Fisheries. Marine policy, 10(3): 215-229.
- Bolton, A. E., Dubik, B. A., Stoll, J. S., and Basurto, X. (2016). Describing the Diversity of
Community Supported Fishery Programs in North America. Marine Policy, 66: 21-29.
- Brinson, A., Lee, M. Y., and Rountree, B. (2011). Direct Marketing Strategies: the Rise of
Community Supported Fishery Programs. Marine Policy, 35(4): 542-548.
- Campbell, L. M., Boucquey, N., Stoll, J., Coppola, H., and Smith, M. D. (2014). From
Vegetable Box to Seafood Cooler: Applying the Community-supported Agriculture Model
to Fisheries. Society & Natural Resources, 27(1): 88-106.
- Campling, L. Havice, E. and McCall Howard, P. (2012). The Political Economy and
Ecology of Capture Fisheries: Market Dynamics, Resource Access and Relations of
Exploitation and Resistance. Journal of agrarian change, 12(2-3): 177-203.
- Can, K. (2013). Balık Ağalara Takıldı. Ekin Yayın Grubu, İstanbul.
Demirel, N. Akoglu, E. Ulman, A. Ertor-Akyazi, P. Gül, G. Bedikoğlu, D. Yıldız, T. and
Yilmaz, I. N. (2022). Uncovering Ecological Regime Shifts in the Sea of Marmara and
Reconsidering Management Strategies. Marine Environmental Research, 183: 105794.
- Ertör-Akyazi, P. (2020). Contesting Growth in Marine Capture Fisheries: the Case of
Small-Scale Fishing Cooperatives in Istanbul. Sustainability Science, 15(1): 45- 62.
- Ertör, I. (2020). Agroecology and Food Sovereignty: The role of small-scale fishing
cooperatives in the Istanbul region. TNI (Transnational Institute), Amsterdam.
- Ertör, I. (2021). ‘We are the Oceans, We are the People!’: Fisher People’s Struggles for
Blue Justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-30.
- Ertör, I., and Hadjimichael, M. (2020). Blue Degrowth and the Politics of the Sea:
Rethinking the Blue Economy. Sustainability Science, 15(1): 1-10.
- Ertör, I. and Ertör-Akyazı, P (2021). Be Resilient, not Vulnerable. SAMUDRA Report (May 2021), No:85.
FAO (2015). Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the
Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. FAO, Rome.
- FAO (2017). Improving Our Knowledge on Small-Scale Fisheries: Data Needs and
Methodologies. FAO, Rome.
- FAO (2022). International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture. Accessed: January 2023
- Godwin, S. C. Francis, F. Howard, B. E. Malpica-Cruz, L. and Witter, A. (2017). Towards
the Economic Viability of Local Seafood Programs: Key Features for the Financial
Performance of Community Supported Fisheries. Marine Policy, 81: 375–380.
- Göncüoğlu, H. and Ünal, V. (2011). Fisherwomen in the Turkish Fishery, Southern Aegean
Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(4): 1013-1018.
- Gutiérrez, N.L., Hilborn, R. and Defeo, O. (2011). Leadership, Social Capital and Incentives
Promote Successful Fisheries. Nature, 470, 386-389.
- Haller, T. and Merten, S. (2008). “We are Zambians—Don’t Tell Us How to Fish!”
Institutional Change, Power Relations and Conflicts in the Kafue Flats F isheries in
Zambia. Human Ecology, 36(5): 699-715.
- Istanbul Planning Agency (2021). Istanbul Food Strategy Document. Accessed: January 2023
- Jentoft, S. and Eide, A. (2011). Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small- Scale
Fisheries. Springer Publishing
- Kadirbeyoğlu, Z. and Konya, N. (2017). Alternative Food Initiatives in Turkey. In:
Neoliberal Turkey and Its Discontents, (Eds: F. Adaman, B. Akbulut, and M. Arsel), IB
Taurus, London, pp 207-230.
- Karakulak F. S. and Yıldız T. (2016). Small Scale Fishing Profile of Istanbul, Turkey. In:
11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. Bangkok, pp 3–7.
- Kawarazuka, N. Locke, C. McDougall, C. Kantor, P. and Morgan, M. (2017). Bringing
Analysis of Gender and Social–Ecological Resilience Together In Small- Scale Fisheries
Research: Challenges And Opportunities. Ambio, 46(2): 201-213.
- Kaygisiz, F. and Eken, M. (2018). A Research on Determination of Fish Marketing Margins
in Istanbul Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(6):
- Keyder, Ç. (2010). Capital City Resurgent: İstanbul Since the 1980s. New Perspectives on
Turkey, 43: 177-186
- Keyder, Ç. and Yenal, Z. (2013). Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük.
