The aim of this survey is to determine the relation between piety and psychological resilience for adults. Accordingly, a sample group of 443 participants was formed, including 207 men and 236 women who were working in 6 seperate public institutions in Antalya province. In order to determine the religious attitudes and behaviours of the sample group, “A Scale of Motivational Piety” was used, and “A Scale of Psychological Resilience for Adults” was used to measure their psychological resilience. The statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out on a packaged software called SPSS for Windows 11.5, and substantiating factor analysis was carried out on a packaged software called Lisrel 8.7. According to the data obtained, there was a significant difference between demographic variables, piety and psychological resilience. In the survey, a positive significant correlation between motivational piety and psychological resilience was discovered.