Research Article
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Yabancı Dil Öğreniminde ve Öğretiminde Psikolojik ve Eğitsel Yaklaşım

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 242 - 258, 30.09.2024


Okullar, çocukların bütünsel gelişiminde merkezi bir rol oynar; entelektüel, sosyal, duygusal ve fiziksel gelişimlerini destekleyen yapılandırılmış bir ortam sağlar ve her çocuğun okulda yaşayacağı deneyimler aracılığıyla onları gelecekleri için gerekli beceri ve bilgilerle donatır. Bunlar çocukların bilişsel ve akademik gelişimine çeşitli şekillerde katkıda bulunur. Her şeyden önce, okulun birincil amacı çocuklara pedagojik bir eğitim sağlamaktır. Bu bağlamda okul, çocukların bilgi edinebilecekleri, bilişsel becerilerini geliştirebilecekleri ve akademik yolculuklarını inşa edebilecekleri yapılandırılmış ve organize bir öğrenme ortamı aracılığıyla entelektüel gelişimi teşvik eder. Öğretmenler, etkili öğretim sunma, öğrenme deneyimlerini kolaylaştırma ve öğrencilerin farklı ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için bireyselleştirilmiş destek sağlamada çok önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Ayrıca okullar, çocukların akademik olarak ilerlemelerine yardımcı olan ve onları gelecekteki çalışmalarına hazırlayan kaynaklar, programlar ve değerlendirmeler sağlar. Ayrıca, çocuklar çok küçük yaşlardan itibaren çeşitli dillere maruz kalmakta, bu da dillerin edinilmesini ve bu dillere hakim olunmasını teşvik etmektedir. Çok dilli bir okulda birden fazla dilin öğrenilmesi, çocukların dikkat, hafıza ve yürütme işlevleri gibi bilişsel becerilerini geliştirmelerine yol açacaktır. Bu bilişsel beceriler aktarılabilir ve okuma, anlama, matematik ve problem çözme gibi alanlarda akademik yetenekleri destekleyebilir. İster dinleme, konuşma, okuma veya yazma olsun, tüm eğitim faaliyetlerinin temeli olan dil, bir okulun birçok önemli görev ve hedefinin yerine getirilmesinde çok önemli bir rol oynar. Okulda dil sadece öğretilen bir konu değil, aynı zamanda diğer dersler için de bir çalışma kaynağıdır, çünkü öğrencilerin çeşitli konu alanlarında veri toplamasını ve bilgi edinmesini sağlar. Sonuç olarak, ilköğretim tüm öğrencilere temel bir eğitimin yanı sıra Fransızca veya İngilizce gibi diğer dillere de erişim sağlar. Bu girişim, öğrencilere iletişim kurmalarını, kendilerini ifade etmelerini ve dil becerilerini akademik, kişisel ve sosyal faaliyetlerinde kullanmalarını sağlayan uygun bir dilsel yaklaşımın yanı sıra bilgi ve bilgiye doğrudan erişim sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yabancı dil eğitimi, öğrencilere iletişim kurma, kendilerini ifade etme ve dil becerilerini okul çalışmalarında, kişisel yaşamlarında ve sosyal etkileşimlerinde kullanma becerisi kazandırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bilgi ve enformasyona doğrudan erişim sağlamalarına da yardımcı olur. Bu bakış açısıyla, aşağıdaki bilimsel makale aracılığıyla çocukların yabancı dil edinme ihtiyacının amacını ve bunları öğrenmeye başlamak için en uygun yaşı tartışmaya çalışıyoruz. Ayrıca, dillerin nasıl öğrenildiği ve öğretildiği ve bu alanda önerilen öğretim yöntemleri konusunda en önemli düşünürlerin ve araştırmacıların bilimsel görüşlerini sunmaya çalışacağız.