İletişim, İstanbul.
- Knudsen, S. (2009). Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural
Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast. Berghahn Books,Oxford.
- Kurien, J. (1998). Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Globalisation (No. 289). Centre
for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, India. Available at:
- Levkoe, C. Z. Lowitt, K. and Nelson, C. (2017). “Fish as Food”: Exploring a Food
Sovereignty Approach to Small-Scale Sisheries. Marine Policy, 85: 65-70.
- Local Catch (2013). What is Community Supported Fisheries? tml.
Accessed January 2023
- Mansfield, B. (2004). Neoliberalism in the Oceans: “Rationalization,” Property Rights, and
the Commons Question. Geoforum, 35(3): 313-326.
- McClenachan, L. Neal, B. P. Al-Abdulrazzak, D. Witkin, T. Fisher, K. and Kittinger, J. N.
(2014). Do Community Supported Fisheries (CSFs) Improve Sustainability? Fisheries
Research, 157: 62–69.
- McMichael, P. (2009). A Food Regime Genealogy, The Journal of Peasant Studies,
36(1): 139-169.
- Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (2017). Fulton Street Community Supported Fisheries
Letter - November 2017. Documents from Environmental Organizations. 241. Accessed
January 2023
- Mills, E. N. (2022) The politics of transnational fishers’ movements. The Journal of
Peasant Studies, 1-26.
- Özsoy, E. Çağatay, M.N. Balkıs, N. Balkın N. and Öztürk, B. (2016). The Sea of Marmara:
Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research
Foundation, Istanbul
- Pauly, D. (2006). Major Trends in Small-Scale Marine Fisheries, with Emphasis on
Developing Countries, and Some Implications for the Social Sciences. Maritime Studies
(MAST), 4(2): 7-22
- Pauly, D. (2018). A Vision for Marine Fisheries in a Global Blue Economy. Marine Policy,
- Pinkerton, E. (2017). Hegemony and Resistance: Disturbing Patterns and Hopeful Signs in
the Impact of Neoliberal Policies on Small-Scale Fisheries Around the World. Marine
Policy, 80: 1-9.
- Plahe, J. K. Hawkes, S. and Ponnamperuma, S. (2013). The Corporate Food Regime and
Food Sovereignty in The Pacific Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 309-338.
- Sinha, S. (2012). Transnationality and the Indian Fishworkers; Movement, 1960s– 2000.
Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(23): 364-389.
- Smith, H. and Basurto, X. (2019). Defining Small-Scale Fisheries and Examining the
Role of Science in Shaping Perceptions of Who And What Counts: A Systematic Review.Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 236.
- St. Martin, K. (2005). Mapping Economic Diversity in The First World: The Case of
Fisheries. Environment and Planning A, 37(6): 959-979.
- TNI (2020). Situating Small-Scale Fisheries in the Global Struggle for Agroecology and
Food Sovereignty. Transnational Institute, Amsterdam.
- TURKSTAT (2019). Su Ürünleri İstatistikleri. In: Turkish Stat. Inst.
Accessed November 2022
- Ulman, A. Zengin, M. Demirel, N. and Pauly, D. (2020). The Lost Fish of Turkey: A
Recent History of Disappeared Species and Commercial Fishery Extinctions for the Turkish
Marmara and Black Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:650.
- Ünal, V. Güçlüsoy, H. and Franquesa, R. (2009). A Comparative Study of Success and
Failure of Fishery Cooperatives in The Aegean, Turkey. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 25(4): 394-400.
- Ünal, V. and Ulman, A. (2020). The Current Status and Challenges Facing the Small- Scale
Fisheries of Turkey. In Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and
Governance, 23, 83-103
- Ünal, V. (2022). Value Chain Analysis of Small Scale Fisheries in Foça and Mordoğan -
Draft Report
- Ünal, V. Vurdem, D. Öztürk, S.E. and Tosunoğlu, Z. (2022). Unlocking Legal and Policy
Frameworks For Small-Scale Fisheries in Türkiye. In: Unlocking legal and policy
frameworks for Small-Scale Fisheries. (Eds: V. Kerezi, J. Nakamura, M. El Halimi, R.
Chuenpagdee) Global Illustration. TBTI Global Book Series
- Ünal, V. Bilecenoglu, M. and Franquesa, R. (2009). A comparative Study of Success and
Failure of Fishery Cooperatives in The Aegean, Turkey. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 25(4): 394–400.
