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Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım

Year 2024, , 197 - 205, 27.12.2024


Amaç: Geleneksel tarım yöntemlerinin, doğal kaynakların aşırı kullanımı, sera gazı emisyonu, toprak sağlığı, toprak korunması, toprak erozyonu, biyoçeşitlilik kaybı ve su kirliliği gibi bazı çevresel sorunlara neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu negatif etkileri azaltmak ve gelecek nesillere sağlıklı bir dünya bırakmak için ortaya atılan çözümlerden biri olan rejeneratif tarım; toprak sağlığını, biyolojik çeşitliliği ve ekosistem hizmetlerini iyileştirmeyi amaçlayan, dışsal girdilere bağımlılığı azaltarak karbon tutulumu gibi ekosistem hizmetlerini artıran bir tarımsal üretim yaklaşımıdır. Bu çalışmada rejeneratif (yenileyici) tarım kavramına ilişkin yapılan tanımlar, rejeneratif tarım ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların tarihsel gelişiminin incelenmesi, rejeneratif tarımın neyi amaçladığı ve sürdürülebilirlik ile ilişkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır.
Tasarım/Metodoloji /Yaklaşım: Bu amaç doğrultusunda, ikincil verilere ve literatüre dayalı bulgular sistematik olarak incelenmiş ve rejeneratif tarımın tanımı, amaçları ve kapsamları üzerine yapılan çalışmalar detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışmada, rejeneratif tarımın temel amaçlarının; toprak koruma sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi, topraktaki besin maddesi miktarının artırılması, toprak yapısının iyileştirilmesi ve biyoçeşitliliğin artırılması olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Rejeneratif tarımla ilgili yapılan çalışmaların sayısı, özellikle son on yılda belirgin bir şekilde artmıştır. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda bu yaklaşımın, iklim değişikliğine uyumu kolaylaştırdığı, tarımsal üretimde sürdürülebilirliğin sağlanmasına, çevresel sürdürülebilirlik ve tarımın gelecekteki arz güvenliğini sağlama üzerine olumlu etkilere sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Rejeneratif tarım yaklaşımının benimsenmesi ve çevre dostu tarımsal üretim tekniklerinin uygulanması ile daha sürdürülebilir bir tarımsal üretime ulaşabilmek mümkün olabilecektir.
Özgünlük/Değer: Literatürdeki çalışmaların çoğunun, rejeneratif tarım kavramını ve bu kavram kapsamında toprak kalitesinin artırılmasını incelediği belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada; rejeneratif tarım kavramına ilişkin yapılan tanımların, rejeneratif tarım ile ilgili yapılan literatür çalışmalarının tarihsel gelişiminin incelenmesi, rejeneratif tarım amaçları ve sürdürülebilirlik ile ilişkisinin ortaya konulması diğer çalışmalardan farklılık göstermektedir.


