Author Instructions

Writing rules template for article can be accessed through this link

1. Articles should be saved in ‘‘MS Word’’ format and then submitted to the website of Tarsus University Journal of The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences by logging with membership.

2. It should not be covered the information about the author(s) in the manuscripts that submitted to the journal for publishing. The information which include first name, second name, title, affiliation, e-mail accounts, ORCID ID and full address of the author(s) should be written in the ‘Author Information and Contact Form’ which is downloaded from the ‘Template and Forms’ section on the website of the Journal and then should be uploaded as a separate file to the system.

3. The wet signed COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM (which can also be downloaded from the TEMPLATES AND FORMS section) indicating that the author(s) have submitted the study to the journal publication process and have read and accepted the journal publication policy should be mailed, faxed, or uploaded to the journal editorial office.

4. No previously published or submitted works will be considered for publication in the journal. A similarity (plagiarism) report from IThenticate or Turnitin should also be uploaded to the system at the application stage in accordance with the journal's plagiarism policy.

5. The article should be written using accepted scientific procedures; it should contain sufficient and appropriately organized information on the paper's subject, purpose, scope of study, preparation, etc. Scientific standards should be followed in the creation of any figures, tables, pictures, or other documents used in the article, and these items should be chosen in light of the article's stated goals and scope.

6. There should be an intuitive and sufficient explanation in an easily understandable manner under the figures, tables, photos, and other materials included in the article.

7. All sources cited in the article should be listed alphabetically in the references section, and a bibliography should be appended to the end of the study in the same format as the references.

8. When submitting your research to our journal, you must also submit the Ethics Committee Permission document. If your study is not included in the study group that requires approval from an ethics committee, you must execute a declaration form and include a statement in the body of the article. On the Dergipark homepage, the tab titled ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND PUBLICATION POLICY provides access to information regarding studies that require the Ethics Committee's Permission. In addition, permission from the proprietors must be obtained before using their scales, questionnaires, or photographs, and this must be stated in the article. The "Informed Consent Form" should be mentioned in case reports. It should be noted that copyright regulations are adhered to when using ideas and artworks. All of this information should be included under the headings RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS STATEMENT, SUPPORT STATEMENT, and STATEMENT OF INTEREST, immediately following the main text and just before the REFERENCES title.

9. For studies to be submitted for publication in our journal, the ARTICLE TEMPLATE must be retrieved from the TEMPLATES AND FORMS section, and the study's text must be formatted according to the template. For the articles that have passed peer review, indicate the changes you have made based on the referees' comments by using a different color and providing additional explanations for the relevant changes. In addition, remember to upload the "Referee Suggestions Follow-up Form" from the "TEMPLATE AND FORMS" tab to the Dergipark system along with your revised article.

10. If the article is written in Turkish, the title should be written in Turkish; if the article is written in English, the title should be written in English, using Calibri, 13 font size, centered, and ALL CAPS. If the study is derived from a thesis or is an extended version of a paper, an asterisk (*) should be placed after the title. Then 1.5 lines should be left for spacing.

11. The following format is utilized on the cover page: If the article is written in Turkish, the abstract should be written in Turkish first. If the article is written in English, the abstract should be written in English first. The title "Abstract" should be centered and written in 10 point Calibri font with 6 point spacing before and after. The "Abstract" should be written in Calibri font, size 10, with no more than 150 words and single line spacing. The abstract should concisely describe the study's scope, purpose, methodology, and findings. In a new paragraph following the abstract, the Keywords title (Calibri font, 10 points, right-justified) should be included, followed by at least three and no more than five keywords. After the Keywords, one line space should be left before writing the second language information of the study. If the article is written in Turkish, the title should be written in English; if the article is written in English, the title should be written in Turkish (Calibri 10 Points, Ortal, Only Initial Letters Capitalized) followed by one line space. If the article is written in Turkish, the second Abstract should be written in English; if the article is written in English, the second Abstract should be written in Turkish using Ortal, Calibri, 10 pt, with 6 pt spacing before and after. After the abstract, a new paragraph should be included with the Keywords title (CA font, 10 font size, and right-justified) and at least three and no more than five keywords. The INTRODUCTION should begin on the following page after the study's cover page.

