Silsilenames are written documents pointing out the hierarchical structure of a dynasty, generation, professional or the genealogy of a sect. Poets in the field of Turkish Islamic literature wrote works in verse silsilename, although not as intense as other literary genres. Poets who were in the position of sheikh or who belonged to a sect showed more interest in this literary genre. While some of the verse silsilenames, which are mostly written in mathnawi, qasida or qitʽa style, are standalone works, some of them are included in a sufi book or a diwan. Although there are silsilenames containing the successions of sultans, viziers, sayyids and sheriffs and various professionals, it is seen that these poems mostly have a mystical content. In this respect, silsilenames are among the biographical works of Turkish Islamic literature and serve as the main source that sheds light on the history of Sufism in particular. The purpose of writing the silsile-names, which are included in the religious-mystical-didactic works group, is to inform the followers about the followers of the sect, and since the effort to arouse artistic concerns and aesthetic feelings remains in the background, it is often encountered that there are defects in aruz prosody. In this study, the verse Nakşibendî-Hâlidî silsilename, which is included in 19th century author and mystic Mekteb-i Sultani teacher Yanyalı Hâfız Abdussamed Refîʽ Efendi’s mystical book named Rehber-i Hak, will be examined. In the study, first of all, the name of the poem, the date of its writing and the reason will be discussed. The identifications about the life and mystical personality of Yanyalı Hâfız Abdussamed Refîʽ Efendi, who came to the forefront with the books he wrote in the fields of sufism, creed, tajwid, sarf, etc.and his guidance activities, will be shared. Afterwards, the form and content of the silsilename, which was written with the aim of teaching the followers of Naqshi/Khâlidî sheiks by emphasizing their distinctive features, will be examined. Finally, the transcript of the verse will be given. This study, which contains important information about Khalidiyya and is thought to contribute to the studies on the history of Sufism in the 19th century, is important in terms of revealing a poem belonging to the silsile-name type.