  • Alexandratos, N. (1999), “World food and agriculture: outlook for the medium and longer term”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96 (11), pp.5908-5914.
  • Butler, S. J., Vickery, J. A., and Norris, K. (2007), “Farmland biodiversity and the footprint of agriculture”. Science, 315 (5810), pp.381–384. .
  • Chamala, S. (1990), “Social and environmental impacts of modernization of agriculture in developing countries”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 10 (1-2), 219-231.
  • Coleman, D. C., and Crossley D. A. (1996), Fundamentals of Soil Ecology, Academic Press. San Diego.
  • Costanza, R., d’Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O’Neill, R., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P. and van den Belt, M. (1997), “The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital”. Nature, 387, pp.253–260.
  • Çakmakçı, Y., ve Hurma, H. (2023), “Rejeneratif tarım: Ekonomik ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik için bir tarımsal üretim modeli.” 15. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, Çanakkale. 6-8 Eylül. s.107-114.
  • Daly, H.E., and Farley, J. (2004), Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications. Island Press, Washington, DC.
  • De La Torre Ugarte, D. G., and Hellwinckel, C. C. (2010), “The problem is the solution: the role of biofuels in the transition to a regenerative agriculture”. Plant biotechnology for sustainable production of energy and co-products, pp.365-384.
  • Duncan, T. (2016), “Case study: Taranaki farm regenerative agriculture, pathways to integrated ecological farming”. In Land restoration, pp.271-287.
  • Elevitch, C. R. Mazaroli, D. N., and Ragone, D. (2018), “Agroforestry standards for regenerative agriculture”. Sustainability, 10 (9), 3337.
  • Giller, K. E. Andersson, J. A., Sumberg, J., and Thompson, J. (2017). “A golden age for agronomy?. In Agronomy for Development”, pp. 150-160.
  • Giller, K. E., Hijbeek, R., Andersson, J. A. and Sumberg, J. (2021), “Regenerative agriculture: an agronomic perspective”. Outlook on Agriculture, 50 (1), pp.13-25.
  • Gomiero, T., Pimentel, D. and Paoletti, M. G. (2011), “Environmental impact of different agricultural management practices: conventional vs. organic agriculture”. Critical reviews in plant sciences, 30 (1-2), pp.95-124.
  • Gordon, E., Davila, F. and Riedy, C. (2022), “Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture”. Agriculture and Human Values, 39 (2), pp.809-826.
  • Gosnell, H., Charnley, S. and Stanley, P. (2020), “Climate change mitigation as a co-benefit of regenerative ranching: insights from Australia and the United States”. Interface focus, 10 (5), 20200027.
  • Gosnell, H., Gill, N. and Voyer, M. (2019), “Transformational adaptation on the farm: Processes of change and persistence in transitions to ‘climate-smart’regenerative agriculture”. Global Environmental Change, 59, 101965. .
  • Grant, S. (2017), “Organizing alternative food futures in the peripheries of the industrial food system”. Journal of Sustainability Education. 14, pp.1–14.
  • Haas, B., Hoekstra, N., Schoot, J. R., Visser, E. J., Kroon, H. and Eekeren, N. V. (2019), “Combining agro-ecological functions in grass-clover mixtures”. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 4 (3), pp.547-567.
  • Horton, P., Long, S. P., Smith, P., Banwart, S. A. and Beerling, D. J. (2021), “Technologies to deliver food and climate security through agriculture”. Nature plants, 7 (3), pp.250-255.
  • Jaworski, C. C., Krzywoszynska, A., Leake, J. R. and Dicks, L. V. (2024), “Sustainable soil management in the United Kingdom: A survey of current practices and how they relate to the principles of regenerative agriculture”. Soil Use and Management, 40(1), e12908.
  • Kassam, A., Friedrich, T., Derpsch, R., Lahmar, R., Mrabet, R., Basch, G., ... and Serraj, R. (2012), “Conservation agriculture in the dry Mediterranean climate”. Field Crops Research, 132, pp.7-17.
  • Khangura, R., Ferris, D., Wagg, C. and Bowyer, J. (2023), “Regenerative agriculture—A literature review on the practices and mechanisms used to improve soil health”. Sustainability, 15 (3), 2338.
  • Lal, R. (2015), “Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture”. Journal of soil and water conservation, 70 (3), pp.55A-62A.
  • Lal, R. (2020), “Regenerative agriculture for food and climate”. Journal of soil and water conservation, 75 (5), pp.123A-124A.
  • McLennon, E., Dari, B., Jha, G., Sihi, D. and Kankarla, V. (2021), “Regenerative agriculture and integrative permaculture for sustainable and technology driven global food production and security”. Agronomy Journal, 113 (6), pp.4541-4559.
  • Montgomery, D. R. (2017), Growing a revolution: bringing our soil back to life. WW Norton & Company.
  • Muhie, S. H. (2022), “Novel approaches and practices to sustainable agriculture”. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10, 100446.
  • Newton, P., Civita, N., Frankel-Goldwater, L., Bartel, K. and Johns, C. (2020), “What is regenerative agriculture? A review of scholar and practitioner definitions based on processes and outcomes”. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 577723.
  • Nowak, A., Krukowski, A. and Różańska-Boczula, M. (2019), “Assessment of sustainability in agriculture of the European Union countries”. Agronomy, 9 (12), 890.
  • O’donoghue, T., Minasny, B. and McBratney, A. (2022), “Regenerative agriculture and its potential to improve farmscape function”. Sustainability, 14 (10), 5815.
  • Provenza, F. D., Kronberg, S. L. and Gregorini, P. (2019), “Is grassfed meat and dairy better for human and environmental health?”. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 26.
  • Rhodes, C. J. (2017), “The imperative for regenerative agriculture”. Science progress, 100 (1), pp.80-129.
  • Rodale, R. (1983), “Breaking new ground: The search for a sustainable agriculture”. Futurist, 17 (1), pp.15-20.
  • Rowntree, J. E., Stanley, P. L., Maciel, I. C., Thorbecke, M., Rosenzweig, S. T., Hancock, D. W….. and Raven, M. R. (2020), “Ecosystem impacts and productive capacity of a multi-species pastured livestock system”. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 544984. .
  • Saltiel, J., Bauder, J. W. and Palakovich, S. (1994), “Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Diffusion, farm structure, and profitability”. Rural Sociology, 59 (2), pp.333-349.
  • Sampson, R. N. (1982), “Saving agricultural land: environmental issue of the 1980's”. Environmentalist, 2, pp.321–332.
  • Schreefel, L., Schulte, R. P., De Boer, I. J. M., Schrijver, A. P. and Van Zanten, H. H. E. (2020), “Regenerative agriculture–the soil is the base”. Global Food Security, 26, 100404.
  • Schulte, L. A., Dale, B. E., Bozzetto, S., Liebman, M., Souza, G. M., Haddad, N., ... and Arbuckle, J. G. (2022), “Meeting global challenges with regenerative agriculture producing food and energy”. Nature Sustainability, 5(5), pp.384-388. .
  • Shelef, O., Weisberg, P. J. and Provenza, F. D. (2017), “The value of native plants and local production in an era of global agriculture”. Frontiers in plant science, 8, 2069.
  • Sherwood, S. and Uphoff, N. (2000), “Soil health: research, practice and policy for a more regenerative agriculture”. Applied Soil Ecology, 15(1), pp.85-97.
  • Soto, R. L., Martínez-Mena, M., Padilla, M. C. and de Vente, J. (2021), “Restoring soil quality of woody agroecosystems in Mediterranean drylands through regenerative agriculture”. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306, 107191.
  • Soto, R. L., Padilla, M. C. and de Vente, J. (2020), “Participatory selection of soil quality indicators for monitoring the impacts of regenerative agriculture on ecosystem services”. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101157. .
  • Şentürk, G. O., Gök, G. ve Koçyiğit, H. (2023), “Tarımda karbon ayak izi ve iklim değişikliğine etkisi”. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), pp.12-24.
  • Teague, W. R. (2017), “Bridging the research management gap to restore ecosystem function and social resilience”. Global Soil Security, pp.341-350.

