Araştırma Makalesi
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Turkey's Urban Agriculture Opportunities and Peri Urban Agriculture's Relationship with Law No. 6360

Yıl 2021, , 87 - 93, 29.11.2021


Population growth in the world has increased the pressure of urbanization and led to the growth and expansion of urban areas. In addition, this situation has caused some problems in the production of food in cities. These problems can be solved by applying peri-urban agriculture, which is an alternative land use model where interfaces in the urban-rural context can be best evaluated. In addition to being a sustainable land use, urban agriculture also contributes to environmental, social, health, and economic areas. In this study, the definitions, contributions and benefits of urban agriculture and peri-urban agriculture are explained. There is no clear policy framework for urban and peri-urban agriculture in Turkey. But in fact, urban interfaces are and will remain subject to the work of planners and policymakers. The process of transforming villages in big cities into communities has been presented from a utilitarian perspective in light of Law No. 6360. In the urban and peri-urban areas, urban agriculture has been adopted as a profitable way out in terms of production, and suggestions for the development of urban agriculture practices in Turkey are presented.


  • Abdulkadir, A., Dossa, L., Lompo, D.-P., Abdu, N. & Van Keulen, H. (2012). Characterization of urban and peri-urban agroecosystems in three West African cities. International journal of agricultural sustainability, 10(4), 289-314.
  • Ackerman, K., Conard, M., Culligan, P., Plunz, R., Sutto, M.-P. & Whittinghill, L. (2014). Sustainable food systems for future cities: The potential of urban agriculture. The economic and social review, 45(2), 189–206.
  • Appeaning Addo, K. (2010). Urban and peri-urban agriculture in developing countries studied using remote sensing and in situ methods. Remote Sensing, 2(2), 497-513.
  • Bakker, N., Dubbeling, M., Guendel, S., Sabel-Koschella, U. & Zeeuw, H. d. (2000). Growing cities, growing food: urban agriculture on the policy agenda. A reader on urban agriculture. Germany: Deutsche Stiftung fur Internationale Entwicklung (DSE).
  • Balmer, K., Gill, J., Kaplinger, H., Miller, J., Peterson, M., Rhoads, A., Rosenbloom, P. & Wall, T. (2005). The diggable city: Making urban agriculture a planning priority. Project, Portland State University, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland.
  • Benis, K. & Ferrão, P. (2017). Potential mitigation of the environmental impacts of food systems through urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA)–a life cycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 784-795.
  • Brook, R., & Dávila, J. (2000). The peri-urban interface: a tale of two cities: Development Planning Unit, UCL & University of Wales at Bangor.
  • Bryld, E. (2003). Potentials, problems, and policy implications for urban agriculture in developing countries. Agriculture and Human Values, 20(1), 79-86.
  • De Zeeuw, H. (2004). The development of Urban Agriculture; some lessons learnt. International Conference Urban Agriculture, Agri-Tourism and City Region Development. Beijing.
  • De Zeeuw, H. (2011). Cities, climate change and urban agriculture. Urban Agriculture Magazine, 25, 39-42.
  • Douglas, I. (2012). Urban ecology and urban ecosystems: understanding the links to human health and well-being. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(4), 385-392.
  • Drescher, A. W. (2001). Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture. A briefing guide for the successful implementation of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Developing Countries and Countries of Transition. Special Programme for Food Security SPFS/DOC/27.8 Revision, 2.
  • Eshetu, Y. (2011). The Role of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture for The Improvements of Urban Household Food Security The case of Bishoftu Town of the Oromia Region. Doctoral Thesis (Phd), Addis Ababa University, 165p.
  • FAO. (2011). The place of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in national food security programmes: Technical Cooperation Dept Rome.
  • FAO. (2012). Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Becomes a Global Priority in Food and Agriculture Organization News Room Focus.
  • Galluzzi, G., Eyzaguirre, P. & Negri, V. (2010). Home gardens: neglected hotspots of agro-biodiversity and cultural diversity. Biodiversity and conservation, 19(13), 3635-3654.
