Comparison of the effects of organomineral fertilizer and K-humate with chemical fertilizer on maize yield and phosphorus use efficiency
Yıl 2020,
, 137 - 144, 30.12.2020
Ayşegül Korkmaz
Sait Gezgin
Fatma Yılmaz
This study was carried out to determine the effects of chemical and organomineral fertilizers and K-Humate applications on maize grain yield and phosphorous use efficiency. This study was desingned in line with randomized block design with three replicates. In this study during planting, U1 (100% P) chemical fertilizer (13.24.12-10 SO3+1 Zn), U2 (100% P) and decreasing rates of U3 (80% P), U4 (60% P), U5 (40% P) organomineral fertilizer together with (7.16.10-15 SO3+1 Fe+0.5 Zn+20 organic matter) and 6 L da-1 K-Humate (12% Humic+fulvic acid) and chemical fertilizer in decreasing rates of U6 (100% P), U7 (80% P), U8 (60% P), U9 (40% P) phosphorus were applied. In this study, fertilizer applications were not effective in the change of nutrients in the leaves of the maize plant during the formation of top tassel and it was determined that all the nutrients were sufficient in the leaves according to the limit values reported for the maize plant. The effect of fertilizer applications on the improved grain yield was insignificant, and the effect of phosphorus on agronomic and reuptake efficiency was statistically significant (P<0.05). While the agronomic and reuptake efficiency of phosphorus generally decreased with applications, it increased with the least amount of phosphorus and K-Humate applications with chemical fertilizer.
- Adeleye E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, 2011. Effect of tillage techniques on soil properties, nutrient uptake and yield of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) on an Alfisol in Southwestern Nigeria. J. Agric. Food Tech. 6:94-100.
- Akhtar M, Oki Y, Adachi T, 2008. Genetic Variability in Phosphorus Acquisition and Utilization Efficiency from Sparingly Soluble P‐Sources by Brassica Cultivars under P‐Stress Environment. J. Agron. Crop Scien. 194: 380-392.
- Alam M, Jahan M, Ali M, Ashraf M, Islam M, 2007. Effect of vermicompost and chemical fertilizers on growth, yield and yield components of potato in barind soils of Bangladesh. J. Applied Sci. Research. 12: 1879-1888.
- Alam S, 2003. Wheat yield and P fertilizer efficiency as influenced by rate andintegrated use of chemical and organic fertilizers. Pakistan J. of Soil Sci. 22: 72-76.
- Ayeni L, Adeleye E, Adejumo J, 2012. Comparative effect of organic, organomineral and mineral fertilizers on soil properties, nutrient uptake, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays). Int. Resear. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. 11: 493-497.
- Balemi T, Negisho K, 2012. Management of soil phosphorus and plant adaptation mechanisms to phosphorus stress for sustainable crop production: A review. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 3: 547-562.
- Bayraklı F, 1987. Toprak ve bitki analizleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları Yayın No. 17. s: 77.
Bélanger G, Claessens A, Ziadi N, 2011. Relationship between P and N concentrations in maize and wheat leaves. Field Crops Research. 1: 28-37.
- Bouyoucos GS, 1951. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method For Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Argon. J. 43: 434-438.
- Bozoğlu H, Pekşen E, Gülümser A, 2004. Sıra aralığı ve potasyum humat uygulamasının bezelyenin verim ve bazı özelliklerine etkisi. Tar. Bil. Der. 10: 53-58.
- Cartwright B, Tiller K, Zarcinas B, Spouncer L, 1983. The chemical assessment of the boron status of soils. Soil Resear. 21: 321-332.
- Day PR, 1965. Particle Fractionation and Particle-Size Analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Vol. 1. American Soc. Agro., Madison, USA. pp. 545-566.
- Cordell D, White S, 2013. Sustainable phosphorus measures: strategies and technologies for achieving phosphorus security. Agronomy. 3: 86-116.
- El-Bassiony A, Fawzy Z, Abd El-Baky M, Mahmoud AR, 2010. Response of snap bean plants to mineral fertilizers and humic acid application. Res. J. Agric. Biol. Sci. 6: 169-175.