- Ünal, V. and Ulman, A. (2020). The Current Status and Challenges Facing the Small- Scale
Fisheries of Turkey. In Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and
Governance, 23: 83-103
- Ünal, V. (2022). Value Chain Analysis of Small Scale Fisheries in Foça and Mordoğan -
Draft Report
- Witter, A. and Stoll, J. (2017). Participation and Resistance: Alternative Seafood Marketing
in a Neoliberal Era. Marine Policy, 80:130–140.
- Wittman, H. (2011). Food Sovereignty: A New Rights Framework for Food and Nature?.
Environment and Society, 2(1): 87-105
Topluluk Destekli Balıkçılık: İstanbul'daki Küçük Ölçekli Balıkçılık Kooperatiflerinde Doğrudan Satış Pratikleri
Year 2023,
, 1 - 14, 29.06.2023
Irmak Ertör
Pınar Ertör Akyazı
Gökçe Yeniev
Amaç: Bu makale İstanbul’daki küçük ölçekli balıkçıların benimsedikleri çeşitli doğrudan satış pratiklerini ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Araştırma İstanbul’daki küçük ölçekli su ürünleri kooperatiflerine odaklanmakta ve onların geçim stratejilerini literatürde oldukça yeni bir alan olan Topluluk Destekli Balıkçılık modelleri perspektifinden incelemektedir.
Tasarım/metodoloji/yaklaşım: Araştırmada nitel yöntemler kullanılarak, İstanbul’daki 19 su ürünleri kooperatifinden temsilciler, sivil toplum örgütleri, araştırmacılar ve İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin tarım ve balıkçılık ile ilgili uzmanlarından oluşan 34 kişiyle yarı yapılandırılmış derinlemesine görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Araştırma bulguları ile küçük ölçekli balıkçıların ve kooperatiflerinin, özellikle de endüstriyel balıkçılık ve endüstriyelleşmiş gıda sistemi karşısında maruz kaldıkları ekonomik, ekolojik ve politik güçlükler tartışılmış ve bunlar sebebiyle başvurdukları geçim stratejileri ve satış modelleri değerlendirilmiştir. İstanbul özelinde kullanılan farklı doğrudan satış modelleri ve pratikleri incelenerek, bunların balıkçılara yararları ve sınırları tartışılmış, bulgular küresel Topluluk Destekli Balıkçılık pratikleri literatürüne referansla incelenmiştir.
Özgünlük/değer: Bu makale tarım ve balıkçılık ekonomisi, politik ekonomi ve küçük ölçekli balıkçılık yönetişimi literatürlerine ve özellikle de tarım ve balıkçılıktaki topluluk destekli modeller perspektifine odaklanarak bu literatüre katkıda bulunmaktadır.
- Alkon, A. H. and Mares, T. M. (2012). Food Sovereignty in US Food Movements: Radical
Visions and Neoliberal Constraints. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(3): 347-359.
- Atasoy, Y. (2017). Commodification of Global Agrifood Systems and Agro-Ecology:
Convergence, Divergence and Beyond in Turkey. Routledge, London and New York
- Aydın, Z. (2010). Neoliberal Transformation of Turkish Agriculture. Journal of Agrarian
Change, 10(2): 149-87.
- Aysu, A. (2014). “Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyete Devlet ve Tarım: yıkılış-kuruluş- çözülüş”.
İçinde: Köylülükten Sonra Tarım (Der: A. Aysu ve M.S. Kayaoğlu),. Epos, İstanbul , ss
- Barbesgaard, M. (2018). Blue growth: Savior or Ocean Grabbing?. The Journal of Peasant
Studies, 45(1): 130-149.
- Berkes, F. (1986). Local-level Management and the Commons Problem: A Comparative
Study of Turkish Coastal Fisheries. Marine policy, 10(3): 215-229.
- Bolton, A. E., Dubik, B. A., Stoll, J. S., and Basurto, X. (2016). Describing the Diversity of
Community Supported Fishery Programs in North America. Marine Policy, 66: 21-29.
- Brinson, A., Lee, M. Y., and Rountree, B. (2011). Direct Marketing Strategies: the Rise of
Community Supported Fishery Programs. Marine Policy, 35(4): 542-548.
- Campbell, L. M., Boucquey, N., Stoll, J., Coppola, H., and Smith, M. D. (2014). From
Vegetable Box to Seafood Cooler: Applying the Community-supported Agriculture Model
to Fisheries. Society & Natural Resources, 27(1): 88-106.
