Ahmet KutsiTecer, one of theimportant figures of Turkish literature, lived between 1902-1967. He was born in Jerusalem. He held important positions such as teaching, a member of the Ministry of National Education's Department of Education and Discipline, and a deputy. In addition to his contributions to poetry, he also made great contributions to literature with events such as the Folk Poets' Festival. He also founded the Folk Poets Association himself and provided the development of literature. He is also a personwhocontributedgreatlytotherecognition of poetssuch as AşıkVeysel, Talibi and Ali İzzet, withthe Folk Poets' Festival he organized. It is useful to divide his poems into two themes: the subjects he deals with individuality and the feelings that deal with the love of country. He used syllabic meter in all his poems and saw rhyme as an indispensable element. He wrote in a lively language and chose the colloquial language as the only example. He used a plain and unpretentious language. He has always been intertwined with the people and succeeded to be their voice, and transferred his experiences abroad to folklore and folk literature with western technique. He is one of the representatives of "hometown poetry", especially because of his poems about patriotism. It tends towards individuality with topics such as love, death, loneliness. He also includes many images and metaphors in his poems. It is possible to see these features especially on hero-themed poems. He loved the epic air of that climate. He brought folkloric images to our poetry. The metaphors realized jointly by the mind and imagination are the subjective designs of the objective world. He does not use ordinary metaphors while doing these. It uses striking designs in an original way. His own spiritual life forms the source of his image sand metaphors. We can see the metaphors that imagination and mind realize together. Tecer's mastery also comes to the fore here. We can say that the success of the artist in this regard is also reflected in his works and the use of metaphors has reached another level with him. The artist's design and perception also played a role in the determination of his poems. For this reason, the metaphors that the artist used in his poems were tried to be explained.