- Erdal İ, Bozkurt MA, Çimrin KM, Karaca S, Sağlam M, 2000. Kireçli Bir Toprakta Yetiştirilen Mısır Bitkisi (Zea mays L.) Gelişimi ve Fosfor Alımı Üzerine Hümik Asit ve Fosfor Uygulamasının Etkisi. Turk J Agric For. 24: 663-668.
- Fageria N, 1989. Effects of phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient accumulation in the common bean. Trop. Agric. 66: 249-255.
- Fernández M, Belinque H, Boem FG, Rubio G, 2009. Compared phosphorus efficiency in soybean, sunflower and maize. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 32: 2027-2043.
- Fixen P, 2009. Phosphorus: World wide supplies and efficiency, Manitoba Agronomists Conference, 2, December 16, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Fixen P, Brentrup F, Bruulsema T, Garcia F, Norton R, Zingore S, 2015. Nutrient and fertilizer use efficiency: Measurement, current situation and trends. Manag. Water Fert. Sustai. Agric. İntens. 270.
- Gao W, Jin JY, He P, Li S, Zhu J, Li M, 2009. Optimum fertilization effect on maize yield, nutrient uptake and utilization in Northern China. Bett. Crops Plant Food. 93: 18-20.
- Gezgin S, Dursun N, Gökmen F, 2008. Artan dozlarda uygulanan farklı humik asit kaynaklarının marulun verim ve besin elementleri içeriğine etkileri. TKİK Araş. Ankara.
- Grant C, Flaten D, Tomasiewicz D, Sheppard S, 2001. The importance of early season phosphorus nutrition. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 81: 211-224.
- Hammond JP, Broadley MR, White PJ, King GJ, Bowen HC, Hayden R, Meacham MC, Mead A, Overs T, Spracklen WP, 2009. Shoot yield drives phosphorus use efficiency in Brassica oleracea and correlates with root architecture traits. J. Exper. Botany. 60: 1953-1968.
Hinsinger P, 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: A review. Plant and Soil. 237: 173-195.
- Hızalan E, Ünal H, 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. AÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. s: 278.
Hussein A, 2009. Phosphorus use efficiency by two varieties of corn at different phosphorus fertilizer application rates. Res. J. Appl. Sci. 4: 85-93.
- Irfan M, Abbas M, Shah JA, Memon MY, 2018. Internal and external phosphorus requirements for optimum grain yield are associated with P-utilization efficiency of wheat cultivars. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 49: 2843-2853.
- Jackson M, 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englwood Cliff, New York, USA.
Jat R, Ahlawat I, 2006. Direct and residual effect of vermicompost, biofertilizers and phosphorus on soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of chickpea-fodder maize sequence. J. Sustai. Agric. 28: 41-54.
- Jones JB, Wolf B, Mills HA, 1991. Plant analysis handbook. Micro, Macro Publishing, Inc., Athens, GA vol. 10. pp. 213.
- Kaçar B, Katkat V, 1999. Gübreler ve Gübreleme Tekniği, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No. 144. Bursa, s: 20.
- Kaya M, Atak M, Çiftçi C, Ünver S, 2005. Çinko ve Humik Asit uygulamalarının ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.)'da verim ve bazı verim öğeleri üzerine etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üni. Fen Bil. Enst. D. 9: 3.
- Li L, Li SM, Sun JH, Zhou LL, Bao XG, Zhang HG, Zhang FS, 2007. Diversity enhances agricultural productivity via rhizosphere phosphorus facilitation on phosphorus-deficient soils. Proc. Natio. Acad. Sci. 104: 11192-11196.
- Lindsay WL, Norvell WA, 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 42: 421-428.
- Mackowiak C, Grossl P, Bugbee B, 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 65: 1744-1750.
- Makinde E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, Odedina J, 2010. Effect of organic, organomineral and NPK fertilizer on nutritional quality of Amaranthus in Lagos. Nigeria Rese. 2: 91-96.
Makinde E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, 2011. Effects of organic, organomineral and NPK fertilizer treatments on the nutrient uptake of Amaranthus cruentus (L) on Two Soil Types in Lagos. Nigeria J. Cent. Euro. Agric. 12: 114-123.
- Olaniyi J, Ojetayo A, 2010. The effect of organomineral and inorganic fertilizers on the growth, fruit yield and quality of pepper (Capsicum frutescence). J. Ani. Plant Sci. 8: 1070-1076.