- Campling, L. Havice, E. and McCall Howard, P. (2012). The Political Economy and
Ecology of Capture Fisheries: Market Dynamics, Resource Access and Relations of
Exploitation and Resistance. Journal of agrarian change, 12(2-3): 177-203.
- Can, K. (2013). Balık Ağalara Takıldı. Ekin Yayın Grubu, İstanbul.
Demirel, N. Akoglu, E. Ulman, A. Ertor-Akyazi, P. Gül, G. Bedikoğlu, D. Yıldız, T. and
Yilmaz, I. N. (2022). Uncovering Ecological Regime Shifts in the Sea of Marmara and
Reconsidering Management Strategies. Marine Environmental Research, 183: 105794.
- Ertör-Akyazi, P. (2020). Contesting Growth in Marine Capture Fisheries: the Case of
Small-Scale Fishing Cooperatives in Istanbul. Sustainability Science, 15(1): 45- 62.
- Ertör, I. (2020). Agroecology and Food Sovereignty: The role of small-scale fishing
cooperatives in the Istanbul region. TNI (Transnational Institute), Amsterdam.
- Ertör, I. (2021). ‘We are the Oceans, We are the People!’: Fisher People’s Struggles for
Blue Justice. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1-30.
- Ertör, I., and Hadjimichael, M. (2020). Blue Degrowth and the Politics of the Sea:
Rethinking the Blue Economy. Sustainability Science, 15(1): 1-10.
- Ertör, I. and Ertör-Akyazı, P (2021). Be Resilient, not Vulnerable. SAMUDRA Report (May 2021), No:85.
FAO (2015). Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the
Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. FAO, Rome.
- FAO (2017). Improving Our Knowledge on Small-Scale Fisheries: Data Needs and
Methodologies. FAO, Rome.
- FAO (2022). International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture. Accessed: January 2023
- Godwin, S. C. Francis, F. Howard, B. E. Malpica-Cruz, L. and Witter, A. (2017). Towards
the Economic Viability of Local Seafood Programs: Key Features for the Financial
Performance of Community Supported Fisheries. Marine Policy, 81: 375–380.
- Göncüoğlu, H. and Ünal, V. (2011). Fisherwomen in the Turkish Fishery, Southern Aegean
Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27(4): 1013-1018.
- Gutiérrez, N.L., Hilborn, R. and Defeo, O. (2011). Leadership, Social Capital and Incentives
Promote Successful Fisheries. Nature, 470, 386-389.
- Haller, T. and Merten, S. (2008). “We are Zambians—Don’t Tell Us How to Fish!”
Institutional Change, Power Relations and Conflicts in the Kafue Flats F isheries in
Zambia. Human Ecology, 36(5): 699-715.
- Istanbul Planning Agency (2021). Istanbul Food Strategy Document. Accessed: January 2023
- Jentoft, S. and Eide, A. (2011). Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small- Scale
Fisheries. Springer Publishing
- Kadirbeyoğlu, Z. and Konya, N. (2017). Alternative Food Initiatives in Turkey. In:
Neoliberal Turkey and Its Discontents, (Eds: F. Adaman, B. Akbulut, and M. Arsel), IB
Taurus, London, pp 207-230.
- Karakulak F. S. and Yıldız T. (2016). Small Scale Fishing Profile of Istanbul, Turkey. In:
11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum. Bangkok, pp 3–7.
- Kawarazuka, N. Locke, C. McDougall, C. Kantor, P. and Morgan, M. (2017). Bringing
Analysis of Gender and Social–Ecological Resilience Together In Small- Scale Fisheries
Research: Challenges And Opportunities. Ambio, 46(2): 201-213.
- Kaygisiz, F. and Eken, M. (2018). A Research on Determination of Fish Marketing Margins
in Istanbul Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18(6):
- Keyder, Ç. (2010). Capital City Resurgent: İstanbul Since the 1980s. New Perspectives on
Turkey, 43: 177-186
- Keyder, Ç. and Yenal, Z. (2013). Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu: Küresel İktidar ve Köylülük.
İletişim, İstanbul.
- Knudsen, S. (2009). Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey: The Management of Natural
Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast. Berghahn Books,Oxford.
- Kurien, J. (1998). Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Globalisation (No. 289). Centre
for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, India. Available at:
- Levkoe, C. Z. Lowitt, K. and Nelson, C. (2017). “Fish as Food”: Exploring a Food
Sovereignty Approach to Small-Scale Sisheries. Marine Policy, 85: 65-70.
- Local Catch (2013). What is Community Supported Fisheries? tml.
Accessed January 2023
- Mansfield, B. (2004). Neoliberalism in the Oceans: “Rationalization,” Property Rights, and
the Commons Question. Geoforum, 35(3): 313-326.
