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Reel Tarımsal Gayrı Safi Yurtiçi Hasıla ve Tarım Kredileri Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2019, , 241 - 247, 31.12.2019


Bu çalışmanın
amacı, kırsal kalkınmanın ekonomik göstergelerinden biri olarak dikkate alınan
reel tarımsal gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla ile tarımsal finansman araçlarından
biri olan tarımsal krediler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Çalışma
1998-2018 yıllarını kapsamaktadır. Reel tarımsal gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla ve toplam
tarım kredileri değişkenleri analize alınmaktadır. Bu çalışmada doğru model
seçimini yapmak için Advanced Dickey-Fuller (ADF) birim kök testi
kullanılmaktadır. Değişkenlerin birim kök seviyelerinin ADF birim kök testi ile
belirlenmesinden sonra, Engle-Granger iki aşamalı eşbütünleşme analizi, reel
tarımsal gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla ile toplam tarımsal krediler arasında
eşbütünleşme ilişkisinin olup olmadığını belirlemek için yapılmaktadır. Analiz
sonucunda toplam tarımsal kredilerin ve reel tarımsal gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla
değişkenlerinin birlikte hareket ettiği söylenebilir. Başka bir deyişle
reel tarımsal gayri safi yurtiçi
hasıla ve tarımsal kredilerin uzun vadeli bir ilişki içinde olduğu tespit