- Olowokere F, Tijani-Eniola H, 2013. Pepper response to inorganic and organomineral fertilizers in Southwestern Nigeria. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 44: 1127-1139.
- Öktem AG, Nacar AS, Öktem A, 2017. Sıvı Olarak Toprağa Uygulanan Hümik Asit Miktarlarının Kırmızı Mercimek Bitkisinde (Lens culinaris Medic.) Verim ve Bazı Verim Unsurlarına Etkisi. Tarla Bit. Mer. Arşt. Enst. D. 26: 119-124.
- Pereira NCM, Galindo FS, Gazola RPD, Dupas E, Rosa PAL, Mortinho ES, 2020. Corn Yield and Phosphorus Use Efficiency Response to Phosphorus Rates Associated With Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria. Fron. Enviro. Sci. 8: 40.
- Savaşlı E, Önder O, Karaduman Y, Dayıoğlu R, Özen D, Özdemir S, Akın, A, Tunca ZS, Demir B, Aydın N, 2019. The Effect of Soil and Foliar Urea Application at Heading Stage on Grain Yield and Quality Traits of Bread Wheat (Triticium aestivum L.). Turkish J. Agric. Sci. Tech. 7: 1928-1936.
- Selçuk R, Tüfenkçi Ş, 2009. Artan dozlarda çinko ve humik asit uygulamalarının mısırın verim ve besin içeriğine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniveristesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Van.
- Sharif M, Khattak RA, Sarir M, 2002. Effect of different levels of lignitic coal derived humic acid on growth of maize plants. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 33: 3567-3580.
- Smith HW, Weldon M, 1941. A Comparison of Some Methods for the Determination of Soil Organic Matter 1. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 5: 177-182.
- Süzer S, Çulhacı E, 2017. Effects of different organomineral and inorganic compound fertilizers on seed yield and some yield components of winter bread wheat. Top. Bil. Bit. Bes. D. 5: 87-92.
- Syers J, Johnston A, Curtin D, 2008. Efficiency of soil and fertilizer phosphorus use, FAO Fert. Plant Nutri. Bull. 18: 108.
Şahin S, Karaman MR, Gebologlu N, 2014. The effects of humic acid application upon the phosphorus uptake of the tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum L.). Sci. Rese. Ess. 9: 586-590.
- Uzun O, 2014. Erciyes üniversitesi Seyrani ziraat fakültesi deneme alanı topraklarına biyogübre uygulamalarının mısır bitkisinin (Zea mays L.) fosforlu gübre kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
- Vance CP, Uhde‐Stone C, Allan DL, 2003. Phosphorus acquisition and use: critical adaptations by plants for securing a nonrenewable resource. New Phytologist. 157: 423-447.
- Wang X, Wang Z, Li S, 1995. The effect of humic acids on the availability of phosphorus fertilizers in alkaline soils. Soil Use Management. 11: 99-102.
- Wasonga C, Sigunga D, Musandu A, 2008. Phosphorus requirements by maize varieties in different soil types of Western Kenya. African Crop Sci. J. 16: 2.
- Wilkinson S, Grunes D, Sumner ME, 2000. Nutrient interactions in soil and plant nutrition. (Summer ME, Ed, Handbook of Soil Science. Boca Rotan Florida. pp: 89-112.
- Yang F, Du M, Tian X, Eneji AE, Duan L, Li Z, 2014, Plant growth regulation enhanced potassium uptake and use efficiency in cotton. Field Crops Research. 163;109-118.
- Yaseen M, Malhi SS, 2009. Variation in yield, phosphorus uptake, and physiological efficiency of wheat genotypes at adequate and stress phosphorus levels in soil. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 40: 3104-3120.
- Yılmaz İ, 2004. Humik Asit ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Marul (Lactuta sativa L. var. longifolia) Bitkisinin Gelişimi ve Besin Elementi Alımına Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Van.