  • Official Gazette (2012). The Law on the Establishment of Metropolitan Municipalities and Twenty-Seven Districts in Fourteen Provinces and Amending Some Laws and Decrees. Official Gazette Date: 12/11/2012, Published Official Gazette Date: 6/12/2012 Number: 28489, 5(53).
  • Gittleman, M. (2009). Urban expansion in Addis Ababa: effects of the decline of urban agriculture on livelihood and food security. A paper presented at the United Nations 17th Commission on Sustainable Development.
  • Grewal, S. S. & Grewal, P. S. (2012). Can cities become self-reliant in food? Cities, 29(1), 1-11.
  • Haberman, D., Gillies, L., Canter, A., Rinner, V., Pancrazi, L. & Martellozzo, F. (2014). The potential of urban agriculture in Montréal: A quantitative assessment. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3(3), 1101-1117.
  • Hodgson, K., Campbell, M. C. & Bailkey, M. (2011). Investing in healthy, sustainable places through urban agriculture. Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, 5(2), 1-16.
  • Hoornweg, D. & Munro-Faure, P. (2008). Urban agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation and food security.
  • Horst, M. (2008). Growing Green: An Inventory of Public Lands Suitable for Community Gardening in Seattle, Washington. Washington: University of Washington, College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Hynes, H. P. & Howe, G. (2002). Urban horticulture in the contemporary United States: personal and community benefits. International Conference on Urban Horticulture, 643.
  • Ibrahim, M. B. & Bint Ahmad, N. (2014). Review of Peri-Urban Agricultural concept and its place in solving food crisis of developing countries: a community development approach. ADRRI Journal, 5(5), 1-19.
  • Kaufman, J. L. & Bailkey, M. (2000). Farming inside cities: Entrepreneurial urban agriculture in the United States. Massachusetts, USA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Cambridge, MA.
  • Kortright, R. & Wakefield, S. (2011). Edible backyards: a qualitative study of household food growing and its contributions to food security. Agriculture and Human Values, 28(1), 39-53.
  • Kuo, F. (2010). Parks and other green environments: Components of a healthy human habitat. National Parks and Recreation Association, Ashburn.
  • Lovell, S. T. (2010). Multifunctional urban agriculture for sustainable land use planning in the United States. Sustainability, 2(8), 2499-2522.
  • Marcus, C. C. (2012). Planning for a silent minority: The needs of children for outdoor play, access to nature, and independent mobility. Sustainable urbanism and beyond, 218-225.
  • Marshall, F., Waldman, L., MacGregor, H., Mehta, L. & Randhawa, P. (2009). On the edge of sustainability: perspectives on peri-urban dynamics.
  • Mawois, M., Aubry, C. & Le Bail, M. (2011). Can farmers extend their cultivation areas in urban agriculture? A contribution from agronomic analysis of market gardening systems around Mahajanga (Madagascar). Land use policy, 28(2), 434-445.
  • McClintock, N. & Cooper, J. (2010). Cultivating the commons an assessment of the potential for urban agriculture on Oakland’s public land.
  • Mendes, W., Balmer, K., Kaethler, T. & Rhoads, A. (2008). Using land inventories to plan for urban agriculture: experiences from Portland and Vancouver. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(4), 435-449.
  • Mitchell, R. & Popham, F. (2007). Greenspace, urbanity and health: relationships in England. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 61(8), 681-683.
  • Mougeot, L. J. (2000). Urban agriculture: definition, presence, potentials and risks. Growing cities, growing food: Urban agriculture on the policy agenda, 1, 42.
  • Mougeot, L. J. (2006). Growing better cities: Urban agriculture for sustainable development. Canada: IDRC.
  • Moustier, P. (1999). Definitions and boundaries of peri-urban agriculture in sub-saharan Africa. Peri-Urban Agriculture in Sub-Saharan African, 29-42.