  • Anetor, F. O., Ogbechie, C., Kelikume, I. and Ikpesu, F. 2016, Credit Supply and Agricultural Production in Nigeria: A Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Approach”, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 131-143.
  • Artık, S. and Abay, C. 2014, Türkiye’de Tarımsal Büyümenin Kaynakları: 1980- 2010 Dönemi, XI. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 3- 5 Eylül, Samsun.
  • Azimi, H. 2013, Role of Bank Credits in Development of Agriculture Sector, Life Science Journal, 10(1), 1386-1391.
  • Awotide, B. A., Abdoulaye, T. Y., Alene, A. and Manyong, V. M. 2015, Impact of Access to Credit on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Smallholder Cassava Farmers in Nigeria, The International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) Milan, Italy August 9-14.
  • Burgess, R. and Pande R. 2002, Do Rural Banks Matter? Evidence from The Indian Social Banking Experiment’,, Accessed Date: 22.08.2019.
  • Carter, M. R. 1984, Identification of The Inverse Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of Peasant Agricultural Production, Oxford Economic Papers, 36(1), 131-145.
  • Carter, M. R. and Olinto, P. 2003, Getting Institutions “Right” for Whom? Credit Constraints and The Impact of Property Rights on the Quantity and Composition of Investment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(1), 173–186.
  • Chandio, A. A., Jiang, Y., Wei, F. and Guangshun, X. 2018, Effects of Agricultural Credit on Wheat Productivity of Small Farms in Sindh, Pakistan, Agricultural Finance Review, 78(5), 592-610.
  • Dantwala, M. L. 1989, Estimates of Demand for Credit and Its Role in Poverty Alleviation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 44(4), 416-422.
  • Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı (DPT), 2000, Özel İhtisas Komisyon Raporu, Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Plan,
  • Diagne, A., Zeller, M. and Sharma, M. 2000, Empirical Measurements of Households Access to Credit and Credit Constraints in Developing Countries: Methodological Issues and Evidence, Working Paper, No. 90.
  • Duramaz, S. and Taş, T., 2018, Kamusal, Özel Ve Yabancı Sermayeli Bankaların Kullandırdıkları Tarımsal Kredilerin Tarımsal Üretime Etkisi: Ege Bölgesi’ne Yönelik Panel Veri Analizi, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(1).
  • Egbetunde, T. 2012, Bank Credits and Rural Development in Nigeria (1982-2009), International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 1(3), 45-52.
  • Engle, F. E. and Granger, C. W. J. 1987, Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation and Testing, Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276.
  • Engle, R. F. and Yoo, B. S. 1987, Forecasting and Testing in Co-integrated Systems, Journal of Econometrics, 35(1), 143-159.
  • Ekwere, G. E. and Edem, I. D. 2014, Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development, Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management, 14(3), 19-26.
  • Ersoy, M. and Özsoy, M. Ş. 2017, Tarım Finansmanının Kalkınmadaki Rolü ve Önemi: Bir Model Önerisi, Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 12(47), 1-14.
  • Feder, G., Lau, L. J., Lin, J. Y. and Luo, X. 1990, The relationship between Credit and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture: A Microeconomic Model of Disequilibrium, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(5), 1151-1157.
  • Freeman, Η. Α., Ehui, S. Κ. and Jabbar, M. A. 1998, Credit Constraints and Smallholder Dairy Production in The East African Highlands: Application of A Switching Regression Model, Agricultural Economics, 19(1-2), 33-44. Gujarati, D. N. 1995, Basic Econometrics, Fourth Edition, Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Hayami, Y. and Rutta, V. W. 1970, Agricultural Productivity Differences Among Countries, The American Economic Review, 60(5), 895-911.
  • Karacan, A. R. 1991, Tarım İşletmelerinin Finansmanı ve Tarımsal Kredi, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi, İzmir.
  • Koçtürk, M., Duramaz, S. and Eker, M. 2013, Kırsal Kalkınmada Bankacılık Ve Tarımsal Kredi Uygulamaları: Manisa Örneği, CBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(3), 372-394.
  • Meijerink, G. and Roza, P. 2007, The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development, Markets, Chains and Sustainable Development Strategy and Policy paper 4.
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, 2014, Kırsal Kalkınma Planı Değerlendirme Raporu
  • Mohamed, K. and Temu, A. 2008, Access to Credit and Its Effect on The Adoption of Agricultural Technologies: The Case of Zanzibar, African Review of Money Finance and Banking, 45-89.
  • Obilor, S. I. 2013, The Impact of Commercial Banks’ Credit to Agriculture on Agricultural Development in Nigeria: An Econometric Analysis, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 3(1), 85-94. Ogundeji, A. A., Donkor, E., Motsoari, C. and Onakuse, S. 2018, Impact of Access to Credit on Farm Income: Policy Implications for Rural Agricultural Development in Lesotho, Agrekon, 57(2), 152–166.
  • Olgun, F.A., Işın, Ş. And Işın, F. 2018, Türkiye'de Tarımsal GSYH İle Tarımsal Yatırımlar Arasında Nedensellik İlişkisi, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 24 (1), 63- 75.
  • Özden, A., Armağan, G. and Şimşek, Barış Y. 2014, Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde Kırsal Kalkınma Göstergeleri (2007-2013), XI. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi 3-5 Eylül 2014, Samsun.
  • Rosenzweig, M. R. and Binswanger, H. R. 1993, Wealth, Weather Risk and The Composition and Profitability of Agricultural Investments, The Economic Journal, 103(416), 56-78.
  • Sevinç, G. 2018, Süt Sığırcılığı Desteği Alan Kooperatif İşletmelerinin Örgütlenmeye ve Kırsal Kalkınmaya Etkisi: Şanlıurfa ili Kasdep Örneği, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Şanlıurfa.
  • Sial, M. H. and Carter, M. R. 1996, Financial Market Efficiency in An Agrarian Economy: Microeconometric Analysis of Pakistani Punjab, The Journal of Development Studies, 32(5), 771-798.
  • Terin, M., Aksoy, A. and Güler, O. İ. 2013, Tarımsal Büyümeye Etki Eden Ekonomik Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(3), 41-50.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), 2008, Tarım İstatistikleri Sorularla Resmi İstatistikler Dizisi-5.
  • World Bank, 2003, The World Development Report”, Washington, DC: The World Bank. www-wds. PDF/267630REACHING0THE0RURAL0POOR0.pdf. Accessed Date, 5.09.2019.
  • Yavuz, F. and Dilek, Ş. 2019, Türkiye Tarımına Yeniden Bakış, SETA Rapor, İstanbul.