Organomineral gübre ve K-humat’ın tane mısırın verim ve fosfor kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkilerinin kimyasal gübreyle karşılaştırması
Yıl 2020,
, 137 - 144, 30.12.2020
Ayşegül Korkmaz
Sait Gezgin
Fatma Yılmaz
Bu çalışma, kimyasal ve organomineral gübre ve K-Humat’ın uygulamalarının tane mısırın fosfor kullanımı üzerine etkilerini belirlemek için yapılmıştır. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak kurulan denemede ekim esnasında U1 (%100 P) kimyasal gübre (13.24.12-10 SO3+1 Zn), U2 (% 100 P) ve azalan oranlarda U3 (%80 P), U4 (%60 P), U5 (%40 P) organomineral gübre ile (7.16.10-15 SO3+ 1 Fe+ 0.5 Zn+ 20 organik madde ) ve 6 L da-1 K-Humat (% 12 Humik+fulvik asit) ve kimyasal gübre ile azalan oranlarda U6 (%100 P), U7 (%80 P), U8 (%60 P), U9 (%40 P) fosfor uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada tepe püskülü oluşum döneminde mısır bitkisinin yapraklarındaki besin elementlerinin değişimine gübre uygulamaları etkili olmamış ve mısır bitkisi için bildirilen sınır değerlerine göre yapraklarda bütün besin elementlerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Gübre uygulamalarının düzeltilmiş tane verimine etkisi önemsiz, fosforun agronomik ve geri alım etkinliğine etkisi istatistiki olarak (P<0.05) önemli bulunmuştur. Fosforun agronomik ve geri alım etkinliği genel olarak kimyasal gübre uygulamasına göre organomineral gübre uygulamaları ile azalırken, kimyasal gübre ile en az oranda fosfor ve K-Humat uygulamaları ile artmıştır.
- Adeleye E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, 2011. Effect of tillage techniques on soil properties, nutrient uptake and yield of yam (Dioscorea rotundata) on an Alfisol in Southwestern Nigeria. J. Agric. Food Tech. 6:94-100.
- Akhtar M, Oki Y, Adachi T, 2008. Genetic Variability in Phosphorus Acquisition and Utilization Efficiency from Sparingly Soluble P‐Sources by Brassica Cultivars under P‐Stress Environment. J. Agron. Crop Scien. 194: 380-392.
- Alam M, Jahan M, Ali M, Ashraf M, Islam M, 2007. Effect of vermicompost and chemical fertilizers on growth, yield and yield components of potato in barind soils of Bangladesh. J. Applied Sci. Research. 12: 1879-1888.
- Alam S, 2003. Wheat yield and P fertilizer efficiency as influenced by rate andintegrated use of chemical and organic fertilizers. Pakistan J. of Soil Sci. 22: 72-76.
- Ayeni L, Adeleye E, Adejumo J, 2012. Comparative effect of organic, organomineral and mineral fertilizers on soil properties, nutrient uptake, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays). Int. Resear. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. 11: 493-497.
- Balemi T, Negisho K, 2012. Management of soil phosphorus and plant adaptation mechanisms to phosphorus stress for sustainable crop production: A review. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 3: 547-562.
- Bayraklı F, 1987. Toprak ve bitki analizleri. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları Yayın No. 17. s: 77.
Bélanger G, Claessens A, Ziadi N, 2011. Relationship between P and N concentrations in maize and wheat leaves. Field Crops Research. 1: 28-37.
- Bouyoucos GS, 1951. A Recalibration of the Hydrometer Method For Making Mechanical Analysis of Soils. Argon. J. 43: 434-438.
- Bozoğlu H, Pekşen E, Gülümser A, 2004. Sıra aralığı ve potasyum humat uygulamasının bezelyenin verim ve bazı özelliklerine etkisi. Tar. Bil. Der. 10: 53-58.
- Cartwright B, Tiller K, Zarcinas B, Spouncer L, 1983. The chemical assessment of the boron status of soils. Soil Resear. 21: 321-332.
- Day PR, 1965. Particle Fractionation and Particle-Size Analysis. In: Methods of Soil Analysis. Vol. 1. American Soc. Agro., Madison, USA. pp. 545-566.
- Cordell D, White S, 2013. Sustainable phosphorus measures: strategies and technologies for achieving phosphorus security. Agronomy. 3: 86-116.
- El-Bassiony A, Fawzy Z, Abd El-Baky M, Mahmoud AR, 2010. Response of snap bean plants to mineral fertilizers and humic acid application. Res. J. Agric. Biol. Sci. 6: 169-175.
- Erdal İ, Bozkurt MA, Çimrin KM, Karaca S, Sağlam M, 2000. Kireçli Bir Toprakta Yetiştirilen Mısır Bitkisi (Zea mays L.) Gelişimi ve Fosfor Alımı Üzerine Hümik Asit ve Fosfor Uygulamasının Etkisi. Turk J Agric For. 24: 663-668.