  • Orsini, F., Kahane, R., Nono-Womdim, R., & Gianquinto, G. (2013). Urban agriculture in the developing world: a review. Agronomy for sustainable development, 33(4), 695-720.
  • Parece, T. E. & Campbell, J. B. (2017). Geospatial evaluation for urban agriculture land inventory: Roanoke, Virginia USA. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR), 8(1), 43-63.
  • Parece, T. E., Serrano, E. L., & Campbell, J. B. (2017). Strategically siting urban agriculture: a socioeconomic analysis of Roanoke, Virginia. The Professional Geographer, 69(1), 45-58.
  • Peters, C. J., Bills, N. L., Lembo, A. J., Wilkins, J. L. & Fick, G. W. (2009). Mapping potential foodsheds in New York State: A spatial model for evaluating the capacity to localize food production. Renewable agriculture and food systems, 24, 72-84.
  • Pulighe, G. & Lupia, F. (2016). Mapping spatial patterns of urban agriculture in Rome (Italy) using Google Earth and web-mapping services. Land use policy, 59, 49-58.
  • Richards, R., & Taylor, S. (2012). Changing land use on the periphery: A case study of urban agriculture and food gardening in Orange Farm. The South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning. Johannesburg: The University of the Witwatersrand.
  • Saha, M. & Eckelman, M. J. (2017). Growing fresh fruits and vegetables in an urban landscape: A geospatial assessment of ground level and rooftop urban agriculture potential in Boston, USA. Landscape and urban planning, 165, 130-141.
  • Saldivar-Tanaka, L. & Krasny, M. E. (2004). Culturing community development, neighbourhood open space, and civic agriculture: The case of Latino community gardens in New York City. Agriculture and Human Values, 21(4), 399-412.
  • Smit, J., Nasr, J. & Ratta, A. (1996). Urban agriculture: food, jobs and sustainable cities. 2001 Edition, New York.
  • Sy, M., Khouma, M., Diagne, M. O., Dial, M. L., Diop, O., Niang, I., Badiane, N. Y., Miang, Y. & Ndong, M. S. G. (2014). Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Dakar. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
  • Tawk, S., Moussa, Z., Abi Saiid, D. M., Abi Saiid, M. & Hamadeh, S. (2011). Redefining a sustainable role for Urban Agriculture in the Middle East and North Africa. Watch Letter of the International Centre for Advanced Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), 18, 1-4.
  • Tedesco, C., Petit, C., Billen, G., Garnier, J. & Personne, E. (2017). Potential for recoupling production and consumption in peri-urban territories: The case-study of the Saclay plateau near Paris, France. Food Policy, 69, 35-45.
  • Tsuchiya, K., Hara, Y. & Thaitakoo, D. (2015). Linking food and land systems for sustainable peri-urban agriculture in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Landscape and urban planning, 143, 192-204.
  • UNDP. (1996). Urban agriculture: food, jobs and sustainable cities. United Nations Development Programme, Publication Series for Habitat II, Vol. 1., 63.
  • United Nations, D. o. E. a. S. A., Population Division. (2018). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, Methodology (ESA/P/WP.252). Retrieved from New York, USA:
  • Van Veenhuizen, R. (2006). Cities farming for the future. Cities farming for future, Urban Agriculture for green and productive cities, (p 2-17). RUAF Foundation, IDRC and IIRP.
  • Van Veenhuizen, R. & Danso, G. (2007). Profitability and sustainability of urban and periurban agriculture. Food & Agriculture Org., 19.
  • Yenigül, S. B. (2016). The Role of Urban Agriculture and Local Authorities in Protecting Agricultural Land in Metropolitan Cities. Megaron, 11(2), 291-299.