The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans

Year 2019, , 241 - 247, 31.12.2019


The aim of this
study is to determine the relationship between the real agricultural gross
domestic product, which is one of the economic indicators of rural development
and total agricultural loans among agricultural financing instruments. The
study covers the years of 1998-2018. The real agricultural gross domestic
product and the total agricultural loans data are included in analysis. In this
study, to make the right model selection, the Advanced Dickey-Fuller unit root test
is used. After determining the unit root levels of the variables by the
Advanced Dickey-Fuller unit root test, the Engle-Granger two-stage
cointegration analysis is performed to determine whether there is cointegration
relationship between the real agricultural gross domestic product and total agricultural
loans. As a result of the analysis, it can be stated that the total
agricultural loans and the real agricultural gross domestic product variables
act together. In other words, it is determined that the real agricultural gross
domestic product and the agricultural loans are in a the long-term


  • Anetor, F. O., Ogbechie, C., Kelikume, I. and Ikpesu, F. 2016, Credit Supply and Agricultural Production in Nigeria: A Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Approach”, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 131-143.
  • Artık, S. and Abay, C. 2014, Türkiye’de Tarımsal Büyümenin Kaynakları: 1980- 2010 Dönemi, XI. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi, 3- 5 Eylül, Samsun.
  • Azimi, H. 2013, Role of Bank Credits in Development of Agriculture Sector, Life Science Journal, 10(1), 1386-1391.
  • Awotide, B. A., Abdoulaye, T. Y., Alene, A. and Manyong, V. M. 2015, Impact of Access to Credit on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Smallholder Cassava Farmers in Nigeria, The International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) Milan, Italy August 9-14.
  • Burgess, R. and Pande R. 2002, Do Rural Banks Matter? Evidence from The Indian Social Banking Experiment’,, Accessed Date: 22.08.2019.
  • Carter, M. R. 1984, Identification of The Inverse Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity: An Empirical Analysis of Peasant Agricultural Production, Oxford Economic Papers, 36(1), 131-145.
  • Carter, M. R. and Olinto, P. 2003, Getting Institutions “Right” for Whom? Credit Constraints and The Impact of Property Rights on the Quantity and Composition of Investment, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(1), 173–186.
  • Chandio, A. A., Jiang, Y., Wei, F. and Guangshun, X. 2018, Effects of Agricultural Credit on Wheat Productivity of Small Farms in Sindh, Pakistan, Agricultural Finance Review, 78(5), 592-610.
  • Dantwala, M. L. 1989, Estimates of Demand for Credit and Its Role in Poverty Alleviation, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 44(4), 416-422.
  • Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı (DPT), 2000, Özel İhtisas Komisyon Raporu, Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Plan,
  • Diagne, A., Zeller, M. and Sharma, M. 2000, Empirical Measurements of Households Access to Credit and Credit Constraints in Developing Countries: Methodological Issues and Evidence, Working Paper, No. 90.
  • Duramaz, S. and Taş, T., 2018, Kamusal, Özel Ve Yabancı Sermayeli Bankaların Kullandırdıkları Tarımsal Kredilerin Tarımsal Üretime Etkisi: Ege Bölgesi’ne Yönelik Panel Veri Analizi, Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 14(1).
  • Egbetunde, T. 2012, Bank Credits and Rural Development in Nigeria (1982-2009), International Journal of Finance and Accounting, 1(3), 45-52.
  • Engle, F. E. and Granger, C. W. J. 1987, Co-integration and Error Correction: Representation and Testing, Econometrica, 55(2), 251-276.
  • Engle, R. F. and Yoo, B. S. 1987, Forecasting and Testing in Co-integrated Systems, Journal of Econometrics, 35(1), 143-159.
  • Ekwere, G. E. and Edem, I. D. 2014, Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development, Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management, 14(3), 19-26.
  • Ersoy, M. and Özsoy, M. Ş. 2017, Tarım Finansmanının Kalkınmadaki Rolü ve Önemi: Bir Model Önerisi, Marmara Üniversitesi Öneri Dergisi, 12(47), 1-14.
  • Feder, G., Lau, L. J., Lin, J. Y. and Luo, X. 1990, The relationship between Credit and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture: A Microeconomic Model of Disequilibrium, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(5), 1151-1157.
