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Tarımda Partikül Madde Maruziyetinin Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri, Araştırma Konuları ve Politikalar

Year 2016, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 177 - 189, 14.10.2016


Tarımda çalışanlar yapılan işten kaynaklanan çeşitli toz ve gazlara maruz kalmaktadır. Maruz

kalınan katı parçacıklar (partikül madde-PM) insanların üst ve alt solunum yollarında etkili olmakta,

çeşitli solunum rahatsızlıklarına ve hastalıklarına neden olmaktadır. Dünyada insan sağlığını ve

refahını korumak için hükümetler ve sağlık kuruluşları solunan PM konsantrasyonları ile ilgili izin

verilebilir sınır değer, eşik sınır değer vb sınırlar belirlemiştir. Bu değerler, sınırı belirleyen kuruluşa

bağlı olarak farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, tarım ve tarımsal sanayide farklı boyut

fraksiyonlarındaki PM konsantrasyonlarına maruz kalan kişilerin karşılaştıkları mesleki solunum

rahatsızlıkları ve hastalıkları, farklı ülkelerde önerilen sınır değerler, araştırma konuları ve

perspektiftler, uygulanan politikalar ve önlemler incelenmiş ve tartışılmıştır.


  • ADEQ, 2008. Arizona Air Quality Division. Guide to Agricultural PM10 Best Management Practices, Governor’s Agricultural Best Management Practices Committee, Second Edition.
  • Anonim, 2013. Tozla Mücadele Yönetmeliği. 05.11.2013 tarih ve 28812 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Anonim, 2012. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu. 30.06.2012 tarih ve 28339 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Arslan, S., A. Aybek. 2011. PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations in cotton ginners. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 7(2): 113-119.
  • Arslan, S., A. Aybek, H. Ç. Ekerbiçer. 2010. Measurement of personal PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 exposures in tractor and combine operations and evaluation of health disturbances of operators. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16: 104-115.
  • Aybek, A., S. Arslan, Ş. Genç. 2009. The effect of PM10 and PM2.5 pollution on feed mill workers. International Agricultural Engineering Conference, IAEC Ref. 250, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Aybek, A., S. Arslan, H. Ç. Ekerbiçer, 2010. Tarım ve tarıma dayalı sanayi tesislerinde partikül madde yoğunluklarının ve sağlık risklerinin belirlenmesi, sonuç raporu, TUBİTAK Proje No: 107 O 513.
  • Baker, J. B., R. J. Southard, J. P. Mitchell, 2005. Agricultural dust production in standard and conservation tillage systems in the San Joaquin Valley. Journal of Environmental Quality (34): 1260–1269.
  • Coffman, C. W., J. F. Stone, A. C. Slocum, A. J. Landers, C. V. Schwab, L. G. Olsen, S. Lee, 2009. Use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment by certified pesticide applicators. J Agric Saf Health 15(4): 311-26.
  • COSHH, 2002. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (Fifth edition). ISBN 978 0 7176 2981 7.
