Research Article
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Effect of Filter Types and Sizes on Flow Characteristics of Standard Flat-fan Nozzles

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 129 - 138, 01.04.2014


The relation between flow rate (Q) and operational pressure (P) of standard flat-fan

nozzles can be explained by the power regression model 􁈾􀜳 􀵌 􀝇 ∙ 􀜲􀯡􁈿, where “k” is the orifice

coefficient, and “n” is the exponent of spray pressure. According to the model, the flow rate of a

nozzle is proportional to the square root of the spray pressure, the exponent (n) of which is 0.50.

This study examined standard flat-fan nozzles of different nominal sizes with slotted filters, cup

filters, and cylindrical strainers (40-mesh, 50-mesh, and 80-mesh). The “n” coefficient ranged

between 0.481 and 0.487. For nozzles with 50-mesh and 80-mesh ball-check strainers, the “n”

coefficients were 0.551 and 0.570, respectively. The “k” constants of the nozzles with ball-check

strainers were smaller than those of the other filters and strainers. The “k” constant of nozzles

ST11001, ST11002, ST11003, ST11004, and ST11006 could be estimated based on their nominal

flow rates (0.38, 0.76, 1.14, 1.51, and 2.27 L/min, at 2.8 bar) with the advanced power regression

models. The highest pressure fluctuation on the spray line was observed on the no-filter nozzles.

Nozzles with ball-check strainers showed the lowest pressure fluctuation. The strainer types shifted

the deviation rate from the nominal flow rate of the nozzle. The lowest deviation rate was observed

in the nozzles with no filters, slotted filters, or cup filters. The deviation rate from the nominal flow

rate of the nozzles with ball-check strainers was -11.4% for 50-mesh strainers and -12.3% for 80-

mesh strainers.