12. For introduction, the title should be left-justified, 11 points, capitalized and italicized, with 6 points of spacing before and after. After the title, the first line should be indented 1 cm to the left. The length of the article, including appendices and bibliography, should not exceed 30 pages. The top margin should be 1.5 cm, the right margin 1.5 cm, the left margin 1.5 cm, and the bottom margin 1.5 cm. The spacing between paragraphs should be 0 pt followed by 0 pt. Right and left indents: 0; the first line should be 1 cm. The font size for footnotes should be 9 points. The entire article will be composed in Calibri font at 11 points. The spacing before and after titles should be 6 pt. Line spacing in text is 1.5; spacing before and after paragraphs should be 0. The headings in the text are organized as follows: 1. LEVEL HEADING: Numbered, Left Justified, Bold, 11 pt, 6 pt spacing before and after, ALL CAPS, the first line should be indented 1 cm from the left (Example: 1. RESEARCH METHOD). Level 2 Subheading: Numbered, Left Justified, Bold, 11 pt, before and after 6 pt spacing, Only First Letters of Words Capitalized, first line 1 cm left indented (Example: 1.1. Hypothesis Development). Example: 1.1.1. Hypothesis Development. Level 4 Subheading: Numbered, Left Justified, Italic, 12, font size, 6 pt spacing before and after, Only Initial Letters of Words Capitalized, first line indented 1 cm to the left (Example: Hypothesis Development).

13. The following rules apply to the tables and figures included in the text: TABLES: Ensure that the table's dimensions do not exceed those of the page. Table titles and contents should be written in 10-point Calibri font. The template's examples can be used. FIGURES: 10 point Illustrations use the Calibri font. Figure, picture, and graphic titles should be centered and prominent beneath the image. Figures, images, graphics, etc. In the spacing section of the paragraph pane, both the before and after options must be set to 0 points for headings.

14. In the CONCLUSION and RECOMMENDATIONS section, the TITLE should be aligned to the left, 11 point- ALL CAPS and Bold, with 6 point spacing before and after, and the first line should be indented 1 cm to the left.

15. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS STATEMENT, SUPPORT STATEMENT, and STATEMENT OF INTEREST should be aligned to the left, 9 pt- ALL CAPS and Bold, with 6 pt spacing before and after, and the first line should be indented 1 cm to the left.

16. The REFERENCES heading should be centered, ALL CAPS, and bold, 11 points, with 6 points of spacing before and after. References should be arranged alphabetically, regardless of the form of publication (book, article, etc.). Text within the body should be justified, Hanging (1 cm), 10 pt, 0nk, and then 6 pt, with a single line spacing. The APA 6th Edition may be utilized when composing the bibliography. All reference information in the bibliography should be written in the Latin alphabet (i.e., source information written in Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Russian, etc. should be transcribed into the Latin alphabet and added to the Bibliography).

17. Examples of citations in the text:
Single author (Bass, 1990: 35).
Two authors (Avolio and Bass, 2002: 25).
Three or more authors first cite (Chou et al., 2013: 65).
Reference to more than one work of the same author in the same year (Mardin, 1964a: 30) (Mardin, 1964b: 63).
If it will be shown in the sentence;
According to Sözbilir (2015: 15)…….. .
Kark and Boas (2013: 47) …… .
Chou et al., (2013: 10)…….. .
If a direct quotation is to be made, the page number(s) must be specified;
Sözbilir and Yeşil (2012: 286) determined that “personality traits have a positive and significant effect on innovative behaviors”.
It has been determined that “personality traits have a positive and significant effect on innovative behaviors” (Sözbilir and Yeşil, 2012: 286).

18. Examples of Bibliographies:

For books:
Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: FreePress.
Avolio, B. J. and Bass, B. M. (2002). Developing potential across a full range of leadership: Cases on transactional and transformational leadership. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

For Translation Books:
Gujarati, D. (2006). Basic econometrics. (Translated by Ü. Şenesen and G. G. Şenesen). Istanbul: Literature.

