Prediction of the Working Time Requirement and Field Capacity of Laser Controlled Land Leveling Machines
Year 2010,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 19 - 28, 01.02.2010
Hüseyin Yürdem
İsmet Önal
: The purposes of this
study were, to determine the working time and field capacity of the laser
controlled land leveling machine, manufactured by a local manufacturer in Turkey.
The percentage of ground surface covered by tractor tire in field due to field
traffic was also investigated. Mathematical model that allows predicting the
working time by the value of 81.8% coefficient of determination was obtained.
If total effective working time and hourly cost of tractor and laser machine
combination are known, then prediction of total land leveling cost of any laser
controlled land leveling machine could be possible with developed mathematical
- Anonimous a, 1976. Agricultural Machinery Management Data. ASAE Data: ASAE D230.2. Agricultural Engineers Yearbook-1976. ASAE Michigan.
- Anonimous b,-, Mara, Technical and working card, Via Monviso 65-Vercelli-ITALY.
- Anonimous c,- Laserplane, Agricultural Grade Control System, Spektra-Physics, 5475 Kellenburger Road, Daytan, OH 45424-1099
Anonimous d,- Laserplane, Agricultural Grade Control System, Spektra-Physics, 5475 Kellenburger Road, Daytan, OH 45424-1099
Önal, İ., Yürdem, H., 1998. Lazer Düzlemi İle Tarımsal Meyil Kontrol Sistemleri. 18. Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Kongresi, Bildiriler: CD-Rom, Tekirdağ.
- Önal, İ., 2010. Meliorasyon Makinaları. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 501. III Basım, Ders Kitabı, Bornova- İzmir.
- Rickman, J. F., 2002. Manual for laser land leveling, Rice-Wheat Consortium Technical Bulletin Series 5. New Delhi-110 012, India: Rice-Wheat Consortium for the Indo-Gangetic Plains. pp.24.
- Sommer, C., Brandhuber, R., Brunotte, J., Buchner, W., 2001. 3. Vorsorge gegen Bodenschadverdichtungen. S.14-41. Gute fachliche Praxis zur Vorsorge gegen Bodenschadverdichtungen und Bodenerosion. Referat 516. Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernaehrung und Landwirtschaft (BMVEL).
- Sönmez, N., Balaban, A., 1966. Kültürteknik. Cilt:II (Sulama ve Drenaj). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Talebe Cemiyeti No. 18. s. 213-422. Ankara.
- Uçucu, R., 1976. Ein Beitrag zur Ermittlung des Arbeitszeitbedarfes und der Arbeitsleistung bei der Bodenbearbeitung einschliesslich der Aussaat und der Wirkung der wichtigsten agrarstrukturellen Einflussgrössen unter Berücksichtigung der Verhaeltnisse in der West-Türkei. Institut für Landtechnik der Justus Liebig –Universitaet Giessen. 123 s. Dissertation Giessen
Prediction of the Working Time Requirement and Field Capacity of Laser Controlled Land Leveling Machines
Year 2010,
Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 19 - 28, 01.02.2010
Hüseyin Yürdem
İsmet Önal
: The purposes of this study were, to determine the working time and field capacity of the laser controlled land leveling machine, manufactured by a local manufacturer in Turkey. The percentage of ground surface covered by tractor tire in field due to field traffic was also investigated. Mathematical model that allows predicting the working time by the value of 81.8% coefficient of determination was obtained. If total effective working time and hourly cost of tractor and laser machine combination are known, then prediction of total land leveling cost of any laser controlled land leveling machine could be possible with developed mathematical model.
- Anonimous a, 1976. Agricultural Machinery Management Data. ASAE Data: ASAE D230.2. Agricultural Engineers Yearbook-1976. ASAE Michigan.
- Anonimous b,-, Mara, Technical and working card, Via Monviso 65-Vercelli-ITALY.
- Anonimous c,- Laserplane, Agricultural Grade Control System, Spektra-Physics, 5475 Kellenburger Road, Daytan, OH 45424-1099
Anonimous d,- Laserplane, Agricultural Grade Control System, Spektra-Physics, 5475 Kellenburger Road, Daytan, OH 45424-1099
Önal, İ., Yürdem, H., 1998. Lazer Düzlemi İle Tarımsal Meyil Kontrol Sistemleri. 18. Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Kongresi, Bildiriler: CD-Rom, Tekirdağ.
- Önal, İ., 2010. Meliorasyon Makinaları. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları No: 501. III Basım, Ders Kitabı, Bornova- İzmir.
- Rickman, J. F., 2002. Manual for laser land leveling, Rice-Wheat Consortium Technical Bulletin Series 5. New Delhi-110 012, India: Rice-Wheat Consortium for the Indo-Gangetic Plains. pp.24.
- Sommer, C., Brandhuber, R., Brunotte, J., Buchner, W., 2001. 3. Vorsorge gegen Bodenschadverdichtungen. S.14-41. Gute fachliche Praxis zur Vorsorge gegen Bodenschadverdichtungen und Bodenerosion. Referat 516. Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernaehrung und Landwirtschaft (BMVEL).
- Sönmez, N., Balaban, A., 1966. Kültürteknik. Cilt:II (Sulama ve Drenaj). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Talebe Cemiyeti No. 18. s. 213-422. Ankara.
- Uçucu, R., 1976. Ein Beitrag zur Ermittlung des Arbeitszeitbedarfes und der Arbeitsleistung bei der Bodenbearbeitung einschliesslich der Aussaat und der Wirkung der wichtigsten agrarstrukturellen Einflussgrössen unter Berücksichtigung der Verhaeltnisse in der West-Türkei. Institut für Landtechnik der Justus Liebig –Universitaet Giessen. 123 s. Dissertation Giessen