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  • Altimira, M., A., Rivas, G.S., Larraona, R. Anton, J.C., Ramos, 2009. Characterization of fan spray atomizers through numerical simulation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30: 339-355.
  • Altimira, M., A., Rivas, R. Antón, G., Sánchez, J.C., Ramos, 2007. Fan-spray atomizers analysis through mathematical modeling. Proceedings of the 21th ILASSEurope Meeting, 1-6.
  • Effect of Filter Types and Sizes on Flow Characteristics of Standard Flat-fan Nozzles 138
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  • ASABE Standards, 2009. ANSI/ASAE S572.1: MAR2009. Spray nozzle classification by droplet spectra. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASAE.
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  • Bloch, H.P., A.R., Budris, 2004. Pump User’s Handbook: Life Extension. Chap.4, pp.75-77. In: Operating Efficiency Improvement Considerations. ISBN: 0-88173-452-7, The Fairmont Press, Inc., NY.
  • Çengel, Y.A., J.M., Cimbala, 2008. Akışkanlar Mekaniği Temelleri ve Uygulamaları. Bölüm: 8, s.321-398, Borularda Akış, ISBN: 978-975-6240-18-2.
  • Çilingir, İ., E., Dursun, 2010. Bitki Koruma Makinaları. Bölüm: 4, s.59-191. Pülverizatörler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: 1531, Ders Kitabı: 484.
  • Halder, M.R., S.K., Dash, S.K., Som, 2004. A numerical and experimental investigation on the coefficients of discharge and the spray cone angle of a solid cone swirl nozzle. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 28: 297-305.
  • Hofman, V., E., Solseng, 2004. Spray Equipment and Calibration. North Dakota State University, Extension Service, 44p.
  • Hussein, A., M., Hafiz, H., Rahid, A., Halim, W., Wisnoe, S., Kasolang, 2012. Characteristics of hollow cone swirl spray at various nozzle orifice diameters. Jurnal Teknologi 58: 1-4.
  • Huyghebaert, B., C., Debouche, O., Mostade, 2001. Flow rate quality of new flat fan nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 44(4): 769-773.
  • IBM SPSS® Statistics 2010. IBM Company© Version 19. SSS Inc.
  • Iqbal, M., M., Ahmad, M., Younis, 2005. Effect of Reynold’s number on droplet size of hollow cone nozzle of environmental friendly university boom sprayer. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 42(3-4): 106-111.
  • ISO Standards, 1996. Equipment for crop protection- Spraying equipment-Part 1: Test methods for sprayer nozzles. Genève, Switzerland, 18 p.
  • Lienhard, V., 1984. Velocity coefficients for free jets from sharp-edged orifices. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 106: 13-17.
  • Rashid, M.S.F.M., A.H.A., Hamid, O.C., Sheng, Z.A., Ghaffar, 2012. Effect of inlet slot number on the spray cone angle and discharge coefficient of swirl atomizer. Procedia Engineering, 41: 1781-1786.
  • Sayıncı, B., N.Y., Bozdoğan, C. Yıldız, B., Demir, 2013. Konik hüzmeli memelerde akış katsayısı ve bazı işletme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1): 9-20.
  • Soyama, H., 2013. Effect of a geometry on a standard cavitation erosion test using a cavitating jet. Wear, 297: 895-902.
  • Spraying Systems Co., 2014. Industrial Hydraulic Spray Products. Catalogue 75,, accessed: January 2014.
  • Thornhill, E.W., G.A., Matthews, 1995. Pesticide Application Equipment for Use in Agriculture. Vol.2 Mechanically Powered Equipment. Chap.4, pp.41-56. In: Tractor mounted and trailed equipment .incl. Air-assisted boom sprayers. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin (112/2). Rome.
  • TS EN Standard, 2008. Tarım Makinaları-Pülverizatörler- Kullanımdaki Pülverizatörlerin Muayenesi Bölüm 1: Tarla Pülverizatörleri. TS EN 13790-1, Nisan 2008, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Womac, A.R., 2000. Quality control of standardized reference spray nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 43(1): 47-56.
  • Womac, A.R., Q.D. Bui, 2002. Design and tests of a variableflow rate nozzle. Transactions of the ASAE, 45(2): 287- 295.
  • Yagcioglu, A., 1993. Bitki Koruma Makineleri. Bölüm: 3, s.26- 282, Bitki koruma makineleri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 508, İzmir, 338 s.
  • Yu, B., P.-F., Fu, T., Zhang, H.-C., Zhou, 2013. The influence of back pressure on the flow discharge coefficients of plain orifice nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 44: 509-514.
  • Zhou, Q., P.C.H., Miller, P.J., Walklate, N.H., Thomas, 1996. Prediction of spray angle from flat fan nozzles. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 64: 139-148.
Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 129 - 138, 01.04.2014



