Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The publication process of the Journal of Agricultural Economics is carried out within the framework of ethical principles, and all stakeholders involved in the process must comply with the ethical principles specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) . You can find detailed information about the ethical principles summarized below at .
Attention to Authors
Journal of Agricultural Economics is the peer-reviewed scientific publication of the Agricultural Economics Association.
The magazine is published semi-annually, in the sixth and twelfth months, and a volume is completed in two issues.
Primarily research and original compilations can be published in the journal.
In order for an article to be taken into peer review and published, it must not have been previously published or sent to another journal and must be deemed suitable for publication by the Editorial Board. Papers presented at symposiums and congresses but not published in the congress book may be evaluated. The Editorial Board has the right to publish or not publish the article after receiving the evaluation of two referees (a third referee if necessary) regarding the subject of the article.
Responsibility for the scientific content, results, and whether the article complies with ethical rules in the published articles belong to the authors. The Association of Agricultural Economics, its editors and editorial board are not responsible for the published information.
Articles in Turkish and English are published in the journal.
Author(s) are requested to additionally upload the plagiarism rates of their articles to the system.
The author/s stated that the publication rights were given to the Agricultural Economics Journal Association along with the article, that the article was original, that it was not published anywhere (in Turkish or English) other than the congress notification (only presentation), that it was not sent to another journal for evaluation at the same time, that the article was prepared in full compliance with the journal writing rules. must send a letter stating that
Our journal also complies with the following issues under the heading of ethical rules.
1- Research includes surveys, interviews, focus group studies, etc. If it envisages data collection by means of methods, ethics committee approval must be obtained from ethics committees established for human research, and this approval must be stated or documented in the article.

2- A statement is included in the articles stating that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

3- Copyright regulations must be observed for the ideas and artistic works used.
Journal of Agricultural Economics expects authors, readers, researchers, referees and editors to comply with ethical rules during the publication process of studies.

General actions against scientific research and publication ethics

a) Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures or works of others as one's own work, in whole or in part, without citing them in accordance with the rules of scientific ethics,

b) Forgery: Producing data that is not based on research. , editing or modifying the presented or published work based on unreal data, reporting or publishing these, presenting a research that has not been conducted as if it had been conducted,

c) Distortion: falsifying research records and data obtained, presenting methods, devices and materials that were not used in the research as if they were used, Not taking into consideration data that is not suitable for the research hypothesis, tampering with data or results to make them fit the relevant theory or assumptions, falsifying or shaping the research results in line with the interests of the people and organizations receiving support,

d) Duplicate publication: Multiple works containing the same results of a research are evaluated in the associate professorship exam evaluations and presenting them as separate works in academic promotions,

d) Unfair authorship: Adding people who do not have active contributions to the article authors, not including people with active contributions among the authors, changing the author order unjustified and inappropriately, removing the names of those who have active contributions from the work during publication or in subsequent editions. f) Slicing

: To present the results of a research as separate works in certain exam evaluations and academic incentives and promotions by improperly dividing it into pieces and publishing multiple publications without citing each other, in a way that violates the integrity of the research.
Stakeholder Responsibilities
1. Authors' Responsibilities

· It must be declared that all data in the article is real and original.

· It is mandatory to make plagiarism, errors, suspicious situations and suggested corrections determined as a result of preliminary evaluation or referee evaluation.

· The "References" of the article or research must be prepared completely and in accordance with the writing rules of our journal.

· Plagiarism and fake data should be avoided.

· The research should not be published in more than one journal.

2. Responsibilities of Referees

· Evaluations are made impartially.

· There is no conflict of interest between the referees and the stakeholders of the article under evaluation.

3. Responsibilities of Editors

· The editor has the responsibility and authority to accept or reject articles. He uses this responsibility and authority appropriately and timely.

· The editor cannot have a conflict of interest regarding the articles he accepts or rejects.

· The editor accepts articles that are original and will contribute to the field.

· The editor rejects incomplete and erroneous research that does not comply with the journal policy, publication rules and level, without any influence.

4. Plagiarism Policy:

All studies submitted to our journal are requested to be scanned in any plagiarism program (iThenticate, etc.) and uploaded to the system by the responsible author. If the similarity rate is over 20%, the article will be rejected.
Article Evaluation and Publication Process
Articles sent to the journal are first pre-evaluated by the writing editor/editor/publication board; It is checked for compliance with the scope and writing conditions of the journal. Articles deemed appropriate are sent to two referees selected on the subject. Referees can vote "rejection", "major revision", "minor revision" or "acceptance". At the end of the evaluation process, the article that receives an acceptance vote from both referees moves on to the typesetting process. The article that receives revision from any referee enters the revision process. If the article receives an acceptance or revision vote from one referee and a rejection vote from another referee, it is sent to a third referee for evaluation. Evaluation reports from the referees are examined by the editor/editorial board and revisions are notified to the author. The article revised by the author is evaluated by the editor and sent to the referees again if deemed necessary. Even if any article receives an acceptance vote from the referees, it may be rejected by the editor/publishing board if the edits made are not deemed sufficient.
An article that has received revision must be re-uploaded to the system within 15 days after making the necessary adjustments. Articles that are not corrected within this period or that do not require additional editing time are removed from the system. During the preparation and typesetting phase for publication, authors may be asked to make edits. In order for the article to be published, the authors are obliged to make the necessary edits at the desired time.
There should be no information about the identities of the authors in the text of the article. This type of information is hidden by the writing editors during the pre-checking stage and the article is sent to the referees. 

Dergimiz 2024  Nisan ayında Scopus veri tabanına kabul edilmiş ve mayıs ayı kabul edilen dergiler listesinde yer almıştır. Veri tabanı çalışmaları devam etmektedir. linkten indirilebilir.