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Kapsayıcı İngilizce Dil Ortamlarında Çeşitli Öğrenme Stilleri için Uyarlanabilir Öğretim Teknikleri

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 20.03.2025


İngilizce dilindeki kapsayıcı sınıflar, her öğrenciye adil eğitim deneyimleri sağlamak için uyarlanabilir öğretim metodolojileri gerektiren benzersiz öğrenme tercihlerine sahip çeşitli öğrencileri teşvik eder. Bu makale, kapsayıcı İngilizce dil sınıflarında mevcut olan çeşitli öğrenme stillerine hitap etmek için tasarlanmış uyarlanabilir öğretim stratejileri alanını araştırmaktadır. Eğitim ve dil öğretimi alanındaki çağdaş araştırmaları sentezleyen bu çalışma, farklı öğrenme yöntemlerini kabul etmenin ve bunlara hitap etmenin öneminin altını çizmektedir. Öğretmenlerin, her bir öğrencinin gereksinimlerini etkili bir şekilde karşılayan her şeyi kapsayan bir öğrenme atmosferini teşvik etmek için kullanabilecekleri belirli öğretim uygulamalarını ve yaklaşımlarını tanımlar ve detaylandırır. Kapsayıcı İngilizce dil sınıflarının çeşitli manzarasında, eğitimciler, her biri benzersiz öğrenme tercihleri ve ihtiyaçları olan zengin bir öğrenci dokusuyla karşılaşırlar. Bu dinamik çeşitlilik, öğrenciler arasındaki bireysel farklılıkları sadece kabul etmekle kalmayıp aynı zamanda kucaklayan, herkes için eşitlikçi ve zenginleştirici bir eğitim deneyimi sağlayan esnek öğretim metodolojileri kullanmanın gerekliliğinin altını çizmektedir. Bu araştırma, kapsayıcı İngilizce dil ortamlarına nüfuz eden çeşitli öğrenme stillerini karşılamak için özel olarak uyarlanmış uyarlanabilir öğretim stratejilerinin nüanslı alanını araştırmaktadır. Hem eğitim hem de dil öğretimi alanındaki en son araştırmalardan elde edilen bilgileri bir araya getiren bu çalışma, sınıfta var olan çeşitli öğrenme yöntemlerini yalnızca tanımanın değil, aynı zamanda aktif olarak barındırmanın çok önemli önemine ışık tutmaktadır. Her öğrencinin eğitim yolculuğunda kendini değerli ve desteklenmiş hissettiği kapsayıcı bir öğrenme ortamı yaratmada eğitimcilerin kritik rolünü vurgulamaktadır. Makale, her öğrencinin ihtiyaçlarının hassasiyet ve etkinlikle karşılandığı uyumlu ve kapsayıcı bir öğrenme atmosferi geliştirmek için öğretmenlerin ustalıkla yararlanabileceği somut ve pratik öğretim uygulamaları ve yaklaşımlarından oluşan bir repertuarı açıklamaktadır. Bu özel stratejilerin uygulanması yoluyla öğretmenler, eğitim deneyimini büyütebilir ve öğrencileri uyumlu ve destekleyici bir eğitim ortamında gelişmeleri için güçlendirebilir.