- McClenachan, L. Neal, B. P. Al-Abdulrazzak, D. Witkin, T. Fisher, K. and Kittinger, J. N.
(2014). Do Community Supported Fisheries (CSFs) Improve Sustainability? Fisheries
Research, 157: 62–69.
- McMichael, P. (2009). A Food Regime Genealogy, The Journal of Peasant Studies,
36(1): 139-169.
- Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (2017). Fulton Street Community Supported Fisheries
Letter - November 2017. Documents from Environmental Organizations. 241. Accessed
January 2023
- Mills, E. N. (2022) The politics of transnational fishers’ movements. The Journal of
Peasant Studies, 1-26.
- Özsoy, E. Çağatay, M.N. Balkıs, N. Balkın N. and Öztürk, B. (2016). The Sea of Marmara:
Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries, Conservation and Governance. Turkish Marine Research
Foundation, Istanbul
- Pauly, D. (2006). Major Trends in Small-Scale Marine Fisheries, with Emphasis on
Developing Countries, and Some Implications for the Social Sciences. Maritime Studies
(MAST), 4(2): 7-22
- Pauly, D. (2018). A Vision for Marine Fisheries in a Global Blue Economy. Marine Policy,
- Pinkerton, E. (2017). Hegemony and Resistance: Disturbing Patterns and Hopeful Signs in
the Impact of Neoliberal Policies on Small-Scale Fisheries Around the World. Marine
Policy, 80: 1-9.
- Plahe, J. K. Hawkes, S. and Ponnamperuma, S. (2013). The Corporate Food Regime and
Food Sovereignty in The Pacific Islands. The Contemporary Pacific, 309-338.
- Sinha, S. (2012). Transnationality and the Indian Fishworkers; Movement, 1960s– 2000.
Journal of Agrarian Change, 12(23): 364-389.
- Smith, H. and Basurto, X. (2019). Defining Small-Scale Fisheries and Examining the
Role of Science in Shaping Perceptions of Who And What Counts: A Systematic Review.Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 236.
- St. Martin, K. (2005). Mapping Economic Diversity in The First World: The Case of
Fisheries. Environment and Planning A, 37(6): 959-979.
- TNI (2020). Situating Small-Scale Fisheries in the Global Struggle for Agroecology and
Food Sovereignty. Transnational Institute, Amsterdam.
- TURKSTAT (2019). Su Ürünleri İstatistikleri. In: Turkish Stat. Inst.
Accessed November 2022
- Ulman, A. Zengin, M. Demirel, N. and Pauly, D. (2020). The Lost Fish of Turkey: A
Recent History of Disappeared Species and Commercial Fishery Extinctions for the Turkish
Marmara and Black Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7:650.
- Ünal, V. Güçlüsoy, H. and Franquesa, R. (2009). A Comparative Study of Success and
Failure of Fishery Cooperatives in The Aegean, Turkey. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 25(4): 394-400.
- Ünal, V. and Ulman, A. (2020). The Current Status and Challenges Facing the Small- Scale
Fisheries of Turkey. In Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and
Governance, 23, 83-103
- Ünal, V. (2022). Value Chain Analysis of Small Scale Fisheries in Foça and Mordoğan -
Draft Report
- Ünal, V. Vurdem, D. Öztürk, S.E. and Tosunoğlu, Z. (2022). Unlocking Legal and Policy
Frameworks For Small-Scale Fisheries in Türkiye. In: Unlocking legal and policy
frameworks for Small-Scale Fisheries. (Eds: V. Kerezi, J. Nakamura, M. El Halimi, R.
Chuenpagdee) Global Illustration. TBTI Global Book Series
- Ünal, V. Bilecenoglu, M. and Franquesa, R. (2009). A comparative Study of Success and
Failure of Fishery Cooperatives in The Aegean, Turkey. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 25(4): 394–400.
- Ünal, V. and Ulman, A. (2020). The Current Status and Challenges Facing the Small- Scale
Fisheries of Turkey. In Small-Scale Fisheries in Europe: Status, Resilience and
Governance, 23: 83-103
- Ünal, V. (2022). Value Chain Analysis of Small Scale Fisheries in Foça and Mordoğan -
Draft Report
- Witter, A. and Stoll, J. (2017). Participation and Resistance: Alternative Seafood Marketing
in a Neoliberal Era. Marine Policy, 80:130–140.
- Wittman, H. (2011). Food Sovereignty: A New Rights Framework for Food and Nature?.
Environment and Society, 2(1): 87-105