Project Number



  • Abdulquawi, A.Y. (2022). Normative action in education. Science and culture. UNESCO.
  • Ahrashaw, GH. (2010). Manifestations of growing awareness of bilingualism in the Arab child. Journal of Psychological Studies. 2. Algeria.
  • Al-Damigh, Kh. (2011). The appropriate age to begin teaching foreign languages in government education. Damascus Magazine. 27(1-2). Damascus.
  • Al-Nashif, H, M. (2007). Developing language skills for preschool children. 1. Dar El fikr. Oman.
  • Ambridge, B. Lieven, E, V, M. (2011). Child language acquisition: contrasting theoretical approaches. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barnard, S, (1992)."Reconsidering psycholinguistics' project: language as praxis in Lacan and Kristeva". Faculty of the Graduate School of Loyola University of Chicago.
  • Binti Hussein, N. Sulaiman, M. (2022). The role and contribution of Ibn Khaldun in islamic sociology and human civilization.siminar antarabanga Falsafah Tamadun Itika dan turath Islami.Oct 19. University sains Islam. Malaysia
  • Calvet, L, J. (1998). Language Wars and Linguistic Politics.Michel Petheram. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • El-hilali, A. (2007).Current trends in teaching English. Dar al-maarif for human development. Cairo.
  • Finocciaroro, M - Brumfit,C.(1988). The functional national approach from theory to practice. New York: oxford university press.
  • Gamage,S. .(2020).The pedagogical application of the grammar translation method as an effective instructional methodology in teaching English as a second language. Open Acces Library Journal. (7).1-10.
  • Garcia, M. (2013). Foreign Languages in Kindergarten: When Frequent Practice Proves to be an Effective Pedagogical Strategy. Master thesis 2 published. University of Montpelier II.
  • Helmi, Kh. (1986). Language and child: a study in the light of psychological linguistics. Arab Renaissance House. Beirut.
  • Huston, B. (1974). The relationship of children’s language and cognitive development: theoretical issues.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American psychological association.,Aug30 sep,3.New Orleans. Louisiana.
  • Ibn Khaldun, A. (1984). "The Introduction". Fifth edition by Dar Alqalam, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Kasap, S. (2020). Sosyodilbilim ve Dil Eğitimi. Eğitim Ortamlarında Nitelik (Ed. Tanhan, F. & Özok H. İ.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık
  • Kasap, S. (2021) Sosyodilbilim, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • Krashen,S, D-Terell, T, D. (1998).The natural approch:language acquisition In the classeroom.Prentice Hall Europe.Maylands.
  • Lantolf,J, P-Kurtzand,L-kisselev, O. (2017). Understanding the revolutionarycharacter of L2 development in the ZPD:why levelsof mediation matter. Language and sociocultural theory.3(2).177-196.
  • Leaderer, R, H. (1980). English word making. University of new Hamsphire.UK
  • Piaget,J. (1964). Congnitive development and learning. Journal of research in science teaching.2.176-186.
  • Power, K. M. & Kasap, S. (2019). Anxiety in the EFL Speaking Classrooms. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 23-36.
  • Raiyn, J. (2016). The role of visual learning in Improving students’high-order thinking skills.Journal of education and practice.7(24).115-121.
  • Saleem, A. Kauser, H-.Deeba F. (2021). Social constructivism:a new paradigm in teaching and learning environment. Perennial Journal of History.2(2).403-421.
  • Samarah, A, Y. (2011). Ibn khaldoun and some classic views in 20th century linguistics.Theory and practice in language studies.1(1).1521-1530.
  • Sapir, E. (2014). Language: An introduction to the study of speech.Harvard University Press.USA.
  • Sinha, C. (2017). Ten lectures on language,culture and mind:cultural,developmental and evolutionary perspectives in cognitive linguistics.Brill.The Netherlands.
  • Skinner, B, F. (1948). Verbal behavior.Harvard University Press.USA
  • The education guideline law. (2008).
  • Wahba, M-Muhandis, K. (1984). A dictionary of Arabic terminology in language and literature. Lebanon Library. 2Ed. Beirut.
  • Zeljko, R-.Lidija, B-.Zeljika, F. (2015). Word knowledge as predictive of linguistic creative behaviors. Review of psychology.22(1-2).11-18.

approches psychologique et pédagogiques dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues étrangères