- Fageria N, 1989. Effects of phosphorus on growth, yield and nutrient accumulation in the common bean. Trop. Agric. 66: 249-255.
- Fernández M, Belinque H, Boem FG, Rubio G, 2009. Compared phosphorus efficiency in soybean, sunflower and maize. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 32: 2027-2043.
- Fixen P, 2009. Phosphorus: World wide supplies and efficiency, Manitoba Agronomists Conference, 2, December 16, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Fixen P, Brentrup F, Bruulsema T, Garcia F, Norton R, Zingore S, 2015. Nutrient and fertilizer use efficiency: Measurement, current situation and trends. Manag. Water Fert. Sustai. Agric. İntens. 270.
- Gao W, Jin JY, He P, Li S, Zhu J, Li M, 2009. Optimum fertilization effect on maize yield, nutrient uptake and utilization in Northern China. Bett. Crops Plant Food. 93: 18-20.
- Gezgin S, Dursun N, Gökmen F, 2008. Artan dozlarda uygulanan farklı humik asit kaynaklarının marulun verim ve besin elementleri içeriğine etkileri. TKİK Araş. Ankara.
- Grant C, Flaten D, Tomasiewicz D, Sheppard S, 2001. The importance of early season phosphorus nutrition. Canadian J. Plant Sci. 81: 211-224.
- Hammond JP, Broadley MR, White PJ, King GJ, Bowen HC, Hayden R, Meacham MC, Mead A, Overs T, Spracklen WP, 2009. Shoot yield drives phosphorus use efficiency in Brassica oleracea and correlates with root architecture traits. J. Exper. Botany. 60: 1953-1968.
Hinsinger P, 2001. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in the rhizosphere as affected by root-induced chemical changes: A review. Plant and Soil. 237: 173-195.
- Hızalan E, Ünal H, 1966. Topraklarda önemli kimyasal analizler. AÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları. s: 278.
Hussein A, 2009. Phosphorus use efficiency by two varieties of corn at different phosphorus fertilizer application rates. Res. J. Appl. Sci. 4: 85-93.
- Irfan M, Abbas M, Shah JA, Memon MY, 2018. Internal and external phosphorus requirements for optimum grain yield are associated with P-utilization efficiency of wheat cultivars. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 49: 2843-2853.
- Jackson M, 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englwood Cliff, New York, USA.
Jat R, Ahlawat I, 2006. Direct and residual effect of vermicompost, biofertilizers and phosphorus on soil nutrient dynamics and productivity of chickpea-fodder maize sequence. J. Sustai. Agric. 28: 41-54.
- Jones JB, Wolf B, Mills HA, 1991. Plant analysis handbook. Micro, Macro Publishing, Inc., Athens, GA vol. 10. pp. 213.
- Kaçar B, Katkat V, 1999. Gübreler ve Gübreleme Tekniği, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayınları, Yayın No. 144. Bursa, s: 20.
- Kaya M, Atak M, Çiftçi C, Ünver S, 2005. Çinko ve Humik Asit uygulamalarının ekmeklik buğday (Triticum aestivum L.)'da verim ve bazı verim öğeleri üzerine etkileri. Süleyman Demirel Üni. Fen Bil. Enst. D. 9: 3.
- Li L, Li SM, Sun JH, Zhou LL, Bao XG, Zhang HG, Zhang FS, 2007. Diversity enhances agricultural productivity via rhizosphere phosphorus facilitation on phosphorus-deficient soils. Proc. Natio. Acad. Sci. 104: 11192-11196.
- Lindsay WL, Norvell WA, 1978. Development of a DTPA soil test for zinc, iron, manganese, and copper. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 42: 421-428.
- Mackowiak C, Grossl P, Bugbee B, 2001. Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 65: 1744-1750.
- Makinde E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, Odedina J, 2010. Effect of organic, organomineral and NPK fertilizer on nutritional quality of Amaranthus in Lagos. Nigeria Rese. 2: 91-96.
Makinde E, Ayeni L, Ojeniyi S, 2011. Effects of organic, organomineral and NPK fertilizer treatments on the nutrient uptake of Amaranthus cruentus (L) on Two Soil Types in Lagos. Nigeria J. Cent. Euro. Agric. 12: 114-123.