Transitioning beyond traditional methods in agricultural production: Regenerative agriculture

Year 2024, , 197 - 205, 27.12.2024


Purpose: It is known that traditional farming methods contribute to environmental issues such as excessive use of natural resources, greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, soil conservation, soil erosion, biodiversity loss, and water pollution. Regenerative agriculture, which is one of the solutions proposed to mitigate these negative effects and leave a healthy world for future generations, is an agricultural production approach that aims to improve soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem services by reducing reliance on external inputs, enhancing ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. This study aims to explore the definitions of the regenerative (renewable) agriculture concept, examine the historical development of research on regenerative agriculture, and elucidate the goals of regenerative agriculture and its relationship with sustainability.
Design/Methodology/Approach: In line with this objective, secondary data and literature-based findings were systematically reviewed, and studies on the definition, objectives, and scope of regenerative agriculture were examined in detail.
Findings: The study concludes that the primary goals of regenerative agriculture are to develop soil conservation systems, increase nutrient levels in the soil, improve soil structure, and enhance biodiversity. The number of studies on regenerative agriculture has significantly increased, particularly in the last decade. The research indicates that this approach facilitates adaptation to climate change, contributes to sustainability in agricultural production, and has positive effects on environmental sustainability and future agricultural supply security. Adopting the regenerative agriculture approach and applying environmentally friendly agricultural production techniques could lead to more sustainable agricultural production.
Originality/Value: Most literature focuses on the regenerative agriculture concept and the improvement of soil quality within this framework. In this study; the definitions of regenerative agriculture, the historical development of literature on regenerative agriculture, and the elucidation of regenerative agriculture's goals and its relationship with sustainability distinguish this study from others.