  • Elci, O. C., M. Akpinar-Elci, A. Blair, M. Dosemeci, 2002. Occupational dust exposure and the risk of laryngeal cancer in Turkey. Scand J Work Environ Health 28(4): 278–284.
  • EPA, 2009. Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health. EPA-456/F-09.
  • EPA, 2012. Particulate Matter. Erisman, J. W., A. Bleeker, A. Hensen, A. Vermeulen, 2007. Agricultural air quality in Europe and the future perspectives. Atmospheric Environment (42): 3209– 3217.
  • FAO-ILO-IUF, 2005. Agricultural Workers and Their Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization.
  • Hetzel, G. H. 2010. Respiratory Protection in Agriculture. Virginia Cooperative Extenstion. HSE, 1998. Grain Dust. Guidance Note EH66. Second Edition. HSE, 2005. Respiratory Protective Equipment at Work: A Practical Guide. Series Code: HSG53.
  • HSE, 2006. Farmers’ Lung. Web version of Leaflet AS5. HSE, 2007. Controlling Grain Dust on Farms. Agriculture Information Sheet No 3 (rev).
  • Jager, A. C. 2005. Exposure of Poultry Farm Workers to Ammonia, Particulate Matter and Microorganisms in the Otchefstroom District, South Africa. MSc Dissertation, North-West University, South Africa.
  • Jerez, S. B., Y. Zhang, X. Wang, 2011. Spatial and temporal distributions of dust and ammonia concentrations in a swine building. Transactions of the ASABE 54(5): 1873- 1891.
  • Jimenes, J. R. 2006. Aerosol Characterization for Agricultural Field Burning Smoke. PhD Dissertation. Washington State University.
  • Kirkhorn, S. R., V. F. Garry, 2000. Agricultural lung diseases. Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 108, Supplement (4): 705-712.
  • Küpeli, E., D. Karnak, 2011. Hipersensitivite pnömonisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 59(2): 194-204.
  • Lahiri, S., C. Levenstein, D.I Nelson, B.J. Rosenbery, 2005. The cost effectiveness of occupational health interventions: Prevention of silicosis. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 48(6):503-14.
  • Lane, S. R., P. J. Nicholis, R.D.E. Sewell, 2004. The measurement and health impact of endotoxin contamination in organic dusts from multiple sources: Focus on the cotton industry. Inhalation Toxicology (16): 217-229.
  • Lee, S. A., A. Adhikari, S. A. Grinshpun, R. McKay, R. Shukla, T. Reponen, 2006. Personal exposure to airborne dust and microorganisms in agricultural environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (3): 118–130.
  • Long, W., Tate, R. B., Neuman, M., Manfreda, J., Becker, A.B., Anthonisen, N.R. 1998. Respiratory Symptoms in a Susceptible Population Due to Burning of Agricultural Residue, Chest; 113:; 351-357.
  • Matthews, J., A. A. Knight, 1971. Ergonomics in Agricultural Equipment Design. National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe.
  • Mitchell, D. C., M. B. Schenker, 2008. Protection against breathing dust: behavior over time in Californian farmers. J Agric Saf Health 14(2): 189-203.
  • Mitloehner, F. M., M. S. Calvo, 2008. Worker health and safety in concentrated animal feeding operations. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 14(2): 163-187.
Year 2016, Volume: 12 Issue: 3, 177 - 189, 14.10.2016