Turkey's Urban Agriculture Opportunities and Peri Urban Agriculture's Relationship with Law No. 6360

Yıl 2021, , 87 - 93, 29.11.2021


Population growth in the world has increased the pressure of urbanization and led to the growth and expansion of urban areas. In addition, this situation has caused some problems in the production of food in cities. These problems can be solved by applying peri-urban agriculture, which is an alternative land use model where interfaces in the urban-rural context can be best evaluated. In addition to being a sustainable land use, urban agriculture also contributes to environmental, social, health, and economic areas. In this study, the definitions, contributions and benefits of urban agriculture and peri-urban agriculture are explained. There is no clear policy framework for urban and peri-urban agriculture in Turkey. But in fact, urban interfaces are and will remain subject to the work of planners and policymakers. The process of transforming villages in big cities into communities has been presented from a utilitarian perspective in light of Law No. 6360. In the urban and peri-urban areas, urban agriculture has been adopted as a profitable way out in terms of production, and suggestions for the development of urban agriculture practices in Turkey are presented.


  • Abdulkadir, A., Dossa, L., Lompo, D.-P., Abdu, N. & Van Keulen, H. (2012). Characterization of urban and peri-urban agroecosystems in three West African cities. International journal of agricultural sustainability, 10(4), 289-314.
  • Ackerman, K., Conard, M., Culligan, P., Plunz, R., Sutto, M.-P. & Whittinghill, L. (2014). Sustainable food systems for future cities: The potential of urban agriculture. The economic and social review, 45(2), 189–206.
  • Appeaning Addo, K. (2010). Urban and peri-urban agriculture in developing countries studied using remote sensing and in situ methods. Remote Sensing, 2(2), 497-513.
  • Bakker, N., Dubbeling, M., Guendel, S., Sabel-Koschella, U. & Zeeuw, H. d. (2000). Growing cities, growing food: urban agriculture on the policy agenda. A reader on urban agriculture. Germany: Deutsche Stiftung fur Internationale Entwicklung (DSE).
  • Balmer, K., Gill, J., Kaplinger, H., Miller, J., Peterson, M., Rhoads, A., Rosenbloom, P. & Wall, T. (2005). The diggable city: Making urban agriculture a planning priority. Project, Portland State University, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland.
  • Benis, K. & Ferrão, P. (2017). Potential mitigation of the environmental impacts of food systems through urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA)–a life cycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 784-795.
  • Brook, R., & Dávila, J. (2000). The peri-urban interface: a tale of two cities: Development Planning Unit, UCL & University of Wales at Bangor.
  • Bryld, E. (2003). Potentials, problems, and policy implications for urban agriculture in developing countries. Agriculture and Human Values, 20(1), 79-86.
  • De Zeeuw, H. (2004). The development of Urban Agriculture; some lessons learnt. International Conference Urban Agriculture, Agri-Tourism and City Region Development. Beijing.
  • De Zeeuw, H. (2011). Cities, climate change and urban agriculture. Urban Agriculture Magazine, 25, 39-42.
  • Douglas, I. (2012). Urban ecology and urban ecosystems: understanding the links to human health and well-being. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(4), 385-392.
  • Drescher, A. W. (2001). Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture. A briefing guide for the successful implementation of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Developing Countries and Countries of Transition. Special Programme for Food Security SPFS/DOC/27.8 Revision, 2.
  • Eshetu, Y. (2011). The Role of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture for The Improvements of Urban Household Food Security The case of Bishoftu Town of the Oromia Region. Doctoral Thesis (Phd), Addis Ababa University, 165p.
  • FAO. (2011). The place of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in national food security programmes: Technical Cooperation Dept Rome.
  • FAO. (2012). Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Becomes a Global Priority in Food and Agriculture Organization News Room Focus.
  • Galluzzi, G., Eyzaguirre, P. & Negri, V. (2010). Home gardens: neglected hotspots of agro-biodiversity and cultural diversity. Biodiversity and conservation, 19(13), 3635-3654.