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 242 - 258, 30.09.2024


Project Number



  • Abdulquawi, A.Y. (2022). Normative action in education. Science and culture. UNESCO.
  • Ahrashaw, GH. (2010). Manifestations of growing awareness of bilingualism in the Arab child. Journal of Psychological Studies. 2. Algeria.
  • Al-Damigh, Kh. (2011). The appropriate age to begin teaching foreign languages in government education. Damascus Magazine. 27(1-2). Damascus.
  • Al-Nashif, H, M. (2007). Developing language skills for preschool children. 1. Dar El fikr. Oman.
  • Ambridge, B. Lieven, E, V, M. (2011). Child language acquisition: contrasting theoretical approaches. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barnard, S, (1992)."Reconsidering psycholinguistics' project: language as praxis in Lacan and Kristeva". Faculty of the Graduate School of Loyola University of Chicago.
  • Binti Hussein, N. Sulaiman, M. (2022). The role and contribution of Ibn Khaldun in islamic sociology and human civilization.siminar antarabanga Falsafah Tamadun Itika dan turath Islami.Oct 19. University sains Islam. Malaysia
  • Calvet, L, J. (1998). Language Wars and Linguistic Politics.Michel Petheram. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • El-hilali, A. (2007).Current trends in teaching English. Dar al-maarif for human development. Cairo.
  • Finocciaroro, M - Brumfit,C.(1988). The functional national approach from theory to practice. New York: oxford university press.
  • Gamage,S. .(2020).The pedagogical application of the grammar translation method as an effective instructional methodology in teaching English as a second language. Open Acces Library Journal. (7).1-10.
  • Garcia, M. (2013). Foreign Languages in Kindergarten: When Frequent Practice Proves to be an Effective Pedagogical Strategy. Master thesis 2 published. University of Montpelier II.
  • Helmi, Kh. (1986). Language and child: a study in the light of psychological linguistics. Arab Renaissance House. Beirut.
  • Huston, B. (1974). The relationship of children’s language and cognitive development: theoretical issues.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American psychological association.,Aug30 sep,3.New Orleans. Louisiana.
  • Ibn Khaldun, A. (1984). "The Introduction". Fifth edition by Dar Alqalam, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Kasap, S. (2020). Sosyodilbilim ve Dil Eğitimi. Eğitim Ortamlarında Nitelik (Ed. Tanhan, F. & Özok H. İ.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık
  • Kasap, S. (2021) Sosyodilbilim, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • Krashen,S, D-Terell, T, D. (1998).The natural approch:language acquisition In the classeroom.Prentice Hall Europe.Maylands.
  • Lantolf,J, P-Kurtzand,L-kisselev, O. (2017). Understanding the revolutionarycharacter of L2 development in the ZPD:why levelsof mediation matter. Language and sociocultural theory.3(2).177-196.
  • Leaderer, R, H. (1980). English word making. University of new Hamsphire.UK
  • Piaget,J. (1964). Congnitive development and learning. Journal of research in science teaching.2.176-186.
  • Power, K. M. & Kasap, S. (2019). Anxiety in the EFL Speaking Classrooms. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 23-36.
  • Raiyn, J. (2016). The role of visual learning in Improving students’high-order thinking skills.Journal of education and practice.7(24).115-121.
  • Saleem, A. Kauser, H-.Deeba F. (2021). Social constructivism:a new paradigm in teaching and learning environment. Perennial Journal of History.2(2).403-421.
  • Samarah, A, Y. (2011). Ibn khaldoun and some classic views in 20th century linguistics.Theory and practice in language studies.1(1).1521-1530.
  • Sapir, E. (2014). Language: An introduction to the study of speech.Harvard University Press.USA.
  • Sinha, C. (2017). Ten lectures on language,culture and mind:cultural,developmental and evolutionary perspectives in cognitive linguistics.Brill.The Netherlands.
  • Skinner, B, F. (1948). Verbal behavior.Harvard University Press.USA
  • The education guideline law. (2008).
  • Wahba, M-Muhandis, K. (1984). A dictionary of Arabic terminology in language and literature. Lebanon Library. 2Ed. Beirut.
  • Zeljko, R-.Lidija, B-.Zeljika, F. (2015). Word knowledge as predictive of linguistic creative behaviors. Review of psychology.22(1-2).11-18.

Psychological and Educational Approach in Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 242 - 258, 30.09.2024


Schools play a central role in the holistic development of children, providing a structured environment that fosters their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth, and equipping them with essential skills and knowledge for their future through the experiences each child will have at school. These contribute to the cognitive and academic development of children in several ways. First and foremost, the primary objective of school is to provide a pedagogical education to children. In this regard, the school promotes intellectual development through a structured and organized learning environment where children can acquire knowledge, develop cognitive skills, and build their academic journey. Teachers play a crucial role in delivering effective instruction, facilitating learning experiences, and providing individualized support to meet the diverse needs of students. Furthermore, schools provide resources, programs, and assessments that help children progress academically and prepare them for their future studies. Moreover, children are also exposed to several languages from a very young age, which promotes the acquisition and mastery of languages. The learning of multiple languages in a multilingual school will lead children to develop cognitive skills such as attention, memory, and executive functions. These cognitive skills are transferable and can support academic abilities in areas such as reading, comprehension, mathematics, and problem-solving. As the basis of all educational activities, whether they involve listening, speaking, reading or writing, language plays a crucial role in the fulfilment of many important tasks and goals of a school. Language in school is not only a subject to be taught, but a source of study for other subjects as well, as it enables students to gather data and gain knowledge in a variety of subject areas. As a result, primary education provides all students with a basic education as well as access to other languages, such as French or English. This initiative aims to give students an appropriate linguistic approach that enables them to communicate, express themselves and use their language skills in their academic, personal and social activities, as well as direct access to information and knowledge. Foreign language education aims as well as to give learners the ability to communicate, express themselves, and use their language skills in their school work, personal lives, and social interactions. It also helps them have direct access to information and knowledge. From this point of view, we seek through the following scientific paper to discuss the purpose of the need for children to acquire foreign languages and the most appropriate age to start learning them. We will also try to present the scientific opinions of the most important thinkers and researchers on how languages are learnt and taught and the proposed teaching methods in this field.