  • Alnujaidi, S. (2018). The Difference between EFL Students’ Preferred Learning Styles and EFL Teachers’ Preferred Teaching Styles in Saudi Arabia. English Language Teaching, 12(1), 90.
  • Arora, S., Joshi, K. A., Koshy, S., & Tewari, D. (2017). Application of Effective Techniques in Teaching/Learning English. English Language Teaching, 10(5), 193.
  • Balci, O. (2017). An Investigation of the Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Learning Styles in Turkish Freshman Students. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 53.
  • Basri, N., & Rahayu, R. (2022). English Students’ Motivation and Their Learning Styles in Speaking Class at Sawerigading University of Makassar. FOSTER: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 15–25.
  • Fr. Baiju Thomas. (2022). A Study Focuses on the Usage of ICT in English Teaching-Learning for Students with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Classroom Settings. Conference on English Language Teaching, 2, 56–64.
  • Aprillasis, G. & Sugiarti,F. (2023). Teacher’s teaching method for inclusive students used in alam mahira school bengkulu. Teaching English and Language Learning English Journal, 3(1), 82–92.
  • Hadi, I. (2018). Communicative Language Teaching Techniques and Learning Styles on The Student’s Speaking Skill at Private Vocational School. Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(02), 139.
  • Joy, S. J. (2023). Innovative Pedagogical Styles in English Language Teaching: Learning in Rural Context. Journal of the Faculty of Education, 1(17), 93–104.
  • Kruk, M., & Zawodniak, J. (2018). On the possible interactions of varied EFL activities and learning styles with EFL students’ motivational changes. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(2), 178–193.
  • Lasagabaster, D. (2011). English achievement and student motivation in CLIL and EFL settings. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 5(1), 3–18.
  • Lethaby, C., & Mayne, R. (2020). A critical examination of perceptual learning styles in English language teaching. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(2), 221–237.
  • Maryati, E., & Sari, R. K. (2021). Article writing strategies through online learning on educational research. Teaching English and Language Learning English Journal (TELLE), 1(2).
  • Mohammed, A. (2017). The Role of Language Laboratory in English Language Learning Settings. English Language Teaching, 10(2), 86.
  • Pourhosein Gilakjani, A. (2011). Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic Learning Styles and Their Impacts on English Language Teaching. Journal of Studies in Education, 2(1), 104.
  • Puspitasari, D., & Hanayanti, C. S. (2023). An Adaptive Blended Learning in English Language Teaching. ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature, 4(1), 86–95.
  • Shin, S. C. (2020). Korean Language Learning in Socio-educational Settings in Sydney: Motivation, Learning Styles, and Learning Experiences. Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, 58, 351–381.
  • Siti Aisah Ginting, S. S. A. (2017). Student’s learning styles in learning reading comprehension. Register. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 6(2).
  • Sun-Young Kim. (2012). Teacher-Student Perceptions of Teaching Styles: EFL College Classes. English Language Teaching, 24(3), 97–122.
  • Tenca, E., Hartle, S., & Piccinin, S. (2023). Teaching oral skills in Higher Education (HE) language learning. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 130–165.
  • Zhou, M. (2011). Learning Styles and Teaching Styles in College English Teaching. International Education Studies, 4(1).
  • Лебедєва Н. М., & Французова К. С. (2021). Language learning styles in teaching english language: Linguodidactic study aspect. ПЕДАГОГІЧНИЙ АЛЬМАНАХ, 47.
  • 김규미. (2014). How individual’s learning styles affect grammatical achievement in deductive and inductive grammar instruction. English Language Teaching, 26(4), 131–148.

Adaptive Teaching Techniques for Varied Learning Styles in Inclusive English Language Settings

Year 2025, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 20.03.2025


Inclusive classrooms in the English language promote a diverse range of learners with unique learning preferences, requiring adaptable teaching methodologies to provide fair educational experiences for every student. This paper delves into the realm of adaptive teaching strategies designed to cater to the various learning styles present in inclusive English language classrooms. By synthesizing contemporary research in education and language instruction, this study underscores the significance of acknowledging and catering to diverse learning modalities. It identifies and elaborates on specific instructional practices and approaches that teachers can utilize to foster an all-encompassing learning atmosphere that meets the requirements of each learner effectively. In the diverse landscape of inclusive English language classrooms, educators encounter a rich tapestry of students, each with unique learning preferences and needs. This dynamic variety underscores the essentiality of employing flexible teaching methodologies that not only acknowledge but also embrace the individual differences among learners, ensuring an equitable and enriching educational experience for all. This research delves into the nuanced domain of adaptive teaching strategies specifically tailored to accommodate the diverse learning styles that permeate inclusive English language environments. By amalgamating insights from cutting-edge research in both education and language instruction, this study shines a spotlight on the pivotal importance of not just recognizing but actively accommodating the diverse learning modalities that exist within the classroom. It emphasizes the critical role of educators in creating an inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and supported in their educational journey. The paper elucidates a repertoire of concrete and practical instructional practices and approaches that teachers can adeptly leverage to cultivate a cohesive and inclusive learning atmosphere where the needs of each learner are met with precision and efficacy. Through the implementation of these tailored strategies, teachers can magnify the educational experience and empower students to flourish in a harmonious and supportive educational setting.