  • Official Gazette (2012). The Law on the Establishment of Metropolitan Municipalities and Twenty-Seven Districts in Fourteen Provinces and Amending Some Laws and Decrees. Official Gazette Date: 12/11/2012, Published Official Gazette Date: 6/12/2012 Number: 28489, 5(53).
  • Gittleman, M. (2009). Urban expansion in Addis Ababa: effects of the decline of urban agriculture on livelihood and food security. A paper presented at the United Nations 17th Commission on Sustainable Development.
  • Grewal, S. S. & Grewal, P. S. (2012). Can cities become self-reliant in food? Cities, 29(1), 1-11.
  • Haberman, D., Gillies, L., Canter, A., Rinner, V., Pancrazi, L. & Martellozzo, F. (2014). The potential of urban agriculture in Montréal: A quantitative assessment. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 3(3), 1101-1117.
  • Hodgson, K., Campbell, M. C. & Bailkey, M. (2011). Investing in healthy, sustainable places through urban agriculture. Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, 5(2), 1-16.
  • Hoornweg, D. & Munro-Faure, P. (2008). Urban agriculture for sustainable poverty alleviation and food security.
  • Horst, M. (2008). Growing Green: An Inventory of Public Lands Suitable for Community Gardening in Seattle, Washington. Washington: University of Washington, College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Hynes, H. P. & Howe, G. (2002). Urban horticulture in the contemporary United States: personal and community benefits. International Conference on Urban Horticulture, 643.
  • Ibrahim, M. B. & Bint Ahmad, N. (2014). Review of Peri-Urban Agricultural concept and its place in solving food crisis of developing countries: a community development approach. ADRRI Journal, 5(5), 1-19.
  • Kaufman, J. L. & Bailkey, M. (2000). Farming inside cities: Entrepreneurial urban agriculture in the United States. Massachusetts, USA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Cambridge, MA.
  • Kortright, R. & Wakefield, S. (2011). Edible backyards: a qualitative study of household food growing and its contributions to food security. Agriculture and Human Values, 28(1), 39-53.
  • Kuo, F. (2010). Parks and other green environments: Components of a healthy human habitat. National Parks and Recreation Association, Ashburn.
  • Lovell, S. T. (2010). Multifunctional urban agriculture for sustainable land use planning in the United States. Sustainability, 2(8), 2499-2522.
  • Marcus, C. C. (2012). Planning for a silent minority: The needs of children for outdoor play, access to nature, and independent mobility. Sustainable urbanism and beyond, 218-225.
  • Marshall, F., Waldman, L., MacGregor, H., Mehta, L. & Randhawa, P. (2009). On the edge of sustainability: perspectives on peri-urban dynamics.
  • Mawois, M., Aubry, C. & Le Bail, M. (2011). Can farmers extend their cultivation areas in urban agriculture? A contribution from agronomic analysis of market gardening systems around Mahajanga (Madagascar). Land use policy, 28(2), 434-445.
  • McClintock, N. & Cooper, J. (2010). Cultivating the commons an assessment of the potential for urban agriculture on Oakland’s public land.
  • Mendes, W., Balmer, K., Kaethler, T. & Rhoads, A. (2008). Using land inventories to plan for urban agriculture: experiences from Portland and Vancouver. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(4), 435-449.
  • Mitchell, R. & Popham, F. (2007). Greenspace, urbanity and health: relationships in England. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 61(8), 681-683.
  • Mougeot, L. J. (2000). Urban agriculture: definition, presence, potentials and risks. Growing cities, growing food: Urban agriculture on the policy agenda, 1, 42.
  • Mougeot, L. J. (2006). Growing better cities: Urban agriculture for sustainable development. Canada: IDRC.
  • Moustier, P. (1999). Definitions and boundaries of peri-urban agriculture in sub-saharan Africa. Peri-Urban Agriculture in Sub-Saharan African, 29-42.
  • Orsini, F., Kahane, R., Nono-Womdim, R., & Gianquinto, G. (2013). Urban agriculture in the developing world: a review. Agronomy for sustainable development, 33(4), 695-720.