  • Alexandratos, N. (1999), “World food and agriculture: outlook for the medium and longer term”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 96 (11), pp.5908-5914.
  • Butler, S. J., Vickery, J. A., and Norris, K. (2007), “Farmland biodiversity and the footprint of agriculture”. Science, 315 (5810), pp.381–384. .
  • Chamala, S. (1990), “Social and environmental impacts of modernization of agriculture in developing countries”. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 10 (1-2), 219-231.
  • Coleman, D. C., and Crossley D. A. (1996), Fundamentals of Soil Ecology, Academic Press. San Diego.
  • Costanza, R., d’Arge, R., de Groot, R., Farber, S., Grasso, M., Hannon, B., Limburg, K., Naeem, S., O’Neill, R., Paruelo, J., Raskin, R.G., Sutton, P. and van den Belt, M. (1997), “The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital”. Nature, 387, pp.253–260.
  • Çakmakçı, Y., ve Hurma, H. (2023), “Rejeneratif tarım: Ekonomik ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik için bir tarımsal üretim modeli.” 15. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, Çanakkale. 6-8 Eylül. s.107-114.
  • Daly, H.E., and Farley, J. (2004), Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications. Island Press, Washington, DC.
  • De La Torre Ugarte, D. G., and Hellwinckel, C. C. (2010), “The problem is the solution: the role of biofuels in the transition to a regenerative agriculture”. Plant biotechnology for sustainable production of energy and co-products, pp.365-384.
  • Duncan, T. (2016), “Case study: Taranaki farm regenerative agriculture, pathways to integrated ecological farming”. In Land restoration, pp.271-287.
  • Elevitch, C. R. Mazaroli, D. N., and Ragone, D. (2018), “Agroforestry standards for regenerative agriculture”. Sustainability, 10 (9), 3337.
  • Giller, K. E. Andersson, J. A., Sumberg, J., and Thompson, J. (2017). “A golden age for agronomy?. In Agronomy for Development”, pp. 150-160.
  • Giller, K. E., Hijbeek, R., Andersson, J. A. and Sumberg, J. (2021), “Regenerative agriculture: an agronomic perspective”. Outlook on Agriculture, 50 (1), pp.13-25.
  • Gomiero, T., Pimentel, D. and Paoletti, M. G. (2011), “Environmental impact of different agricultural management practices: conventional vs. organic agriculture”. Critical reviews in plant sciences, 30 (1-2), pp.95-124.
  • Gordon, E., Davila, F. and Riedy, C. (2022), “Transforming landscapes and mindscapes through regenerative agriculture”. Agriculture and Human Values, 39 (2), pp.809-826.
  • Gosnell, H., Charnley, S. and Stanley, P. (2020), “Climate change mitigation as a co-benefit of regenerative ranching: insights from Australia and the United States”. Interface focus, 10 (5), 20200027.
  • Gosnell, H., Gill, N. and Voyer, M. (2019), “Transformational adaptation on the farm: Processes of change and persistence in transitions to ‘climate-smart’regenerative agriculture”. Global Environmental Change, 59, 101965. .
  • Grant, S. (2017), “Organizing alternative food futures in the peripheries of the industrial food system”. Journal of Sustainability Education. 14, pp.1–14.
  • Haas, B., Hoekstra, N., Schoot, J. R., Visser, E. J., Kroon, H. and Eekeren, N. V. (2019), “Combining agro-ecological functions in grass-clover mixtures”. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 4 (3), pp.547-567.
  • Horton, P., Long, S. P., Smith, P., Banwart, S. A. and Beerling, D. J. (2021), “Technologies to deliver food and climate security through agriculture”. Nature plants, 7 (3), pp.250-255.
  • Jaworski, C. C., Krzywoszynska, A., Leake, J. R. and Dicks, L. V. (2024), “Sustainable soil management in the United Kingdom: A survey of current practices and how they relate to the principles of regenerative agriculture”. Soil Use and Management, 40(1), e12908.
  • Kassam, A., Friedrich, T., Derpsch, R., Lahmar, R., Mrabet, R., Basch, G., ... and Serraj, R. (2012), “Conservation agriculture in the dry Mediterranean climate”. Field Crops Research, 132, pp.7-17.
  • Khangura, R., Ferris, D., Wagg, C. and Bowyer, J. (2023), “Regenerative agriculture—A literature review on the practices and mechanisms used to improve soil health”. Sustainability, 15 (3), 2338.
  • Lal, R. (2015), “Sequestering carbon and increasing productivity by conservation agriculture”. Journal of soil and water conservation, 70 (3), pp.55A-62A.
  • Lal, R. (2020), “Regenerative agriculture for food and climate”. Journal of soil and water conservation, 75 (5), pp.123A-124A.
  • McLennon, E., Dari, B., Jha, G., Sihi, D. and Kankarla, V. (2021), “Regenerative agriculture and integrative permaculture for sustainable and technology driven global food production and security”. Agronomy Journal, 113 (6), pp.4541-4559.
  • Montgomery, D. R. (2017), Growing a revolution: bringing our soil back to life. WW Norton & Company.
  • Muhie, S. H. (2022), “Novel approaches and practices to sustainable agriculture”. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 10, 100446.
  • Newton, P., Civita, N., Frankel-Goldwater, L., Bartel, K. and Johns, C. (2020), “What is regenerative agriculture? A review of scholar and practitioner definitions based on processes and outcomes”. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 577723.
  • Nowak, A., Krukowski, A. and Różańska-Boczula, M. (2019), “Assessment of sustainability in agriculture of the European Union countries”. Agronomy, 9 (12), 890.
  • O’donoghue, T., Minasny, B. and McBratney, A. (2022), “Regenerative agriculture and its potential to improve farmscape function”. Sustainability, 14 (10), 5815.
  • Provenza, F. D., Kronberg, S. L. and Gregorini, P. (2019), “Is grassfed meat and dairy better for human and environmental health?”. Frontiers in nutrition, 6, 26.
  • Rhodes, C. J. (2017), “The imperative for regenerative agriculture”. Science progress, 100 (1), pp.80-129.
  • Rodale, R. (1983), “Breaking new ground: The search for a sustainable agriculture”. Futurist, 17 (1), pp.15-20.
  • Rowntree, J. E., Stanley, P. L., Maciel, I. C., Thorbecke, M., Rosenzweig, S. T., Hancock, D. W….. and Raven, M. R. (2020), “Ecosystem impacts and productive capacity of a multi-species pastured livestock system”. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 544984. .
  • Saltiel, J., Bauder, J. W. and Palakovich, S. (1994), “Adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: Diffusion, farm structure, and profitability”. Rural Sociology, 59 (2), pp.333-349.
  • Sampson, R. N. (1982), “Saving agricultural land: environmental issue of the 1980's”. Environmentalist, 2, pp.321–332.
  • Schreefel, L., Schulte, R. P., De Boer, I. J. M., Schrijver, A. P. and Van Zanten, H. H. E. (2020), “Regenerative agriculture–the soil is the base”. Global Food Security, 26, 100404.
  • Schulte, L. A., Dale, B. E., Bozzetto, S., Liebman, M., Souza, G. M., Haddad, N., ... and Arbuckle, J. G. (2022), “Meeting global challenges with regenerative agriculture producing food and energy”. Nature Sustainability, 5(5), pp.384-388. .
  • Shelef, O., Weisberg, P. J. and Provenza, F. D. (2017), “The value of native plants and local production in an era of global agriculture”. Frontiers in plant science, 8, 2069.
  • Sherwood, S. and Uphoff, N. (2000), “Soil health: research, practice and policy for a more regenerative agriculture”. Applied Soil Ecology, 15(1), pp.85-97.
  • Soto, R. L., Martínez-Mena, M., Padilla, M. C. and de Vente, J. (2021), “Restoring soil quality of woody agroecosystems in Mediterranean drylands through regenerative agriculture”. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306, 107191.
  • Soto, R. L., Padilla, M. C. and de Vente, J. (2020), “Participatory selection of soil quality indicators for monitoring the impacts of regenerative agriculture on ecosystem services”. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101157. .
  • Şentürk, G. O., Gök, G. ve Koçyiğit, H. (2023), “Tarımda karbon ayak izi ve iklim değişikliğine etkisi”. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), pp.12-24.
  • Teague, W. R. (2017), “Bridging the research management gap to restore ecosystem function and social resilience”. Global Soil Security, pp.341-350.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Economics (Other)
Journal Section Review