  • ADEQ, 2008. Arizona Air Quality Division. Guide to Agricultural PM10 Best Management Practices, Governor’s Agricultural Best Management Practices Committee, Second Edition.
  • Anonim, 2013. Tozla Mücadele Yönetmeliği. 05.11.2013 tarih ve 28812 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Anonim, 2012. İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Kanunu. 30.06.2012 tarih ve 28339 sayılı Resmi Gazete.
  • Arslan, S., A. Aybek. 2011. PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations in cotton ginners. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 7(2): 113-119.
  • Arslan, S., A. Aybek, H. Ç. Ekerbiçer. 2010. Measurement of personal PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 exposures in tractor and combine operations and evaluation of health disturbances of operators. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 16: 104-115.
  • Aybek, A., S. Arslan, Ş. Genç. 2009. The effect of PM10 and PM2.5 pollution on feed mill workers. International Agricultural Engineering Conference, IAEC Ref. 250, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Aybek, A., S. Arslan, H. Ç. Ekerbiçer, 2010. Tarım ve tarıma dayalı sanayi tesislerinde partikül madde yoğunluklarının ve sağlık risklerinin belirlenmesi, sonuç raporu, TUBİTAK Proje No: 107 O 513.
  • Baker, J. B., R. J. Southard, J. P. Mitchell, 2005. Agricultural dust production in standard and conservation tillage systems in the San Joaquin Valley. Journal of Environmental Quality (34): 1260–1269.
  • Coffman, C. W., J. F. Stone, A. C. Slocum, A. J. Landers, C. V. Schwab, L. G. Olsen, S. Lee, 2009. Use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment by certified pesticide applicators. J Agric Saf Health 15(4): 311-26.
  • COSHH, 2002. Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (Fifth edition). ISBN 978 0 7176 2981 7.
  • Elci, O. C., M. Akpinar-Elci, A. Blair, M. Dosemeci, 2002. Occupational dust exposure and the risk of laryngeal cancer in Turkey. Scand J Work Environ Health 28(4): 278–284.
  • EPA, 2009. Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health. EPA-456/F-09.
  • EPA, 2012. Particulate Matter. Erisman, J. W., A. Bleeker, A. Hensen, A. Vermeulen, 2007. Agricultural air quality in Europe and the future perspectives. Atmospheric Environment (42): 3209– 3217.
  • FAO-ILO-IUF, 2005. Agricultural Workers and Their Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization.
  • Hetzel, G. H. 2010. Respiratory Protection in Agriculture. Virginia Cooperative Extenstion. HSE, 1998. Grain Dust. Guidance Note EH66. Second Edition. HSE, 2005. Respiratory Protective Equipment at Work: A Practical Guide. Series Code: HSG53.
  • HSE, 2006. Farmers’ Lung. Web version of Leaflet AS5. HSE, 2007. Controlling Grain Dust on Farms. Agriculture Information Sheet No 3 (rev).
  • Jager, A. C. 2005. Exposure of Poultry Farm Workers to Ammonia, Particulate Matter and Microorganisms in the Otchefstroom District, South Africa. MSc Dissertation, North-West University, South Africa.
  • Jerez, S. B., Y. Zhang, X. Wang, 2011. Spatial and temporal distributions of dust and ammonia concentrations in a swine building. Transactions of the ASABE 54(5): 1873- 1891.
  • Jimenes, J. R. 2006. Aerosol Characterization for Agricultural Field Burning Smoke. PhD Dissertation. Washington State University.
  • Kirkhorn, S. R., V. F. Garry, 2000. Agricultural lung diseases. Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 108, Supplement (4): 705-712.
  • Küpeli, E., D. Karnak, 2011. Hipersensitivite pnömonisi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 59(2): 194-204.
  • Lahiri, S., C. Levenstein, D.I Nelson, B.J. Rosenbery, 2005. The cost effectiveness of occupational health interventions: Prevention of silicosis. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 48(6):503-14.
  • Lane, S. R., P. J. Nicholis, R.D.E. Sewell, 2004. The measurement and health impact of endotoxin contamination in organic dusts from multiple sources: Focus on the cotton industry. Inhalation Toxicology (16): 217-229.
  • Lee, S. A., A. Adhikari, S. A. Grinshpun, R. McKay, R. Shukla, T. Reponen, 2006. Personal exposure to airborne dust and microorganisms in agricultural environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (3): 118–130.
  • Long, W., Tate, R. B., Neuman, M., Manfreda, J., Becker, A.B., Anthonisen, N.R. 1998. Respiratory Symptoms in a Susceptible Population Due to Burning of Agricultural Residue, Chest; 113:; 351-357.
  • Matthews, J., A. A. Knight, 1971. Ergonomics in Agricultural Equipment Design. National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Silsoe.
  • Mitchell, D. C., M. B. Schenker, 2008. Protection against breathing dust: behavior over time in Californian farmers. J Agric Saf Health 14(2): 189-203.
  • Mitloehner, F. M., M. S. Calvo, 2008. Worker health and safety in concentrated animal feeding operations. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 14(2): 163-187.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Selçuk Aslan

Ali Aybek This is me

Publication Date October 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 12 Issue: 3


APA Aslan, S., & Aybek, A. (2016). Tarımda Partikül Madde Maruziyetinin Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri, Araştırma Konuları ve Politikalar. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 12(3), 177-189.

Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science is a refereed scientific journal published by the Agricultural Machinery Association as 3 issues a year.