For Edited Books:
Cocks, P., Daniels, R. V., and Heer N. W. (Ed.). (1976). The dynamics of Soviet politics. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

For the Book Section in the Edited Book:
Brzezinski, Z. (1976). Soviet politics: From the future to the past? P. Cocks, R. V. Daniels, and N. W. Heer (Ed.). In The dynamics of Soviet politics (pp. 337-351). Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

For Journals:
Bass, B. M. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3), 19-31.
Al-Ansari, Y., Altalib, M., and Sardoh, M. (2013). Technology orientation, innovation and business performance: A study of Dubai SMEs. The International Technology Management Review, 3(1), 1-11.

Online journal articles with defined DOI:
Alfers, L., Xulu, P., and Dobson, R. (2016). Promoting workplace health and safety in urban public space: reflections from Durban, South Africa. Environment and Urbanization, 28(2), 391-404. doi:10.1177/0956247816647845.

Conference Paper:
Akyol, A. A., Tekkök B., Kadıoğlu, Y. K. and Demirci, Ş. (2006, May-June). Archaeometric studies of early Roman ceramics in Tarsus-Gözlükule [Full text report]. In F. Bayram and A. Özme (Ed.), 22nd Archeometry Results Meeting (pp. 99-114). Canakkale, Turkey: T.C. Publications of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Encyclopedia Article:
İnalcik, H. (1992). In Bayezid I. Encyclopedia of Islam (Vol: 5, pp. 231-234), Istanbul: Turkish Diyanet Foundation Center for Islamic Studies.

Newspaper Article:
Bardakci, M. (2019). A very important regulation has been published regarding our history and historiography. Haberturk, Column. Location taken from

Movie picture:
Cristaldi, F. (Producer) and Fellini, F. (Director). (1973). Amarcord [Motion Picture]. Italy and France: FC Produzioni and PECF.

For internet sources:

Content with known author and date:

In text: (Landau, 2015)
In the bibliography: Landau, D. (2015, 27 May). Honduras: term limits drama 2.0 - how the supreme court declared the constitution unconstitutional [Constitutionnet, blog post].

Institution/corporate content:

First reference in the text: (Constitutional Court [AYM], 2023)
Subsequent references in the text: (AYM, 2023)
In the bibliography: Constitutional Court. (2023, May 23). Violation of the right of access to the court due to the rejection of the correctional request on the grounds that no correction can be made after the quashing decision [Press release]. violation/

Online newspaper content:

In text: (Bardakçı, 2019)
In the Bibliography: Bardakçı, M. (2019). A very important regulation concerning our history and historiography has been published [Habertürk, columnist].

Undated corporate content:
In the text: (Turkish Grand National Assembly [TBMM], n.d.)
In the bibliography: Turkish Grand National Assembly. (n.d.). History and organization of the Administrative Organization of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Non-corporate content with unknown author/date:
In the text: (“CfP: Can Justice Be Decrypted?”, 2023) – if the title is too long, shorten it; if the date is unknown, “n.d.” write.
In the bibliography: CfP: Can justice be decrypted?. (2023, 9 May).

In the text: (Turkish Civil Code [TMK])
In the bibliography: Turkish Civil Code dated 22.11.2001 and numbered 4721.

For Other Resources:
Banks Association of Turkey (2007, May). Information note on the program of restructuring the debts of small and medium-sized enterprises to the financial sector.
DPT (2000). Climate change special commission report. Eighth five-year development plan. Ankara.
Sudarsanam, S., Sorwar, G., and Marr, B. (2003, October). Valuation of intellectual capital and real option models. PMA Intellectual Capital Symposium.
Yilmaz, B. (2003). Turkey's competitiveness in the European Union: A comparison with five candidate countries – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and the EU 15. Ezoneplus Working Paper No. 12.
Sarı, E. (2008). Cultural identity and politics: Interculturalism in Mardin. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

Last Update Time: 4/4/22, 1:41:37 PM