Merve Mürüvvet Dağ 0000-0003-0809-4761

Hasan Yılmaz 0000-0002-0487-8449

Early Pub Date December 20, 2024
Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date August 7, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Dağ, M. M., & Yılmaz, H. (2024). Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 30(2), 197-205.
AMA Dağ MM, Yılmaz H. Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım. TED - TJAE. December 2024;30(2):197-205. doi:10.24181/tarekoder.1529796
Chicago Dağ, Merve Mürüvvet, and Hasan Yılmaz. “Tarımsal üretimde Geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 30, no. 2 (December 2024): 197-205.
EndNote Dağ MM, Yılmaz H (December 1, 2024) Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 30 2 197–205.
IEEE M. M. Dağ and H. Yılmaz, “Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım”, TED - TJAE, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 197–205, 2024, doi: 10.24181/tarekoder.1529796.
ISNAD Dağ, Merve Mürüvvet - Yılmaz, Hasan. “Tarımsal üretimde Geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 30/2 (December 2024), 197-205.
JAMA Dağ MM, Yılmaz H. Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım. TED - TJAE. 2024;30:197–205.
MLA Dağ, Merve Mürüvvet and Hasan Yılmaz. “Tarımsal üretimde Geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, vol. 30, no. 2, 2024, pp. 197-05, doi:10.24181/tarekoder.1529796.
Vancouver Dağ MM, Yılmaz H. Tarımsal üretimde geleneksel yöntemlerin ötesine geçiş: Rejeneratif tarım. TED - TJAE. 2024;30(2):197-205.


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