Project Number



  • Abdulquawi, A.Y. (2022). Normative action in education. Science and culture. UNESCO.
  • Ahrashaw, GH. (2010). Manifestations of growing awareness of bilingualism in the Arab child. Journal of Psychological Studies. 2. Algeria.
  • Al-Damigh, Kh. (2011). The appropriate age to begin teaching foreign languages in government education. Damascus Magazine. 27(1-2). Damascus.
  • Al-Nashif, H, M. (2007). Developing language skills for preschool children. 1. Dar El fikr. Oman.
  • Ambridge, B. Lieven, E, V, M. (2011). Child language acquisition: contrasting theoretical approaches. Cambridge University Press.
  • Barnard, S, (1992)."Reconsidering psycholinguistics' project: language as praxis in Lacan and Kristeva". Faculty of the Graduate School of Loyola University of Chicago.
  • Binti Hussein, N. Sulaiman, M. (2022). The role and contribution of Ibn Khaldun in islamic sociology and human civilization.siminar antarabanga Falsafah Tamadun Itika dan turath Islami.Oct 19. University sains Islam. Malaysia
  • Calvet, L, J. (1998). Language Wars and Linguistic Politics.Michel Petheram. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
  • El-hilali, A. (2007).Current trends in teaching English. Dar al-maarif for human development. Cairo.
  • Finocciaroro, M - Brumfit,C.(1988). The functional national approach from theory to practice. New York: oxford university press.
  • Gamage,S. .(2020).The pedagogical application of the grammar translation method as an effective instructional methodology in teaching English as a second language. Open Acces Library Journal. (7).1-10.
  • Garcia, M. (2013). Foreign Languages in Kindergarten: When Frequent Practice Proves to be an Effective Pedagogical Strategy. Master thesis 2 published. University of Montpelier II.
  • Helmi, Kh. (1986). Language and child: a study in the light of psychological linguistics. Arab Renaissance House. Beirut.
  • Huston, B. (1974). The relationship of children’s language and cognitive development: theoretical issues.Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American psychological association.,Aug30 sep,3.New Orleans. Louisiana.
  • Ibn Khaldun, A. (1984). "The Introduction". Fifth edition by Dar Alqalam, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Kasap, S. (2020). Sosyodilbilim ve Dil Eğitimi. Eğitim Ortamlarında Nitelik (Ed. Tanhan, F. & Özok H. İ.). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık
  • Kasap, S. (2021) Sosyodilbilim, Akademisyen Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • Krashen,S, D-Terell, T, D. (1998).The natural approch:language acquisition In the classeroom.Prentice Hall Europe.Maylands.
  • Lantolf,J, P-Kurtzand,L-kisselev, O. (2017). Understanding the revolutionarycharacter of L2 development in the ZPD:why levelsof mediation matter. Language and sociocultural theory.3(2).177-196.
  • Leaderer, R, H. (1980). English word making. University of new Hamsphire.UK
  • Piaget,J. (1964). Congnitive development and learning. Journal of research in science teaching.2.176-186.
  • Power, K. M. & Kasap, S. (2019). Anxiety in the EFL Speaking Classrooms. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 23-36.
  • Raiyn, J. (2016). The role of visual learning in Improving students’high-order thinking skills.Journal of education and practice.7(24).115-121.
  • Saleem, A. Kauser, H-.Deeba F. (2021). Social constructivism:a new paradigm in teaching and learning environment. Perennial Journal of History.2(2).403-421.
  • Samarah, A, Y. (2011). Ibn khaldoun and some classic views in 20th century linguistics.Theory and practice in language studies.1(1).1521-1530.
  • Sapir, E. (2014). Language: An introduction to the study of speech.Harvard University Press.USA.
  • Sinha, C. (2017). Ten lectures on language,culture and mind:cultural,developmental and evolutionary perspectives in cognitive linguistics.Brill.The Netherlands.
  • Skinner, B, F. (1948). Verbal behavior.Harvard University Press.USA
  • The education guideline law. (2008).
  • Wahba, M-Muhandis, K. (1984). A dictionary of Arabic terminology in language and literature. Lebanon Library. 2Ed. Beirut.
  • Zeljko, R-.Lidija, B-.Zeljika, F. (2015). Word knowledge as predictive of linguistic creative behaviors. Review of psychology.22(1-2).11-18.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psycholinguistics (Incl. Speech Production and Comprehension)
Journal Section Articles

Hamel Amira 0009-0004-9290-4740

Project Number 1
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date April 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Amira, H. (2024). Psychological and Educational Approach in Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages. Turkish Academic Research Review, 9(3), 242-258.

Turkish Academic Research Review 
Creative Commons Lisansı Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY-NC 4.0) ile lisanslanmıştır.