- Olaniyi J, Ojetayo A, 2010. The effect of organomineral and inorganic fertilizers on the growth, fruit yield and quality of pepper (Capsicum frutescence). J. Ani. Plant Sci. 8: 1070-1076.
- Olowokere F, Tijani-Eniola H, 2013. Pepper response to inorganic and organomineral fertilizers in Southwestern Nigeria. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 44: 1127-1139.
- Öktem AG, Nacar AS, Öktem A, 2017. Sıvı Olarak Toprağa Uygulanan Hümik Asit Miktarlarının Kırmızı Mercimek Bitkisinde (Lens culinaris Medic.) Verim ve Bazı Verim Unsurlarına Etkisi. Tarla Bit. Mer. Arşt. Enst. D. 26: 119-124.
- Pereira NCM, Galindo FS, Gazola RPD, Dupas E, Rosa PAL, Mortinho ES, 2020. Corn Yield and Phosphorus Use Efficiency Response to Phosphorus Rates Associated With Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria. Fron. Enviro. Sci. 8: 40.
- Savaşlı E, Önder O, Karaduman Y, Dayıoğlu R, Özen D, Özdemir S, Akın, A, Tunca ZS, Demir B, Aydın N, 2019. The Effect of Soil and Foliar Urea Application at Heading Stage on Grain Yield and Quality Traits of Bread Wheat (Triticium aestivum L.). Turkish J. Agric. Sci. Tech. 7: 1928-1936.
- Selçuk R, Tüfenkçi Ş, 2009. Artan dozlarda çinko ve humik asit uygulamalarının mısırın verim ve besin içeriğine etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniveristesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Van.
- Sharif M, Khattak RA, Sarir M, 2002. Effect of different levels of lignitic coal derived humic acid on growth of maize plants. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 33: 3567-3580.
- Smith HW, Weldon M, 1941. A Comparison of Some Methods for the Determination of Soil Organic Matter 1. Soil Sci. Soc. America J. 5: 177-182.
- Süzer S, Çulhacı E, 2017. Effects of different organomineral and inorganic compound fertilizers on seed yield and some yield components of winter bread wheat. Top. Bil. Bit. Bes. D. 5: 87-92.
- Syers J, Johnston A, Curtin D, 2008. Efficiency of soil and fertilizer phosphorus use, FAO Fert. Plant Nutri. Bull. 18: 108.
Şahin S, Karaman MR, Gebologlu N, 2014. The effects of humic acid application upon the phosphorus uptake of the tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum L.). Sci. Rese. Ess. 9: 586-590.
- Uzun O, 2014. Erciyes üniversitesi Seyrani ziraat fakültesi deneme alanı topraklarına biyogübre uygulamalarının mısır bitkisinin (Zea mays L.) fosforlu gübre kullanım etkinliği üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
- Vance CP, Uhde‐Stone C, Allan DL, 2003. Phosphorus acquisition and use: critical adaptations by plants for securing a nonrenewable resource. New Phytologist. 157: 423-447.
- Wang X, Wang Z, Li S, 1995. The effect of humic acids on the availability of phosphorus fertilizers in alkaline soils. Soil Use Management. 11: 99-102.
- Wasonga C, Sigunga D, Musandu A, 2008. Phosphorus requirements by maize varieties in different soil types of Western Kenya. African Crop Sci. J. 16: 2.
- Wilkinson S, Grunes D, Sumner ME, 2000. Nutrient interactions in soil and plant nutrition. (Summer ME, Ed, Handbook of Soil Science. Boca Rotan Florida. pp: 89-112.
- Yang F, Du M, Tian X, Eneji AE, Duan L, Li Z, 2014, Plant growth regulation enhanced potassium uptake and use efficiency in cotton. Field Crops Research. 163;109-118.
- Yaseen M, Malhi SS, 2009. Variation in yield, phosphorus uptake, and physiological efficiency of wheat genotypes at adequate and stress phosphorus levels in soil. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Analy. 40: 3104-3120.
- Yılmaz İ, 2004. Humik Asit ve Fosfor Uygulamalarının Marul (Lactuta sativa L. var. longifolia) Bitkisinin Gelişimi ve Besin Elementi Alımına Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Van.