  • Alnujaidi, S. (2018). The Difference between EFL Students’ Preferred Learning Styles and EFL Teachers’ Preferred Teaching Styles in Saudi Arabia. English Language Teaching, 12(1), 90.
  • Arora, S., Joshi, K. A., Koshy, S., & Tewari, D. (2017). Application of Effective Techniques in Teaching/Learning English. English Language Teaching, 10(5), 193.
  • Balci, O. (2017). An Investigation of the Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Learning Styles in Turkish Freshman Students. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 53.
  • Basri, N., & Rahayu, R. (2022). English Students’ Motivation and Their Learning Styles in Speaking Class at Sawerigading University of Makassar. FOSTER: Journal of English Language Teaching, 3(1), 15–25.
  • Fr. Baiju Thomas. (2022). A Study Focuses on the Usage of ICT in English Teaching-Learning for Students with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Classroom Settings. Conference on English Language Teaching, 2, 56–64.
  • Aprillasis, G. & Sugiarti,F. (2023). Teacher’s teaching method for inclusive students used in alam mahira school bengkulu. Teaching English and Language Learning English Journal, 3(1), 82–92.
  • Hadi, I. (2018). Communicative Language Teaching Techniques and Learning Styles on The Student’s Speaking Skill at Private Vocational School. Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(02), 139.
  • Joy, S. J. (2023). Innovative Pedagogical Styles in English Language Teaching: Learning in Rural Context. Journal of the Faculty of Education, 1(17), 93–104.
  • Kruk, M., & Zawodniak, J. (2018). On the possible interactions of varied EFL activities and learning styles with EFL students’ motivational changes. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13(2), 178–193.
  • Lasagabaster, D. (2011). English achievement and student motivation in CLIL and EFL settings. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 5(1), 3–18.
  • Lethaby, C., & Mayne, R. (2020). A critical examination of perceptual learning styles in English language teaching. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 58(2), 221–237.
  • Maryati, E., & Sari, R. K. (2021). Article writing strategies through online learning on educational research. Teaching English and Language Learning English Journal (TELLE), 1(2).
  • Mohammed, A. (2017). The Role of Language Laboratory in English Language Learning Settings. English Language Teaching, 10(2), 86.
  • Pourhosein Gilakjani, A. (2011). Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic Learning Styles and Their Impacts on English Language Teaching. Journal of Studies in Education, 2(1), 104.
  • Puspitasari, D., & Hanayanti, C. S. (2023). An Adaptive Blended Learning in English Language Teaching. ELTALL: English Language Teaching, Applied Linguistic and Literature, 4(1), 86–95.
  • Shin, S. C. (2020). Korean Language Learning in Socio-educational Settings in Sydney: Motivation, Learning Styles, and Learning Experiences. Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, 58, 351–381.
  • Siti Aisah Ginting, S. S. A. (2017). Student’s learning styles in learning reading comprehension. Register. Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed, 6(2).
  • Sun-Young Kim. (2012). Teacher-Student Perceptions of Teaching Styles: EFL College Classes. English Language Teaching, 24(3), 97–122.
  • Tenca, E., Hartle, S., & Piccinin, S. (2023). Teaching oral skills in Higher Education (HE) language learning. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 130–165.
  • Zhou, M. (2011). Learning Styles and Teaching Styles in College English Teaching. International Education Studies, 4(1).
  • Лебедєва Н. М., & Французова К. С. (2021). Language learning styles in teaching english language: Linguodidactic study aspect. ПЕДАГОГІЧНИЙ АЛЬМАНАХ, 47.
  • 김규미. (2014). How individual’s learning styles affect grammatical achievement in deductive and inductive grammar instruction. English Language Teaching, 26(4), 131–148.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Education Management, Social and Humanities Education (Excluding Economics, Business and Management), Inclusive Education
Journal Section Articles

Devaki V 0000-0002-6091-3173

Early Pub Date March 21, 2025
Publication Date March 20, 2025
Submission Date June 14, 2024
Acceptance Date March 11, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA V, D. (2025). Adaptive Teaching Techniques for Varied Learning Styles in Inclusive English Language Settings. Turkish Academic Research Review, 10(1), 1-11.

Turkish Academic Research Review 
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