  • Parece, T. E. & Campbell, J. B. (2017). Geospatial evaluation for urban agriculture land inventory: Roanoke, Virginia USA. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR), 8(1), 43-63.
  • Parece, T. E., Serrano, E. L., & Campbell, J. B. (2017). Strategically siting urban agriculture: a socioeconomic analysis of Roanoke, Virginia. The Professional Geographer, 69(1), 45-58.
  • Peters, C. J., Bills, N. L., Lembo, A. J., Wilkins, J. L. & Fick, G. W. (2009). Mapping potential foodsheds in New York State: A spatial model for evaluating the capacity to localize food production. Renewable agriculture and food systems, 24, 72-84.
  • Pulighe, G. & Lupia, F. (2016). Mapping spatial patterns of urban agriculture in Rome (Italy) using Google Earth and web-mapping services. Land use policy, 59, 49-58.
  • Richards, R., & Taylor, S. (2012). Changing land use on the periphery: A case study of urban agriculture and food gardening in Orange Farm. The South African Research Chair in Spatial Analysis and City Planning. Johannesburg: The University of the Witwatersrand.
  • Saha, M. & Eckelman, M. J. (2017). Growing fresh fruits and vegetables in an urban landscape: A geospatial assessment of ground level and rooftop urban agriculture potential in Boston, USA. Landscape and urban planning, 165, 130-141.
  • Saldivar-Tanaka, L. & Krasny, M. E. (2004). Culturing community development, neighbourhood open space, and civic agriculture: The case of Latino community gardens in New York City. Agriculture and Human Values, 21(4), 399-412.
  • Smit, J., Nasr, J. & Ratta, A. (1996). Urban agriculture: food, jobs and sustainable cities. 2001 Edition, New York.
  • Sy, M., Khouma, M., Diagne, M. O., Dial, M. L., Diop, O., Niang, I., Badiane, N. Y., Miang, Y. & Ndong, M. S. G. (2014). Building Urban Resilience: Assessing Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Dakar. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
  • Tawk, S., Moussa, Z., Abi Saiid, D. M., Abi Saiid, M. & Hamadeh, S. (2011). Redefining a sustainable role for Urban Agriculture in the Middle East and North Africa. Watch Letter of the International Centre for Advanced Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), 18, 1-4.
  • Tedesco, C., Petit, C., Billen, G., Garnier, J. & Personne, E. (2017). Potential for recoupling production and consumption in peri-urban territories: The case-study of the Saclay plateau near Paris, France. Food Policy, 69, 35-45.
  • Tsuchiya, K., Hara, Y. & Thaitakoo, D. (2015). Linking food and land systems for sustainable peri-urban agriculture in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Landscape and urban planning, 143, 192-204.
  • UNDP. (1996). Urban agriculture: food, jobs and sustainable cities. United Nations Development Programme, Publication Series for Habitat II, Vol. 1., 63.
  • United Nations, D. o. E. a. S. A., Population Division. (2018). World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision, Methodology (ESA/P/WP.252). Retrieved from New York, USA:
  • Van Veenhuizen, R. (2006). Cities farming for the future. Cities farming for future, Urban Agriculture for green and productive cities, (p 2-17). RUAF Foundation, IDRC and IIRP.
  • Van Veenhuizen, R. & Danso, G. (2007). Profitability and sustainability of urban and periurban agriculture. Food & Agriculture Org., 19.
  • Yenigül, S. B. (2016). The Role of Urban Agriculture and Local Authorities in Protecting Agricultural Land in Metropolitan Cities. Megaron, 11(2), 291-299.
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

İrem Yurday

Ceren Yağcı

Fatih İşcan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Yurday, İ., Yağcı, C., & İşcan, F. (2021). Turkey’s Urban Agriculture Opportunities and Peri Urban Agriculture’s Relationship with Law No. 6360. Türkiye Arazi Yönetimi Dergisi, 3(2), 87-93.