  • Freeman, Η. Α., Ehui, S. Κ. and Jabbar, M. A. 1998, Credit Constraints and Smallholder Dairy Production in The East African Highlands: Application of A Switching Regression Model, Agricultural Economics, 19(1-2), 33-44. Gujarati, D. N. 1995, Basic Econometrics, Fourth Edition, Literatür Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Hayami, Y. and Rutta, V. W. 1970, Agricultural Productivity Differences Among Countries, The American Economic Review, 60(5), 895-911.
  • Karacan, A. R. 1991, Tarım İşletmelerinin Finansmanı ve Tarımsal Kredi, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, Ege Üniversitesi Basım Evi, İzmir.
  • Koçtürk, M., Duramaz, S. and Eker, M. 2013, Kırsal Kalkınmada Bankacılık Ve Tarımsal Kredi Uygulamaları: Manisa Örneği, CBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(3), 372-394.
  • Meijerink, G. and Roza, P. 2007, The Role of Agriculture in Economic Development, Markets, Chains and Sustainable Development Strategy and Policy paper 4.
  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, 2014, Kırsal Kalkınma Planı Değerlendirme Raporu
  • Mohamed, K. and Temu, A. 2008, Access to Credit and Its Effect on The Adoption of Agricultural Technologies: The Case of Zanzibar, African Review of Money Finance and Banking, 45-89.
  • Obilor, S. I. 2013, The Impact of Commercial Banks’ Credit to Agriculture on Agricultural Development in Nigeria: An Econometric Analysis, International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 3(1), 85-94. Ogundeji, A. A., Donkor, E., Motsoari, C. and Onakuse, S. 2018, Impact of Access to Credit on Farm Income: Policy Implications for Rural Agricultural Development in Lesotho, Agrekon, 57(2), 152–166.
  • Olgun, F.A., Işın, Ş. And Işın, F. 2018, Türkiye'de Tarımsal GSYH İle Tarımsal Yatırımlar Arasında Nedensellik İlişkisi, Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 24 (1), 63- 75.
  • Özden, A., Armağan, G. and Şimşek, Barış Y. 2014, Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerinde Kırsal Kalkınma Göstergeleri (2007-2013), XI. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi 3-5 Eylül 2014, Samsun.
  • Rosenzweig, M. R. and Binswanger, H. R. 1993, Wealth, Weather Risk and The Composition and Profitability of Agricultural Investments, The Economic Journal, 103(416), 56-78.
  • Sevinç, G. 2018, Süt Sığırcılığı Desteği Alan Kooperatif İşletmelerinin Örgütlenmeye ve Kırsal Kalkınmaya Etkisi: Şanlıurfa ili Kasdep Örneği, Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Şanlıurfa.
  • Sial, M. H. and Carter, M. R. 1996, Financial Market Efficiency in An Agrarian Economy: Microeconometric Analysis of Pakistani Punjab, The Journal of Development Studies, 32(5), 771-798.
  • Terin, M., Aksoy, A. and Güler, O. İ. 2013, Tarımsal Büyümeye Etki Eden Ekonomik Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Çalışma, Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(3), 41-50.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), 2008, Tarım İstatistikleri Sorularla Resmi İstatistikler Dizisi-5.
  • World Bank, 2003, The World Development Report”, Washington, DC: The World Bank. www-wds. PDF/267630REACHING0THE0RURAL0POOR0.pdf. Accessed Date, 5.09.2019.
  • Yavuz, F. and Dilek, Ş. 2019, Türkiye Tarımına Yeniden Bakış, SETA Rapor, İstanbul.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research

Esra Kanadalı This is me

Emine Kaya

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Submission Date November 13, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Kanadalı, E., & Kaya, E. (2019). The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, 25(2), 241-247.
AMA Kanadalı E, Kaya E. The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans. TED - TJAE. December 2019;25(2):241-247. doi:10.24181/tarekoder.646523
Chicago Kanadalı, Esra, and Emine Kaya. “The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 25, no. 2 (December 2019): 241-47.
EndNote Kanadalı E, Kaya E (December 1, 2019) The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 25 2 241–247.
IEEE E. Kanadalı and E. Kaya, “The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans”, TED - TJAE, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 241–247, 2019, doi: 10.24181/tarekoder.646523.
ISNAD Kanadalı, Esra - Kaya, Emine. “The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi 25/2 (December 2019), 241-247.
JAMA Kanadalı E, Kaya E. The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans. TED - TJAE. 2019;25:241–247.
MLA Kanadalı, Esra and Emine Kaya. “The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans”. Tarım Ekonomisi Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 241-7, doi:10.24181/tarekoder.646523.
Vancouver Kanadalı E, Kaya E. The Relationship Between Real Agricultural Gross Domestic Product and Agricultural Loans. TED - TJAE. 2019;25(2):241-7.


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