  • Agrotop GmbH, 2014. Filters and ball check valves., accessed: March 2014.
  • Altimira, M., A., Rivas, G.S., Larraona, R. Anton, J.C., Ramos, 2009. Characterization of fan spray atomizers through numerical simulation. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30: 339-355.
  • Altimira, M., A., Rivas, R. Antón, G., Sánchez, J.C., Ramos, 2007. Fan-spray atomizers analysis through mathematical modeling. Proceedings of the 21th ILASSEurope Meeting, 1-6.
  • Effect of Filter Types and Sizes on Flow Characteristics of Standard Flat-fan Nozzles 138
  • ASABE Standards, 2006. ASAE EP367.2 FEB03: Guide for Preparing Field Sprayer Calibration Procedures. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASAE.
  • ASABE Standards, 2009. ANSI/ASAE S572.1: MAR2009. Spray nozzle classification by droplet spectra. St. Joseph, Michigan: ASAE.
  • Ballester, J., 1994. Discharge coefficient and spray angle measurements for small pressure-swirl nozzles. Atomization and Sprays, 4, 351-367.
  • Bloch, H.P., A.R., Budris, 2004. Pump User’s Handbook: Life Extension. Chap.4, pp.75-77. In: Operating Efficiency Improvement Considerations. ISBN: 0-88173-452-7, The Fairmont Press, Inc., NY.
  • Çengel, Y.A., J.M., Cimbala, 2008. Akışkanlar Mekaniği Temelleri ve Uygulamaları. Bölüm: 8, s.321-398, Borularda Akış, ISBN: 978-975-6240-18-2.
  • Çilingir, İ., E., Dursun, 2010. Bitki Koruma Makinaları. Bölüm: 4, s.59-191. Pülverizatörler. Ankara Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayın No: 1531, Ders Kitabı: 484.
  • Halder, M.R., S.K., Dash, S.K., Som, 2004. A numerical and experimental investigation on the coefficients of discharge and the spray cone angle of a solid cone swirl nozzle. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 28: 297-305.
  • Hofman, V., E., Solseng, 2004. Spray Equipment and Calibration. North Dakota State University, Extension Service, 44p.
  • Hussein, A., M., Hafiz, H., Rahid, A., Halim, W., Wisnoe, S., Kasolang, 2012. Characteristics of hollow cone swirl spray at various nozzle orifice diameters. Jurnal Teknologi 58: 1-4.
  • Huyghebaert, B., C., Debouche, O., Mostade, 2001. Flow rate quality of new flat fan nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 44(4): 769-773.
  • IBM SPSS® Statistics 2010. IBM Company© Version 19. SSS Inc.
  • Iqbal, M., M., Ahmad, M., Younis, 2005. Effect of Reynold’s number on droplet size of hollow cone nozzle of environmental friendly university boom sprayer. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 42(3-4): 106-111.
  • ISO Standards, 1996. Equipment for crop protection- Spraying equipment-Part 1: Test methods for sprayer nozzles. Genève, Switzerland, 18 p.
  • Lienhard, V., 1984. Velocity coefficients for free jets from sharp-edged orifices. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 106: 13-17.
  • Rashid, M.S.F.M., A.H.A., Hamid, O.C., Sheng, Z.A., Ghaffar, 2012. Effect of inlet slot number on the spray cone angle and discharge coefficient of swirl atomizer. Procedia Engineering, 41: 1781-1786.
  • Sayıncı, B., N.Y., Bozdoğan, C. Yıldız, B., Demir, 2013. Konik hüzmeli memelerde akış katsayısı ve bazı işletme özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1): 9-20.
  • Soyama, H., 2013. Effect of a geometry on a standard cavitation erosion test using a cavitating jet. Wear, 297: 895-902.
  • Spraying Systems Co., 2014. Industrial Hydraulic Spray Products. Catalogue 75,, accessed: January 2014.
  • Thornhill, E.W., G.A., Matthews, 1995. Pesticide Application Equipment for Use in Agriculture. Vol.2 Mechanically Powered Equipment. Chap.4, pp.41-56. In: Tractor mounted and trailed equipment .incl. Air-assisted boom sprayers. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin (112/2). Rome.
  • TS EN Standard, 2008. Tarım Makinaları-Pülverizatörler- Kullanımdaki Pülverizatörlerin Muayenesi Bölüm 1: Tarla Pülverizatörleri. TS EN 13790-1, Nisan 2008, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Womac, A.R., 2000. Quality control of standardized reference spray nozzles. Transactions of the ASAE, 43(1): 47-56.
  • Womac, A.R., Q.D. Bui, 2002. Design and tests of a variableflow rate nozzle. Transactions of the ASAE, 45(2): 287- 295.
  • Yagcioglu, A., 1993. Bitki Koruma Makineleri. Bölüm: 3, s.26- 282, Bitki koruma makineleri. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 508, İzmir, 338 s.
  • Yu, B., P.-F., Fu, T., Zhang, H.-C., Zhou, 2013. The influence of back pressure on the flow discharge coefficients of plain orifice nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 44: 509-514.
  • Zhou, Q., P.C.H., Miller, P.J., Walklate, N.H., Thomas, 1996. Prediction of spray angle from flat fan nozzles. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 64: 139-148.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Bahadır Sayıncı This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Sayıncı, B. (2014). Effect of Filter Types and Sizes on Flow Characteristics of Standard Flat-fan Nozzles. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 10(2), 129-138.

Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science is a refereed scientific journal published by the Agricultural Machinery Association as 3 issues a year.